9 Strategies to Practice the Power of NOW! Rachel Devine

Being immersed in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, has scientifically proven health benefits, and allows us to tap into the spiritual depths of the moment, which when you think about it, this moment is all we have. The past is an illusion that is gone and the future is not here yet, so this moment is all there is. When you think about it, each moment turns into hours, hours turn into days, days turn into months, and months turn into years, and before long we find we may have squandered our lives by not being present in the moment. It is important to take full advantage of our days and live in a state of happiness and fulfillment, or life can pass us by in a blink of an eye.

Let’s look at some ways of practicing the power of now in your life.

As Eckhart Tolle said, “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed.”

Lowered Stress and Anxiety

Focusing on the present releases us from rumination about the past and fear of tomorrow, two major triggers of stress. Studies show mindfulness practices reduce psychological distress by over 20% by living in the present moment.

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman explained, “The more you rest your attention in the present, the more you decrease anxiety, because anxiety is rooted in prediction of the future.” The future thoughts are usually rooted in worry.

Increased Happiness and Life Satisfaction

Attention directed away from constant inner chatter about the past and future and redirected onto fuller immersion in our present activities and experiences cultivates feelings of awe, contentment and flow. This boosts mood and overall happiness. Staying in the moment can bring much peace. You can also do mini-meditations on being in your happy place. Just think about a place you feel happy in and put yourself in that place in your mind and stay there for or 10 minutes. You can feel the present of the moment in this short positive visualization. It’s important to learn how to stop worrying and start living your life now.

Spiritual Connection

Almost all spiritual traditions teach that the doorway to the Divine, including Christ Consciousness, is only accessible in the eternal now, not the past or future. God can only be felt in this timeless moment of the present.

As Tolle said, “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” When we align fully with the now, spiritual bliss emerges.

Strategies for Living in the Now

Here are 9 research-based strategies for spending more time immersed in the richness of the present:

  • Practice regular mindfulness meditation, focusing senses on the body and breath

  • Yoga and movement practices synchronized with breath

  • Conscious walking noticing each step and sensation and your surroundings

  • Reminding yourself “come back to the now” when distracted

  • Single-tasking versus always doing multiple things

  • Slowing down and fully engaging your senses in eating, talking and being present

  • Finding peace in activities like music, prayer, and being still in the present

  • Noticing emotions and thoughts but not attaching narratives of worry and fear

  • Accepting life rather than resisting what this moment presents

The more we intentionally anchor into the moment, the more we can access its gifts of inner stability, wisdom, joy, peace, and spiritual connection. Return again and again to the serenity of this moment. When we live in this soulful moment, we can enjoy quality time with family and friends, and enjoy the enormous benefits of connecting to God.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Life coaching available.

Devine Intervention website.

Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.


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