Ways to Accept the Things You Cannot Change: Finding Inner Peace - Rachel Devine
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. We don't have power over anyone but ourselves. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own life.
Let’s look at 5 ways on how to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own lives.
Let's look at ways to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance means acknowledging, rather than resisting, our present reality, including difficult emotions, people, and external events. As addiction treatment expert Steven Hayes said, "Acceptance is about seeing things as they actually are in the present moment."
Acceptance is not passivity. We simply stop fruitlessly trying to control uncontrollable things. The more useful approach is to channel energy into transforming what we can change. Make no mistake about the fact that the only person you can change is yourself. Accepting that will help you come to terms with the turmoil in trying to change someone else.
Let Go and Let God
When faced with situations we cannot control or change—a loved one's choices, another person’s driving behavior, the loss of a job — practicing acceptance rather than struggling against what is happening provides a pathway to serenity. Sometimes the way to acceptance is letting go and letting God take over. We have the choice to hand our loved ones or the situation over to our higher power, or, as I call Him, God. I read once a good way to let go is to wrap the person or situation in a favorite blanket in a meditation and hand them over to your Higher Power for support, guidance, and grace. If you are a prayerful person, you can say a prayer for the situation in order to put some positive energy into it. This gives you a sense of peace as you slowly realize that letting go will bring serenity. Don’t feel guilty for letting go of a situation you can’t control. Your choice is valid. Motivational quotations can also help you find ways to let go.
Cultivating Acceptance
Here are strategies to start embracing acceptance:
Get curious - Observe your feelings and urges to control situations. Is trying to control the situation a way to alleviate stressful feelings that are overwhelming you? Perhaps you are overwhelmed with stress that you know will be alleviated if you can control the situation. However, control of outside influences is just an illusion.
Focus on what you can control - Rather than lamenting on what’s outside your control, redirect efforts towards helpful actions within your power.
Let go of judgment - Release judgments about yourself, others or events being “wrong.” Sometimes what goes wrong has a lesson built-in that is valuable for growth.
Let go of the guilt you might feel for letting go. Just know in your heart that you are doing the right thing for everyone involved.
Embrace your Feelings
Make a list of what you are struggling with accepting, and also make a list of what you have control over to change. You will quickly see that you only have control of your side of the street. Once you make the list, you can start to work on changing what you can and letting go of what you can't change. Also, start to look at things to be grateful for in the situation. Being in a state of gratitude helps us find peace with the situation. I suggest you practice gratitude daily. Give thanks for any positive outcomes, including lessons and opportunities for growth for yourself. This breeds perspective and ultimately leads to finding happiness.
And remember, if someone has to learn a valuable lesson, sometimes the only way to do that is to hit rock bottom. Trying to stop someone from hitting their bottom in life is equivalent to trying to stop God from doing His job. We all have a Higher Power to guide and protect us as we journey through life. Be trusting of life's process, as we can almost always see the blessing in disguise. When a person hits rock bottom the only place to go is up. You can also visualize the desired outcomes with positive thinking. Imagine goals manifesting smoothly without you having to force or control the process.
When all else seems to fail, prayer is the calming power within. Prayer is a common practice to let go of the thing you can’t control and put you in a peaceful state. I believe the power of prayer can work wonders. When you are in prayer, you relinquish control of the situation, but still put blessings on what you would like to see a positive outcome for. It’s a great way to find some peace. The serenity prayer is a great tool that has so much wisdom and helps put perspective on situations.
The Serenity Prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
Through mindful surrender, rather than frustration over what we cannot change, we tap into an expansive peace, faith, and inner freedom. Remember, it's progress you are looking for in this situation, not perfection.
In the immortal words of Ovid, "By yielding, you may obtain victory."
Information for our new Weekend Getaway with the theme: Letting Go: Embrace a New Beginning.
Tales of Hope, Love and Discovery - A Collection of Short Stories.
Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing the Inner Child.
The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life.
Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me.
Do you Need a Faith-Lift? Rachel Devine
As the world revolves around inflation, war, political unrest, and life challenges, it’s time to get a faith lift. Faith lifts us up in a way that brings grounding peace during turmoil. Where can one turn when things are bleak? And the answer is our faith. We can feel faith in many different areas of life, from a walk in nature to music, a quiet time with candles, houses of worship, prayer groups, meditation, prayer, and so much more.
Let’s look at where we can get this faith boost:
As the world revolves around inflation, war, political unrest, and life challenges, it’s time to get a faith lift. Faith lifts us up in a way that brings grounding peace during turmoil. Where can one turn when things are bleak? And the answer is our faith. We can feel faith in many different areas of life, from a walk in nature, to music, a quiet time with candles, houses of worship, prayer groups, meditation, prayer, and so much more. And the ultimate goal is to bring some peace and happiness into your life.
Let’s look at where we can get this faith boost:
Place of worship
The most obvious place to get a faith lift would be a place of worship. This is a place where like-minded people go to be nourished. It is an important place to find the peace of your Higher Power, whom I call God. God is love, God is peace, and we can connect to that in our place of worship. There is also a sense of community in a church or synagogue. If you have the opportunity to join a prayer group, that will bring a new dimension of faith into your life.
A nature walk
Some people embrace faith in the landscape as they take a walk in nature. Being in nature brings a sense of spirituality that invokes peace. Remember, your higher power is peace. Some people can embrace a cherry blossom and feel the spirit of God within that tree. Perhaps you feel faith in a burst of a sunrise or a beautiful sunset. It’s all about perspective.
