Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

5 Ways to Overcome Obstacles During Challenging Times - Rachel Devine

Life inevitably brings ups and downs, obstacles arise, and plans go awry. How you respond when challenges test your resolve ultimately determines whether you overcome hurdles or get stuck. Maintaining faith, embracing positive thinking, giving thanks, and envisioning desired outcomes can help unlock inner strength and harness support to propel you through difficult periods. I always maintain that if we keep a positive attitude towards all things in life, inevitably a positive outcome will follow.

Life inevitably brings ups and downs, obstacles arise, and plans go awry. How you respond when challenges test your resolve ultimately determines whether you overcome hurdles or get stuck. Maintaining faith, embracing positive thinking, giving thanks, and envisioning desired outcomes can help unlock inner strength and harness support to propel you through difficult periods. I always maintain that if we keep a positive attitude towards all things in life, inevitably a positive outcome will follow.

Ways to a Happy Life

According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, “Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” Seeing light within the darkness is key. Looking for the good that comes out of challenges is the key to happiness during challenging times.

The Power of Faith and Prayer

Connecting to the divine source provides comfort and courage to persevere. As pioneering American psychologist William James stated, “Religion...is a place of profound refuge in an otherwise harsh world.” Prayer or meditation can bring spiritual guidance on the path forward. I

Let go of trying to control everything; trust in divine order unfolding. Ask for the faith to navigate uncertainty and challenges with grace. Your situation may remain unchanged, but prayer can change you from the inside out. With prayer, you stay in the moment with peace, rather than lament negatively over a challenging situation.

Practicing Gratitude

It’s human nature to fixate on problems when struggling. Yet where attention goes, energy flows. By instead focusing on blessings and victories - however small - you summon more positive energy around you. Gratitude is magnetic. Look at all the things in your life that you have to be grateful for and focus on those blessings. As they say, “Count your blessings.”

Celebrated spiritual author Dr. Wayne Dyer encouraged meeting negativity with affirmations of thankfulness. “Constantly affirming the good that exists everywhere will cause it to expand and grow in your life,” he taught. The expansion is part of the law of attraction, as like attracts like. Dr. Dyer encourages us to water seeds of hope. Look for all the beauty of gratitude in your life. It is the equalizer when troubles arise.

Positive Visualization

Imagine yourself already emerging triumphant on the other side of current adversity. Envision the lesson, strength and renewed purpose this challenge will produce. Hold firm to this vision; your present belief can shape your future reality.

According to the law of attraction, maintaining positive expectations summons resources and synchronicities to transform difficult circumstances into growth and breakthroughs. Your mindset matters. Positive visualization is a very powerful tool to change the course of a challenge to a positive outcome. Just keep visualizing the perfect outcome you want. Also, look at some motivational quotes to help you get in a positive state.

Progress Through Persistence

Break overwhelming problems into addressable steps. Celebrate small advances; they build momentum. Persistence paired with faith in your vision manifests miracles. Reframe setbacks as learning curves to build grit and courage for the climb.

"Failure is success if we learn from it,” said Malcolm Forbes. Maintain resolve through the darkest nights; the dawn will come. New possibilities exist in each moment - capture them. Let challenges unlock your untapped potential.

With spiritual faith, positive thinking, expressions of gratitude, and unwavering persistence, you can transform trying times into openings for self-discovery and actualization of your highest self. Each challenge brings an opportunity for growth and lessons. For out of every challenge in life comes a lesson that is just what you need to learn. Look at your challenges as life lessons. Have courage; the path may be longer than hoped, but you will grow stronger with each step forward.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Rachel Devine is available for Life Coaching.

Devine Intervention website.

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