Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

5 Ways to Get Out of a Rut - Live your Life with Intention - Rachel Devine

Far too often life becomes defined by mindless routine devoid of any deeper meaning or purpose. Picture life on a metaphoric hamster wheel, where the hamster runs furiously staying in the same spot. Or picture yourself on a treadmill, walking furiously, and not getting anywhere. I understand this concept of standing still, since I lived a lot of my life in that manner. In order to find true happiness, it’s important to live a life of intention.

Living with the power of intention and being guided by your core values, committing to mindful action, and defining a vision for yourself, will open the doorway to greater meaning, fulfillment and purpose in your life, which will reap much happiness and inner joy.

As motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “Passion, without purpose, is meaningless.” Orienting your daily life around your passions and the impact you wish to have instills significance into even simple moments and tasks.

Far too often life becomes defined by mindless routine devoid of any deeper meaning or purpose. Picture life on a metaphoric hamster wheel, where the hamster runs furiously staying in the same spot. Or picture yourself on a treadmill, walking furiously, and not getting anywhere. I understand this concept of standing still, since I lived a lot of my life in that manner. In order to find true happiness, it’s important to live a life of intention.

Living with the power of intention and being guided by your core values, committing to a more meaningful life, and defining a vision for yourself, will open the doorway to greater meaning, fulfillment and purpose in your life, which will reap much happiness and inner joy.

As motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “Passion, without purpose, is meaningless.” Orienting your daily life around your passions and the impact you wish to have instills significance into even simple moments and tasks.

Living by Design

Famous spiritual author Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a book, The Power of Intention, that gives us a clear guide on living life on purpose. He advises that “Purposeful living requires making conscious choices and then fully accepting responsibility for your life circumstances.” Don’t settle for drifting through life on autopilot. Instead, make conscious deliberate choices aligned to what matters most to you.

Here are two more relevant, The Power of Intention quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer:

  • "When your purpose is in alignment with the truth, you are filled with strength, enthusiasm, and compassion."

This quote emphasizes how living according to your true purpose fills you with energy and enthusiasm. A purpose aligned life feels right.

  • "Your natural state is to be loving, giving, compassionate, patient, and joyful. When you identify with the energy of intention, you'll find that this will be your everyday reality."

This quote suggests that intentionally manifesting a vision for a meaningful, purpose-driven life allows your natural state of love, compassion and joy to flow more freely through your everyday experiences.

In his book The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne Dyer encourages readers to get in touch with their deepest desires and commit fully to manifesting them into reality through focused intention, Japa meditation, living in a loving state, and service. Aligning yourself to your authentic purpose is one of the keys to a life of meaning.

I recommend you build routines infused with practices like meditation, exercising your creativity, immersing yourself in nature, learning new skills, being of service to others, and spending quality time with loved ones. A schedule lacking meaning drains energy over time.

Staying Present Through Mindfulness

A crucial aspect of intentional living involves maintaining mindfulness by cultivating presence and focus. As Louise Hay said, “The past has absolutely nothing to do with the present moment. Only in this moment can you create your future.

Stay rooted in the moment through paying attention to your senses, thoughts, and emotions, without judgment. Saying a prayer will put you right in the moment, as well as taking three deep breaths. Make regular tasks more mindful like, walking or eating with full intention. All you have to do is really pay full attention to the task at hand.

Manifesting Your Ideal Future

Begin with the end in mind and envision the personal, interpersonal, and professional goals you aim to achieve. Using the power of visualization, you can create your ideal future. It takes some practice, but it is worth the effort. The main focus is on what you want to manifest and then resonate with the feelings of already having what you want already in your world.

Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the feelings are what manifest our dreams into reality. Therefore, as you fall asleep each night, put one picture in your mind of what you want to manifest in your future and fall asleep with resonating with the feelings of already having this goal already manifested in your life. You have the power to manifest your dreams into reality.

Key Benefits of Living Life with Intention

  • Increased happiness, life satisfaction, and self-esteem

  • Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression

  • Greater resilience and ability to cope with hardships

  • Improved cardiovascular and brain health

  • Higher quality and more supportive personal relationships

  • Deeper sense of meaning, internal coherence, and joy

  • Heightened motivation, drive, and energy


Dr. Wayne Dyer was very clear on this statement regarding the power of intention.

“If you aren't doing what you love and loving what you do, your power of intention is weakened. You attract into your life more of the dissatisfaction that isn't the face of love. Consequently, more of what you don't love will appear in your life.”

