Fear vs Love: Rachel Devine
With all that is happening in the world, fear has become a dominant emotion in a lot of people's minds. From the war in Israel to the crisis at our border to the crime in our streets, and through a pandemic, fear has taken over our inner world. Fear can be crippling. It can keep us locked away in our homes and stop us from living a joyful life. It could feel like you have to climb an emotional mountain to get out of your home. However, there is a more powerful emotion called love that is much more potent than fear. Fear and love cannot coexist. It’s crucial to choose love over fear.
Here is an amazing quote on this topic:
As opposites, love and fear cannot be felt at the same time. As Kübler-Ross and Kessler say, "If we're in fear, we are not in a place of love." “When we're in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear. Can you think of a time when you've been in both love and fear?”
With all that is happening in the world, fear has become a dominant emotion in a lot of people's minds. From the war in Israel to the crisis at our border to the crime in our streets, and through a pandemic, fear seems to have taken over our inner world. Fear can be crippling. It can keep us locked away in our homes and stop us from living a joyful life. It could feel like you have to climb an emotional mountain to get out of your home. There is, however, a more powerful emotion called love that is much more potent than fear. Fear and love cannot coexist. It’s crucial to choose love over fear. You have the power within to turn this around.
Here is an amazing quote on this topic:
As opposites, love and fear cannot be felt at the same time. As Kübler-Ross and Kessler say, "If we're in fear, we are not in a place of love." “When we're in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear. Can you think of a time when you've been in both love and fear?”
Therefore, fear and love cannot live in the same house. Let's take a look at fear and love more closely.
Fear is a debilitating emotion that can be overwhelming. It all starts with worry, which turns into fear, which can turn into a petrified fear, which in turn can morph into paranoa. This is when fear is at its worse.
Fear has been classified as, false events appearing real. The purpose of this acronym is to bring the fear down to size so it is not so overwhelming. This tells us that fear is appearing in the mind, but not necessarily in reality. Sometimes our fears are much bigger than the actual thing we are fearing. Most fears are fabricated worry about some future event that never comes to fruition. It’s important to distinguish the truth about fear so it can lose its grip on you.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
This is a profound quote; however, fear can be very real for the person who is experiencing it. Reading loving literature can help. Perhaps some motivational quotes can help you shift from fear to love.
They say love is the opposite of fear. Love is a much more powerful emotion than fear. In fact, love conquers all fears.
As the Bible tells us, There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18.
Whatever the problem, love is the answer. The emotion of love is very strong. It can move us from a state of fear into a state of love and peace. The love I am talking about, is the love of God. The love of God is powerful beyond measure. Staying in a loving state with God by your side should alleviate any fears. Make no mistake about it, you have the power to overcome any fearful obstacles in your life.
In the book, A Course in Miracles there is a famous quote at the end that says, “If you knew who walked besides you on the path that you have chosen, fear would be impossible.” The power that walks besides you is the spirit of God, which is actually within you. You have God’s Spirit within you, so fear is impossible, if you connect to that loving Spirit.
I believe love goes hand in hand with faith. God is love. I also think that you can't be in fear if you are in faith. Having faith in the higher power of your understanding will help you get out of fear. Letting go and letting God is a really great slogan that reminds us to let go of our fears and worries and hand them over to God, who will handle them. Having faith and staying in prayer will offset any fears. Praying will help you stay in the moment and in a loving state of mind, which will offset any fears. This in turn will transform your life to one of love.
Staying in the Moment
When you stay in the moment, there really is nothing to fear. The moment is a place where our fears cannot enter, because our fears usually entail thinking about past traumatic events or future worries. Staying in the here and now puts you in a safe and loving space. Remember, the fear is in your mind, so the solution is also in your mind. And remember, the only place you can connect to God is in the moment. God is not in the past or the future, but in this very moment.
The Power of Positive Thinking
There is an amazing book called "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. The premise is pretty simple. What you focus your attention on will have power in your life. If you are resonating with fear, then fearful situations will appear. If you are resonating with being positive and thinking of positive outcomes for the fearful situation, that is what will appear in your life. Many people underestimate the power of our thoughts to create our world. However, your thoughts have power beyond comprehension. The power of positive thinking is a reality, not some lofty title in a book.
