Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

6 Steps to Manifest Out-of-Reach Dreams: Create the Life you Imagine - Rachel Devine

We all have important dreams and desires - a rewarding career, financial abundance, loving relationships, and good health may be one or two of your dreams. It doesn’t matter how old you are, we all have desires we want to manifest into our lives. Yet often these dreams seem out of reach. Ancient wisdom and modern techniques show that manifesting your dreams is possible by unlocking the power within your mind. The mind is more powerful than most people could ever dream of. Let’s explore all the possibilities and techniques of manifesting your dreams.

We all have important dreams and desires - a rewarding career, financial abundance, loving relationships, and good health, may be one or two of your dreams. It doesn’t matter how old you are, we all have desires we want to manifest into our lives. Yet often these dreams seem out of reach. Ancient wisdom and modern techniques show that manifesting your dreams is possible by unlocking the power within your mind. The mind is more powerful than most people could ever dream of. Let’s explore all the possibilities and techniques of manifesting your dreams.

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states you attract whatever you focus on consistently. One way to start to manifest dreams is to deliberately shift your mindset to assume and feel that your desire is already a reality. This energy attracts matching circumstances. Affirmations, vision boards and mindfulness help actualize this inner world.

As Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” The power is within you, to achieve anything you desire. Deliberately visualize only what you want, not what you don’t have.

The Power of Thinking Positively

Your conscious thoughts directly impact results. Monitor self-talk and replace negative views with uplifting, empowering positive views. Instead of saying “I can’t afford that,” say “I attract wealth and abundance.” Make positive affirmations a part of your inner dialogue. Motivational quotations can also help you gear your mind to a more positive state.

Wayne Dyer said “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” Reframe your mental filter to see the positive possibilities already surrounding you and relish in gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more you will have things to be grateful for.

Meditate with Intention

Meditation creates space to plant the seeds of desires in your subconscious mind. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Vividly imagine your goal as already realized - engage all your senses and feel your joy with achieving your goal. This is especially powerful as you are falling asleep, since you are going from a conscious to an unconscious state, which is the state your subconscious mind can be influenced.

As Neville Goddard advised, “Lull yourself to sleep feeling you are, and you will be, the ideal you dream yourself to be.” Convince your subconscious mind through repetition.

Influence Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious thoughts account for up to 97% of mental activity and determines behaviors. Instilling dreams and beliefs in the subconscious mind allows them to take root and flourish. Techniques like affirmations, law of attraction, vision boards and creative visualization reprogram your subconscious mind to your desired goals.

As Neville Goddard said “Your future is already prepared, but its realization depends on the intensity of your desire.” Firmly impress your goals into your subconscious through focused intention. This will help you transform your life with new purpose.

Create a Vision Board

Collages of desired outcomes impress your subconscious mind. Post images, quotes, affirmations, and stickers on a board, or oak tag, that represents your goals. Hang your vison board in a place where you can easily view it. Gaze at this vision board often to crystallize your dreams into reality and relish in the feelings of having your dreams fulfilled. Let the visualized scenes inspire emotions as though they are already real and relish in the feelings of the wish fulfilled.

Manifestation Examples

Here are 3 examples of how people can manifest goals using the law of attraction and intentional visualization:

  1. Landing a dream job

Visualize yourself already working at the ideal company in the perfect role. Cut out photos of the office, make vision boards with affirmations like, "I am grateful for my dream job,” and repeat them daily. Take small steps to raise your confidence like updating your resume. Live from the mindset that you're qualified for this job before you even apply.

  1. Meeting your soulmate

Envision the loving relationship you want. Make a list of your ideal partner's qualities and imagine having deep conversations and fun activities with him or her. Look for opportunities to meet new people, approach online dating positively, and increase social engagements with an energy of attracting your soulmate. Act as you would if you were already in a fulfilling relationship.

  1. Owning your dream car

Find photos of your desired car model and paste them in your home or vision board. Visualize driving this car, feeling exhilarated and accomplished, as you grip the steering wheel. Affirm daily while viewing the photos “I am enjoying the car of my dreams right now.” Take steps like saving money each month, or test driving models, to align your energy to manifest this. Know that you deserve this car and believe you can achieve it.

The key in each example is clearly defining the desire, conditioning your mindset to believe you already have it, taking aligned actions, and detaching from the outcome by knowing it will come. With focused intention and belief, you can manifest your goals using creative visualization and the law of attraction.

To really solidify your goal into reality, before you fall asleep at night, put one picture in your head of your goal or dream, then fall asleep with how it would feel to get the dream job, or meet your soulmate, or have the new car. It is the feelings that penetrate the subconscious mind, not the thoughts. Neville Goddard repeatedly tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the subconscious mind gets impressions from our feelings and then works to being those impressions to reality. Remember, the subconscious mind drives 97% of your actions, so it makes sense to impress upon the subconscious mind the feelings that will manifest your dreams.

In conclusion, manifesting requires transforming yourself into the person you already envision yourself to be. Condition your mindset with the law of attraction, positive affirmations, meditation and a vision board, in order to create the future you dream of. With concentrated intention on the dream, or goal you wish to obtain, and your belief in your power to create your future, your dreams will manifest into reality. Your dreams are really just a thought away.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Devine Intervention website.

How to Manifest your dreams - is Rachel Devine’s online audio course that gives you a step-by-step guide in manifesting your dreams into reality.

If you have any questions, please contact me or post a question in the comments.

