Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

The World is Changing: 7 Ways of Finding Peace in the Chaos - Rachel Devine

Let's face it, we live in a world that is facing a slew of challenges and obstacles. There is unrest, chaos, war, atrocities, political issues, inflation, supply chain issues, and the list is endless. One can put on the news for two minutes and become extremely stressed out by the doomsday headlines. If you watch the news late enough, it can seep into your dreams as nightmares. In addition to that, we have to deal with our own world of social problems that crop up from time to time. When you often feel uneasy, it's time to do a mental health check and find some peace in your life.

Let's look at 7 ways to find peace in the chaos and midst of challenging problems in the worl

Let's face it, we live in a world that is facing a slew of challenges and obstacles. There is unrest, chaos, war, atrocities, political issues, inflation, supply chain issues, and the list is endless. One can put on the news for two minutes and become extremely stressed out by the doomsday headlines. If you watch the news late enough, it can seep into your dreams as nightmares. In addition to that, we have to deal with our own world of social problems that crop up from time to time. When you often feel uneasy, it's time to do a mental health check and find some peace in your life.

Let's look at 7 ways to find peace in the chaos and midst of challenging problems in the world. It is possible to overcome obstacles and chaos and find happiness.


Detaching from the news is the first step to finding some peace in your world. Dr. Eric Berg says the number one thing you can do for our brain health is to stop watching the news! I was so surprised when I read that. Therefore, setting boundaries on how much news you watch can eradicate most of your stress. If you can turn it off for a week, you will feel happier. You might want to give that idea a try. If you are a news junkie, this can be hard to do. You might want to allow yourself maybe 15 minutes a day of news just to catch up on what's going on. I would say the earlier, the better. Any television you watch before bedtime will resonate in your subconscious mind for 8 hours. Try hard to limit your exposure to the news at night. Try instead to read a positive, uplifting book.

Stay in the moment.

When we are in the moment, we are safe and at peace. Being in this very moment shields us from lamenting over the past or worrying about a fearful future. This moment is all we have. Take advantage of the moment and really soak it in. Take a walk in nature and really focus on the trees and flowers around you. You can count each step you take. Stay in a focused conversation with a friend and really be present. Look at your surroundings and take a deep breath, centering yourself around the very moment you are in. Remember, we can't change a past moment or make a future moment go our way; we can only enjoy the very moment we are living in now. You might want to stay in the moment with some motivational quotes that bring peace to light.

Positive techniques

There are many positive techniques to bring peace. Meditation helps keep you in the moment, so you are not peering into the past or forecasting a negative future. Even if you meditate for 5 minutes, that can bring peace into your world. There are plenty of different meditation techniques online. Positive visualization is another good technique for peace. Just visualize a positive scene in your mind; maybe you want to go to a happy place in your visualization. Just picture a place you love to go to and go there in your mind. Visualize the sounds, colors, smells, and peace you feel when you are there. This will bring much peace to your day. Positive affirmations are also a good way to find peace. Just write some out on a sticky note and post them where you can see them daily. Some good ones are that I am at peace, I love myself, I am finding joy in the moment, my day will be peaceful, etc. Additionally, prayer is another positive technique. Praying keeps us in the moment and in a loving, peaceful state. The power of prayer is a big part of bringing goodness to the chaos in the world.

Rest periods

Most of us are bogged down with so much on our plate that we don't have quiet, restful time for ourselves. It's important to carve out at least 30 minutes so you can have some quiet time. You can find rest in a nap, a hot, relaxing bath or sitting in a room with fragrant candles. Doing something every day that helps you feel at peace is very important, and the message you are giving yourself is, "I am worth it!"

Gratitude list

Gratitude is at the forefront of peace. It helps us realize all we have rather than all that we don't have. It also shifts us toward a positive outlook rather than a negative one. It can direct your life in a transforming way. When you wake up each day, count your blessings. Sit and just visualize all the individual things that are positive in your life, and thank God for each one. You can also create a gratitude list each day and read it out loud to yourself. There are health benefits to being in a state of gratitude, and one important benefit is that it will bring you serenity. There is something very soulful about appreciating the little things in life.

Place of worship

Going to your favorite place of worship can bring peace beyond measure. Being in a setting where you focus for an hour on prayer brings much serenity to a world that needs more of this. Try to go to your place of worship weekly. It will bring you so much happiness and joy. Also, if you are a prayerful person, prayer is an excellent way to keep us in the moment so we can find peace. Remember, inner peace is always within you. It’s a matter of connecting to it. The more peaceful one is, the more peace will be spread across the world by consciousness through inner manifestation.

Family and friends

Try to spend more time with family and friends who are uplifting. Try to stay away from negative people who will only bring you down, and could wind up listing all the reasons you could be stressed over world issues. Get out with your friends for lunch or dinner. Visit a family member who might need to be around some positivity too. Keeping the connection with people you love will help you feel more at peace.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it."

S A Jefferson-Wright said, “Serenity is not freedom from the storm; but peace amid the storm.”

It’s crucial to find some peace in the midst of the storms in the world. We can’t stop the storms from happening, but we have these tools to shelter ourselves from the storms. These 7 steps are like putting up an umbrella to keep yourself from getting drenched.

Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Check out my new video  7 Ways to Overcome Obstacles and Be Happy

Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.

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