7 Ways to Stop Worrying and Start Living Rachel Devine
Many people are under the false illusion that if they worry, they somehow have control over the outcome. I can assure you that, worry never changed the outcome of any situation. And quite honestly, the more we worry the more negative energy is poured over the problem you are worrying about. Let’s look at ways on how to stop worrying about the future. Let’s explore 7 ways to stop worrying and start living.
Many people are under the false illusion that if they worry, they somehow have control over the outcome. I can assure you that, worry never changes the outcome of any situation. And quite honestly, the more we worry, the more negative energy is poured over the problem you are worrying about. Let’s explore 7 ways to stop worrying and start living. And let’s explore how this can transform your life!
Stay in the Moment
The first step to get rid of worry is to stay in the moment. When we worry, we have lost touch with reality, because we are not living in the moment, but living in the future about what we are worried about. When you can focus on the solution to whatever you are worried about, you can stay in the moment. We are all safe in the moment, because we don’t think about past regrets or future worries in this sacred moment. Some ways to stay in the moment would be to say a prayer, take a walk in nature, or perhaps meditate or do a mindful exercise. Looking at the trees, the sky, and the birds, will put you in the moment. You can close your eyes and just put yourself in a happy place of peace.
Is it Real or Imagined?
You want to ask yourself if your worry is real or imagined. Ask yourself these three questions.
Is what I am worried about definitely something that will happen?
Is what I am worried about, maybe something that will happen?
Is what I am worried about unlikely to happen?
Sometimes we worry about things that are unlikely to happen, just out of habit, because we are so conditioned to worry. We also worry about something that might happen in life, but then again, it might not happen. If you are worried about something that is definitely going to happen, you might want to turn that around to be proactive. Having a proactive approach to solving a problem is much more empowering than worrying about it. Look for solutions, not at the problem. If you are at a point where worry is ruling your life, then it might be time to talk it out with a professional therapist. Even some short-term therapy can give great perspective on what is happening around us.
Let Go and Let God
Let go and let God is a 12-step slogan, which is very useful in a state of worry. When we can put our problems in God’s hands, we can find some serenity and acceptance. Some of our problems are not within our control. We might be lamenting over a problem that a family member has that we have absolutely no say in or control over. In these circumstances, we have to trust in our Higher Power and know that letting go will bring acceptance and peace. If you are worried about someone you love, you can mentally wrap them in your favorite blanket and hand them over to God to care for them. This will release you from any worry about the outcome of their problem. Another way to find peace is to immerse yourself in positive quotes.
Release the Fear
Fear is usually the culprit behind worry. We start to think about the future, and fear comes into play with all of its predictions for a horror-filled future. I always say that if you are going to predict how the future will turn out, why not choose a positive outcome rather than a negative one? Choosing a negative outcome will only put a lot of negative energy around the problem. Choosing a positive outcome will put positive energy into the problem. From my experience in life, when I am in a positive state of mind, my life moves in a positive direction. This is the premise of the law of attraction. We attract what we are thinking about, or like attracts like. Release the fear and replace it with love. Say a loving prayer. Just stay in a loving state and don't let fear take control. Remember, fear is a state of mind, and you have the power to change your thoughts.
My Happy Place in Myrtle Beach!
Positive Visualization
There is power in positive visualization. Just sit and visualize a positive outcome for whatever you are worried about. Sit and picture a perfect outcome, and keep that vision in your head throughout the day. You can also fall asleep at night with one positive image. You can add feelings to that image. I suggest, as you fall asleep feel what it would be like if your positive visualization came to fruition. It is the feelings that can bring the image into your waking world, as you would be feeding these feelings into your subconscious mind, which navigates your life 97% of the time. You can also feel and visualize your happy place, and you can put yourself in that state often. Visualizing a place of peace and happiness on a regular basis, will help alleviate stress and worry. What a gift to have a place to go to in your mind that invokes happiness.
Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is the equalizer in life. When you wake up each morning, list 10 things you are grateful for. It would be hard to spend the rest of your day worrying or complaining when you are in a state of gratitude. Worrying is a waste of energy. Use your energy to invigorate your environment with gratitude, which will enhance your life with much peace. Being in a state of gratitude will also make you feel happy.
