Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

The Power of Affirmations: Training Your Subconscious for Success - Rachel Devine

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the benefits of positive affirmations, I’d like to explain a little about them. An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives. Affirmations are simple, positive statements of empowerment, intention, or values that can profoundly influence thinking patterns when repeated consistently. Regularly affirming core beliefs rewires neural pathways on a subconscious level to manifest positive transformation. When you can penetrate the subconscious mind, you can literally transform your life with positive affirmations to bring success into your life. This will help you reach your goals of perhaps losing weight, starting a business, making more money, finding your soulmate, giving up an addiction, etc.

Let’s dive into the details of affirmations.

The power of affirmations can transform your life and change the imprint of the subconscious.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with the benefits of positive affirmations, I’d like to explain a little about them. An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives. Affirmations are simple, positive statements of empowerment, intention, or values that can profoundly influence thinking patterns when repeated consistently. Regularly affirming core beliefs rewires neural pathways on a subconscious level to manifest positive transformation. When you can penetrate the subconscious mind, you can literally transform your life with positive affirmations to bring success into your life. This will help you reach your goals of perhaps losing weight, starting a business, making more money, finding your soulmate, giving up an addiction, etc. This is turn can transform your life for the better.

Let’s dive into the details of affirmations.

Defining Affirmations

As motivational speaker Tony Robbins stated, “An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so.” Examples include affirming ideals like:

  • I radiate health, joy, and purpose.

  • Abundance flows freely through me.

  • I am open and receptive to brilliant new ideas.

  • I am successful in everything I do.

  • I have reached my goal and am successful in this endeavor.

Unlike wishful thinking, affirmations proclaim desired qualities and truths in the present tense with conviction, as if they exist now.

How Affirmations Work

Neuroscience reveals that the brain struggles to differentiate vividly imagined experiences from real ones. Conscious thoughts and words trigger nerve transmission patterns that the body interprets as reality with repetition.

Reciting positive affirmations actually penetrates the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind drives our life 95% of the time. Therefore, it makes sense to feed it positive thoughts. With time, new uplifting messaging overrides old limiting, negative thoughts as new “normal” programming since it penetrates the subconscious, which again is the commander of most of what you do in life.

“The secret to having your affirmations work quickly and consistently is to prepare an atmosphere for them to grow in. Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.” Louise Hay

Subconscious Transformation

Approximately 95% of daily behaviors and emotions operate from the subconscious mind rather than conscious thought. Affirmations help instill empowering beliefs directly into the subconscious domain.

Through consistently impressing conscious thoughts and feelings of joy, creativity, confidence, prosperity, or other aspirations into the subconscious reservoir, you fundamentally alter the mental programming shaping your reality. However, please note that it is the feelings of the affirmation that penetrate the subconscious. Therefore, when saying affirmations out loud, resonate with the feelings. And I suggest you say affirmations as often as you can in your day. And, as you fall asleep each night, fall asleep to positive feelings from the affirmations, as this is the most powerful time when the subconscious picks up feelings while you sleep.

By consciously choosing and affirming the principles you aim to embody, those qualities materialize through the remarkable power of the mind. Affirmations allow you to intentionally rewire your neural patterns and supersede negative old patterns.

Regular affirmation practice fills your psyche with positive, empowering messaging that attracts and creates the same experiences. The law of attraction is very clear: like attracts like. Whatever you are affirming is being put out into the vast universe and will eventually come back. With focused thought and repetition, you manifest external changes that reflect your internal vibration and affirmations. Affirmations are powerful, as they can transform the life you want.

Rachel Devine is the author of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within.

Devine Intervention website-Inner Healing Center.

Life coaching available.

Contact me.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Your Actions Speak Louder than Words! Rachel Devine

The old adage advises that "actions speak louder than words." This adage holds a great deal of wisdom. While people may convey one message verbally, their behaviors, conduct, and decisions often provide a truer measure of character, values, and motives. If you really want to know what the other person's motives are, don't listen to their words, but look at what they do. Examining actions yields true insight beyond what any declaration of words will convey. In fact, some might say words are not as important as actions are in many life circumstances.

Let’s explore this concept of, your actions speak louder than words.

