Audio of the Preface - The Third Road -Rachel Devine
Are you searching for some peace from the turmoil of the world? Are you looking for more meaning in life? Do you want to discover a new way of seeing the world?
The Third Road is a book I wrote that brings peace to a turbulent world. It gently leads one to awaken their spirituality and helps one discover their purpose in life. This audio preface will provide details on what the book is all about. Some people have had life-changing experiences from reading my book.
Here is an Amazon review:
“This book was uplifting and positive. It gave me a sense of truly knowing that the power that dwells within is real, and I have access to this power whenever I want it. Most importantly, I am not alone. This book is thought-provoking and gives great ideas on how to discover my purpose in life. In fact, the book makes you think about certain profound values that I never thought about before. Finally, it takes one on a journey into themselves. I highly recommend this book, especially with this pandemic. You will never feel alone again.”
Take 12 minutes to listen to this audio that can literally change your life. Link directly below.
Are you searching for some peace from the turmoil of the world? Are you looking for more meaning in life? Do you want to discover a new way of seeing the world?
The Third Road is a book I wrote that brings peace to a turbulent world. It gently leads one to awaken their spirituality and helps one discover their purpose in life. This audio preface will provide details on what the book is all about. Some people have had life-changing experiences from reading my book, which transformed their life.
Here is an Amazon review:
“This book was uplifting and positive. It gave me a sense of truly knowing that the power that dwells within is real, and I have access to this power whenever I want it. Most importantly, I am not alone. This book is thought-provoking and gives great ideas on how to discover my purpose in life. In fact, the book makes you think about certain profound values that I never thought about before. Finally, it takes one on a journey into themselves. I highly recommend this book, especially with this pandemic. You will never feel alone again.”
Take 12 minutes to listen to this audio that can literally change your life. Click on this link for the audio preface and scroll down to, The Third Road, in the link.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
Instant ebook download of, The Third Road.
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Take Control of your Life: 7 Steps to Discover your Purpose - Rachel Devine
Life can often become mundane and routine, leaving you unfulfilled or thinking there must be more out there for you. If each day becomes a routine without much purpose or meaning, it’s time to take control of your life. It is very easy to get into a rut. It’s a little more challenging to shift your life to have more meaning to it. The good news is that you have the power to transform your life by infusing intention and meaning into each day. By taking control and making small changes, you can build a life of purpose, passion, and growth, no matter what your current situation looks like. Let’s look at how to take control of your life and be happy. You can transform your life and discover your purpose.
Life can often become mundane and routine, leaving you unfulfilled or thinking there must be more out there for you. If each day becomes a routine without much purpose or meaning, it’s time to take control of your life. It is very easy to get into a rut. It’s a little more challenging to shift your life to have more meaning to it. The good news is that you have the power to transform your life by infusing intention and meaning into each day. By taking control and making small changes, you can build a life of purpose, passion, and growth, no matter what your current situation looks like. Let’s look at how to take control of your life and be happy. You can transform your life with purpose.
Step 1: Identify Your Values and Passions
Start by thinking about the things that matter most to you. What are your deepest values? What gets you excited or inspires you? What do you love doing? Make a list of your passions and gifts as well, whether it’s creativity, connecting with people, athletics, or anything else meaningful to you. Getting clear on these areas will help guide you towards a purposeful life aligned with who you really are.
Your passions are worth creating.
Step 2: Set life goals for the coming year
Once you know what you care about, it’s time to turn those passions into action with life goals. Think about areas like personal growth, relationships, health and fitness, career, or education. Then set 1-3 specific, measurable goals for the coming year related to those priority areas. Make sure they are challenging but achievable. Having defined goals fuels purpose and direction. Having a ‘to-do list’ outlining a path to achieve a goal is beneficial and will keep you on track.
Keep growing, life is about growing and moving in a positive direction.
Step 3: Break Goals Down into Daily Habits
Now that you have your annual goals set, it’s time to start building daily habits that will help you achieve them. So if your goal is to run your first 5K race, your habits may include a 30-minute run three times per week. Or if you decided you want to write a book, you can start by outlining the chapters. Break big goals down into bite-sized, daily pieces that incrementally move you forward. And I suggest you schedule these into your daily routine. Even doing one thing a week to advance to your goal in life will be a way to take control.
If you can envision it, write it out, you can achieve it.
Step 4: Create an inspiring vision board
Bring your goals and passions to life by creating a visually inspiring vision board. Cut out magazine clippings of places you’ll travel to, fitness milestones you’ll conquer, dream jobs, or cars. Get some related stickers for your vision board or draw your own pictures. Add photos of loved ones who you’ll spend more time enjoying. Pin up anything that symbolizes the purposeful life you intend to create to keep you excited and motivated every day. Vision boards are incredibly positive and can help you achieve your goals. Keep your vision board is a place you can see it throughout your day.