In closing, remember once you can put worry aside, you can start to live again and be happy. Make plans to go out with friends or visit family. Perhaps you have put off a long-awaited vacation. Or maybe you want to take a drive to the mountains, the beach, or visit that new winery. Maybe you want to go to a movie or go out to your favorite restaurant. Maybe you want to go to a concert. Your life cycle happens one time, so you want to make the most of each day. The way to do that is to release the worry by staying in the moment, letting God handle your worries, releasing the fear, using positive visualization, and staying in gratitude. Once you can practice these steps, you are on your way to living a full life free of worry, which will bring true happiness and peace.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
Don’t Quit your Daydream: 7 Steps to Manifest your Dreams - Rachel Devine
Life can take us down many different paths. We can go on a path of daily routine, day in and day out of doing the same thing. Or we can recognize a long-forgotten dream sitting on the back burner of our lives that can potentially change the course of our lives. Our hopes and dreams matter. However, sometimes we feel like everyone else around us is more important than ourselves. Self-doubt can also plague us with feeling stifled. I say, quit your daydream! It’s never too late to start fresh with any idea. You can manifest your dreams into reality.
Let’s get started and look into our daydreams.
Life can take us down many different paths. We can go on a path of daily routine, day in and day out of doing the same thing. Or we can recognize a long-forgotten dream sitting on the back burner of our lives that can potentially change the course of our lives. Our hopes and dreams matter. However, sometimes we feel like everyone else around us is more important than ourselves. Self-doubt can also plague us with feeling stifled. Our dreams and goals matter. You deserve to live your life on purpose. I say, don’t quit your daydream! It’s never too late to start fresh with any idea. You have the power to turn your dreams into reality.
Let’s get started and look into how we can manifest our dreams.
1. Your daydream
Just recognizing a dream or goal you want to fulfill is the first step to attaining it. I had a manuscript on the back burner for years and finally brought it to the forefront and worked on it. I eventually got my second book self-published, called The Third Road. It was a great achievement and brought me from living on a path of daily routine to branching out to a fulfilling purpose in life. That purpose had a domino effect on other areas of my life where I was able to branch out to other areas with my writing.
2. Your purpose
We all have a reason for being born. It’s a matter of looking at what you love doing and what brings you joy. Your purpose is at the center of what you love doing in life. Your purpose has to have two elements: you have to love doing it, and it has to serve humanity in some capacity. I love writing and helping people, so that has been incorporated into my purpose of writing. Setting time aside to bring your purpose to life will bring you much joy. Just sit and think about what brings you joy, fulfillment and happiness that you love doing. Take your time with this and see what transpires.
Some ways to get started.
Do journaling to discover your purpose in life.
Read books, blogs, watch talks on finding your calling. See what resonates.
Research degree programs, workshops, coaches related to potential paths of purpose.
Volunteer in areas connected to your interests and observe how these experiences make you feel.
3. Positive visualization
Positive visualization involves intentionally developing a picture in your mind to practice the performance, feeling, or behavior you desire. The American Psychological Association Dictionary refers to this process as “mentally rehearsing” to enhance performance. Once you decide your purpose in life, visualize it daily. The power of positive thinking is not just some lofty words; it is a surefire way to manifest your dreams into reality. You can visualize what you want to manifest in your daily meditations as a good start. Positive visualization will keep you on track, as you move towards your purpose in life. Just picture in your mind what you want to manifest for a few minutes each day.
4. Manifesting your dreams
The most powerful part of manifesting your dreams is using feelings. Feelings penetrate the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like the motherboard of a computer. It directs 95% of your decisions and actions in life. Therefore, it’s important to visualize the outcome you want in order for it to penetrate the subconscious mind. As you fall asleep at night, put one visualized picture in your mind of what you want to manifest. For instance, if you want to write a book, put an image of a book that you authored, as if you already wrote it and had it published. Then fall asleep with the feelings of what it feels like to have a published book. You would feel accomplished, fulfilled, happy, etc. The feelings will penetrate the subconscious mind for eight hours as you sleep. The sleep state is powerful because it is the unconscious state where you can penetrate the subconscious mind, where all dreams eventually manifest into reality. The key is to picture one thing as if it already happened and resonate with the feelings.
5. Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are positive phrases, or statements that are used to challenge negative thoughts. People can use positive affirmations to motivate them, encourage positive changes in their life, create a goal, or boost their self-esteem. Positive affirmations are a way to put positive thoughts in your subconscious mind, because they are repeated over and over again. This offsets some negative thoughts that get embedded in our minds. Living a life on purpose entails being positive and affirmations will help you get there.
