Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

5 Ways to Get Out of a Rut - Live your Life with Intention - Rachel Devine

Far too often life becomes defined by mindless routine devoid of any deeper meaning or purpose. Picture life on a metaphoric hamster wheel, where the hamster runs furiously staying in the same spot. Or picture yourself on a treadmill, walking furiously, and not getting anywhere. I understand this concept of standing still, since I lived a lot of my life in that manner. In order to find true happiness, it’s important to live a life of intention.

Living with the power of intention and being guided by your core values, committing to mindful action, and defining a vision for yourself, will open the doorway to greater meaning, fulfillment and purpose in your life, which will reap much happiness and inner joy.

As motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “Passion, without purpose, is meaningless.” Orienting your daily life around your passions and the impact you wish to have instills significance into even simple moments and tasks.

Far too often life becomes defined by mindless routine devoid of any deeper meaning or purpose. Picture life on a metaphoric hamster wheel, where the hamster runs furiously staying in the same spot. Or picture yourself on a treadmill, walking furiously, and not getting anywhere. I understand this concept of standing still, since I lived a lot of my life in that manner. In order to find true happiness, it’s important to live a life of intention.

Living with the power of intention and being guided by your core values, committing to a more meaningful life, and defining a vision for yourself, will open the doorway to greater meaning, fulfillment and purpose in your life, which will reap much happiness and inner joy.

As motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “Passion, without purpose, is meaningless.” Orienting your daily life around your passions and the impact you wish to have instills significance into even simple moments and tasks.

Living by Design

Famous spiritual author Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a book, The Power of Intention, that gives us a clear guide on living life on purpose. He advises that “Purposeful living requires making conscious choices and then fully accepting responsibility for your life circumstances.” Don’t settle for drifting through life on autopilot. Instead, make conscious deliberate choices aligned to what matters most to you.

Here are two more relevant, The Power of Intention quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer:

  • "When your purpose is in alignment with the truth, you are filled with strength, enthusiasm, and compassion."

This quote emphasizes how living according to your true purpose fills you with energy and enthusiasm. A purpose aligned life feels right.

  • "Your natural state is to be loving, giving, compassionate, patient, and joyful. When you identify with the energy of intention, you'll find that this will be your everyday reality."

This quote suggests that intentionally manifesting a vision for a meaningful, purpose-driven life allows your natural state of love, compassion and joy to flow more freely through your everyday experiences.

In his book The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne Dyer encourages readers to get in touch with their deepest desires and commit fully to manifesting them into reality through focused intention, Japa meditation, living in a loving state, and service. Aligning yourself to your authentic purpose is one of the keys to a life of meaning.

I recommend you build routines infused with practices like meditation, exercising your creativity, immersing yourself in nature, learning new skills, being of service to others, and spending quality time with loved ones. A schedule lacking meaning drains energy over time.

Staying Present Through Mindfulness

A crucial aspect of intentional living involves maintaining mindfulness by cultivating presence and focus. As Louise Hay said, “The past has absolutely nothing to do with the present moment. Only in this moment can you create your future.

Stay rooted in the moment through paying attention to your senses, thoughts, and emotions, without judgment. Saying a prayer will put you right in the moment, as well as taking three deep breaths. Make regular tasks more mindful like, walking or eating with full intention. All you have to do is really pay full attention to the task at hand.

Manifesting Your Ideal Future

Begin with the end in mind and envision the personal, interpersonal, and professional goals you aim to achieve. Using the power of visualization, you can create your ideal future. It takes some practice, but it is worth the effort. The main focus is on what you want to manifest and then resonate with the feelings of already having what you want already in your world.

Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the feelings are what manifest our dreams into reality. Therefore, as you fall asleep each night, put one picture in your mind of what you want to manifest in your future and fall asleep with resonating with the feelings of already having this goal already manifested in your life. You have the power to manifest your dreams into reality.

Key Benefits of Living Life with Intention

  • Increased happiness, life satisfaction, and self-esteem

  • Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression

  • Greater resilience and ability to cope with hardships

  • Improved cardiovascular and brain health

  • Higher quality and more supportive personal relationships

  • Deeper sense of meaning, internal coherence, and joy

  • Heightened motivation, drive, and energy


Dr. Wayne Dyer was very clear on this statement regarding the power of intention.

“If you aren't doing what you love and loving what you do, your power of intention is weakened. You attract into your life more of the dissatisfaction that isn't the face of love. Consequently, more of what you don't love will appear in your life.”