Just envision a perfect outcome for your fearful situation and keep that focus every day in a short visual. Not only will the fear vanish, but you will also be putting energy into the world to bring about a positive result. The law of attraction then kicks in and does its job. The law of attraction is very clear, as it states, "Like attracts like," and what we think about expands. Therefore, it is dangerous to stay in a fearful state because you will inadvertently bring more things into your life to be afraid of. Stay in love, have faith, and have positive thoughts, and that will offset any fears.
In conclusion, we do live in a world of uncertainty and fear. However, we also live in a world filled with love and positivity. How you view the world is the key to having love or fear rule your day.
Norman Vincent Peale says it all in this amazing quote:
"Change your thoughts, and you change your world." That says it all.
Rachel Devine’s new book, Tales of Hope, Love and Discovery: A Collection of Short Stories of Enlightenment.
Information on our new retreat, Letting Go: Embrace a New Beginning
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.
Fear and Love: They can’t Live in the Same House, by Rachel Devine
With all that is happening in the world, fear has become a dominant emotion in a lot of people's minds. From the war in Israel to the crisis at our border to the crime in our streets, and through a pandemic, fear has taken over our inner world. Fear can be crippling. It can keep us locked away in our homes and stop us from living a joyful life. It could feel like you have to climb an emotional mountain to get out of your home. However, there is a more powerful emotion called love that is much more potent than fear. Fear and love cannot coexist. It’s crucial to choose love over fear.
Here is an amazing quote on this topic:
As opposites, love and fear cannot be felt at the same time. As Kübler-Ross and Kessler say, "If we're in fear, we are not in a place of love." “When we're in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear. Can you think of a time when you've been in both love and fear?”
With all that is happening in the world, fear has become a dominant emotion in a lot of people's minds. From the war in Israel to the crisis at our border to the crime in our streets, and through a pandemic, fear seems to have taken over our inner world. Fear can be crippling. It can keep us locked away in our homes and stop us from living a joyful life. It could feel like you have to climb an emotional mountain to get out of your home. There is, however, a more powerful emotion called love that is much more potent than fear. Fear and love cannot coexist. It’s crucial to choose love over fear. You have the power within to turn this around.
Here is an amazing quote on this topic:
As opposites, love and fear cannot be felt at the same time. As Kübler-Ross and Kessler say, "If we're in fear, we are not in a place of love." “When we're in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear. Can you think of a time when you've been in both love and fear?”
Therefore, fear and love cannot live in the same house. Let's take a look at fear and love more closely.
Fear is a debilitating emotion that can be overwhelming. It all starts with worry, which turns into fear, which can turn into a petrified fear, which in turn can morph into paranoa. This is when fear is at its worse.
Fear has been classified as, false events appearing real. The purpose of this acronym is to bring the fear down to size so it is not so overwhelming. This tells us that fear is appearing in the mind, but not necessarily in reality. Sometimes our fears are much bigger than the actual thing we are fearing. It’s important to distinguish the truth about fear so it can lose its grip on you.
Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."
This is a profound quote; however, fear can be very real for the person who is experiencing it. Reading loving literature can help. Perhaps some motivational quotes can help you shift from fear to love.
They say love is the opposite of fear. Love is a much more powerful emotion than fear. In fact, love conquers all fears.
As the Bible tells us, There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18.
Whatever the problem, love is the answer. The emotion of love is very strong. It can move us from a state of fear into a state of love and peace. The love I am talking about, is the love of God. The love of God is powerful beyond measure. Staying in a loving state with God by your side should alleviate any fears. Make no mistake about it, you have the power to overcome any fearful obstacles in your life.
In the book, A Course in Miracles there is a famous quote at the end that says, “If you knew who walked besides you on the path that you have chosen, fear would be impossible.” The power that walks besides you is the spirit of God, which is actually within you. You have God’s Spirit within you, so fear is impossible, if you connect to that loving Spirit.
