Your Actions Speak Louder than Words! Rachel Devine
The old adage advises that "actions speak louder than words." This adage holds a great deal of wisdom. While people may convey one message verbally, their behaviors, conduct, and decisions often provide a truer measure of character, values, and motives. If you really want to know what the other person's motives are, don't listen to their words, but look at what they do. Examining actions yields true insight beyond what any declaration of words will convey. In fact, some might say words are not as important as actions are in many life circumstances.
Let’s explore this concept of your actions speaking louder than words.
Words Fall Short
People have a tendency to project an idealized self to others that aligns with what they wish were true or think it sounds noble. In other words, their ego is playing into the situation. Keeping a steady eye on your words is key to aligning them with your actions. However, aligning conduct with projected character requires self-awareness and effort. Talk is cheap without a walk to back it up.
As leadership expert Simon Sinek noted, "Leadership is not about the words you say. It's about the actions you take." Actions demonstrate true leadership.
Personal Action
If you are telling yourself, I will one day start a business, lose weight, or write a book, and you are not taking steps to fulfill these dreams, then you would also fall into the category of a person who is not putting action behind words. Words are easy; it’s the action that is more of a challenge. The real power comes when you align your words and actions together. It really will help you feel more empowered when you become a person who keeps your word to yourself and others. It is especially important to be a role model for your children. Therefore, it is critical to really look at what you say versus what you do and see if you can get them to line up together.
Actions vs. Words
There are countless examples of how individuals' actions contradict their words. Here are a few examples:
Politicians espouse concern for the downtrodden but further the interests of their donors.
Social activists condemn pollution but don't curb their own consumption.
Celebrities promote a positive image, while some are guilty of intense dysfunction.
Some proclaim, "I am on a diet." And the next day, order a burger and fries.
A boyfriend may say, "I love you," but not really spend much time with you.
A parent may tell their child not to lie, and then in the course of another conversation tell a white lie.
Remember, children are more impacted by our actions, not our words. And integrity does reap trust and moral values, which parents want to instill in their children. A closer look at this type of behavior tells us that some people are just not aware of the inconsistent way they act, and some prioritize their own agenda when given the choice to walk the talk. But alignment between actions and words determines integrity. Awareness is the key to changing our bad habits into good ones. There are plenty of ways to transform your life to one that helps you become more in sync.
Benefits of Aligning Words with Actions
Reveal true character: actions reflect values, compassion, priorities, and substance.
Builds trust: saying one thing while doing another destroys trust. Alignment demonstrates dependability and promotes trust.
Enables correction: Catching inconsistencies provides the opportunity to realign values and conduct.
Improves credibility: talking purposefully and acting upon it brings credibility to your character.
Lights the path: When words and deeds synergize, you're heading in the right direction, and it helps your spirit grow with grace.
It is also beneficial in where you work, in order to get good reviews and be promoted.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." Before speaking loftily, ensure your feet are on the ground. Character is constructed step by step by our words and actions.
Louise Hay tells us:
"The point is to take the actions that match your words."
In order to create the future you would be proud of, it’s so important to be aware of how your actions line up with what you say.
The trust bestowed upon leaders, role models, friends, and influencers arises in large part from the integrity of their principles demonstrated on a day-to-day basis in their actions aligning with their words. While words may inspire, actions forge lasting impact. Consistency in both words and actions creates trust. Be a person who walks the talk rather than talks the walk.
I will conclude with this priceless quote, which I just love.
"Better done than said."
Frank Sonnenberg
A perfect gift for the holidays.
Rachel Devine’s new book, Tales of Hope, Love and Discovery is a collection of short stories, and it’s now on Amazon. Also by Rachel, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
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