Examples of Life Purpose Rachel Devine

Your purpose in life is the reason you were created; the meaning behind your very existence. You might ask yourself, why is it important to find my purpose in life? The answer is, that your purpose is the driving force that propels us forward, gives us direction, and helps us achieve our goals. Our life’s purpose gives us fulfillment and a reason to get up in the morning. Our life’s purpose brings untold joy and happiness. However, a life purpose is unique to each individual and can evolve over time as we grow and change.

Here are some examples of life purposes, that people have discovered for themselves:

  1. To Help Others: Many people find meaning and fulfillment in helping others. This could be through volunteer work, charity work, or a career in a helping profession such as nursing, teaching, or social work.

  2. To Create: Some people feel a deep desire to create, whether it be through art, music, writing, or entrepreneurship. They find joy in expressing themselves and bringing new ideas into the world.

  3. To Learn: For some, the pursuit of knowledge and understanding is their life purpose. They may be lifelong learners, always seeking to expand their understanding of the world and themselves and then sharing that knowledge with others.

  4. To Connect: Many people find meaning in building and nurturing relationships. They may focus on connecting with family, friends, or their community, and find fulfillment in creating strong bonds with others and the world around them.

  5. To Serve: Some people feel called to serve a higher purpose, whether it be through a religious or spiritual path or a dedication to a cause. They may feel a sense of duty to make the world a better place. To perhaps serve our country in the military or serve our society in law enforcement.

  6. To Innovate: Others find purpose in pushing the boundaries of what is possible. They may work in science, technology, or other fields where they can use their creativity and intelligence to solve complex problems and make groundbreaking discoveries.

  7. To Heal: For some, the desire to help others extends specifically to the realm of health and wellness. They may work as doctors, therapists, or alternative healers, or focus on promoting wellness through fitness or nutrition.

  8. To Explore: Finally, some people feel called to explore the world around them, whether it be through travel, adventure, or scientific exploration. They find meaning in discovering new places, cultures, or knowledge and they also share this with the world.

Of course, these are just a few examples of the many life purposes that people can have. The key is to discover what gives your life meaning and pursue it with passion and dedication. Ask yourself, what do I love doing and will it serve humanity? Therein lies the answer to your very purpose for being created. By living a life aligned with your purpose, you can find greater fulfillment, joy, and a sense of meaning and contribution to the world.

Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.

Devine Intervention website

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.


Defining Purpose in Life: Unraveling the Meaning of Life - Rachel Devine


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