I believe love goes hand in hand with faith. God is love. I also think that you can't be in fear if you are in faith. Having faith in the higher power of your understanding will help you get out of fear. Letting go and letting God is a really great slogan that reminds us to let go of our fears and worries and hand them over to God, who will handle them. Having faith and staying in prayer will offset any fears. Praying will help you stay in the moment and in a loving state of mind, which will offset any fears. This in turn will transform your life to one of love.
Staying in the Moment
When you stay in the moment, there really is nothing to fear. The moment is a place where our fears cannot enter, because our fears usually entail thinking about past traumatic events or future worries. Staying in the here and now puts you in a safe and loving space. Remember, the fear is in your mind, so the solution is also in your mind. And remember, the only place you can connect to God is in the moment. God is not in the past or the future, but in this very moment.
The Power of Positive Thinking
There is an amazing book called "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale. The premise is pretty simple. What you focus your attention on will have power in your life. If you are resonating with fear, then fearful situations will appear. If you are resonating with being positive and thinking of positive outcomes for the fearful situation, that is what will appear in your life. Many people underestimate the power of our thoughts to create our world. However, your thoughts have power beyond comprehension. The power of positive thinking is a reality, not some lofty title in a book.
Just envision a perfect outcome for your fearful situation and keep that focus every day in a short visual. Not only will the fear vanish, but you will also be putting energy into the world to bring about a positive result. The law of attraction then kicks in and does its job. The law of attraction is very clear, as it states, "Like attracts like," and what we think about expands. Therefore, it is dangerous to stay in a fearful state because you will inadvertently bring more things into your life to be afraid of. Stay in love, have faith, and have positive thoughts, and that will offset any fears.
In conclusion, we do live in a world of uncertainty and fear. However, how you view the world is the key to having love or fear rule your day. To put this in perspective, we know we can't stop the war in our world or the terrible situation with crime. However, we can stay in our own emotional shelter under God's tent. God’s protection is powerful. We can put ourselves in a loving and faithful emotional state in prayer.
In Psalms 46:1–6, God is our shelter and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. So we will not be afraid, even if the earth is shaken and mountains fall into the ocean depths, even if the seas roar and rage and the hills are shaken by the violence.
Norman Vincent Peale says it all in this amazing quote:
"Change your thoughts, and you change your world." That says it all.
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.
8 Ways to Stop Negative Thoughts and Overthinking - Rachel Devine
Overthinking everything and chronic negativity can make daily life feel overwhelming and bleak. It can exasperate depression. It also is a block to healing from any emotional wounds we may have in life. Learning techniques to dial down obsessive thoughts and shift inner dialogues to a more positive, balanced state provides relief. With consistent practice, you can stop detrimental and self-criticism and cultivate mindfulness, peace and optimism instead. Let’s look at some techniques on how to stop negative thoughts and overthinking. The more you shift to a positive state of mind, the more your life will go in a positive direction.
Overthinking everything and chronic negativity can make daily life feel overwhelming and bleak. It can exasperate depression. It also is a block to healing from any emotional wounds we may have in life. Learning techniques to dial down obsessive thoughts and shift inner dialogues to a more positive, balanced state provides relief. With consistent practice, you can stop detrimental and self-criticism and cultivate mindfulness, peace and optimism instead. Let’s look at some techniques on how to stop negative thoughts and overthinking. The more you shift to a positive state of mind, the more your life will go in a positive direction.
Catch and Challenge Distorted Thinking
Cognitive behavioral therapy helps reveal distorted thinking patterns like catastrophizing, all-or-nothing thinking, or jumping to conclusions that amplify anxiety. Catch these thoughts as they occur and analyze them objectively – are they overly dramatic or illogical? Are these negative thoughts conveying truth or anxiety? Challenging distortions with rational questioning is the first step.
