Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Audio of the Preface - The Third Road -Rachel Devine

Are you searching for some peace from the turmoil of the world? Are you looking for more meaning in life? Do you want to discover a new way of seeing the world?

The Third Road is a book I wrote that brings peace to a turbulent world. It gently leads one to awaken their spirituality and helps one discover their purpose in life. This audio preface will provide details on what the book is all about. Some people have had life-changing experiences from reading my book.

Here is an Amazon review:

“This book was uplifting and positive. It gave me a sense of truly knowing that the power that dwells within is real, and I have access to this power whenever I want it. Most importantly, I am not alone. This book is thought-provoking and gives great ideas on how to discover my purpose in life. In fact, the book makes you think about certain profound values that I never thought about before. Finally, it takes one on a journey into themselves. I highly recommend this book, especially with this pandemic. You will never feel alone again.”

Take 12 minutes to listen to this audio that can literally change your life. Link directly below.

Are you searching for some peace from the turmoil of the world? Are you looking for more meaning in life? Do you want to discover a new way of seeing the world?

The Third Road is a book I wrote that brings peace to a turbulent world. It gently leads one to awaken their spirituality and helps one discover their purpose in life. This audio preface will provide details on what the book is all about. Some people have had life-changing experiences from reading my book, which transformed their life.

Here is an Amazon review:

“This book was uplifting and positive. It gave me a sense of truly knowing that the power that dwells within is real, and I have access to this power whenever I want it. Most importantly, I am not alone. This book is thought-provoking and gives great ideas on how to discover my purpose in life. In fact, the book makes you think about certain profound values that I never thought about before. Finally, it takes one on a journey into themselves. I highly recommend this book, especially with this pandemic. You will never feel alone again.”

Take 12 minutes to listen to this audio that can literally change your life. Click on this link for the audio preface and scroll down to, The Third Road, in the link.

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.

Instant ebook download of, The Third Road.

Get your Free Gift - see the link below.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

The World is Changing: 7 Ways of Finding Peace in the Chaos - Rachel Devine

Let's face it, we live in a world that is facing a slew of challenges and obstacles. There is unrest, chaos, war, atrocities, political issues, inflation, supply chain issues, and the list is endless. One can put on the news for two minutes and become extremely stressed out by the doomsday headlines. If you watch the news late enough, it can seep into your dreams as nightmares. In addition to that, we have to deal with our own world of social problems that crop up from time to time. When you often feel uneasy, it's time to do a mental health check and find some peace in your life.

Let's look at 7 ways to find peace in the chaos and midst of challenging problems in the worl

Let's face it, we live in a world that is facing a slew of challenges and obstacles. There is unrest, chaos, war, atrocities, political issues, inflation, supply chain issues, and the list is endless. One can put on the news for two minutes and become extremely stressed out by the doomsday headlines. If you watch the news late enough, it can seep into your dreams as nightmares. In addition to that, we have to deal with our own world of social problems that crop up from time to time. When you often feel uneasy, it's time to do a mental health check and find some peace in your life.

Let's look at 7 ways to find peace in the chaos and midst of challenging problems in the world. It is possible to overcome obstacles and chaos and find happiness.


Detaching from the news is the first step to finding some peace in your world. Dr. Eric Berg says the number one thing you can do for our brain health is to stop watching the news! I was so surprised when I read that. Therefore, setting boundaries on how much news you watch can eradicate most of your stress. If you can turn it off for a week, you will feel happier. You might want to give that idea a try. If you are a news junkie, this can be hard to do. You might want to allow yourself maybe 15 minutes a day of news just to catch up on what's going on. I would say the earlier, the better. Any television you watch before bedtime will resonate in your subconscious mind for 8 hours. Try hard to limit your exposure to the news at night. Try instead to read a positive, uplifting book.

Stay in the moment.

When we are in the moment, we are safe and at peace. Being in this very moment shields us from lamenting over the past or worrying about a fearful future. This moment is all we have. Take advantage of the moment and really soak it in. Take a walk in nature and really focus on the trees and flowers around you. You can count each step you take. Stay in a focused conversation with a friend and really be present. Look at your surroundings and take a deep breath, centering yourself around the very moment you are in. Remember, we can't change a past moment or make a future moment go our way; we can only enjoy the very moment we are living in now. You might want to stay in the moment with some motivational quotes that bring peace to light.

