How to Manifest your Dreams

It’s important to reach our highest potential in life to give us meaning. We want to wake up each day and be happy about our dreams. You can manifest the life of your dreams. Manifesting your dreams and goals is not hard. Learning how to achieve your goals and dreams is important. It is part of everyone’s journey in life. Manifesting your dreams into reality will bring you fulfillment and much happiness. I will show you 5 steps on how to achieve your goals. You can achieve all your dreams with awareness and a little guidance.

You might ask yourself, what are my goals examples? Your goals might be to become healthy, lose weight, write a book, start a business, break an addiction, build a business, do volunteer work in a hospice, buy a house, find faith, meet your soulmate, run a marathon, etc. The first step is decide what your goal is. Whatever your goal or dreams are these 3 important questions can help.

Please write these questions down.

1.     Where are you right now with your goal?

2.     Where do you want to be with your goal in a year?

3.     What do you need to do NOW to achieve your goal?  

There are 5 steps that will help you manifest your dreams.

  • Positive Affirmations

  • Positive Visualization

  • Written intention

  • Prayer & Meditation

  • Game plan

 Let’s dive right into each one.

1.  Positive Affirmations:

Positive affirmations are words and thoughts. The key is to strive to say as many positive affirmations as you can each day. It’s a way to undo negative thoughts that creep up on us from our past. A list of affirmations is designed to motivate us and put out good energy into God’s world and that energy will come back. I have affirmations posted on my refrigerator as a reminder to say them. On the other hand any negative words and thoughts will have the oppositive effect, so try to be mindful of your thoughts and if a negative thought enters your mind replace it with a positive one.

3. Positive Visualization:

There is a book called the power of positive thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. He was a pastor and an advocate for visualization. He has a ton of stories of how positive visualization works.  Simply closing your eyes before you go to sleep at night and visualizing what you want will help you resonate with those thoughts for 8 hours. The subconscious mind will pick it up. Again, we navigate in life with our subconscious mind, just as I did when I went to church after that faint prayer, so visualization is a powerful way to manifest our dreams. If you want to lose weight see yourself at that point where you lost weight. Visualize all aspects and remember to incorporate what you feel like with your success. The feelings count a lot in visualization. If you want to meet your soulmate, create that person in your mind as you fall asleep, see every aspect of that person and feel how that love is resonating for you. You can go back to a time in your life when you were totally in love and recreate those feelings in the visualization. Open your heart and feel that love and how it resonates for you. When you wake up in the morning, those wonderful positive thoughts will start your day off on the right foot.  

4.  Written intention:

A written intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action, or actions, for a future goal and is written out on what you want to obtain. It’s powerful beyond anyone’s imagination in helping us obtain our dreams.  Your written intention goes out into God’s vast universe and that energy does come back. Write out a letter of where you see yourself with your dream in a year. Put all the details into the letter, along with thoughts and feelings. Then put the letter away. You put your intention out there and now you will create a game plan.

4. Prayer & Meditation:

I believe in the power of prayer and meditation. Pray for what you want to manifest in your life. After all, God put that dream in your heart. Prayer is also putting positive energy into God’s ears. Meditation is getting quiet enough to hear God’s whisper within. That whisper within is your higher power speaking to you through intuition. The learn more about this power, my book, The Third Road will guide you.

5. Game plan:

Of course, you also have to have a game plan, a way to map out how you will achieve your goals and dreams. It’s important to really sit down and think about the road that will take you to a successful outcome. Look at how other people achieved their goals and try to learn from their road map.

Try to be grateful for everything you have, and everything you want. Do a gratitude list daily. Make a list of at least 5 things you were grateful for in that day. And also make a list of things you are grateful for that you want in life. Being grateful will bring more goodness into your life.

In closing, remember, you are never too old to have a dream. Louise Hay started a successful publishing company at the age of 58. Judi Dench, famous British actress didn’t achieve fame until she was over 60. At the age of 62 James Parkinson identified Parkinson’s disease. Getting older is like a fine wine, we get better as we age.

If you follow these steps you can manifest your dreams into reality.

Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Devine Intervention website has online courses, guides, books and more resources.

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Positive Visualization (step by step guide)


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