Your Story Creates your Future: 5 Steps to Transform your Life - Rachel Devine

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Your story determines your future. As Joel Osteen says, “If you want to see your future, look at the words you are speaking now.” These are very true words of wisdom. What we say out loud expands and is part of what creates our future. What we say now about our lives will eventually become a reality, good, bad, or indifferent. The key is to speak positive words and relinquish the negative ones. You have the power to create your future.

Let’s dive into this a little deeper.

Your Story

So the big question is: what are you feeding the universe in the form of words daily, and is it positive or negative? For instance, if you want to lose weight but your story goes like this, “I have done everything to lose weight and I can’t do it," Guess what? You will continue to fail in your quest to lose weight because the story doesn’t align with your goals.

Now what if your story went like this? “I am willing to try anything to lose weight, and I will succeed.” That positive mindset will give you much better results in losing weight. Furthermore, you are putting positive energy all around your goal of losing weight with your positive words.

The Law of Attraction explained

The law of attraction is very clear: ‘like attracts like.’ I like to look at it like an echo chamber. What you yell out in an echo chamber comes back to you. It is the same premise as having a positive story. The energy and the words we put out into the vast universe come back to us, just like they would in an echo chamber. Just view the world as a big echo chamber, and realize what you say and do will eventually come back to you. That profound phrase “what goes around comes around" holds a lot of wisdom.

Positive words of affirmation

If you want to go one step further in achieving your goal, it’s important to use positive words of affirmation to continue the positive energy flow. Just say affirming words out loud daily, especially about what you want to achieve, as if it is already here.

I am successful.

I am healthy.

I have reached my ideal weight.

I am in a loving relationship.

I am making lots of money.

If you say positive affirmations out loud several times a day, it will help you achieve any goal you want. The key is to keep the positive thoughts and words flowing. You have the power to transform your life.

Game plan

Now that you have your story in a positive mode, achieving any goal will be easier. The important step to transform your life is to have a game plan. Write out a plan to achieve what you want. If you want to lose weight or meet your soulmate, it’s important to have clear objectives on how you will achieve these goals.

You want to start by making a list of ways to achieve your goal. Once you have a game plan, do a a daily ‘to do list’ to keep you on track. Just list the important aspects of what to do in a day that pertains to your goal. Having a daily list you can tick off the goals for the day will help tremendously. Also, enlisting a good life coach can help you achieve your goals too. Or join a group that will give you support in what you want to achieve in life, or an online course, or perhaps a retreat will help you put focus on your goals.

Gratitude benefits

Gratitude has a myriad of benefits. It helps with our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. I try to live in gratitude for everything in my life. Counting our blessings is a perfect way to appreciate life and all that it has to offer. Gratitude increases motivation by highlighting the progress you've already made towards your goals. It focuses on the wins and on what's going right. Taking time to stop and recognize your achievements often gives us the motivation to continue when things get hard. A gratitude journal is a great way to keep the energy flowing.

In conclusion, remember how powerful your words and actions are in creating your future. Once you realize this very important aspect of life, you have the tools to navigate your future. Creating your future will then become easy. Just express positive words into the universe and see what comes back to you.

This valuable video guide on “How to Manifest your Dreams” is a valuable resource to help you transform your life in the New Year! The cost is $15.99, but I am offering it today for only $10 for the New Year! 

As a bonus, I offer you this free gift, 7 Ways to Overcome Obstacles & Be Happy. This valuable audio guide is a gift that is, absolutely free. Just click on the link to order an instant download.

Rachel Devine is the author of her new inner child book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.

Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center

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Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

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