6. Game Plan
Setting a game plan is imperative to achieving any goal in life. It’s a pathway to get you to your goal or purpose. Once you are able to establish a game plan, you can set some small goals in the direction of developing your purpose. Taking small steps to get to where you want to be in life is a good start. A ‘to do list’ will keep you on track with your game plan. Just list a daily plan that will move you in the direction of your purpose in life.
7. Turn self-doubt into self-confidence
Self-doubt is usually a culprit in stopping one from following their bliss in life. I was plagued with self-doubt many years ago when I started writing. It’s so important to shift away from self-doubt to self-confidence. You can do that by shifting your focus to doing good things for yourself. Show yourself that you are worth a massage, or an expensive dinner out, or flowers, a new outfit, or box seats at a baseball game. When you treat yourself with worthiness, that will carry over to build self-confidence. Take time for self-reflection in this area and put action behind the outcome.
When my self-doubt plagued me years ago, I wrote a poem as a way to help me overcome it. This is the first poem I ever wrote.
When you can feel the warmth of the sunshine but cannot see it.
Or feel the coolness of a gentle breeze but cannot grasp it.
When our dreams are just a fleeting thought, that no longer matters.
Remember to deeply reach within. To stretch your mind,
to awaken the real you, as you say goodnight to self-doubt
and the inner blindness.
Try your own poem, it’s fun and doesn’t have to be perfect.
Remember, you can do whatever you put your mind to. Just take baby steps in the direction of obtaining your dreams.
In conclusion, remember one thing. If you allow your purpose to flourish, you will be fulfilling a gift for yourself and humanity. You want to look back on your life in later years and perhaps see a legacy you left behind. It doesn’t have to be a big lofty legacy, just one that helped someone who needed it. Life can take us down many roads, but the road to fulfilling your purpose and manifesting your dreams, is the best road ever!
Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Don’t Quit your Daydream: 5 Steps to Manifest your Dreams - Rachel Devine
Life can take us down many different paths. We can go on a path of daily routine, day in and day out of doing the same thing. Or we can recognize a long-forgotten dream sitting on the back burner of our lives that can potentially change the course of our lives. Our hopes and dreams matter. However, sometimes we feel like everyone else around us is more important than ourselves. Self-doubt can also plague us with feeling stifled. I say, quit your daydream! It’s never too late to start fresh with any idea. You can manifest your dreams into reality.
Let’s get started and look into our daydreams.
Life can take us down many different paths. We can go on a path of daily routine, day in and day out of doing the same thing. Or we can recognize a long-forgotten dream sitting on the back burner of our lives that can potentially change the course of our lives. Our hopes and dreams matter. However, sometimes we feel like everyone else around us is more important than ourselves. Self-doubt can also plague us with feeling stifled. I say, quit your daydream! It’s never too late to start fresh with any idea. You can manifest your dreams into reality.
Let’s get started and look into our daydreams.
Your daydream
Just recognizing a dream or goal you want to fulfill in the future is a first step to attaining it. I had a manuscript on the back burner for years and finally brought it to the forefront and worked on it. I worked hard on it and got my second book self-published, called The Third Road. It was a great achievement and brought me from living on a path of daily routine to branching out to a fulfilling purpose in life.
Your purpose
We all have a reason for being born. It’s a matter of looking at what you love doing and what brings you joy. Your purpose is at the center of what you love doing in life. Your purpose has to have two elements: you have to love doing it, and it has to serve humanity in some capacity. I love writing and helping people, so that has been incorporated into my purpose of writing. Setting time aside to bring your purpose to life will bring you much joy.
Positive visualization
Positive visualization involves intentionally developing a picture in your mind to practice the performance, feeling, or behavior you desire. The American Psychological Association Dictionary refers to this process as “mentally rehearsing” to enhance performance. Once you decide your purpose in life, visualize it daily. The power of positive thinking is not just some lofty words; it is a surefire way to manifest your dreams into reality. You can visualize what you want to manifest in your daily meditations as a good start. Positive visualization will keep you on track, as you move towards your purpose in life.