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The Power of Manifestation: Turning Wishes Into Reality - Rachel Devine

The power of manifestation is a concept steeped in metaphysical thought, psychology, and spirituality, and has become an influential practice in the self-improvement and personal development space. This practice revolves around the idea of actively shaping your reality through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. By harnessing this power, it is believed that you can attract what you desire most into your life—whether it be wealth, love, health, or career success. In fact, you can also attract success with weight loss, connecting with a soul mate, success in any area and so much more. This article will outline manifestation examples and the most powerful manifestation techniques. It will also give you ideas on how to manifest your dreams.

The power of manifestation is a concept steeped in metaphysical thought, psychology, and spirituality, and has become an influential practice in the self-improvement and personal development space. This practice revolves around the idea of actively shaping your reality through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. By harnessing this power, it is believed that you can attract what you desire most into your life—whether it be wealth, love, health, or career success. In fact, you can also attract success with weight loss, connecting with a soul mate, success in any area and so much more. This article will outline manifestation examples and the most powerful manifestation techniques. It will also give you ideas on how to manifest your dreams.

Understanding Manifestation

At its core, manifestation is the process of bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief. The principle suggests that if you think it, feel it, and believe it, you will bring it into your life. As Wayne Dyer, a renowned motivational speaker and self-help author, eloquently put it, "Our intention creates our reality."

The concept of manifestation is heavily linked to the Law of Attraction, a universal law that posits that like attracts like. Your dominant thoughts and beliefs, whether positive or negative, will find a way to manifest. Therefore, by deliberately choosing positive thoughts and emotions, you can manifest positive outcomes.

This is not a passive process. Rather, manifestation involves a conscious and active shaping of your thoughts and beliefs to align with your desires, and then taking action to make those desires come true. It's about creating a vision, cultivating the emotional and mental state to support that vision, and then working towards it in the real world.

Manifestation takes several forms and can involve practices like visualization, affirmations, meditation, journaling, and goal setting. It requires consistency, faith, and an open mind.

History of Manifestation

The roots of manifestation and the Law of Attraction can be traced back to the New Thought movement of the 19th century. This movement, starting in the United States, promoted the idea that the mind has the power to heal the body and shape reality.

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a fascinating book, Wishes Fulfilled, that explains the process of manifestation in vivid details.

Pioneers of Manifestation

While the origins of manifestation can be traced back centuries, two modern-day figures stand out in their innovative approaches to this practice: Neville Goddard and Wayne Dyer.

1. Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard, a metaphysical teacher from the mid-20th century, was a major proponent of the concept of manifestation. His teachings focused on the imaginative power of the mind, and he believed that reality could be altered through visualization and feeling.

Goddard wrote, "The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to you. Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will." There is a fascinating book that Neville Goddard wrote called, Feeling is the Secret. In this book, he explains the whole concept of manifestation in details, even though the book is only 47 pages!

2. Dr. Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer was a popular motivational speaker and self-help author, well known for his emphasis on the power of intention and manifestation. His teachings emphasize the personal responsibility we have in shaping our own realities.

He notably said, "You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality."

Manifestation Success Stories

To understand the transformative power of manifestation, consider these real-life stories:

  1. Jim Carrey's $10 Million Check: This well-known story from the life of actor Jim Carrey showcases the power of visualization and affirmation. In the early days of his career, Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million for "acting services rendered," post-dated it for Thanksgiving 1995 and kept it in his wallet. He visualized his success daily, imagining directors valuing his work and audiences loving his performances. In 1994, just before the check's date, Carrey received a movie role paying him $10 million.

  2. Sarah Centrella's Dream Life: After a devastating divorce, Sarah Centrella, a single mother, used manifestation to rebuild her life. She created a "future board" (a variant of a vision board) to visualize her goals and aspirations. Centrella eventually became a bestselling author, world traveler, and master life coach, attributes she had envisioned on her future board.

Applying Manifestation in Your Life

Manifestation is more than wishful thinking—it's a deliberate and active process of creating your reality. Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Clarity: Be clear about what you want to manifest. Ambiguity can hinder your manifestation process.

  2. Believe and Visualize: Fully believe in your ability to manifest your desires. Visualize your goal as though it's already achieved. As Neville Goddard advised, "Live in the end."

  3. Positive Affirmations: Create and regularly repeat positive affirmations that align with your goals. Wayne Dyer recommended, "I attract what I want by being what I want."

  4. Take Action: Don't forget to take proactive steps towards your goal. Manifestation works hand-in-hand with effort and determination in the physical world.

  5. Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for what you already have and for the success that is yet to come. Gratitude raises your vibration and aligns you with the positive energy needed for manifestation.

Remember, the journey of manifestation is personal and different for everyone. Trust in the process, keep a positive mindset, and stay open to opportunities as they arise.


Manifestation, with roots deeply set in historical and metaphysical concepts, has emerged as a powerful tool in the modern self-improvement sphere. While skeptics may view it as pseudoscience or mystical mumbo-jumbo, countless individuals like Jim Carrey and Sarah Centrella have harnessed the power of their minds to manifest their desires.

As you explore the power of manifestation, remember the insightful words of Wayne Dyer: "You'll see it when you believe it." Manifestation is not about seeing to believe, but rather believing to see. In aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with your desires, you open a world of endless possibilities and an empowered path to create your own reality.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, Become a Magnet for True Love.

Rachel’s website has valuable online courses and events.

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