The old adage advises that "actions speak louder than words." This adage holds a great deal of wisdom. While people may convey one message verbally, their behaviors, conduct, and decisions often provide a truer measure of character, values, and motives. If you really want to know what the other person's motives are, don't listen to their words, but look at what they do. Examining actions yields true insight beyond what any declaration of words will convey. In fact, some might say words are not as important as actions are in many life circumstances.

Let’s explore this concept of, your actions speak louder than words.

Words Fall Short

People have a tendency to project an idealized self to others that aligns with what they wish were true or know sounds noble. In other words, their ego is playing into the situation. Keeping a steady eye on your words is key to aligning them with your actions. However, aligning conduct with projected character requires self-awareness and effort. Talk is cheap without a walk to back it up.

As leadership expert Simon Sinek noted, "Leadership is not about the words you say. It's about the actions you take." Actions demonstrate true leadership.

Personal Action

If you are telling yourself, I will one day start a business, lose weight, or write a book, and you are not taking steps to fulfill these dreams, then you would also fall into the category of a person who is not putting action behind words. Words are easy, it’s the action that is more of a challenge. The real power comes when you align your words and actions together. It really will help you feel more empowered when you become a person who keeps your word to yourself and others. It is especially important to be a role model for your children. Therefore, it is critical to really look at what you say versus what you do and see if you can get them to line up together.

Actions vs Words

There are countless examples of how individuals' actions contradict their words. Here are a few examples:

  • Politicians espouse concern for the downtrodden but further the interests of their donors.

  • Social activists condemn pollution but don't curb their own consumption.

  • Celebrities promote a positive image, while some are guilty of intense dysfunction.

  • Some proclaim, "I am on a diet." And the next day, order a burger and fries.

  • A boyfriend may say, "I love you," but not really spend much time with you.

  • A parent may tell their child not to lie, and then in the course of another conversation tell a white lie.

Remember, children are more impacted by our actions, not our words. And integrity does reap trust and moral values, which parents want to instill in their children. A closer look at this type of behavior tells us that some people are just not aware of the inconsistent way they act and some prioritize their own agenda when given the choice to walk the talk. But alignment between actions and words determines integrity. Awareness is the key to change our bad habits into good ones. There are plenty of ways to transform your life to one that helps you become more in synch.

Benefits of Aligning Words with Actions

  1. Reveal true character: actions reflect values, compassion, priorities, and substance.

  2. Builds trust: saying one thing while doing another destroys trust. Alignment demonstrates dependability and promotes trust.

  3. Enables correction: Catching inconsistencies provides the opportunity to realign values and conduct.

  4. Improves credibility: talking purposefully and acting upon it brings credability to your character.

  5. Lights the path: When words and deeds synergize, you're heading in the right direction, and it helps your spirit grow with grace.

  6. It is also beneficial in where you work, in order to get good reviews and promoted.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." Before speaking loftily, ensure your feet are on the ground. Character is constructed step by step by our words and actions.

Louise Hay tells us:

"The point is to take the actions that match your words."

I order to create the future you would be proud of, it’s so important to be aware of how your actions line up with what you say.

The trust bestowed upon leaders, role models, friends, and influencers arises in large part from the integrity of their principles demonstrated on a day-to-day basis on their actions aligning with their words. While words may inspire, actions forge lasting impact. Consistency in both words and actions creates trust. Be a person who walks the talk rather than talks the walk.

I will conclude with this priceless quote, which I just love.

"Better done than said." 
Frank Sonnenberg

Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.

Life Coaching available

Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

5 Ways to Find Inner Peace - Rachel Devine

Inner peace is a state of tranquility, calm and harmony within. It is unaffected by external circumstances. Finding inner peace allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs from a place of deep centeredness. When one has a firm foundation of inner peace, nothing in life can rattle it. So how do we get to this place of inner peace? Following spiritual practices, spending time in nature, helping others, and training the mind can help unlock this state of serenity.

I love this quote by Louise Hay:

“I guard my inner world, for it is there that I create. I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well-being. I go within and find that space where all is quiet and serene.”

Inner peace is a state of tranquility, calm and harmony within. It is unaffected by external circumstances. Finding inner peace allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs from a place of deep centeredness. When one has a firm foundation of inner peace, nothing in life can shake it.

So how do we get to this place of inner peace? Some ways of reaching inner peace are following spiritual practices, spending time in nature, service to others, and training the mind. These spiritual practices can all help unlock this state of serenity.