Manifesting your dreams
The most powerful part of manifesting your dreams is using feelings. Feelings penetrate the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like the motherboard of a computer. It directs 95% of your decisions and actions in life. Therefore, it’s important to visualize the outcome you want. As you fall asleep at night, put one visualized picture in your mind of what you want to manifest. For instance, if you want to write a book, put an image of a book that you authored, as if you already wrote it and had it published. Then fall asleep with the feelings of what it feels like to have a published book. The feelings will penetrate the subconscious mind for eight hours as you sleep. The sleep state is powerful because it is the unconscious state where you can penetrate the subconscious mind, where all dreams eventually manifest into reality.
Self-doubt is usually a culprit in stopping one from following their bliss in life. I was plagued with self-doubt many years ago when I started writing. In fact, I wrote a poem as a way to help me overcome it. This is the first poem I ever wrote.
When you can feel the warmth of the sunshine but cannot see it.
Or feel the coolness of a gentle breeze but cannot grasp it.
When our dreams are just a fleeting thought, that no longer matters.
Remember to deeply reach within. To stretch your mind
to awaken the real you as you say goodnight to self-doubt
and the inner blindness.
In conclusion, remember one thing. If you allow your purpose to flourish, you will be fulfilling a gift for yourself and humanity. Life can take us down many roads, but the road to fulfilling your purpose and manifesting your dreams, is the best road ever!
Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
Let me know your thoughts on my contact page.
The World is Changing: 7 Ways of Finding Peace in the Chaos - Rachel Devine
Let's face it, we live in a world that is facing a slew of challenges and obstacles. There is unrest, chaos, war, atrocities, political issues, inflation, supply chain issues, and the list is endless. One can put on the news for two minutes and become extremely stressed out by the doomsday headlines. If you watch the news late enough, it can seep into your dreams as nightmares. In addition to that, we have to deal with our own world of social problems that crop up from time to time. When you often feel uneasy, it's time to do a mental health check and find some peace in your life.
Let's look at 7 ways to find peace in the chaos and midst of challenging problems in the worl
Let's face it, we live in a world that is facing a slew of challenges and obstacles. There is unrest, chaos, war, atrocities, political issues, inflation, supply chain issues, and the list is endless. One can put on the news for two minutes and become extremely stressed out by the doomsday headlines. If you watch the news late enough, it can seep into your dreams as nightmares. In addition to that, we have to deal with our own world of social problems that crop up from time to time. When you often feel uneasy, it's time to do a mental health check and find some peace in your life.
Let's look at 7 ways to find peace in the chaos and midst of challenging problems in the world. It is possible to overcome obstacles and chaos and find happiness.
Detaching from the news is the first step to finding some peace in your world. Dr. Eric Berg says the number one thing you can do for our brain health is to stop watching the news! I was so surprised when I read that. Therefore, setting boundaries on how much news you watch can eradicate most of your stress. If you can turn it off for a week, you will feel happier. You might want to give that idea a try. If you are a news junkie, this can be hard to do. You might want to allow yourself maybe 15 minutes a day of news just to catch up on what's going on. I would say the earlier, the better. Any television you watch before bedtime will resonate in your subconscious mind for 8 hours. Try hard to limit your exposure to the news at night. Try instead to read a positive, uplifting book.
Stay in the moment.
When we are in the moment, we are safe and at peace. Being in this very moment shields us from lamenting over the past or worrying about a fearful future. This moment is all we have. Take advantage of the moment and really soak it in. Take a walk in nature and really focus on the trees and flowers around you. You can count each step you take. Stay in a focused conversation with a friend and really be present. Look at your surroundings and take a deep breath, centering yourself around the very moment you are in. Remember, we can't change a past moment or make a future moment go our way; we can only enjoy the very moment we are living in now. You might want to stay in the moment with some motivational quotes that bring peace to light.
Positive techniques
There are many positive techniques to bring peace. Meditation helps keep you in the moment, so you are not peering into the past or forecasting a negative future. Even if you meditate for 5 minutes, that can bring peace into your world. There are plenty of different meditation techniques online. Positive visualization is another good technique for peace. Just visualize a positive scene in your mind; maybe you want to go to a happy place in your visualization. Just picture a place you love to go to and go there in your mind. Visualize the sounds, colors, smells, and peace you feel when you are there. This will bring much peace to your day. Positive affirmations are also a good way to find peace. Just write some out on a sticky note and post them where you can see them daily. Some good ones are that I am at peace, I love myself, I am finding joy in the moment, my day will be peaceful, etc. Additionally, prayer is another positive technique. Praying keeps us in the moment and in a loving, peaceful state. The power of prayer is a big part of bringing goodness to the chaos in the world.
