Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Find Your Happy Place and Uncover Inner Joy -Rachel Devine

Life presents many external stresses and challenges that can negatively impact our sense of peace and wellbeing. Even our routine day becomes mundane and doesn’t give one much to be happy about. Finding your happy place is worth exploring. We have the power to cultivate a “happy place” within ourselves, no matter what is happening externally. Finding your happy place provides a source of calm, contentment, and respite that promotes better mental and physical health.

Let’s go to your happy place.

Life presents many external stresses and challenges that can negatively impact our sense of peace and wellbeing. Even our routine day becomes mundane and doesn’t give one much to be happy about. Finding your happy place is worth exploring. We have the power to cultivate a “happy place” within ourselves, no matter what is happening externally. Finding your happy place provides a source of calm, contentment, and respite that promotes better mental and physical health. Inner peace and happiness awaits you as we explore our happy place.

What is a Happy Place?

A happy place is an imagined realm inside your mind where you feel completely at ease, fully at peace, and enveloped in warmth. It is a place that you find joy and happiness. It is someplace special where you know you are safe. It is a sanctuary you can access through visualization and meditation. Some describe it as a serene garden, a favorite nature setting, or even an abstraction like a sea of light. Other’s find their happy place at the beach or a lake-house. And some might find their happy place in the mountains or in another country. It can be a place you visited before, or a place where you would like to visit and you imagine it in your mind in full detail. As an example, my happy place is lying under hundreds of cherry blossom trees. I actually had the opportunity to have a blissful experience at the Botanical Gardens and never forgot the immense feeling of peace under those beautiful pink trees. Your happy place is whatever brings you profound inner joy.

Your Happy Place Benefits

Accessing your inner temple has been shown to decrease stress, anxiety, blood pressure, and perceived pain. It also boosts mood, creativity, confidence, and emotional resilience. Neuroimaging confirms that envisioning your happy place activates brain areas linked to relaxation and positive emotions. Therefore, finding your happy place can reap health benefits.

Even a few minutes of escaping inward to your sanctuary during stressful times can quickly bring relief and renewal. Also a few minutes in your place of bliss, during a work break, can help you be more creative when you return to work. It will help you feel more refreshed and perhaps more energetic. Make visiting your happy place a daily practice and you may see notable improvements in overall wellbeing and definitely in reduction of stress.

Finding Your Happy Place

There are no rules on what form your happy place should take. Experiment with different visualization techniques to discover what works best. Also try adding in soothing music or essential oil aromas. The key is genuinely feeling the tranquility and bliss of being there.

Author Dr. Sarah Bamford Seidelmann suggests asking yourself questions like "Where do you feel safest? Where are you surrounded by beauty? Where do you feel loved?" Famous meditation guru, Deepak Chopra, advises focusing on memories of joyful moments as inspiration. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Happiness is something that you are, and it comes from the way you think. The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind.” Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that going to your happy place on a regular basis will in turn bring happiness and joy into your life. Afterall, happines is a reflection of our state of mind.

Using Your Imagination

Life’s constant demands sometimes causes a lot of stress, but you can always return to the stillness within. There is no better medicine than your own inner temple of peace and contentment. Using your imagination to find your happy place is the way to journey into joy. Become the architect of your ultimate happy place. When you need refuge, retreat inward to this portable sanctuary and feel tension dissolve. Your happy place is always accessible and getting in the habit of going there, will help you reap enormous benefits. Even sitting at a red light, can give you a minute to enter into your inner calm.

In conclusion, we can go anywhere in the world, in our imagination, and feel a deep sense of peace. Albert Einstein said, Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” These are great words of wisdom. Regularly visiting your inner sanctum, through mindful meditation, allows you to return to a state of calm and happiness, empowering you to manage life’s ups and downs from a more stable foundation. Return to your inner sanctuary - where your inner happy place awaits you.

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center

The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

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Look for my new book, Tales of Hope, Love and Discovery, A collection of Short Stories of Enlightenment, that will be published in the next few weeks.

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purpose in life, passion in life Rachel Devine purpose in life, passion in life Rachel Devine

6 Ways to Find Your Passion in Life Rachel Devine

What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? When do you lose all sense of time or distraction? What makes you feel inner joy? Exploring these questions reveals clues about your innate passions and the purposes they point to in life. Uncovering what sets your soul on fire allows you to live on purpose rather than drifting through through life disengaged. This article will help you answer the question, “What is Your Passion in Life?” Let’s look at how to find your passion and purpose.

“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away,” advised philosopher David Viscott. Your passions contain pointers to the gifts only you can give. Let’s explore what’s your passion?

What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? When do you lose all sense of time or distraction? What makes you feel inner joy? Exploring these questions reveals clues about your innate passions and the purpose they point to in life. Uncovering what sets your soul on fire allows you to live on purpose rather than drifting through life disengaged. This article will help you answer the question, “What is Your Passion in Life?” Let’s look at how to find your passion and purpose.

“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away,” advised philosopher David Viscott. Your passions contain pointers to the gifts only you can give. Let’s explore what’s your passion?

Your Interests and Talents

What activities energize you and what skills come naturally? Make a list of your interests, strengths, and talents. Common themes will emerge that reveal core passions. Pay attention to what really makes you feel passionate in life. Also, think about what you love doing. What you love doing is also at the core of your purpose in life.

Trying New Experiences

Step outside your comfort zone to experiment with new hobbies, classes, groups, and adventures related to your passions. Join a cooking course, photography club, or an art class, or perhaps a creative writing workshop. Actively sampling the array of possibilities will help you uncover your passion in life. This is the start to transforming your life with meaning.