Positive techniques

There are many positive techniques to bring peace. Meditation helps keep you in the moment, so you are not peering into the past or forecasting a negative future. Even if you meditate for 5 minutes, that can bring peace into your world. There are plenty of different meditation techniques online. Positive visualization is another good technique for peace. Just visualize a positive scene in your mind; maybe you want to go to a happy place in your visualization. Just picture a place you love to go to and go there in your mind. Visualize the sounds, colors, smells, and peace you feel when you are there. This will bring much peace to your day. Positive affirmations are also a good way to find peace. Just write some out on a sticky note and post them where you can see them daily. Some good ones are that I am at peace, I love myself, I am finding joy in the moment, my day will be peaceful, etc. Additionally, prayer is another positive technique. Praying keeps us in the moment and in a loving, peaceful state. The power of prayer is a big part of bringing goodness to the chaos in the world.

Rest periods

Most of us are bogged down with so much on our plate that we don't have quiet, restful time for ourselves. It's important to carve out at least 30 minutes so you can have some quiet time. You can find rest in a nap, a hot, relaxing bath or sitting in a room with fragrant candles. Doing something every day that helps you feel at peace is very important, and the message you are giving yourself is, "I am worth it!"

Gratitude list

Gratitude is at the forefront of peace. It helps us realize all we have rather than all that we don't have. It also shifts us toward a positive outlook rather than a negative one. It can direct your life in a transforming way. When you wake up each day, count your blessings. Sit and just visualize all the individual things that are positive in your life, and thank God for each one. You can also create a gratitude list each day and read it out loud to yourself. There are health benefits to being in a state of gratitude, and one important benefit is that it will bring you serenity. There is something very soulful about appreciating the little things in life.

Place of worship

Going to your favorite place of worship can bring peace beyond measure. Being in a setting where you focus for an hour on prayer brings much serenity to a world that needs more of this. Try to go to your place of worship weekly. It will bring you so much happiness and joy. Also, if you are a prayerful person, prayer is an excellent way to keep us in the moment so we can find peace. Remember, inner peace is always within you. It’s a matter of connecting to it. The more peaceful one is, the more peace will be spread across the world by consciousness through inner manifestation.

Family and friends

Try to spend more time with family and friends who are uplifting. Try to stay away from negative people who will only bring you down, and could wind up listing all the reasons you could be stressed over world issues. Get out with your friends for lunch or dinner. Visit a family member who might need to be around some positivity too. Keeping the connection with people you love will help you feel more at peace.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, "Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the ability to cope with it."

S A Jefferson-Wright said, “Serenity is not freedom from the storm; but peace amid the storm.”

It’s crucial to find some peace in the midst of the storms in the world. We can’t stop the storms from happening, but we have these tools to shelter ourselves from the storms. These 7 steps are like putting up an umbrella to keep yourself from getting drenched.

Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Check out my new video  7 Ways to Overcome Obstacles and Be Happy

Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.

Life Coaching available

Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.


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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

How to Overcome Challenges at Work - Rachel Devine

There will always be challenges in life, obstacles to overcome, and barriers to what we want to achieve. When we have challenges in the workplace, life can be miserable. We spend a third of our lives at work, so it's important to create a peaceful work environment for yourself.

Let's look at ways to overcome challenges at work. I will show you ways on how to overcome obstacles, with some inner resolve and some problem solving techniques in business.

There will always be challenges in life, obstacles to overcome, and barriers to what we want to achieve. When we have challenges in the workplace, life can be miserable. We spend a third of our lives at work, so it's important to create a peaceful work environment for yourself.

Let's look at ways to overcome challenges at work. I will show you ways on how to overcome obstacles, with some inner resolve and some problem solving techniques in business.

Heavy workload

Having a heavy workload seems to be on top of the list of challenges at work. You might be at a point where the work is piling up. This really puts a person in a bad situation because, on the one hand, you want to handle the workload, and on the other hand, you don't want to be taken advantage of. Try to break the work into smaller, more manageable tasks. Also, double check your work, because sometimes a heavy workload can reap mistakes. It's important to keep total focus on your job, so avoid getting on a personal call or being on the internet during work hours. Keep total focus on the job.

Set boundaries between your work and someone else's job. You can point out to your manager that you are happy to do the extra work but would need help delegating some of the work if you can't meet deadlines. Sometimes just bringing the situation to your manager could help offset some of the work to someone that can help you feel happy about the situation.

Disagreements with co-workers

Stay calm during stressful times. Enlist the advice of a co-worker you trust who might be able to give you some insights into the office culture. It's important to have harmony in the workplace. However, sometimes conflict does arise. I always found it important to keep my head on the job at hand and not socialize too much at work, because that is when disagreements or conflicts can arise. The challenges we face at work can be hard to cope with. If there is a disagreement, clear professional communication is important to clear the air. Keep away from any arguments that involve character attacks and stick with the work issues. Always maintain a professional attitude.