This is a wonderful quote from Louise Hay:

“I guard my inner world, for it is there that I create. I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well-being. I go within and find that space where all is quiet and serene.”

Inner Peace Examples

Meditation quiets the chatter of the mind when focused on the breath or a mantra. Taking time to sit in stillness while observing thoughts nonjudgmentally fosters present moment awareness – a key to inner peace.

Yoga links the breath with movement, helping calm the body and mind. Studies show just 15 minutes of yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to lower stress hormone production.

Being in nature replenishes depleted energy. Research confirms time outdoors increases vitality and lifts mood through boosted immunity and decreased inflammation. Also walking in nature, in sun light, is a way to find some inner peace.

Serving others with compassion gets you outside of your own worries by shifting your focus. Volunteering and extending generosity also boosts mood through increased oxytocin.

Aroma therapy is a great way to center yourself around the moment. Scented candles bring an aura of spirituality and calm.

Sitting on the beach and watching the waves, is a great way to find some inner peace.

Listening to soothing music is a great way to find peace.

Listening to a meditations on serenity is another way to cultivate some peace in your world.

There are endless ways to find peace in your life. Pick the ones you resonate with.

Quotes on Inner Peace

“Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.” – Brian Tracy

“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.” – Pema Chodron

Motivational quotes can also have an impact on bringing inner peace to your life.

It’s important to realize that when another person is allowed to upset your inner peace, they have control over you. It’s like they picked up your remote control and started dialing in so you would lose your inner peace. Take the remote control back and be strong in your conviction to stay peaceful, even during turmoil. Stay in your own space and try not to let anyone disturb your peace of mind.

Inner Peace Benefits

  • Reduced anxiety, stress, and depression

  • Lower blood pressure and more heart rate variability

  • Decreased inflammation and improved immunity

  • Greater emotional resilience and more positive outlook

  • Higher quality of personal relationships

  • Increased empathy, kindness and compassion

  • Enhanced focus, creativity and performance

  • Greater sense of meaning and life satisfaction

Finding Peace Within

“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” – William S. Burroughs

When one is in a peaceful state, the mind can resolve problems in a calm manner. You also have the advantage of connecting in the moment with spiritual ideas that may have a profound impact on your life. When life is chaotic it is hard to hear the whisper of God’s Spirit within, which guides us all on this journey called life. God’s Spirit can only be accessed in the moment, where all spiritual ideas form.

The key is staying in the moment. When your mind takes flight with thoughts about the future, or looks back on past regrets, you have lost touch with reality, which is in this very moment. This moment is all we have. This moment is where you will find your peace of mind. Staying in the moment puts you in a safe place of inner peace.

Being in the Present Moment:

  • Pay attention to your breathing - notice each inhale and exhale.

  • Engage your senses - observe sights, textures, smells, tastes around you.

  • Focus on body sensations - note any feelings or aliveness in your hands, feet or heart.

  • Listen attentively - be absorbed in sounds you hear.

  • Observe thoughts nonjudgmentally - watch them arise and pass without following or attaching.

  • Ask yourself "What do I notice right now?" - take inventory of this exact moment.

  • Feel into any emotions - name what you’re feeling without judging it as good or bad.

  • Silently name activities as you do them - washing dishes, walking, brushing teeth.

  • Fully immerse in tasks - give complete focused attention.

  • Catch your mind wandering - gently return focus to the now.

  • Avoid multitasking - do one thing at a time.

  • Limit distractions - reduce interruptions, alerts, planning.

The key to being in the moment is to gently guide your focus back to the present whenever it starts to drift. With regular practice you train the mind to reside more often in the richness of the present moment. Believe me, this practice takes time and effort. However, the benefits of inner-peace practice and staying in the moment is priceless. Finding inner peace will reap happiness and joy in your life.

By learning to still the turbulent waves of past worries, future projections, and fears, you will be more at peace in your world. This will take some effort in spiritual practices and living in loving presence. If you decide to do this, you will return to your natural state - peaceful, joyful, and serene. The quiet depths of your being offer a refuge from any storm. Journey inward to discover your sanctuary of peace waiting patiently to be unveiled. You deserve to live a life of serenity.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Life coaching available.

Devine Intervention website.

Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.

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