The Power of Gratitude to Change your Life Rachel Devine

Gratitude is more than just saying thank you. Regularly cultivating and expressing gratitude has been shown in research to provide far-reaching physical, psychological, spiritual and social benefits. By focusing on blessings, rather than what is lacking, gratitude fosters optimism, strengthens relationships, improves health, and enhances overall happiness. The benefits of a gratitude practice is priceless. The power of gratitude is essential to happiness and living an optimistic life. A positive thought process will reap a positive life experience. Practicing daily gratitude will promote better health, well-being, relationships, spirituality, and so much more.

Let’s explore the benefits of practicing gratitude:

Physical Health Booster

Studies link gratitude practices with better biomarkers like improved sleep, lower blood pressure, and reduced inflammatory cytokines that contribute to heart health risks. Sincere appreciation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, lowering stress hormones like cortisol that can damage health if chronically elevated.

In a pioneering UC Davis study, subjects who journaled on gratitude experiences for two weeks showed a significant increase in biomarkers associated with health in comparison to control groups. Keeping a gratitude journal emerges as an easy but potent habit of many benefits.

Mental Well-being

Gratitude changes perspective from scarcity to abundance by redirecting focus towards already present gifts rather than what is lacking in their life. This positive reorientation has been shown to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms, elevate mood, and increase happiness by over 25%, according to research from Positive Psychology pioneer Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky.

Oprah Winfrey, a vocal proponent of gratitude practices, reflected “I know for sure that appreciating whatever shows up for you in life changes your entire experience of life.” Intentionally recognizing reasons for thankfulness, even during challenges, provides mental strength and resilience. And remember, gratitude and happiness quotes are also a fun way to keep gratitude growing.

Relationship Bonds

Expressing thankfulness fosters stronger social bonds by making others feel valued and appreciated. Gratitude helps diffuse conflicts and facilitates connection through authentic positive communication. Studies demonstrate that regularly voicing genuine appreciation to partners, friends, and family deepens bonds.

Bestselling author Brené Brown wisely noted that “Joy comes to us everyday as a gift. The longer we can hold onto it, the more we can take time to appreciate it, the more that joy expands.” The joy expands because of the principals of the law of attraction. Shared joyous moments are doubled when expressed with gratitude.

Life Purpose and Meaning

Gratitude helps uncover meaning in life’s mundane moments by focusing attention on the gift of simply being alive. Even basic needs like food, shelter, or nature’s beauty become profound when received gratefully. Practicing gratitude brings heightened awareness to purpose and blessings.

Holocaust survivor and renowned author Viktor Frankl highlighted the essential power of gratitude and meaning in his classic book, Man’s Search for Meaning: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances.” Gratitude provides freedom and can propel you to change your future course in life.

Doorway to Spirituality

For many spiritual traditions, gratitude sits at the heart of connection to the Divine. Expressing thankfulness for life's gifts cultivates humility and compassion. Regular gratitude meditations and prayers can facilitate a deeper relationship with God or existence itself.

Gratitude expressed in prayers in Islam, Catholicism, Christianity, Judaism and many more faiths, as a posture of humble appreciation, invokes peace and grace. Even non-religious individuals may experience transcendent moments of awe and grace through gratitude practices. Practicing daily gratitude is a form of graceful prayer and a blessing to all who cultivate gratitude in their life. Gratitude can help lead one to a life of humility and spirituality, when practicing gratitude daily.

Simple Habits

Gratitude is available to all through simple habits like beginning each day by listing a few things you are thankful for, saying grace before meals, keeping a gratitude journal, writing thank you notes, and meditating on moments of blessing. Consciously appreciating the people, experiences, and basic comforts that comprise your life opens the doorway to greater wholeness.

When you extend an act of kindness, endorphins are set off in the body, that have benefits of less pain and reduces stress and improves your sense of well-being. It not only benefits you with higher endorphins, but the person you are kind to and the person who is watching the act of kindness.

By changing your mindset from lack to abundance through gratitude, you gain a powerful perspective that research confirms provides tangible physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits. The more good we notice, the more good grows. Centering in gratitude transforms life.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Devine Intervention

Let me know in the comments what you are grateful for today.

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

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