Set Aside a Daily ‘Worry Timeout’
Rather than trying to suppress anxious thoughts throughout the day, set aside a short dedicated worry time daily, like 20 minutes. Jot down a list of concerns to examine objectively. The rest of the day when intrusive thoughts strike, remind yourself to save it for worry time. That should help clear your day of worry.
Live in the Present Through Mindfulness
Overthinking is exaggerated when focused on the past or future rather than the present. Practice mindfulness meditation and focus intently on your senses, bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts in the exact moment without judging them as good or bad. This cultivates presence. Staying in the moment brings serenity. You can also look at motivational quotes for inspiration.
Visualize Pushing Out Anxious Thoughts
Use positive visualization during meditation to practice pushing anxious thoughts out of your mind. Imagine each obsessive thought as a ball and visualize yourself gently batting the thought-balls away each time, clearing your mind’s space. Or visualize them as balloons and watch each negative thought float away.
Write Down Your Thoughts to Express Them
Journaling or stream-of-consciousness writing provides an outlet to express worries and limiting beliefs on paper so they don’t endlessly repeat internally. This process releases and processes obsessive thoughts. Just write out what you are worrying about and try to look at it objectively, which might bring your worry down to size. Also, write out ways to get your life in a state of living on purpose, which can be very positive.
Limit Stimuli and Distraction
Minimize stimuli like news feeds, overplanning, social media, and multitasking that feed into a frazzled, overwhelmed state, especially in the evening. Reduce clutter in your home to bring more calm.
Refocus on Solutions, Not Just Problems
When you catch yourself ruminating on problems, consciously shift to focusing on practical solutions and productive next action steps. Negativity thrives when problems seem insurmountable. Reframing issues as solvable weakens obsessive worry. Keep the focus on the solutions and become proactive at solving the challenge in a productive way, pushing away the temptation to worry about it. It’s important to shift your thoughts. Perhaps some happiness quotes will help.
Surround Yourself with Positivity & Gratitude
Hang around people who inspire optimism, self-confidence and solutions-focused thinking. Our thinking patterns are contagious. Choose to immerse yourself in positivity. Therapy is a great way to get to the root of the inner child dialogue of negativity. The inner child experiences are usually behind the negative thoughts and obsessive thinking. Having this awareness can help you. Gratitude is also the true equalizer when it comes to negative thinking. If you start your day off with listing 10 things you are grateful for, negativity will be hard to penetrate that mindset. Stay in a grateful state of being. Most people have so much to be grateful for, and yet they choose to look at what is missing, rather than what they have. Be thankful for the little things, as well as the big things in your life, and stay in that energy. With some effort, you can transform your life.
In conclusion, it’s important to bring yourself to a point to commit fully to transforming limiting inner messages, and shift from exhausting overthinking to mindful presence and you will see optimism will unfold. It will make your life happy again. Recognize negative thoughts but don't believe or react to them. Your power lies in choosing which thoughts to give energy to. You do have the power to change your thoughts to positive thoughts. It’s all a matter of recognizing the negative thought and then changing it to a positive thought. I suggest you get a rubber band and put it on your wrist. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, gently snap the rubber band as a reminder to change to a positive thought. With some practice you will be on your way to a more peaceful life.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
5 Ways to Find Inner Peace - Rachel Devine
Inner peace is a state of tranquility, calm and harmony within. It is unaffected by external circumstances. Finding inner peace allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs from a place of deep centeredness. When one has a firm foundation of inner peace, nothing in life can rattle it. So how do we get to this place of inner peace? Following spiritual practices, spending time in nature, helping others, and training the mind can help unlock this state of serenity.
I love this quote by Louise Hay:
“I guard my inner world, for it is there that I create. I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well-being. I go within and find that space where all is quiet and serene.”
Inner peace is a state of tranquility, calm and harmony within. It is unaffected by external circumstances. Finding inner peace allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs from a place of deep centeredness. When one has a firm foundation of inner peace, nothing in life can shake it.
So how do we get to this place of inner peace? Some ways of reaching inner peace are following spiritual practices, spending time in nature, service to others, and training the mind. These spiritual practices can all help unlock this state of serenity.
