The Power of Positive Affirmations - Rachel Devine
I am_________________?
Positive thinking affirmations are simple statements declaring self-empowering beliefs that can profoundly impact your mind and life. Repeating uplifting affirmations over time can effectively undo limiting negative programming and create lasting positive change. Creating positive affirmations can literally transform your life by changing from a negative mindset to a positive mindset. If your thoughts are positive it will empower your life to go in a positive direction on all levels. This can ultimately evoke happiness in your life.
World-renowned spiritual leader Louise Hay popularized the practice of affirmations. As a survivor of childhood abuse, Hay discovered firsthand the incredible power of affirmations to alter self-image and life circumstances for the better.
As Louise Hay explains, “affirmations reprogram the subconscious mind and alter the software that affects how we experience the world.” She was a genius when it comes to positive affirmations, writing a book on affirmations called, “You Can Do It.” Bestselling author and speaker Tony Robbins also advocates affirmations as a tool to “invoke the principles and practices of affirmative thought in your life.” And this can ultimately transform your life with purpose.
Train The Subconscious Mind
The conscious mind can only hold a limited amount of information and focus. In contrast, the subconscious stores a vast reservoir of information, past experiences, associations, beliefs, and emotions that drive most behavior and life outcomes without our awareness. The subconscious mind is like a memory card that is in a computer, holding all the experiences you ever had in your life. Your life is driven by your subconscious mind by 97%. Therefore, it makes sense to feed it positive thoughts.
Unfortunately, many subconscious beliefs become negative and disempowering, often stemming from past traumas or cultural conditioning in our childhood. Affirmations work by consciously and repeatedly introducing new positive beliefs into the subconscious. Over time, the positive messaging overrides the negative to create lasting transformations.
Neuroscience shows that the brain struggles to differentiate between real and vividly imagined experiences. With consistency, the conscious repetition of positive affirmations is absorbed by the subconscious mind as its new reality. And this positivity can become your reality and create your future. Remember, your subconscious mind is in control of your life.
Overcoming Negative Thoughts
By filling your mind with positive self-talk through affirmations, you can overwrite old mental programs causing feelings of unworthiness, fear or limitation. It helps to offset the negative incessant thoughts that daily bombard our mind.
For example, some positive affirmations include statements like “I have infinite self-worth and value” or “I love myself.” Focusing daily on such uplifting mantras helps release old hurts and shift into self-acceptance.
As motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said, “Affirmations take the place of the junk that so often fills our minds; they lift our spirits and boost our energy.”
Aligning Goals
Affirmations work best when they align your mindset with your desired situation or goals. Affirming your abilities, creativity, positivity, financial success or loving relationships primes your subconscious to support manifestation of the reality you seek.
Comedic actor Jim Carrey famously outlined his future success via affirmation as a struggling young comic. By visualizing and affirming his fame and wealth daily even pre-stardom, Carrey created the mindset to realize superstar status once opportunities arose. Jim Carrey literally was able to create the life he imagined.
Uplifting Affirmations
To implement positive daily affirmations, use this practice of creating 5-10 positive “I am...” statements reflecting your hopes, goals and dreams as a visualization. Remember to resonate with the feelings of the affirmations as true. Over time, monitor how these intentional thoughts bloom into reality.
For example, here are some, “I am” affirmations:
I am loved
I am successful
I am financially secure
I am beautiful
I am worthy
I am healthy
Create your own list and say these affirmations often in your day. You can also write them out on sticky notes and put them in a place you can see them, as a reminder to say them out loud.
By filling your consciousness with positivity, confidence, health, prosperity and purpose via regular affirmations, you enable the mind to make them come into your reality. In the words of pioneering psychologist William James, “Our belief at the beginning of a doubtful undertaking is the one thing that ensures the successful outcome.” Let affirmations unlock your unlimited potential. Positive affirmations for work, success, financial security, relationships, friends, or anything you choose, will help you in all areas of your life.
Neville Goddard said in his book, Feeling is the Secret, “Every feeling makes a subconscious impression and, unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of an opposite nature, it must be expressed.” In other words, the feeling of what you want to feed your subconscious mind is what activates the subconscious mind to bring it to reality. Therefore, as you fall asleep each night, resonate with the feelings of being financially secure, or healthy or successful or whatever you want to resonate with in order to manifest your dreams into reality. One thing is for sure, your subconscious mind is navigating 97% of your life daily. It makes sense to feed it positive affirmations in order to create a positive life.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack. Please check out my new online audio step by step course on, “How to Manifest your Dreams.”
Please let me know what positive affirmation resonates for you. If you have any questions, please let me know, and I will respond to you or you can contact me.