Immersing Yourself

Don’t just dabble in potential passions, but fully immerse yourself to see what resonates. Spend a summer volunteering at an animal shelter if you love animals. Study jazz piano if that lights you up. Join an extensive art class. Your most vital passions will emerge and you will feel like you are coming back to a familiar home. This will bring you much happiness.

Reconnecting with Childhood Joy

Think back to what activities deeply engaged you as a child. Was it painting, building treehouses, being around animals, or putting on shows? Revisiting these childhood passions reminds you of who you are at your core. Do a short meditation on what life was like as a child and just let your thoughts focus on your childhood and see what comes up in your thoughts.

Purposeful Planning

Once you’ve identified a primary passion, strategically align your life with it. Make time for immersing yourself in what you love daily. Set big goals around how to contribute your talents to the world. Integrate your passion into career, relationships and lifestyle intentionally. Start up a new business, or volunteer your time, or perhaps you want to become a life coach. Whatever you are passionate about, you can start to make strives to bring to the world. The joy will be in the discovery, as well as the journey.

Benefits of Living Passionately

  • Greater happiness, fulfillment and life satisfaction

  • Improved self-esteem and sense of identity

  • Increased motivation, energy, and resilience

  • Reduced stress and stronger immunity

  • Reinvigorated sense of adventure and play

  • Closer connections and enjoyment of others

  • Improved work performance and effectiveness

  • Making a meaningful impact on the world

In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, Excuses Begone, Dr. Dyer defined passion as: “A vigorous enthusiasm that you feel deep within you. It propels you in a direction that seems motivated by a force beyond your control. It's the inner excitement of being on the right path, doing what you know you were meant to do.”

As mythologist Joseph Campbell advised, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors before.”

When your life aligns with inner passion, you thrive and flourish in wondrous ways. Discovering your passion in life will bring you much happiness and inner peace. Let passion light the path to transform your life to an enrichment beyond your wildest dreams. This guide will help you manifest your dreams into your reality.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Life coaching available.

Devine Intervention website.

What’s my purpose in life quiz.

Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Find Your Happy Place and Uncover Inner Joy -Rachel Devine

Life presents many external stresses and challenges that can negatively impact our sense of peace and wellbeing. Even our routine day becomes mundane and doesn’t give one much to be happy about. Finding your happy place is worth exploring. We have the power to cultivate a “happy place” within ourselves, no matter what is happening externally. Finding your happy place provides a source of calm, contentment, and respite that promotes better mental and physical health.

Let’s go to your happy place.

Life presents many external stresses and challenges that can negatively impact our sense of peace and wellbeing. Even our routine day becomes mundane and doesn’t give one much to be happy about. Finding your happy place is worth exploring. We have the power to cultivate a “happy place” within ourselves, no matter what is happening externally. Finding your happy place provides a source of calm, contentment, and respite that promotes better mental and physical health. Inner peace and happiness awaits you as we explore our happy place.

Let’s go to your happy place.

What is a Happy Place?

A happy place is an imagined realm inside your mind where you feel completely at ease, fully at peace, and enveloped in warmth. It is a place that you find joy and happiness. It is someplace special where you know you are safe. It is a sanctuary you can access through visualization and meditation. Some describe it as a serene garden, a favorite nature setting, or even an abstraction like a sea of light. Other’s find their happy place at the beach or a lake-house. And some might find their happy place in the mountains or in another country. It can be a place you visited before, or a place where you would like to visit and you imagine it in your mind in full detail. As an example, my happy place is lying under hundreds of cherry blossom trees. I actually had the opportunity to have a blissful experience at the Botanical Gardens and never forgot the immense feeling of peace under those beautiful pink trees. Your happy place is whatever brings you profound inner joy.

Your Happy Place Benefits

Accessing your inner temple has been shown to decrease stress, anxiety, blood pressure, and perceived pain. It also boosts mood, creativity, confidence, and emotional resilience. Neuroimaging confirms that envisioning your happy place activates brain areas linked to relaxation and positive emotions. Therefore, finding your happy place can reap health benefits.

Even a few minutes of escaping inward to your sanctuary during stressful times can quickly bring relief and renewal. Also a few minutes in your place of bliss, during a work break, can help you be more creative when you return to work. It will help you feel more refreshed and perhaps more energetic. Make visiting your happy place a daily practice and you may see notable improvements in overall wellbeing.

Finding Your Happy Place

There are no rules on what form your happy place should take. Experiment with different visualization techniques to discover what works best. Also try adding in soothing music or essential oil aromas. The key is genuinely feeling the tranquility and bliss of being there.

Author Dr. Sarah Bamford Seidelmann suggests asking yourself questions like "Where do you feel safest? Where are you surrounded by beauty? Where do you feel loved?" Famous meditation guru, Deepak Chopra, advises focusing on memories of joyful moments as inspiration. Dr. Wayne Dyer said, “Happiness is something that you are, and it comes from the way you think. The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of the state of your mind.” Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that going to your happy place on a regular basis will in turn bring happiness and joy into your life. Afterall, happines is a reflection of our state of mind.

Using Your Imagination

Life’s demands sometimes stress us out, but you can always return to stillness within. There is no better medicine than your own inner temple of peace and contentment. Using your imagination to find your happy place is the way to journey into joy. Become the architect of your ultimate happy place. When you need refuge, retreat inward to this portable sanctuary and feel tension dissolve. Your happy place is always accessible and getting in the habit of going there, will help you reap enormous benefits. Even sitting at a red light, can give you a minute to enter into your inner calm.

In conclusion, we can go anywhere in the world, in our imagination, and feel a deep sense of peace. Albert Einstein said, Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” These are great words of wisdom. Regularly visiting your inner sanctum, through mindful meditation, allows you to return to a state of calm and happiness, empowering you to manage life’s ups and downs from a more stable foundation. Return to your inner sanctuary - your happy place awaits you.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

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Devine Intervention

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