Rest periods
Most of us are bogged down with so much on our plate that we don't have quiet, restful time for ourselves. It's important to carve out at least 30 minutes so you can have some quiet time. You can find rest in a nap, a hot, relaxing bath or sitting in a room with fragrant candles. Doing something every day that helps you feel at peace is very important, and the message you are giving yourself is, "I am worth it!"
Gratitude list
Gratitude is at the forefront of peace. It helps us realize all we have rather than all that we don't have. It also shifts us toward a positive outlook rather than a negative one. It can direct your life in a transforming way. When you wake up each day, count your blessings. Sit and just visualize all the individual things that are positive in your life, and thank God for each one. You can also create a gratitude list each day and read it out loud to yourself. There are health benefits to being in a state of gratitude, and one important benefit is that it will bring you serenity. There is something very soulful about appreciating the little things in life.
Place of worship
Going to your favorite place of worship can bring peace beyond measure. Being in a setting where you focus for an hour on prayer brings much serenity to a world that needs more of this. Try to go to your place of worship weekly. It will bring you so much happiness and joy. Also, if you are a prayerful person, prayer is an excellent way to keep us in the moment so we can find peace. Remember, inner peace is always within you. It’s a matter of connecting to it. The more peaceful one is, the more peace will be spread across the world by consciousness through inner manifestation.
Family and friends
Try to spend more time with family and friends who are uplifting. Try to stay away from negative people who will only bring you down, and could wind up listing all the reasons you could be stressed over world issues. Get out with your friends for lunch or dinner. Visit a family member who might need to be around some positivity too. Keeping the connection with people you love will help you feel more at peace.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it."
S A Jefferson-Wright said, “Serenity is not freedom from the storm; but peace amid the storm.”
It’s crucial to find some peace in the midst of the storms in the world. We can’t stop the storms from happening, but we have these tools to shelter ourselves from the storms. These 7 steps are like putting up an umbrella to keep yourself from getting drenched.
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Check out my new video 7 Ways to Overcome Obstacles and Be Happy
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.
7 Ways to Stop Worrying and Start Living Rachel Devine
Many people are under the false illusion that if they worry, they somehow have control over the outcome. I can assure you that, worry never changed the outcome of any situation. And quite honestly, the more we worry the more negative energy is poured over the problem you are worrying about. Let’s look at ways on how to stop worrying about the future. Let’s explore 7 ways to stop worrying and start living.
Many people are under the false illusion that if they worry, they somehow have control over the outcome. I can assure you that, worry never changes the outcome of any situation. And quite honestly, the more we worry, the more negative energy is poured over the problem you are worrying about. Let’s look at ways on how to stop worrying about the future. Let’s explore 7 ways to stop worrying and start living. And let’s explore how this can transform your life!
Stay in the Moment
The first step to get rid of worry is to stay in the moment. When we worry, we have lost touch with reality, because we are not living in the moment, but living in the future about what we are worried about. When you can focus on the solution to whatever you are worried about, you can stay in the moment. We are all safe in the moment, because we don’t think about past regrets or future worries in this sacred moment. Some ways to stay in the moment would be to say a prayer, take a walk in nature, or perhaps meditate or do a mindful exercise. You can close your eyes and just put yourself in a happy place of peace.
Is it Real or Imagined?
You want to ask yourself if your worry is real or imagined. Ask yourself these three questions.
Is what I am worried about definitely something that will happen?
Is what I am worried about, maybe something that will happen?
Is what I am worried about unlikely to happen?
Sometimes we worry about things that are unlikely to happen, just out of habit, because we are so conditioned to worry. We also worry about something that might happen in life, but then again, it might not happen. If you are worried about something that is definitely going to happen, you might want to turn that around to be proactive. Having a proactive approach to solving a problem is much more empowering than worrying about it. Look for solutions, not at the problem. If you are at a point where worry is ruling your life, then it might be time to talk it out with a professional therapist. Even some short-term therapy can give great perspective on what is happening around us.
