How to Manifest your Dreams - Special online Event - June 8, 2023, 7pm est Rachel Devine

Many of us want to improve our lives in some capacity and in order to do that we set some goals or we have long-forgotten dreams that get put on the back burner because, “life happens.” In this fast-pace world many of us put our dreams on hold to raise a family or just to get through each speeding day. We are like little hamsters on a wheel, spinning furiously and getting nowhere. The present moment is all we have and it’s the time to put focus on YOUR life, what you want to do, and how to achieve your goals and dreams. This online event is designed to help you focus on those long forgotten dreams and show you step-by-step how to manifest your dreams and goals into reality. I will show you how to achieve your goals and dreams. I will show you the most powerful manifestation techniques, as well as how to manifest your dreams into reality in this online course.

Whether you want to lose weight, get healthy, become a writer, meet your soulmate, volunteer for a pet rescue, become a little league coach, start a business, build your business, create a website, buy a house, or help the homeless, whatever your dreams & goals are, the first step is to put focused attention on what you want. The objective is to resurrect that goal and bring it out into the open so you can start putting energy into manifesting your dreams.

Many of us want to improve our lives in some capacity and in order to do that we set some goals or we have long-forgotten dreams that get put on the back burner because, “life happens.” In this fast-pace world many of us put our dreams on hold to raise a family or just to get through each speeding day. We are like little hamsters on a wheel, spinning furiously and getting nowhere. The present moment is all we have and it’s the time to put focus on YOUR life, what you want to do, and how to achieve your goals and dreams. This online event is designed to help you focus on those long-forgotten dreams and show you step-by-step how to manifest your dreams and goals into reality. I will show you how to achieve your goals and dreams. We will review the most powerful manifestation techniques, as well as ways on how to manifest your dreams into reality in this online course.

Whether you want to lose weight, get healthy, become a writer, meet your soulmate, volunteer for a pet rescue, become a little league coach, start a business, build your business, create a website, buy a house, or help the homeless, whatever your dreams & goals are, the first step is to put focused attention on what you want. The objective is to resurrect that goal and bring it out into the open so you can start putting energy into manifesting your dreams.

Our subconscious mind is powerful and drives our life in the direction of its choice. Empowered with this knowledge, it is important to rid oneself of negative voices from the past and equip ourselves with positive affirmations and words. What you think and feel gets embedded in your mind and creates your future. Manifesting your dreams by changing your thoughts and feelings to give your subconscious mind a positive viewpoint, can change your life in miraculous ways. I will show you how to do that with surefire, proven techniques that can change your life for the better. I will use techniques from some powerful spiritual masters like, Neville Goddard and Dr. Wayne Dyer.

If you missed our recent retreat on, Discover the Power of the Moment, Manifest your Dreams, this special event will bring you the highlights of, manifesting your dreams from our retreat and for a fraction of the cost. It’s only $19.99. This special price is for this one-time event only. Take advantage of this very special event, and special price, in order to help you in your quest for growth and renewal. I will show you how to manifest your dreams or goals into reality and bring a whole new chapter of your life to fruition.

If you were on the retreat and need a refresher course, please join us. There will be incredible new material added.

The event includes the following 5 ways on how to achieve your goals examples and much more:

1.    Affirmations for manifesting your dreams

2.    Positive Visualization

3.    A surefire game plan

4.    Written intention (with activity)

5.    Gratitude


Prepayment is required to hold your seat and register. Seats are limited so sign up now. You will need a notebook or pad. You can register on this link:

Some reviews after our retreat:

“It was perfect, thank you.” “Inspirational” “Had an excellent experience overall.” I have been to many retreats, this by-far was the best one ever.”

Rachel Devine will be conducting this event. She is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack. Become a Magnet for True Love.


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