It's a good idea to take a break or go to lunch to mull over the situation before responding. And sometimes it's better not to respond at all and just let the conflict dissolve on its own. And be very careful of email exchanges. Always keep them professional. If you get an email that sounds rude, do not respond with rudeness. It is better to just respond in a professional manner. Remember, a second of revengeful exchange can cost you a lot of heartache. It’s better to move on and let it go.

Lack of growth opportunities

Look at your skills and see where you can add a skill or two in order to be eligible for advancement. Speak to your manager about your growth path and let your manager know you are interested in advancement opportunities. See if your manager can guide you on possible opportunities. If advancement in your company is not feasible, you might want to look into other companies for growth opportunities. Sometimes making a change can make all the difference in a job that has no growth. You want to empower yourself to transform your life to one in which you love. Look at other job opportunities that might be more fulfilling.

Confidence level

Keep your confidence level high by doing things that enhance your self-image. This includes affirmations. I used to post affirmations around my desk to help me keep my focus on positive thoughts. Some affirmations may include, yes, I can do it, I am a great worker, I will be promoted, or I love my job. You can post them where only you can see them. These affirmations are a clear reminder that you can do whatever you put your mind to. Also, state of mind is everything. If you start to view your job as one you really love, when you come to work, things will be different.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

Finding Peace

A good way to find peace is to meditate in your free time. Let yourself have some quiet time for reflection. In this reflection, you may want to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Being grateful is so important to our mental state. Looking at what is good in your life may offset what may not be good. Also, it is good to journal about the work situation. It's good to get it out in writing and see what transpires in your writing. If you can, take a walk at lunchtime to clear your head and give yourself a well-needed break.

At the end of the day, it's important to remember that each day brings a different perspective. How you view your workplace has a big impact on what you see.

Another great quote is by Norman Vincent Peale. He said, "Change your thoughts, and you change your world."

Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.

Life Coaching available

Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.


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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

9 Strategies to Practice the Power of NOW! Rachel Devine

Being immersed in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, has scientifically proven health benefits, and allows us to tap into the spiritual depths of the moment, which when you think about it, this moment is all we have. The past is an illusion that is gone and the future is not here yet, so this moment is all there is. When you think about it, each moment turns into hours, hours turn into days, days turn into months, and months turn into years, and before long we find we may have squandered our lives by not being present in the moment. It is important to take full advantage of our days and live in a state of happiness and fulfillment, or life can pass us by in a blink of an eye.

Let’s look at some ways of practicing the power of now in your life.

Being immersed in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, has scientifically proven health benefits, and allows us to tap into the spiritual depths of the moment, which when you think about it, this moment is all we have. The past is an illusion that is gone and the future is not here yet, so this moment is all there is. When you think about it, each moment turns into hours, hours turn into days, days turn into months, and months turn into years, and before long we find we may have squandered our lives by not being present in the moment. It is important to take full advantage of our days and live in a state of happiness and fulfillment, or life can pass us by in a blink of an eye.

Let’s look at some ways of practicing the power of now in your life.

As Eckhart Tolle said, “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed.”

Lowered Stress and Anxiety

Focusing on the present releases us from rumination about the past and fear of tomorrow, two major triggers of stress. Studies show mindfulness practices reduce psychological distress by over 20% by living in the present moment.

Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman explained, “The more you rest your attention in the present, the more you decrease anxiety, because anxiety is rooted in prediction of the future.” The future thoughts are usually rooted in worry.

Increased Happiness and Life Satisfaction

Attention directed away from constant inner chatter about the past and future and redirected onto fuller immersion in our present activities and experiences cultivates feelings of awe, contentment and flow. This boosts mood and overall happiness. Staying in the moment can bring much peace. You can also do mini-meditations on being in your happy place. Just think about a place you feel happy in and put yourself in that place in your mind and stay there for or 10 minutes. You can feel the present of the moment in this short positive visualization. It’s important to learn how to stop worrying and start living your life now.

Spiritual Connection

Almost all spiritual traditions teach that the doorway to the Divine, including Christ Consciousness, is only accessible in the eternal now, not the past or future. God can only be felt in this timeless moment of the present.

As Tolle said, “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” When we align fully with the now, spiritual bliss emerges.

