Step by Step Guide to Overcome Self Abandon & Foster Self-Care - Rachel Devine

Nurturing a caring relationship with yourself lays the foundation for improved mental and physical health, as well as greater fulfillment in relationships and work, which brings great happiness. Self-love and self-care allow you to operate from a full cup, rather than running on empty. Let’s look at some self-care strategies. This article answers the question, why is self-care important? Make loving yourself and attending to your needs a top priority with this self-care guide.

Nurturing a caring relationship with yourself lays the foundation for improved mental and physical health, as well as greater fulfillment in relationships and work, which brings great happiness. Self-love and self-care allow you to operate from a full cup, rather than running on empty. Let’s look at some self-care strategies. This article answers the question, why is self-care important? Make loving yourself and attending to your needs a top priority with this self-care guide.

Understanding Self-Care

Self-care basically means taking care of yourself, even though you might have to take care of other people around you. Your family is very important, and you might have to take care of young children or an older parent. However, it is so important to find time to take care of yourself. You will be better able to take care of others if you take care of yourself first. There is a famous hypothetical question, “If the plane was going down, who would you put the oxygen mask on? And the answer is you would want to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, so you would be able to help others.”

Cultivating Self-Love as part of Self-Care

Set aside regular quiet time for positive self-reflection through journaling. Write down what you appreciate about yourself, including strengths, talents, and important personal qualities.

Let go of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs through affirmations of self-acceptance, forgiveness, and worthiness. Use affirmations like “I deeply love, accept, and appreciate myself just as I am.” Write out some positive affirmations, starting with, “I am” and post them around your home. Some examples are, I am worthy, I am confident, I am successful, etc.

Spend time alone doing activities you enjoy to reconnect with yourself, without pressure to please others. Discover more of who you are. I took a vacation for the first time, alone to Myrtle Beach, and was able to cultivate so much self-care, which brought me so much joy. It was an experience of a life-time for me and it made me feel worthy of my own self-love.

Do at least one act of self-love daily that you know will make your future self proud, like exercising, creating art, or giving yourself the gift of relaxation. You are worth the investment.

Ways to Practice Self-Care

Attending to your basic needs allows you to operate from a place of fullness rather than depletion. Regular self-care prevents burnout.

Essential self-care involves the following:

  • Getting sufficient sleep to restore mind and body.

  • Meditation and/or prayer.

  • Eating nutritious foods that energize you.

  • Staying hydrated and avoiding excessive alcohol.

  • Exercising to reduce stress and boost immunity.

  • Setting healthy boundaries around your time and energy.

  • Making time for fun, play and creativity.

  • Unplugging from technology to reconnect with yourself.

  • Fostering uplifting social connections that replenish you.

  • Expressing your needs and asking for support when required.

  • Seeking professional help for any mental or physical health issues.

  • Spending time with family or friends.

Prioritizing these foundations empowers you to then expand into more nourishments for body, mind and spirit.

Self-Care Plan

In addition to meeting your basic needs, regularly integrating nurturing activities enhances wellbeing and much happiness in your life. Explore what specific practices fill your cup, then make them part of your routine. Ideas include:

  • Starting a gratitude journal to uplift perspective

  • Taking relaxing baths by candlelight

  • Getting massages and other therapeutic bodywork

  • Spending time outdoors in nature

  • Lighting candles and burning calming incense

  • Listening to affirmations or meditations before bed

  • Meditating or doing breathwork

  • Trying stress-relieving yoga and stretching

  • Cooking nourishing favorite meals

  • Reading inspirational books

  • Listening to uplifting music

  • Dancing, zumba, singing, and moving freely

Make self-care practices an act of self-love. You deeply matter. Consistent nurturing care allows you to then powerfully care for others. It also allows you to open up to love others, especially romantic love. One must love themselves before they can love anyone else.

Through genuine self-love, prioritized self-care, and embracing your unique worth, you set the stage for health, happiness and deeper purpose, as well as meaningful relationships. These self-care tips are priceless. Incorporate a few of them in your life. You deserve nothing less.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, and is available for Life Coaching.

Devine Intervention Website

What is your best self-care practice? Please write your answer in the comments.

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