Therefore, it’s crucial to do what you love doing, or find your purpose in life. The following three questions can help you determine what your purpose is:

  1. What do you love doing?

  2. Will it help humanity in some way?

  3. Do you feel passionate about the purpose that has surfaced for you?

Whatever your answers are to these three questions will determine what your purpose in life is. Don’t let it sit in the recess of your mind and germinate like the hamster on the wheel of nowhere. Start doing what you love and see if you can make it part of your purpose in life.

In conclusion, reorienting your days around practices and interactions infused with purpose and presence unlocks your potential to live boldly by design. When how you spend your precious time and energy aligns with your deepest values, you will manifest your highest self and in turn bring much passion and joy into your life.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

What’s my purpose in life quiz?

Life coaching is available.

Devine Intervention website.

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Cultivating Inner Peace: A Guide to Spiritual Growth - Rachel Devine

In our busy modern lives, it can be difficult to connect to our spiritual selves and find true inner peace and happiness. Most of us can’t seem to find time for growing spiritually. Yet caring for our spiritual health is just as important as physical and mental health. Spiritual leaders and great thinkers provide wisdom on ways we can grow spiritually and discover deeper fulfillment.

In our busy modern lives, it can be difficult to connect to our spiritual selves and find true inner peace and happiness. Most of us can’t seem to find time for growing spiritually. Yet caring for our spiritual health is just as important as physical and mental health. Spiritual leaders and great thinkers provide wisdom on ways we can grow spiritually and discover deeper fulfillment.

Find the Time

It’s crucial to find time to cultivate your spiritual growth. It will help transform your life. Even if you go in small steps of planting some seeds, by starting with spending 10 minutes in a room alone to open up the channels of spirituality in your life. The benefits will far outweigh the small amount of time you put into it.

Great Thinkers

Wayne Dyer encouraged focusing on raising your energy vibrations through meditation, reflection and conscious living. As he said, “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.”

Louise Hay recommends affirming self-love and worthiness to manifest joy. “As I say ‘yes’ to life, life says ‘yes’ to me.” Loving yourself unconditionally is the foundation for spiritual growth.

Carl Jung emphasized finding meaning and purpose. “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” Discover your unique path.

Eckhart Tolle advocates living fully in each moment. “The only way to bring true healing to your body and mind is to return to the present moment.” Anchor yourself in the now.

Practice accepting everything just as it is and release judgment. As Jack Kornfield teaches, “Our capacity to love depends on our ability to embrace the whole.”

Inner Reflection

Make time for inner reflection with motivation quotes, through journaling, prayer or meditation. Inner reflection brings inner peace and joy.

Focus on gratitude in life and appreciate the blessings all around you. “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Spend time in nature and contemplate your connectedness. The writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson can be soothing. “In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows," wrote Emerson. Being in nature has a way of bringing so much joy.

With regular self-reflection and mindful living, you can access your inner spiritual wisdom. Cultivate happiness with inner peace by shifting to a more serene way of living. By opening your heart and finding peace within, you can continue growing into your highest self.

Living in the Moment

Living fully in each moment is key for spiritual development according to teachers like Eckhart Tolle. When we let our minds wander to the past or future, we miss the profound beauty and lessons available in the here and now.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation helps train your mind to become more present-centered. Set aside time each day to sit quietly, following your breath and releasing distracting thoughts. Stay anchored in your body and the sensations you feel right now.

As Thich Nhat Hanh said, “The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”

When you wash the dishes, shower, or take a walk, devote your full attention to the sights, sounds and feelings you experience. Even routine tasks become joyful when you immerse yourself in the here and now.

Eliminate distractions and be fully engaged when connecting with others. Make eye contact, actively listen, express gratitude. Every interaction is a spiritual gift.

Reflect on how even negative experiences can teach and heal if you embrace them with mindfulness. See the deeper purpose behind challenges.

Make your daily motivation to be fully awake and present. As Tolle said, “Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally.”

Benefits to a Spiritual State of Mind

  • Reduces stress and anxiety. Meditation lowers cortisol levels, helping induce calm and clarity. Regular practice can make you more resilient to daily stressors.

  • Promotes emotional health. Being present and mindful enhances self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Spiritual practices teach acceptance and compassion.

  • Enhances focus and concentration. Meditation trains your mind to stay focused in the moment. This translates to better focus even during daily tasks.

  • Provides sense of purpose. Spiritual connection brings a deeper sense of meaning and inner purpose. Understanding your place in the bigger picture gives motivation.