Do what energizes you.
Step 5: Invest Time in Things That Energize You
Once your new habits and rituals are in motion, pay attention to the activities and experiences that make you feel truly energized and enthusiastic about life. Maybe it’s taking a pottery class or perhaps you love writing. Reschedule your routine to invest more time in these energizing passions that fuel you with purpose and joy. Positive affirmations are another way to fuel your passion with positive energy.
The journey is beautiful as you get to your destiny.
Step 6: Your Purpose
Your purpose in life is whatever you love doing that will help humanity in some capacity. If you decide what that wonderful purpose is, don’t second-guess yourself or let self-doubt lead the way. If you have always wanted to write a book, start that project now. Take little steps to achieving this goal. If you want to coach Little League, make strides to achieve that goal. Or if you want to take up pottery, start searching for a class to do that. The more you strive to achieve your purpose in life, the happier your life will be.
Step 7: Recognize your accomplishments
Make sure you recognize your accomplishments. Every 3 months look back and recognize how far you have come. Give yourself credit for how far you have come with your goal and recognize your achievements, even if they are just baby steps in going in the direction of your purpose in life. You want to keep encouraging yourself to move forward. Like any journey, discovering your purpose will continue to unfold one day at a time. As you hit your initial goals, celebrate your progress and achievements.
In closing, remember that life is short, and each day is a precious gift. Living in the moment and using each day to achieve your purpose in life will bring you to the point of getting out of your comfort zone and into a whole new realm of living. It will bring you much happiness. At the end of your life you want to look back and see perhaps a legacy you have left for the world, or some positive accomplishments. The key is to take control of your life now.
Take the "Find your purpose in life Quiz.”
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. Rachel is also the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Get your copy on Amazon!
6 Ways to Find Your Passion in Life Rachel Devine
What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? When do you lose all sense of time or distraction? What makes you feel inner joy? Exploring these questions reveals clues about your innate passions and the purposes they point to in life. Uncovering what sets your soul on fire allows you to live on purpose rather than drifting through through life disengaged. This article will help you answer the question, “What is Your Passion in Life?” Let’s look at how to find your passion and purpose.
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away,” advised philosopher David Viscott. Your passions contain pointers to the gifts only you can give. Let’s explore what’s your passion?
What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? When do you lose all sense of time or distraction? What makes you feel inner joy? Exploring these questions reveals clues about your innate passions and the purpose they point to in life. Uncovering what sets your soul on fire allows you to live on purpose rather than drifting through life disengaged. This article will help you answer the question, “What is Your Passion in Life?” Let’s look at how to find your passion and purpose.
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away,” advised philosopher David Viscott. Your passions contain pointers to the gifts only you can give. Let’s explore what’s your passion?
Your Interests and Talents
What activities energize you and what skills come naturally? Make a list of your interests, strengths, and talents. Common themes will emerge that reveal core passions. Pay attention to what really makes you feel passionate in life. Also, think about what you love doing. What you love doing is also at the core of your purpose in life.
Trying New Experiences
Step outside your comfort zone to experiment with new hobbies, classes, groups, and adventures related to your passions. Join a cooking course, photography club, or an art class, or perhaps a creative writing workshop. Actively sampling the array of possibilities will help you uncover your passion in life. This is the start to transforming your life with meaning.
Immersing Yourself
Don’t just dabble in potential passions, but fully immerse yourself to see what resonates. Spend a summer volunteering at an animal shelter if you love animals. Study jazz piano if that lights you up. Join an extensive art class. Your most vital passions will emerge and you will feel like you are coming back to a familiar home. This will bring you much happiness.
Reconnecting with Childhood Joy
Think back to what activities deeply engaged you as a child. Was it painting, building treehouses, being around animals, or putting on shows? Revisiting these childhood passions reminds you of who you are at your core. Do a short meditation on what life was like as a child and just let your thoughts focus on your childhood and see what comes up in your thoughts.
Purposeful Planning
Once you’ve identified a primary passion, strategically align your life with it. Make time for immersing yourself in what you love daily. Set big goals around how to contribute your talents to the world. Integrate your passion into career, relationships and lifestyle intentionally. Start up a new business, or volunteer your time, or perhaps you want to become a life coach. Whatever you are passionate about, you can start to make strives to bring to the world. The joy will be in the discovery, as well as the journey.