Music brings a sense of joy and balance to people. Listening to spiritual music, or music that nurtures a sense of connection, is a way for some people to find their higher power or faith. Find your peace in music as you detach from the woes of the world and embrace the magical essence of the moment. Or perhaps you are a musician and know the peace of being in the moment with your songs. You can also light some scented candles, as you sit and enjoy your music.
Power of prayer
I believe strongly in the power of prayer, as I have seen it in action in my own life many times. Praying is a way to offset the challenges in our lives and lift us up to new ways of coping with them. Prayer also brings on a sense of serenity and a feeling of letting go of the challenge. Giving our troubles to God in prayer is a perfect way to feel acceptance and serenity.
Gratitude is a magical wand that helps make the world a better place. When we live in gratitude, there is a sense of contentment. As the adage goes, “Count your blessings and embrace the lessons.” Even in dark times, we can embrace the lessons and be grateful for all we have. Gratitude is an extension of our faith. It forces us to see the positive aspects of life.
Embrace the moment
What all of the aforementioned methods have in common is that they bring a person to being in the moment. When you are in the moment, you can connect to your higher power. God is only in the moment. God is not in the past or the future; he is only in this very moment. The power of the moment is magical. Connecting to God through worship, walking in nature, music, prayer and gratitude are all ways of connecting you to the moment, where the power of the universe resides and is waiting to bring you peace.
Rachel’s books.
Devine Intervention - The Inner Healing Center
A Valentine’s Day Dream: How to Attract your Soulmate - Rachel Devine
We all, at one time or another, have dreams of meeting our soulmate. The person who will make all our dreams come true, sweep us off our feet, take us to a faraway land, and live happily ever after. This is reminiscent of the 1960’s movie Cinderella. What a classic movie that was. It gave every little girl the hope of one day meeting her prince charming and living happily ever after. However, the reality is that many of us make poor choices in marriage partners, and our dreams get shattered. Some may ask themselves why they are so bad at choosing a partner in life. Of course the answer lies within. Our Valentine's Day dream can only happen if we are at the same place we want our partner to be. In other words, we attract what we are. If we are in a broken, lonely, or depressed state, chances are we will meet someone who is broken, lonely, and depressed. This is the law of attraction, which says that ‘like attracts like.’ It’s like yelling out your emotions in an echo chamber; what you yell out will come back. So, the key to meeting your Valentine’s dream is to become what you want to meet. Let’s look at ways to attract your soulmate.
We all, at one time or another, have dreams of meeting our soulmate. The person who will make all our dreams come true, sweep us off our feet, take us to a faraway land, and live happily ever after. This is reminiscent of the 1960’s movie Cinderella. What a classic movie that was. It gave every little girl the hope of one day meeting her prince charming and living happily ever after. However, the reality is that many of us make poor choices in marriage partners, and our dreams get shattered. Some may ask themselves why they are so bad at choosing a partner in life. Of course the answer lies within. Our Valentine's Day dream can only happen if we are at the same place we want our partner to be. In other words, we attract what we are. If we are in a broken, lonely, or depressed state, chances are we will meet someone who is broken, lonely, and depressed. This is the law of attraction, which says that ‘like attracts like.’ It’s like yelling out your emotions in an echo chamber; what you yell out will come back. So, the key to meeting your Valentine’s dream is to become what you want to meet. Let’s look at ways to attract your soulmate.
Journaling and making a list is a good start.
First things first
The first step is to do a complete analysis of who you are and what you want. You can start by making a list of all the attributes you want in a soulmate. List everything, from their appearance to their moral values to their personality to all the qualities you are looking for. Then, take the list and check off how many of these qualities you have. Again, like attracts like. If you want to meet a kind, generous, and loving soulmate, you have to resonate and act with kindness, generosity, and love towards everyone you encounter, not just family and friends, but the customer service person who got you angry and the clerk at the supermarket. This is one of the process of the art of finding true love.
Visualization is essential to manifest your dreams.
Visualization is the most powerful way to manifest anything in your life. The most powerful time to manifest is just as you are falling asleep at night, because you are going into sleep mode, which is an unconscious state, and this is the time when you can reprogram the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind runs your life 95% of the time, so it makes sense to feed it what you want to accomplish in life.
Start by putting one picture of your soulmate in your head, in a situation that already depicts you in a relationship. You may want to picture your soulmate sitting at dinner with you or perhaps giving you a romantic kiss. Use only one picture and not a video of the whole evening. Then, fall asleep with the incredible feelings of being in love—feeling secure, happy, content, and filled with joy. The feelings are what penetrate the subconscious mind. Do this for at least 30 nights. You will feel more loving the next morning and resonate with those feelings, and that will help attract your soulmate.
Gratitude is the equalizer and will bring you more of what you are grateful for.
Living in gratitude is a well-kept secret in life. It helps us attain more of what we are grateful for. The more you are grateful, the more positive energy you are putting out into the world, the more positive energy will come back to you. Again, this is the law of attraction. I suggest writing or mentally listing at least 10 things you are grateful for every morning. It’s a great way to start your day on the right foot.
Positive affirmations are essential to manifest what we want in life.
Affirmations for Finding Love
Positive affirmations for finding love is another way to penetrate the subconscious mind from a negative to a positive.
