Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

How to Overcome Challenges at Work - Rachel Devine

There will always be challenges in life, obstacles to overcome, and barriers to what we want to achieve. When we have challenges in the workplace, life can be miserable. We spend a third of our lives at work, so it's important to create a peaceful work environment for yourself.

Let's look at ways to overcome challenges at work. I will show you ways on how to overcome obstacles, with some inner resolve and some problem solving techniques in business.

There will always be challenges in life, obstacles to overcome, and barriers to what we want to achieve. When we have challenges in the workplace, life can be miserable. We spend a third of our lives at work, so it's important to create a peaceful work environment for yourself.

Let's look at ways to overcome challenges at work. I will show you ways on how to overcome obstacles, with some inner resolve and some problem solving techniques in business.

Heavy workload

Having a heavy workload seems to be on top of the list of challenges at work. You might be at a point where the work is piling up. This really puts a person in a bad situation because, on the one hand, you want to handle the workload, and on the other hand, you don't want to be taken advantage of. Try to break the work into smaller, more manageable tasks. Also, double check your work, because sometimes a heavy workload can reap mistakes. It's important to keep total focus on your job, so avoid getting on a personal call or being on the internet during work hours. Keep total focus on the job.

Set boundaries between your work and someone else's job. You can point out to your manager that you are happy to do the extra work but would need help delegating some of the work if you can't meet deadlines. Sometimes just bringing the situation to your manager could help offset some of the work to someone that can help you feel happy about the situation.

Disagreements with co-workers

Stay calm during stressful times. Enlist the advice of a co-worker you trust who might be able to give you some insights into the office culture. It's important to have harmony in the workplace. However, sometimes conflict does arise. I always found it important to keep my head on the job at hand and not socialize too much at work, because that is when disagreements or conflicts can arise. The challenges we face at work can be hard to cope with. If there is a disagreement, clear professional communication is important to clear the air. Keep away from any arguments that involve character attacks and stick with the work issues. Always maintain a professional attitude.

It's a good idea to take a break or go to lunch to mull over the situation before responding. And sometimes it's better not to respond at all and just let the conflict dissolve on its own. And be very careful of email exchanges. Always keep them professional. If you get an email that sounds rude, do not respond with rudeness. It is better to just respond in a professional manner. Remember, a second of revengeful exchange can cost you a lot of heartache. It’s better to move on and let it go.

Lack of growth opportunities

Look at your skills and see where you can add a skill or two in order to be eligible for advancement. Speak to your manager about your growth path and let your manager know you are interested in advancement opportunities. See if your manager can guide you on possible opportunities. If advancement in your company is not feasible, you might want to look into other companies for growth opportunities. Sometimes making a change can make all the difference in a job that has no growth. You want to empower yourself to transform your life to one in which you love. Look at other job opportunities that might be more fulfilling.

Confidence level

Keep your confidence level high by doing things that enhance your self-image. This includes affirmations. I used to post affirmations around my desk to help me keep my focus on positive thoughts. Some affirmations may include, yes, I can do it, I am a great worker, I will be promoted, or I love my job. You can post them where only you can see them. These affirmations are a clear reminder that you can do whatever you put your mind to. Also, state of mind is everything. If you start to view your job as one you really love, when you come to work, things will be different.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Finding Peace

A good way to find peace is to meditate in your free time. Let yourself have some quiet time for reflection. In this reflection, you may want to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Being grateful is so important to our mental state. Looking at what is good in your life may offset what may not be good. Also, it is good to journal about the work situation. It's good to get it out in writing and see what transpires in your writing. If you can, take a walk at lunchtime to clear your head and give yourself a well-needed break.

At the end of the day, it's important to remember that each day brings a different perspective. How you view your workplace has a big impact on what you see.

Another great quote is by Norman Vincent Peale. He said, "Change your thoughts, and you change your world."

Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.

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