This is a wonderful quote from Louise Hay:
“I guard my inner world, for it is there that I create. I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well-being. I go within and find that space where all is quiet and serene.”
Inner Peace Examples
Meditation quiets the chatter of the mind when focused on the breath or a mantra. Taking time to sit in stillness while observing thoughts nonjudgmentally fosters present moment awareness – a key to inner peace.
Yoga links the breath with movement, helping calm the body and mind. Studies show just 15 minutes of yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to lower stress hormone production.
Being in nature replenishes depleted energy. Research confirms time outdoors increases vitality and lifts mood through boosted immunity and decreased inflammation. Also walking in nature, in sun light, is a way to find some inner peace.
Serving others with compassion gets you outside of your own worries by shifting your focus. Volunteering and extending generosity also boosts mood through increased oxytocin.
Aroma therapy is a great way to center yourself around the moment. Scented candles bring an aura of spirituality and calm.
Sitting on the beach and watching the waves, is a great way to find some inner peace.
Listening to soothing music is a great way to find peace.
Listening to a meditations on serenity is another way to cultivate some peace in your world.
There are endless ways to find peace in your life. Pick the ones you resonate with.
Quotes on Inner Peace
“Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.” – Brian Tracy
“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.” – Pema Chodron
Motivational quotes can also have an impact on bringing inner peace to your life.
It’s important to realize that when another person is allowed to upset your inner peace, they have control over you. It’s like they picked up your remote control and started dialing in so you would lose your inner peace. Take the remote control back and be strong in your conviction to stay peaceful, even during turmoil. Stay in your own space and try not to let anyone disturb your peace of mind.
Inner Peace Benefits
Reduced anxiety, stress, and depression
Lower blood pressure and more heart rate variability
Decreased inflammation and improved immunity
Greater emotional resilience and more positive outlook
Higher quality of personal relationships
Increased empathy, kindness and compassion
Enhanced focus, creativity and performance
Greater sense of meaning and life satisfaction
Finding Peace Within
“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” – William S. Burroughs
When one is in a peaceful state, the mind can resolve problems in a calm manner. You also have the advantage of connecting in the moment with spiritual ideas that may have a profound impact on your life. When life is chaotic it is hard to hear the whisper of God’s Spirit within, which guides us all on this journey called life. God’s Spirit can only be accessed in the moment, where all spiritual ideas form.
The key is staying in the moment. When your mind takes flight with thoughts about the future, or looks back on past regrets, you have lost touch with reality, which is in this very moment. This moment is all we have. This moment is where you will find your peace of mind. Staying in the moment puts you in a safe place of inner peace.
Being in the Present Moment:
Pay attention to your breathing - notice each inhale and exhale.
Engage your senses - observe sights, textures, smells, tastes around you.
Focus on body sensations - note any feelings or aliveness in your hands, feet or heart.
Listen attentively - be absorbed in sounds you hear.
Observe thoughts nonjudgmentally - watch them arise and pass without following or attaching.
Ask yourself "What do I notice right now?" - take inventory of this exact moment.
Feel into any emotions - name what you’re feeling without judging it as good or bad.
Silently name activities as you do them - washing dishes, walking, brushing teeth.
Fully immerse in tasks - give complete focused attention.
Catch your mind wandering - gently return focus to the now.
Avoid multitasking - do one thing at a time.
Limit distractions - reduce interruptions, alerts, planning.
The key to being in the moment is to gently guide your focus back to the present whenever it starts to drift. With regular practice you train the mind to reside more often in the richness of the present moment. Believe me, this practice takes time and effort. However, the benefits of inner-peace practice and staying in the moment is priceless. Finding inner peace will reap happiness and joy in your life.
By learning to still the turbulent waves of past worries, future projections, and fears, you will be more at peace in your world. This will take some effort in spiritual practices and living in loving presence. If you decide to do this, you will return to your natural state - peaceful, joyful, and serene. The quiet depths of your being offer a refuge from any storm. Journey inward to discover your sanctuary of peace waiting patiently to be unveiled. You deserve to live a life of serenity.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.