Positive affirmations are positively loaded phrases or statements that are used to replace unhelpful or negative thoughts. People can use positive affirmations to motivate them, encourage positive changes in their lives, or boost their self-esteem, but they also reprogram the subconscious mind. They are especially helpful if you have a negative thought come out of left field, What you want to do is immediately overpower the negative thought with a positive affirmation.
For example, if you keep saying, “I am too old to meet my soulmate,” You want to change that around to, “I will meet my soulmate, and age is not a factor.” Or, “I never meet a healthy partner,” can be changed around to “I met my soulmate who is perfect for me.”
In closing, your soulmate is just a thought away and resides within you. Sometimes we search outside ourselves when, all along, what we are searching for is right at our fingertips. Sure, we can be our own prince charming or Cinderella, but it is a blessing to meet a partner to spend the rest of our lives with in our happily ever after dream. Dreams do manifest into reality when you have the right tools. It’s simply a matter of resonating with exactly what you want to attract in life and then falling asleep with that dream.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
Amazon review: The book really got deep on how our subconscious mind works and how important it is to not fall into the negativities and train yourself to think positive always. I really enjoyed it and it was very inspirational and really broadened my knowledge of how our minds work. I really recommend it ! Tina
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.
7 Ways to Holistically Deal with Depression - Rachel Devine
Depression can be overwhelming. It could feel like you have to climb a mountain just to take a shower or get dressed. Something within always seems to be pressing against the norm. It might feel like there is a cloud always hovering over. When you feel this way, it’s time to start looking within to see what is happening on the outside. And there are holistic ways to feel better.
Alongside professional treatment, certain lifestyle adjustments and holistic self-care practices can help mitigate depressive symptoms gently yet effectively. Here are 7 research-backed ways to deal with depression holistically:
Depression can be overwhelming. It could feel like you have to climb a mountain just to take a shower or get dressed. Something within always seems to be pressing against the norm. It might feel like there is a cloud always hovering over. When you feel this way, it’s time to start looking within to see what is happening on the outside. And there are holistic ways to feel better.
Alongside professional treatment, certain lifestyle adjustments and holistic self-care practices can help mitigate depressive symptoms gently yet effectively. Here are 7 research-backed ways to deal with depression holistically:
Increase Omega-3s
Studies confirm insufficient essential fatty acids, including anti-inflammatory omega-3s, correlate to higher rates of depression. Supplementing daily with quality fish oil, hemp oil, or flax oil nourishes neurotransmitter development tied to mood.
A 2019 meta-analysis of 41 trials showed a clear reduction in depression severity among those supplementing with omega-3 fish oils over those taking placebos. The holistic change to add fish oil to your diet will lift low moods.
Embrace Gratitude
Cultivating daily gratitude through routines like gratitude journaling literally changes brain physiology. MRI scans reveal improved connectivity in gratitude neural pathways. Appreciating blessings also combats the negativity bias underpinning depression. Count your blessings and your life will be happier.
According to a 2021 study of 200 clinically depressed participants, daily gratitude journaling for just 3 weeks reduced depressive symptoms significantly. Staying in gratitude will lift your mood.
Light Therapy
Exposing eyes and skin to bright artificial light that mimics natural sunlight actually modifies melatonin and serotonin light-sensitive pathways. Poor daylight exposure exacerbates seasonal affective disorder and depression.
A meta-analysis of 18 studies confirmed that both seasonal and non-seasonal depression responds to daily light box therapy. Just 30–60 minutes benefited the mood of 70% of participants.
Adopt anti-inflammatory diets
Chronic inflammation and gut microbiome imbalances correlate strongly with depression. An anti-inflammatory diet emphasizing plant foods rich in polyphenols while reducing inflammatory sugars, refined carbs, and fried foods tames systemwide inflammatory pathways.
Research finds the Mediterranean diet, with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, and seafood, effectively improves mental health.
Optimize Vitamin D
Some studies link vitamin D deficiency to an increased risk for depression symptoms such as sadness and anxiety. Vitamin D modulates hormones and neurotransmitters, influencing mood regulation. Much evidence links low vitamin D stores with seasonal depression as we get less sun exposure.
Getting your vitamin D levels tested and supplementing accordingly under medical guidance is advisable, especially during the darker winter months. Vitamin D also stabilizes mood disorders like bipolar depression.
Negative thoughts
Negative thoughts can exasperate depression. It’s not easy to be positive when depressed, but it's worth the effort. Try hard to change negative thoughts into positive ones. When things seem dreadful, ask yourself: Is it really that bad, or are your thoughts and fears magnifying your depression? Try saying some positive affirmations out loud several times a day.
Inner child healing
Finally, addressing unresolved childhood wounds through inner child work can also lift depression rooted in past traumas, attachment wounds, and mistaken core beliefs like worthlessness or defectiveness. These past emotional wounds get embedded in the subconscious. Techniques like dialoguing, visualizations aimed at reparenting your inner child's unmet needs for unconditional love and safety, releasing trapped emotions from painful memories, and replacing negative self-talk stemming from childhood with self-compassion will help transform depressive mind loops fueled by the wounded inner child. As these subconscious burdens dissolve through conscious processing, inner children feel seen and nurtured, freeing us to value our worth. Increased self-acceptance and integration of letting go of the past lead to wholeness, increased functionality, and brighter perspectives characteristic of holistic depression recovery.
The key point is that depression often links to oppressive inner critic voices, perfectionism, low self-worth, self-isolation, and hopelessness stemming from childhood maltreatment, emotional absence or even grief. By directly healing these past wounds through inner child healing techniques, we target the root psychological and subconscious drivers of depression for deep transformation rather than just symptom management.