Let Go and Let God
Let go and let God is a 12-step slogan, which is very useful in a state of worry. When we can put our problems in God’s hands, we can find some serenity or acceptance. Some of our problems are not within our control. We might be lamenting over a problem that a family member has that we have absolutely no say in or control over. In these circumstances, we have to trust in our Higher Power and know that letting go will bring acceptance and peace. If you are worried about someone you love, you can mentally wrap them in your favorite blanket and hand them over to God to care for them. This will release you from any worry about the outcome of their problem. Another way to find peace is to immerse yourself in positive quotes.
Release the Fear
Fear is usually the culprit behind worry. We start to think about the future, and fear comes into play with all of its predictions for a horror-filled future. I always say that if you are going to predict how the future will turn out, why not choose a positive outcome rather than a negative one? Choosing a negative outcome will only put a lot of negative energy around the problem. Choosing a positive outcome will put positive energy into the problem. From my experience in life, when I am in a positive state of mind, my life moves in a positive direction. This is the premise of the law of attraction. We attract what we are thinking about, or like attracts like. Release the fear and replace it with love. Say a loving prayer. Just stay in a loving state and don't let fear take control. Remember, fear is a state of mind, and you have the power to change your thoughts.
Positive Visualization
My Happy Place in Myrtle Beach!
There is power in positive visualization. Just sit and visualize a positive outcome for whatever you are worried about. Sit and picture a perfect outcome, and keep that vision in your head throughout the day. You can also fall asleep at night with one positive image. You can add feelings to that image. I suggest, as you fall asleep feel what it would be like if your positive visualization came to fruition. It is the feelings that can bring the image into your waking world, as you would be feeding these feelings into your subconscious mind, which navigates your life 97% of the time. You can also feel and visualize your happy place, and you can put yourself in that state often. Visualizing a place of peace and happiness on a regular basis, will help alleviate stress and worry. What a gift to have a place to go to in your mind that invokes happiness.
Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is the equalizer in life. When you wake up each morning, list 10 things you are grateful for. It would be hard to spend the rest of your day worrying or complaining when you are in a state of gratitude. Worrying is a waste of energy. Use your energy to invigorate your environment with gratitude, which will enhance your life with much peace. Being in a state of gratitude will also make you feel happy.
Start living again.
Once we can put worry aside, we can start to live again and be happy. Make plans to go out with friends or visit family. Perhaps you have put off a long-awaited vacation. Or maybe you want to take a drive to the mountains, the beach, or visit that new winery. Maybe you want to go to a movie or go out to your favorite restaurant. Maybe you want to go to a concert. Your life cycle happens one time, so you want to make the most of each day. The way to do that is to release the worry by staying in the moment, letting God handle your worries, releasing the fear, using positive visualization, and staying in gratitude. Once you can practice these steps, you are on your way to living a full life free of worry, which will bring true happiness and peace.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
Positive Visualization (step by step guide)
Positive visualization is a technique that involves creating mental images of desired outcomes and using those images to stimulate positive emotions and motivation. It is a powerful tool that has been used for centuries to help people achieve their goals and improve their lives. In this article, we will explore the origins of positive visualization, explain how to perform it step-by-step, give you positive visualization examples, explain how to do positive visualization meditations and examine the benefits of using positive visualization with statistics on its success. Positive Visualization techniques can help you achieve your goals and dreams.
Origins of Positive Visualization
The practice of positive visualization can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Greece and Egypt, where athletes would use mental imagery to enhance their performance. In the 19th century, the concept of visualization was popularized by the New Thought movement, which believed that thoughts and emotions could shape one's reality. Today, positive visualization is widely used in sports psychology, personal development, and spiritual practices.
How to Perform Positive Visualization
Positive visualization techniques can be performed in several ways, but here is a simple step-by-step guide:
Identify Your Goal: The first step is to identify what you want to achieve. This could be a specific goal, such as running a marathon or getting a promotion, or a more general desire, such as being happier or more confident.
Create a Mental Image: Once you have identified your goal, create a mental image of yourself achieving it. Visualize yourself in detail, using all your senses to make the image as vivid and real as possible. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, imagine yourself crossing the finish line, feeling exhilarated, and hearing the cheers of the crowd.
Add Emotion: To make the visualization more powerful, add positive emotions to the image. Imagine how you will feel when you achieve your goal, such as joy, pride, or satisfaction. Focus on these feelings and let them intensify.
Repeat: Repeat the visualization regularly, ideally every day. The more you practice, the more effective it will be. You can also vary the image or add new elements to keep it fresh. Also, practice positive visualization before you fall asleep. You will be marinating with the visualization in your mind for 8 hours.