Therefore, it’s crucial to do what you love doing, or find your purpose in life. The following three questions can help you determine what your purpose is:

  1. What do you love doing?

  2. Will it help humanity in some way?

  3. Do you feel passionate about the purpose that has surfaced for you?

Whatever your answers are to these three questions will determine what your purpose in life is. Don’t let it sit in the recess of your mind and germinate like the hamster on the wheel of nowhere. Start doing what you love and see if you can make it part of your purpose in life.

In conclusion, reorienting your days around practices and interactions infused with purpose and presence unlocks your potential to live boldly by design. When how you spend your precious time and energy aligns with your deepest values, you will manifest your highest self and in turn bring much passion and joy into your life.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

What’s my purpose in life quiz?

Life coaching is available.

Devine Intervention website.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

5 Ways to Find Happiness, Peace & Purpose in a Broken World - Rachel Devine

Life can often feel busy, stressful and chaotic. On certain days, life can go in many directions, often finding yourself in a multitasking environment. With so many responsibilities and worries, it can be difficult to feel truly content, peaceful and happy on the inside. Chaos seems to be more of the order of the day, than calm. We come to a point where our life morphs from each moment, to an hour, to a day, to months and then years and before long when we look back we don’t see much meaning rather than our daily routine. However, there are many effective ways to cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and calmness in your daily life.

Life can often feel busy, stressful and chaotic. On certain days, life can go in many directions, often finding yourself in a multitasking environment. With so many responsibilities and worries, it can be difficult to feel truly content, peaceful and happy on the inside. Chaos seems to be more of the order of the day, than calm. We come to a point where our life morphs from each moment, to an hour, to a day, to months and then years and before long when we look back we don’t see much meaning rather than our daily routine. However, there are many effective ways to cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and calmness in your daily life.

Live in the Present

One of the most important keys to happiness is to live more fully in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Practice mindfulness by paying attention to the sights, sounds, sensations, and emotions you are experiencing right now. Studies show that mindfulness can reduce anxiety, improve focus and heighten enjoyment of life's little pleasures.

Set aside 10 minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. When your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the present. You may be surprised at how calm, clear and refreshed this makes you feel. Sitting quietly for 10 minutes can rejuevenate your whole day with peace.

Find Purpose and Meaning

Finding purpose and meaning is extremely rewarding. Identify causes, hobbies or volunteering opportunities that excite you and allow you to use your talents to make a difference in the world. Seeing how you positively impact others will give you a sense of significance. Whatever you love doing can be transformed to your purpose in life, as long as it benefits mankind in some way.

Look for meaning in small acts too - creating a beautiful meal for your family, playing a board game with your kids, or brightening a co-worker's day with a compliment. Even simple connections with family or friends can instill a sense of purpose.

One of my favorite quotes is from Harold Kushner.

“Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter, so that the world will be at least a little bit different for our having passed through it.”

You can also take, What’s my Purpose in Life Quiz? This quiz will help you determine your purpose in life.

Take Care of Your Body

Our physical health and mood are intricately connected. Make taking care of your body a priority. Try to eat a balanced, nutritious diet, drink enough water, get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly and exercise regularly. Consider adding mind-body practices like yoga, which lowers stress and induces calm. dWhen your physical health improves, your happiness does too.

Cultivate Gratitude

Practicing gratitude transforms pessimism into optimism and reminds you of the blessings in your life. You may adapt a more positive outlook. Make a daily list of at least five things you are grateful for - from your family to your pet canary to clean drinking water. Express thankfulness and appreciation to others often. Also, express that appreciation to others, by simply saying, thank you. This simple act keeps you focused on the bright side of life. A study from the Mayo Clinic on gratitude show positive results to our mental and physical wellness.

Meditation Practice

Daily meditation helps train your mind to tune into inner peace. Find a quiet space, get comfortable and close your eyes. Focus on your inhales and exhales for 10 minutes - if your mind wanders, gently return focus to your breath. Picture yourself in a place that makes you feel happy and just rest in this place for a few minutes. You have the choose to make meditation as deep as you want or as simple as you want. With regular practice, meditation reduces anxiety and negative self-talk while boosting self-awareness and attention. Meditation connects you to an inner core of calm and serenity that you can access anytime.

In conclusion, by intentionally living in the present, finding deeper meaning in your activities, taking care of your health, cultivating an attitude of gratitude and meditating, you can unlock sustainable happiness and inner peace. The daily habits that nurture your spiritual, mental and physical well-being will allow you to weather life's ups and downs with optimism, joy and tranquility.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Devine Intervention

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