While working with doctors to manage diagnosed clinical depression is vital, certain holistic self-care techniques outlined will empower you as a partner in sustaining long-term therapeutic benefits through your daily lifestyle change. Every small positive choice counts towards inner healing from depression.
If you need it, please call 988 suicide and crisis line. Your life is worth it!
More information on depression on Drugwatch.
Rachel Devine’s new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within: Healing Your Inner Child to Manifest Your Dreams, is on Amazon now and will help you come to terms with the wounded inner child.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
Do you Need a Faith-Lift? - Rachel Devine
As the world revolves around inflation, war, political unrest, and life challenges, it’s time to get a faith lift. Faith lifts us up in a way that brings grounding peace during turmoil. Where can one turn when things are bleak? And the answer is our faith. We can feel faith in many different areas of life, from a walk in nature to music, a quiet time with candles, houses of worship, prayer groups, meditation, prayer, and so much more.
Let’s look at where we can get this faith boost:
As the world revolves around inflation, war, political unrest, and life challenges, it’s time to get a faith lift. Faith lifts us up in a way that brings grounding peace during turmoil. Where can one turn when things are bleak? And the answer is our faith. We can feel faith in many different areas of life, from a walk in nature to music, a quiet time with candles, houses of worship, prayer groups, meditation, prayer, and so much more. And the ultimate goal is to bring some peace and happiness into your life.
Let’s look at where we can get this faith boost:
Place of worship
The most obvious place to get a faith lift would be a place of worship. This is a place where like-minded people go to be nourished. It is an important place to find the peace of your higher power, whom I call God. God is love, God is peace, and we can connect to that in our place of worship. There is also a sense of community in a church or synagogue. If you have the opportunity to join a prayer group, that will bring a new dimension of faith into your life.
A nature walk
Some people embrace faith in the landscape as they take a walk in nature. Being in nature brings a sense of spirituality that invokes peace. Remember, your higher power is peace. Some people can embrace a cherry blossom and feel the spirit of God within that tree. Perhaps you feel faith in a burst of a sunrise or a beautiful sunset. It’s all about perspective.
Music brings a sense of joy and love to people. Listening to spiritual music, or music that nurtures a sense of connection, is a way for some people to find their higher power or faith. Find your peace in music as you detach from the woes of the world and embrace the magical essence of the moment. You can also light some scented candles, as you sit and enjoy your music.
Power of prayer
I believe strongly in the power of prayer, as I have seen it in action in my own life many times. Praying is a way to offset the challenges in our lives and lift us up to new ways of coping with them. Prayer also brings on a sense of serenity and a feeling of letting go of the challenge. Giving our troubles to God in prayer is a perfect way to feel acceptance and peace.
Gratitude is a magical wand that helps make the world a better place. When we live in gratitude, there is a sense of contentment. As the adage goes, “Count your blessings and embrace the lessons.” Even in dark times, we can embrace the lessons and be grateful for all we have. Gratitude is an extension of our faith.
Embrace the moment
What all of the aforementioned methods have in common is that they bring a person to being in the moment. When you are in the moment, you can connect to your higher power. God is only in the moment. God is not in the past or the future; he is only in this very moment. The power of the moment is magical. Connecting to God through worship, walking in nature, music, prayer and gratitude are all ways of connecting you to the moment, where the power of the universe resides and is waiting to bring you peace.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
Devine Intervention - The Inner Healing Center
Ways to Accept the Things You Cannot Change - Finding Inner Peace - Rachel Devine
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. We don't have power over anyone but ourselves. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own life.
Let’s look at 5 ways on how to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own lives.
Let's look at ways to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance means acknowledging, rather than resisting, our present reality, including difficult emotions, people, and external events. As addiction treatment expert Steven Hayes said, "Acceptance is about seeing things as they actually are in the present moment."
Acceptance is not passivity. We simply stop fruitlessly trying to control uncontrollable things. The more useful approach is to channel energy into transforming what we can change. Make no mistake about the fact that the only person you can change is yourself. Accepting that will help you come to terms with the turmoil in trying to change someone else.
Let Go and Let God
When faced with situations we cannot control or change—a loved one's choices, another driver's behavior, the loss of a job—practicing acceptance rather than struggling against what is happening provides a pathway to serenity. Sometimes the way to acceptance is letting go and letting God take over. We have the choice to hand our loved ones or the situation over to our higher power, or, as I call Him, God. We can wrap that person or situation in a favorite blanket and mindfully hand them over to your higher power for support, guidance, and grace. If you are a prayerful person, you can say a prayer for the situation in order to put some positive energy into it. This gives you a sense of peace as you slowly realize that letting go will bring serenity. Don’t feel guilty for letting go of a situation you can’t control. Your choice is valid. Motivational quotations can also help you find ways to let go.
Cultivating Acceptance
Here are strategies to start embracing acceptance:
Get curious - Observe your feelings and urges to control situations. Is trying to control the situation a way to alleviate stressful feelings that are overwhelming you?
Focus on what you can control - Rather than lamenting what’s outside your control, redirect efforts towards helpful actions within your power.
Let go of judgment - Release judgments about yourself, others or events being “wrong.” Sometimes what goes wrong has a lesson built-in that is priceless.
Let go of the guilt you might feel for letting go. Just know in your heart that you are doing the right thing for everyone involved.