  • Creates gratitude. A spiritual outlook develops appreciation for all that you have. Practicing gratitude daily enhances overall well-being.

  • Improves sleep quality. Meditation can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. Feeling inner peace translate to better rest.

  • Strengthens relationships. The empathy, acceptance and consciousness developed through spiritual practices improves your relationships.

  • Supports overall health. Some studies link meditation and spiritual well-being to improved immunity, lower blood pressure and reduced inflammation.

Making time to regularly cultivate inner peace provides health benefits that encompass your physical, mental and emotional realms. Spiritual wellness is integral to overall health.

By incorporating more mindful presence into your life, you unlock the secrets and blessings contained in each moment. Your spiritual growth flourishes when anchored in the sacred now.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

The Power of the Subconscious Rachel Devine

What is the subconscious mind and why is it so powerful? The subconscious mind rules your life. Neville Goddard an expert in the field of subconscious mind says that 97% of our life is predicated by the subconscious mind. Nothing really happens in our day without the direction of that part of the brain that is not really audible or visible, and yet has so much power. The power of the subconscious mind is incredible. Therefore, let’s explore this part of our being that has the power to make our lives positive or negative. In order to do that we need to explore both the conscious and subconscious mind. I will show you the subconscious mind power techniques and how the subconscious mind works. More importantly, I will demostrate how you can change your destiny with the power of the subconscious mind.

What is the subconscious mind and why is it so powerful? Believe it or not the subconscious mind rules your life. Neville Goddard, an expert in the field of subconscious mind, says that 97% of our life is predicated by the subconscious mind. Nothing really happens in our day without the direction of that part of the brain that is not really audible or visible, and yet has so much power. The power of the subconscious mind is incredible. Therefore, let’s explore this part of our being that has the power to make our lives positive or negative. In order to do that we need to explore both the conscious and subconscious mind. I will show you the subconscious mind power techniques and how the subconscious mind works. More importantly, I will demostrate how you can change your destiny with the power of the subconscious mind.

Conscious and Subconscious mind

The conscious mind has accumulated a wealth of information since our birth and throughout childhood and adulthood. Thousands of thoughts and feelings get embedded in our conscious state and relayed over to our subconscious mind. The conscious mind is considered male, where thoughts are formed and turn into feelings.The subconscious mind is female, like a woman’s womb where birth or form takes place.

Freud explained the mind in distinct levels, each with their own roles and functions. These are two of the levels of the mind:

  • The conscious mind contains all of the thoughts, memories, feelings, and wishes of which we are aware at any given moment. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. This also includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily and brought into awareness.

  • The unconscious mind is an unlimited amount of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that are outside of our conscious awareness. The unconscious contains contents that are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict as well as joy, love and feelings of contentment, just to name a few.

Since 97% of our subconscious mind is the commander of our life, it’s important to pay attention to this area of our brain. We navigate in life, making major decisions, by our subconscious mind. To be clear, it is an automatic response to life, because we don’t have access to our subconscious mind on a conscious level. Subconscious mind is always with us, but not visible by our conscious mind. We can’t grasp what it is doing, yet it navigates almost all of our actions.

When you get up each morning, have breakfast, shower, get dressed, and check your schedule, these are automatic routine events that you don’t really think too much about, you just do them. The subconscious mind is navigating these events without you putting any thought or focus on the subconscious mind or even understanding what is transpiring with it.

Feelings are the Secret

Remember, all of our past traumas, experiences, joyful events and so much more are stored in the subconscious mind by our feelings. It is not stored by thoughts, only feelings. Therefore, when an event happens in our life, we feed the feelings into our subconscious mind and that is one of many layers of feelings that help us navigate our life. There are layers and layers of past feelings floating around in our subconscious mind. However, my understanding is, whatever you feed your subconscious mind on a regular basis will be what navigates your life.

Feelings are the secret, because it is in the feelings that we can change the subconscious mind from negative to positive experiences. It is in the feelings that we can actually change our destiny.


Let’s say you have anger issues from past experience, let’s say, in childhood. This anger and perhaps resentments are regressed in your subconscious mind and perhaps that is what you are resonating with in life. Therefore, you might have a chip on your shoulder with everyone you encounter. Or perhaps uncontrollable anger towards those you love.

You can actually repattern the subconscious mind to overpower the anger feelings with loving feelings. Repatterning our subconscious mind is something that is definitely feasible. Or let’s say you are dating and you keep meeting narsisitic dates. Your subconscious mind was programmed in childhood to a point that makes you attract the same type of man/woman that you programmed in your brain as a child. You can repattern that in your subconscious mind, as well.