Strategies for Living in the Now

Here are 9 research-based strategies for spending more time immersed in the richness of the present:

  • Practice regular mindfulness meditation, focusing senses on the body and breath

  • Yoga and movement practices synchronized with breath

  • Conscious walking noticing each step and sensation and your surroundings

  • Reminding yourself “come back to the now” when distracted

  • Single-tasking versus always doing multiple things

  • Slowing down and fully engaging your senses in eating, talking and being present

  • Finding peace in activities like music, prayer, and being still in the present

  • Noticing emotions and thoughts but not attaching narratives of worry and fear

  • Accepting life rather than resisting what this moment presents

The more we intentionally anchor into the moment, the more we can access its gifts of inner stability, wisdom, joy, peace, and spiritual connection. Return again and again to the serenity of this moment. When we live in this soulful moment, we can enjoy quality time with family and friends, and enjoy the enormous benefits of connecting to God.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.

Life coaching available.

Devine Intervention website.

Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

5 Ways to Find Happiness, Peace & Purpose in a Broken World - Rachel Devine

Life can often feel busy, stressful and chaotic. On certain days, life can go in many directions, often finding yourself in a multitasking environment. With so many responsibilities and worries, it can be difficult to feel truly content, peaceful and happy on the inside. Chaos seems to be more of the order of the day, than calm. We come to a point where our life morphs from each moment, to an hour, to a day, to months and then years and before long when we look back we don’t see much meaning rather than our daily routine. However, there are many effective ways to cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and calmness in your daily life.

Life can often feel busy, stressful and chaotic. On certain days, life can go in many directions, often finding yourself in a multitasking environment. With so many responsibilities and worries, it can be difficult to feel truly content, peaceful and happy on the inside. Chaos seems to be more of the order of the day, than calm. We come to a point where our life morphs from each moment, to an hour, to a day, to months and then years and before long when we look back we don’t see much meaning rather than our daily routine. However, there are many effective ways to cultivate a deeper sense of purpose and calmness in your daily life.

Live in the Present

One of the most important keys to happiness is to live more fully in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. Practice mindfulness by paying attention to the sights, sounds, sensations, and emotions you are experiencing right now. Studies show that mindfulness can reduce anxiety, improve focus and heighten enjoyment of life's little pleasures.

Set aside 10 minutes each day to sit quietly and focus on your breathing. When your mind wanders, gently bring your attention back to the present. You may be surprised at how calm, clear and refreshed this makes you feel. Sitting quietly for 10 minutes can rejuevenate your whole day with peace.

Find Purpose and Meaning

Finding purpose and meaning is extremely rewarding. Identify causes, hobbies or volunteering opportunities that excite you and allow you to use your talents to make a difference in the world. Seeing how you positively impact others will give you a sense of significance. Whatever you love doing can be transformed to your purpose in life, as long as it benefits mankind in some way.

Look for meaning in small acts too - creating a beautiful meal for your family, playing a board game with your kids, or brightening a co-worker's day with a compliment. Even simple connections with family or friends can instill a sense of purpose.

One of my favorite quotes is from Harold Kushner.

“Our souls are hungry for meaning, for the sense that we have figured out how to live so that our lives matter, so that the world will be at least a little bit different for our having passed through it.”

You can also take, What’s my Purpose in Life Quiz? This quiz will help you determine your purpose in life.

Take Care of Your Body

Our physical health and mood are intricately connected. Make taking care of your body a priority. Try to eat a balanced, nutritious diet, drink enough water, get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly and exercise regularly. Consider adding mind-body practices like yoga, which lowers stress and induces calm. dWhen your physical health improves, your happiness does too.

Cultivate Gratitude

Practicing gratitude transforms pessimism into optimism and reminds you of the blessings in your life. You may adapt a more positive outlook. Make a daily list of at least five things you are grateful for - from your family to your pet canary to clean drinking water. Express thankfulness and appreciation to others often. Also, express that appreciation to others, by simply saying, thank you. This simple act keeps you focused on the bright side of life. A study from the Mayo Clinic on gratitude show positive results to our mental and physical wellness.

Meditation Practice

Daily meditation helps train your mind to tune into inner peace. Find a quiet space, get comfortable and close your eyes. Focus on your inhales and exhales for 10 minutes - if your mind wanders, gently return focus to your breath. Picture yourself in a place that makes you feel happy and just rest in this place for a few minutes. You have the choose to make meditation as deep as you want or as simple as you want. With regular practice, meditation reduces anxiety and negative self-talk while boosting self-awareness and attention. Meditation connects you to an inner core of calm and serenity that you can access anytime.

In conclusion, by intentionally living in the present, finding deeper meaning in your activities, taking care of your health, cultivating an attitude of gratitude and meditating, you can unlock sustainable happiness and inner peace. The daily habits that nurture your spiritual, mental and physical well-being will allow you to weather life's ups and downs with optimism, joy and tranquility.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Devine Intervention

Please leave your comments or contact me with any questions.

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