Embrace your Feelings
Make a list of what you are struggling with accepting, and also make a list of what you have control over to change. You will quickly see that you only have control of your side of the street. Once you make the list, you can start to work on changing what you can and letting go of what you can't change. Also, start to look at things to be grateful for in the situation. Being in a state of gratitude helps us find peace with the situation. I suggest you practice gratitude daily. Give thanks for any positive outcomes, including lessons and opportunities for growth for yourself. This breeds perspective and ultimately leads to finding happiness.
And remember, if someone has to learn a valuable lesson, sometimes the only way to do that is to hit rock bottom. Trying to stop someone from hitting their bottom in life is equivalent to trying to stop God from doing His job. We all have a higher power to guide and protect us as we journey through life. Be trusting in life's process, as we can almost always see the blessing in disguise. When a person hits rock bottom the only place to go is up. You can also visualize the desired outcomes with positive thinking. Imagine goals manifesting smoothly without you having to force or control the process.
When all else seems to fail, prayer is the calming power within. Prayer is a common practice to let go of the thing you can’t control and put you in a peaceful state. I believe the power of prayer can work wonders. When you are in prayer, you relinquish control of the situation, but still put blessings on what you would like to see a positive outcome for. It’s a great way to find some peace. The serenity prayer is a great tool that has so much wisdom and helps put perspective on situations.
The Serenity Prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
Through mindful surrender, rather than frustration over what we cannot change, we tap into an expansive peace, faith, and inner freedom. Remember, it's progress you are looking for in this situation, not perfection.
In the immortal words of Ovid, "By yielding, you may obtain victory."
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me.
How to Accept the Things You Cannot Change - Finding Inner Peace - Rachel Devine
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. We don't have power over anyone but ourselves. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own life.
Let’s look at 5 ways on how to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. We don't have power over anyone but ourselves. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own lives.
Let's look at ways to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance means acknowledging, rather than resisting, our present reality, including difficult emotions, people, and external events. As addiction treatment expert Steven Hayes said, "Acceptance is about seeing things as they actually are in the present moment."
Acceptance is not passivity. We simply stop fruitlessly trying to control uncontrollable things. The more useful approach is to channel energy into transforming what we can change.
Let Go and Let God
When faced with situations we cannot control or change—a loved one's choices, another driver's behavior, the loss of a job—practicing acceptance rather than struggling against what is happening provides a pathway to serenity. Sometimes we have to hand our loved ones or the situation over to our higher power, or, as I call Him, God. We can wrap that person or situation in a favorite blanket and mindfully hand them over to your higher power for support, guidance, and grace. If you are a prayerful person, you can say a prayer for the situation in order to put some positive energy into it. This gives you a sense of peace as you slowly realize that acceptance will bring serenity. Motivational quotations can also help you find ways to let go.
Cultivating Acceptance
Here are strategies to start embracing acceptance:
Get curious - Observe your feelings and urges to control situations. Is trying to control the situation a way to alleviate stressful feelings you have?
Feel emotions - Don’t suppress difficult feelings that arise with non-acceptance. Acknowledge and express them, without judgment, as temporary passing experiences.
Focus on what you can control - Rather than lamenting what’s outside your control, redirect efforts towards helpful actions within your power.
Let go of judgment - Release judgments about yourself, others or events being “wrong.” Sometimes what goes wrong has a lesson built-in that is priceless.
Benefits from acceptance
Lower levels of anxiety, depression, and anger
Increased positive emotions and life satisfaction
Improved self-esteem and emotional regulation
Stronger relationships and social support
Enhanced work performance and problem-solving
Reduced stress-related inflammation and improved cardiovascular health
Serenity - remember, acceptance is your key to unlock the door to peace and serenity
Embrace your Feelings
Make a list of what you are struggling with accepting, and also make a list of what you have control over to change. You will quickly see that you only have control of your side of the street. Once you make the list, you can start to work on changing what you can and letting go of what you can't change. Also, start to look at things to be grateful for in the situation. Being in a state of gratitude helps us find peace with the situation. I suggest you practice gratitude daily. Give thanks for any positive outcomes, including lessons and opportunities for growth for yourself. This breeds perspective and ultimately leads to finding happiness.
And remember, if someone has to learn a valuable lesson, sometimes the only way to do that is to hit rock bottom. Trying to stop someone from hitting their bottom in life is equivalent to trying to stop God from doing His job. We all have a higher power to guide and protect us as we journey through life. Be trusting in life's process, as we can almost always see the blessing in disguise. You can also visualize the desired outcomes. Imagine goals manifesting smoothly without you having to force or control the process.
When all else seems to fail, prayer is the calming power within. Prayer is a common practice to let go of the thing you can’t control and put you in a peaceful state. I believe the power of prayer can work wonders. When you are in prayer, you relinquish control of the situation, but still put blessings on what you would like to see a positive outcome for. It’s a great way to find some peace. . The serenity prayer is a great tool that has so much wisdom and helps put perspective on situations.
The Serenity Prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
Through mindful surrender, rather than frustration over what we cannot change, we tap into an expansive peace, faith, and inner freedom. Remember, it's progress you are looking for in this situation, not perfection.
In the immortal words of Ovid, "By yielding, you may obtain victory."
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Life coaching available. Devine Intervention website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me.