Benefits of Living Passionately
Greater happiness, fulfillment and life satisfaction
Improved self-esteem and sense of identity
Increased motivation, energy, and resilience
Reduced stress and stronger immunity
Reinvigorated sense of adventure and play
Closer connections and enjoyment of others
Improved work performance and effectiveness
Making a meaningful impact on the world
In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, Excuses Begone, Dr. Dyer defined passion as: “A vigorous enthusiasm that you feel deep within you. It propels you in a direction that seems motivated by a force beyond your control. It's the inner excitement of being on the right path, doing what you know you were meant to do.”
As mythologist Joseph Campbell advised, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors before.”
When your life aligns with inner passion, you thrive and flourish in wondrous ways. Discovering your passion in life will bring you much happiness and inner peace. Let passion light the path to transform your life to an enrichment beyond your wildest dreams. This guide will help you manifest your dreams into your reality.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
What’s my purpose in life quiz.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
5 Ways to Find Happiness, Peace & Purpose in a Broken World - Rachel Devine
Life can often feel busy, stressful and chaotic. On certain days, life can go in many directions, often finding yourself in a multitasking environment. With so many responsibilities and worries, it can be difficult to feel truly content, peaceful and happy on the inside. Chaos seems to be more of the order of the day, than calm. We come to a point where our life morphs from each moment, to an hour, to a day, to months and then years and before long when we look back we don’t see much meaning rather than our daily routine. However, there are many effective ways to cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and calmness in your daily life.
Life can often feel busy, stressful and chaotic. On certain days, life can go in many directions, often finding yourself in a multitasking environment. With so many responsibilities and worries, it can be difficult to feel truly content, peaceful and happy on the inside. Chaos seems to be more of the order of the day, than calm. We come to a point where our life morphs from each moment, to an hour, to a day, to months and then years and before long when we look back we don’t see much meaning rather than our daily routine. However, there are many effective ways to cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and calmness in your daily life.
Live in the Present
One of the most important keys to happiness is to live more fully in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Practice mindfulness by paying attention to the sights, sounds, sensations, and emotions you are experiencing right now. Studies show that mindfulness can reduce anxiety, improve focus and heighten enjoyment of life's little pleasures.
Set aside 10 minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. When your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the present. You may be surprised at how calm, clear and refreshed this makes you feel. Sitting quietly for 10 minutes can rejuevenate your whole day with peace.
Find Purpose and Meaning
Finding purpose and meaning is extremely rewarding. Identify causes, hobbies or volunteering opportunities that excite you and allow you to use your talents to make a difference in the world. Seeing how you positively impact others will give you a sense of significance. Whatever you love doing can be transformed to your purpose in life, as long as it benefits mankind in some way.
Look for meaning in small acts too - creating a beautiful meal for your family, playing a board game with your kids, or brightening a co-worker's day with a compliment. Even simple connections with family or friends can instill a sense of purpose.
One of my favorite quotes is from Harold Kushner.
“Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter, so that the world will be at least a little bit different for our having passed through it.”
You can also take, What’s my Purpose in Life Quiz? This quiz will help you determine your purpose in life.
Take Care of Your Body
Our physical health and mood are intricately connected. Make taking care of your body a priority. Try to eat a balanced, nutritious diet, drink enough water, get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly and exercise regularly. Consider adding mind-body practices like yoga, which lowers stress and induces calm. dWhen your physical health improves, your happiness does too.
Cultivate Gratitude
Practicing gratitude transforms pessimism into optimism and reminds you of the blessings in your life. You may adapt a more positive outlook. Make a daily list of at least five things you are grateful for - from your family to your pet canary to clean drinking water. Express thankfulness and appreciation to others often. Also, express that appreciation to others, by simply saying, thank you. This simple act keeps you focused on the bright side of life. A study from the Mayo Clinic on gratitude show positive results to our mental and physical wellness.
Meditation Practice
Daily meditation helps train your mind to tune into inner peace. Find a quiet space, get comfortable and close your eyes. Focus on your inhales and exhales for 10 minutes - if your mind wanders, gently return focus to your breath. Picture yourself in a place that makes you feel happy and just rest in this place for a few minutes. You have the choose to make meditation as deep as you want or as simple as you want. With regular practice, meditation reduces anxiety and negative self-talk while boosting self-awareness and attention. Meditation connects you to an inner core of calm and serenity that you can access anytime.
In conclusion, by intentionally living in the present, finding deeper meaning in your activities, taking care of your health, cultivating an attitude of gratitude and meditating, you can unlock sustainable happiness and inner peace. The daily habits that nurture your spiritual, mental and physical well-being will allow you to weather life's ups and downs with optimism, joy and tranquility.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
Please leave your comments or contact me with any questions.