Benefits of Positive Visualization
Positive visualization has numerous benefits, including:
Increased Motivation: By visualizing yourself achieving your goals, you can increase your motivation and drive to succeed.
Reduced Anxiety: Visualization can help reduce anxiety by creating a positive mental state and reducing negative thoughts.
Improved Performance: Athletes and performers have used visualization to enhance their performance by mentally rehearsing their actions and reducing anxiety.
Better Health: Visualization has been linked to improved health outcomes, such as lower blood pressure and reduced stress.
Enhanced Creativity: Visualization can help tap into your creativity and generate new ideas and solutions.
Success of Positive Visualization
There is a growing body of research on the effectiveness of positive visualization. A study published in the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that visualization improved the performance of basketball players, while a study published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research found that positive visualization before surgery, reduced stress in patients. Another study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people who visualized their goals were more likely to achieve them.
In conclusion, positive visualization is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals, reduce anxiety, improve your performance, and enhance your overall well-being. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article and practicing regularly, you can harness the power of visualization to create a brighter future for yourself.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
Create Your Future - Attract Money, Love & Success
Wouldn’t it be great if you could create the future of your dreams? It would be amazing to attract money, attract love and success. Well, what if I told you it is possible, using the law of attraction techniques and positive visualization, to create your future. The future is in your hands. You do have the power to attract money, attract love and success. Creating your future is a multifaceted process that involves a combination of mindset, action, and strategy. Here are some ways you can use the law of attraction and positive visualization to attract success, money, love, happiness, and fulfillment:
Wouldn’t it be great if you could create the future of your dreams? It would be amazing to attract money, attract love and success. Well, what if I told you it is possible, using the law of attraction techniques and positive visualization, to create your future. The future is in your hands. You do have the power to attract money, attract love and success. Creating your future is a multifaceted process that involves a combination of mindset, action, and strategy. Here are some ways you can use the law of attraction and positive visualization to attract money, love and success into your life, which reaps happiness, and fulfillment.
Set clear and specific goals: Clearly define what you want to achieve in each area of your life, and set specific and measurable goals to work towards. This will help you focus your energy and efforts and create a sense of direction. It’s important to know exactly what you want so you can put that request out into the universe and attract it into your life.
Use positive visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool for manifesting your desires. Take time each day to visualize yourself already having achieved your goals, and imagine what it feels like to be successful, wealthy, loved, happy, and fulfilled. When you fall asleep at night, resonate with the feeling of being successful, or wealthy or having love in your life. The thoughts before bedtime marinate in your subconscious mind, which is the part of the brain that is the commander. We navigate with our subconscious mind, so filling it with positive visualizations at bedtime is priceless in obtaining what you want in life.
Law of Attraction: The law of attraction is a simple concept. The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person's life, while negative thoughts bring negative results. Putting out positive energy on a daily basis through affirmations and words is powerful. Just write out some affirmations and say them out loud daily as often as possible. This is the law of attraction technique to draw good and positive things into your life. Here are some affirmation examples:
Money is constantly flowing into my life
My income is constantly increasing
I am in a loving soulful relationship
Love flows into my life effortlessly
My business is successful
My website is flowing with traffic
Practice gratitude: Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can help you attract more of what you want in your life. Take time each day to express gratitude for the things you already have and the progress you've made towards your goals. Also, be grateful for the things you see yourself having in the future and act as if they are already in your life. Being grateful for future goals is one of the keys to attracting them into your life.
Take inspired action: While visualization and positive thinking are essential, taking action is also crucial for creating your future. Take small, consistent steps towards your goals every day, and stay open to opportunities that come your way. Have a game-plan to make your dreams a reality and create the future you deserve.
Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with positive and supportive people who encourage and uplift you. This can help you maintain a positive mindset and attract more positive experiences into your life. Negative people who complain all the time will bring you down. You want to be around friends and family that lift you up.
Let go of limiting beliefs: Often, limiting beliefs and negative self-talk can hold us back from achieving our goals. Identify and challenge these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations that support your vision for the future. Positive affirmations are essential to igniting the law of attraction into your life.
Remember, creating your future is a journey that requires time, patience, and persistence. By adopting a positive mindset and taking inspired action towards your goals, you can attract money, love, success, happiness, and fulfillment into your life.
Rachel Devine is the author of