Create the Life you Want - Use the Power of your Thoughts - Rachel Devine
Imagine a world where your thoughts can create your future. Is that just a fantasy or a reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create our future is a reality. This article will outline some powerful manifestation techniques, which will enlighten you.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
Do you want to lose weight, perhaps get a better-paying job, start a business, or meet your soulmate? Or maybe you want to write a book or perform music or create art for a gallery. Imagine a world where all you have to do is think about what you want, and that becomes your reality. You might be thinking, this is a good script for a sci-fi movie, because we are not conditioned to put a lot of focus on the power of our thoughts. You might ask yourself, is my ability to create my future just a fantasy or an actual reality? The answer may surprise you, because the ability to create your future is a reality. You can create the life you want with some guidance. The power of your thoughts are a segway to manifesting your goals into reality. This article will give you some powerful manifestation techniques, that will outline ways to bring your goals into your world.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
The Power of Visualization
Visualization benefits are unlimited. One of the most widely recognized manifestation techniques is visualization. Advocated by writers like Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization, this technique involves forming detailed mental images of what you want to manifest. The more specific and detailed the mental picture, the more potent the manifestation. Remember, this is a powerful way to use your thoughts.
There is also a book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, that gives fascinating insights into the power of visualization. Peale tells us that if you keep a positive visualization in your mind every day, what you visualize will eventually come into your life. The key is to be consistent with your visualization. You can also create a vision board. You can get some oak tags, some stickers, a marker, and some pictures from a magazine and create a board of symbols and words about what you want your life to look like in the future. Put the vision board in a place where you can see it daily. I created a vision board a few years ago, and 90% of what I had on there became reality.
Another powerful technique is the use of positive affirmations. These are positive statements repeated regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with your conscious desires and goals. Louise Hay, a well-known advocate for affirmations, states in her work, You Can Heal Your Life, that repeating affirmations can significantly change our lives in a positive way. You can also write out the affirmations and post them in places where you can easily see them. Say these affirmations out loud every day and see what transpires. When you keep your focus on your goals using affirmations, it gives you an edge in reaching your goals.
The "Live in the End" Concept
Neville Goddard, a leading figure in the New Thought movement, proposed a technique often referred to as "live in the end." The idea is to imagine and feel your desire as already here, essentially living in the reality of your wish fulfilled. This process is said to impress your subconscious mind, prompting it to manifest the desired reality. In other words, if you want a promotion, visualize your colleagues congratulating you for it as if it already happened. Or if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at your ideal weight. These visualizations are more powerful if you picture one image of what you want to manifest when you are falling asleep and resonate with the feelings of having what you want already in your life. Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that feelings are what get embedded in the subconscious mind and are what bring our goals to reality. Our subconscious mind drives our lives 97% of the time; therefore, the key to manifesting is to feed our subconscious mind what we want to accomplish. We do that by feeding it feelings of what we want in life, as if it were already here. Remember, you have the ability to manifest your dreams into reality.
The 5x55 Method
The 5x55 method is a newer technique gaining traction in the manifestation community. It involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times a day for five consecutive days. This repetitive action is believed to effectively reprogram the subconscious mind. Remember, by reprogramming the subconscious mind, we are feeding it our goals, and according to Neville Goddard, the subconscious mind will bring the goal to reality.
Meditation is often incorporated into manifestation practices to help quiet the conscious mind and better communicate with the subconscious mind. Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, suggests that meditation can help us move beyond our analytical mind to access deeper states of consciousness, fostering effective manifestation. Just sitting in a state of deep contemplation can get you into a meditative state. Keep it simple and just go with the flow of meditation.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that like attracts like. By focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. This is accomplished by putting good energy into the world. It's similar to karma in the sense that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Think of the world around you as an echo chamber; whatever thoughts and words you put into the echo chamber come back to you. It's so important to put positive thoughts and words out into the world, rather than negative ones.
The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne Dyer has a book called, The Power of Intention, where he outlines a clear game plan for manifesting our dreams. He also writes about a certain effective meditation called Japa. Japa is a meditation where you envision what you want in your life, and basically you put these thoughts out into the world and allow them to encircle the world and then imagine that energy coming back to you. It is a very effective way to bring our goals into our lives. For instance, if you want to manifest love, imagine being in love and then putting that energy out into the world. Then you would imagine it encircling the earth and coming back to you.
Gratitude plays an important role in manifestation. The more grateful you are, the more positive our thoughts get imbedded into our subconscious minds. Research has continuously stated there are medical benefits, as well as emotional benefits, to being grateful. I suggest you make a list of 10 things you are grateful for daily and read them out loud. This practice turns negative thoughts into positive ones and helps the flow of what you want to manifest come into your life.
In closing, remember, Elon Musk started with a tiny thought when he decided he wanted to build SpaceX and eventually create a colony on Mars, and now we see how his thoughts have manifested into reality. Of course he put a lot of focused effort into this project and the results are amazing. Every idea starts with a thought, and every thought empowers our actions. The more effort and motivation we put into our actions, the more results we will achieve. And to go one step further, our goals have a better chance of manifesting into reality when we use the ideas suggested in this article.
The power to manifest our desires into reality lies within each of us. We have the power to lose weight, get a promotion, connect with our soulmate, or achieve any number of goals and dreams we have lying dormant. Bring them out into the light of day with your powerful thoughts. By utilizing techniques like visualization, affirmations, the "live in the end" concept, and all of the suggestions in this article, we can tap into this enormous power within and shape our reality. Whether you resonate with Neville Goddard's teachings or Dr. Wayne Dyer's manifestation methods, finding a technique that works best for you is the key to effective manifestation. You can try one or all of the suggestions. I say the more, the better. With practice and consistency, you can harness the power of your mind to manifest your desires into reality.