Manifesting Change

Not only can you change the subconscious minds negative influence on you, but what if we could influence the subconscious mind to a point where you can manifest what we want in life, say manifesting our goals or wishes? What if we could tell our subconscious mind what direction we want your life to go in, and that becomes a reality? Would that be a magical world of illusion or reality? Well, believe it or not the answer is it would be a world of reality.

The key is to repattern our subconscious mind with enough positive feelings that relate to what we want to manifest. It is the feelings of what you want to manifest, as if it is already here, which must be relayed into the subconscious mind in order to manifest it into reality. All form in the world originated as a thought and feelings. Some thoughts and feelings are more powerful than others. Now, just take a minute to allow that to sink in.

The Miracle of the Subconscious Mind

Neville Goddard, who wrote over 60 books on the field of manifesting and subconscious mind, has declared these fascinating theoretical statements, that are quoted from his book, “Feeling is the Secret,” regarding manifesting and the subconscious mind, which people like Dr. Wayne Dyer confer with.

“The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them.”

“Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feelings. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt – be it good, bad or indifferent, - it must be expressed. (by the subconscious into form)

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify. Your feelings create the pattern from which your world is fashioned, and a change of feeling is a change of pattern.”

“Chance or accident is not responsible for the things that happen to you, nor is    predestined fate the author of your fortune or misfortune. Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world.”

Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world! The subconscious mind takes in feelings and then brings whatever those feelings are into form. In other words, if you decide you want to meet your soulmate, put those feelings into the subconscious mind, then the subconscious mind will bring that soulmate into form for you. It may sound farfetched, however, Neville Goddard had many seminars where people attested to manifesting wishes with the subconscious mind and these techniques.

Manifesting our Wishes

Remember, feelings can change your destiny. It is important to stay positive in all areas of life, and that does take a lot of practice and disipline. These simple steps will help you manifest your wishes in life or change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts, thereby, changing your life.

Before you fall asleep, those last 5 minutes are the most powerful. You are transitioning from conscious thoughts, to subconscious mind and then when you fall asleep into an unconscious state. These are the most powerful times to invoke feeling into the subconscious mind. So you want to fill your head with positive feelings. If you want to lose weight, see yourself at your ideal weight, just envision one photographic image in your mind of how you look when you lost weight, and then general feelings of of happiness, feeling healthy, having more energy, how it feels to buy new clothes, etc, and fall asleep with those positive feelings. What is going to happen is your subconscious mind will direct your steps in order to manifest your dream of being healthy and losing weight in your waking world.

If you want to manifest a new house, see every aspect of the house in one photographic type of picture and feel how wonderful it feels to be in the house, see the price as being perfect, feel how wonderful it is, how happy you are, etc. and fall asleep to that.

Techniques to Manifest your Wishes

1.    Before you fall asleep pick one condensed single idea that illustrates your wish is happening now. Neville gave the example of a person wanting a promotion (the wish) and the single idea or picture was a man shaking his hand to congratulate him for the promotion. It’s important to use a single idea in your imagination rather than a motion picture of the event in various different acts, because the mind will wander and it one must let go of how it will happen, only that it did already happen. That is key. You visualize your wish is already in form.

2.    Once you get this visual in your imagination you will resonate with the feelings. How does it feel to have a promotion? I feel happy, financially secure, valued, loved, etc. The secret is the feelings, as Neville tells us. The feelings are what the subconscious mind will pick up.

3.    Drift off to sleep with the feelings of the wish fulfilled, as this is the time when the subconscious mind will go into a deep unconscious state and start to pick up all that you are feeding it as you fall into a sleeping state. Your subconscious mind has around 8 hours to marinate with these feelings.

4.    The next day you should wake up feeling pretty happy and content. Continue to do this exercise every night until the wish you want is fulfilled. According to Neville, whatever you put into your subconscious mind before bedtime will materialize, since the subconscious mind is like a female womb at birthing.  

Do this for at least 30 days or until your wish is fulfilled. Neville Goddard said he has 135 people at a seminar and 35 said the manifested what they wanted in 2 weeks, so the time-frame can be short or longer.

In conclusion, these are the basic techniques of the subconscious mind and manfesting. For more information, please visit my website.

I am having a special online event, June 8, 2023, 7pm Est, on Zoom on, How to Manifest your Dreams. For more information click on this link.

Rachel Devine is the author of, Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack & The Third Road.

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