If you would like to learn more about how to manifest your dreams into reality, check out my powerful online audio course, which gives you a step-by-step guide called How to Manifest Your Dreams.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
8 Ways to Stop Negative Thoughts and Overthinking - Rachel Devine
Overthinking everything and chronic negativity can make daily life feel overwhelming and bleak. It can exasperate depression. It also is a block to healing from any emotional wounds we may have in life. Learning techniques to dial down obsessive thoughts and shift inner dialogues to a more positive, balanced state provides relief. With consistent practice, you can stop detrimental and self-criticism and cultivate mindfulness, peace and optimism instead. Let’s look at some techniques on how to stop negative thoughts and overthinking. The more you shift to a positive state of mind, the more your life will go in a positive direction.
Overthinking everything and chronic negativity can make daily life feel overwhelming and bleak. It can exasperate depression. It also is a block to healing from any emotional wounds we may have in life. Learning techniques to dial down obsessive thoughts and shift inner dialogues to a more positive, balanced state provides relief. With consistent practice, you can stop detrimental and self-criticism and cultivate mindfulness, peace and optimism instead. Let’s look at some techniques on how to stop negative thoughts and overthinking. The more you shift to a positive state of mind, the more your life will go in a positive direction.
Catch and Challenge Distorted Thinking
Cognitive behavioral therapy helps reveal distorted thinking patterns like catastrophizing, all-or-nothing thinking, or jumping to conclusions that amplify anxiety. Catch these thoughts as they occur and analyze them objectively – are they overly dramatic or illogical? Are these negative thoughts conveying truth or anxiety? Challenging distortions with rational questioning is the first step.
Set Aside a Daily ‘Worry Timeout’
Rather than trying to suppress anxious thoughts throughout the day, set aside a short dedicated worry time daily, like 20 minutes. Jot down a list of concerns to examine objectively. The rest of the day when intrusive thoughts strike, remind yourself to save it for worry time. That should help clear your day of worry.
Live in the Present Through Mindfulness
Overthinking is exaggerated when focused on the past or future rather than the present. Practice mindfulness meditation and focus intently on your senses, bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts in the exact moment without judging them as good or bad. This cultivates presence. Staying in the moment brings serenity. You can also look at motivational quotes for inspiration.
Visualize Pushing Out Anxious Thoughts
Use positive visualization during meditation to practice pushing anxious thoughts out of your mind. Imagine each obsessive thought as a ball and visualize yourself gently batting the thought-balls away each time, clearing your mind’s space. Or visualize them as balloons and watch each negative thought float away.
Write Down Your Thoughts to Express Them
Journaling or stream-of-consciousness writing provides an outlet to express worries and limiting beliefs on paper so they don’t endlessly repeat internally. This process releases and processes obsessive thoughts. Just write out what you are worrying about and try to look at it objectively, which might bring your worry down to size. Also, write out ways to get your life in a state of living on purpose, which can be very positive.
Limit Stimuli and Distraction
Minimize stimuli like news feeds, overplanning, social media, and multitasking that feed into a frazzled, overwhelmed state, especially in the evening. Reduce clutter in your home to bring more calm.
Refocus on Solutions, Not Just Problems
When you catch yourself ruminating on problems, consciously shift to focusing on practical solutions and productive next action steps. Negativity thrives when problems seem insurmountable. Reframing issues as solvable weakens obsessive worry. Keep the focus on the solutions and become proactive at solving the challenge in a productive way, pushing away the temptation to worry about it. It’s important to shift your thoughts. Perhaps some happiness quotes will help.
Surround Yourself with Positivity & Gratitude
Hang around people who inspire optimism, self-confidence and solutions-focused thinking. Our thinking patterns are contagious. Choose to immerse yourself in positivity. Therapy is a great way to get to the root of the inner child dialogue of negativity. The inner child experiences are usually behind the negative thoughts and obsessive thinking. Having this awareness can help you. Gratitude is also the true equalizer when it comes to negative thinking. If you start your day off with listing 10 things you are grateful for, negativity will be hard to penetrate that mindset. Stay in a grateful state of being. Most people have so much to be grateful for, and yet they choose to look at what is missing, rather than what they have. Be thankful for the little things, as well as the big things in your life, and stay in that energy. With some effort, you can transform your life.
In conclusion, it’s important to bring yourself to a point to commit fully to transforming limiting inner messages, and shift from exhausting overthinking to mindful presence and you will see optimism will unfold. It will make your life happy again. Recognize negative thoughts but don't believe or react to them. Your power lies in choosing which thoughts to give energy to. You do have the power to change your thoughts to positive thoughts. It’s all a matter of recognizing the negative thought and then changing it to a positive thought. I suggest you get a rubber band and put it on your wrist. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, gently snap the rubber band as a reminder to change to a positive thought. With some practice you will be on your way to a more peaceful life.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
5 Ways to Overcome Obstacles During Challenging Times - Rachel Devine
Life inevitably brings ups and downs, obstacles arise, and plans go awry. How you respond when challenges test your resolve ultimately determines whether you overcome hurdles or get stuck. Maintaining faith, embracing positive thinking, giving thanks, and envisioning desired outcomes can help unlock inner strength and harness support to propel you through difficult periods. I always maintain that if we keep a positive attitude towards all things in life, inevitably a positive outcome will follow.
Life inevitably brings ups and downs, obstacles arise, and plans go awry. How you respond when challenges test your resolve ultimately determines whether you overcome hurdles or get stuck. Maintaining faith, embracing positive thinking, giving thanks, and envisioning desired outcomes can help unlock inner strength and harness support to propel you through difficult periods. I always maintain that if we keep a positive attitude towards all things in life, inevitably a positive outcome will follow.
Ways to a Happy Life
According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, “Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” Seeing light within the darkness is key. Looking for the good that comes out of challenges is the key to happiness during challenging times.
The Power of Faith and Prayer
Connecting to the divine source provides comfort and courage to persevere. As pioneering American psychologist William James stated, “Religion...is a place of profound refuge in an otherwise harsh world.” Prayer or meditation can bring spiritual guidance on the path forward. I
Let go of trying to control everything; trust in divine order unfolding. Ask for the faith to navigate uncertainty and challenges with grace. Your situation may remain unchanged, but prayer can change you from the inside out. With prayer, you stay in the moment with peace, rather than lament negatively over a challenging situation.
Practicing Gratitude
It’s human nature to fixate on problems when struggling. Yet where attention goes, energy flows. By instead focusing on blessings and victories - however small - you summon more positive energy around you. Gratitude is magnetic. Look at all the things in your life that you have to be grateful for and focus on those blessings. As they say, “Count your blessings.”
Celebrated spiritual author Dr. Wayne Dyer encouraged meeting negativity with affirmations of thankfulness. “Constantly affirming the good that exists everywhere will cause it to expand and grow in your life,” he taught. The expansion is part of the law of attraction, as like attracts like. Dr. Dyer encourages us to water seeds of hope. Look for all the beauty of gratitude in your life. It is the equalizer when troubles arise.
Positive Visualization
Imagine yourself already emerging triumphant on the other side of current adversity. Envision the lesson, strength and renewed purpose this challenge will produce. Hold firm to this vision; your present belief can shape your future reality.
According to the law of attraction, maintaining positive expectations summons resources and synchronicities to transform difficult circumstances into growth and breakthroughs. Your mindset matters. Positive visualization is a very powerful tool to change the course of a challenge to a positive outcome. Just keep visualizing the perfect outcome you want. Also, look at some motivational quotes to help you get in a positive state.
Progress Through Persistence
Break overwhelming problems into addressable steps. Celebrate small advances; they build momentum. Persistence paired with faith in your vision manifests miracles. Reframe setbacks as learning curves to build grit and courage for the climb.
"Failure is success if we learn from it,” said Malcolm Forbes. Maintain resolve through the darkest nights; the dawn will come. New possibilities exist in each moment - capture them. Let challenges unlock your untapped potential.
With spiritual faith, positive thinking, expressions of gratitude, and unwavering persistence, you can transform trying times into openings for self-discovery and actualization of your highest self. Each challenge brings an opportunity for growth and lessons. For out of every challenge in life comes a lesson that is just what you need to learn. Look at your challenges as life lessons. Have courage; the path may be longer than hoped, but you will grow stronger with each step forward.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
Rachel Devine is available for Life Coaching.
If you have a comment or a question, please feel free to leave me a message in the comment section.
Create the Life you Want - Learn the Power of Manifesting - Rachel Devine
Imagine a world where your thoughts can create your future. Is that just a fantasy or a reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create our future is a reality. This article will outline some powerful manifestation techniques, which will enlighten you.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
Do you want to lose weight, perhaps get a better-paying job, start a business, or meet your soulmate? Imagine a world where all you have to do is think about what you want, and that becomes your reality. You might be thinking this is a good script for a sci-fi movie because we are conditioned to be limited in what we think can create our reality. You might ask yourself, Is my ability to create my future just a fantasy or an actual reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create your future is a reality. This article will give you some powerful manifestation techniques that will outline ways to bring your goals into your world.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
The Power of Visualization
Visualization benefits are unlimited. One of the most widely recognized manifestation techniques is visualization. Advocated by scholars like Shakti Gawain, author of "Creative Visualization," this technique involves forming detailed mental images of what you want to manifest. The more specific and detailed the mental picture, the more potent the manifestation. There is also a book called "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale that gives fascinating insights into the power of visualization. Peale tells us that if you keep a positive visualization in your mind every day, what you visualize will eventually come into your life. The key is to be consistent with your visualization. You can also create a vision board. You can get some oak tag, some stickers, a marker, some pictures out of a magazine, and create a board of symbols and words on what you want your life to look like in the future. Put the vision board in a place you can see it daily. I create a vision board a few years ago and 90% of what I had on there came to reality.
Another powerful technique is the use of affirmations. These are positive statements repeated regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with your conscious desires. Louise Hay, a well-known advocate for affirmations, states in her work You Can Heal Your Life, that repeating affirmations can significantly change our lives in a positive way. You can also write out the affirmations and post them in places where you can easily see them. Say these affirmations out loud every day and see what transpires.
The "Live in the End" Concept
Neville Goddard, a leading figure in the New Thought movement, proposed a technique often referred to as "live in the end." The idea is to imagine and feel your desire as already fulfilled, essentially living in the reality of your wish fulfilled. This process is said to impress your subconscious mind, prompting it to manifest the desired reality. In other words, if you want a promotion, visualize your colleagues congratulating you for it as if it already happened. Or if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at your ideal weight. These visualizations are more powerful if you picture one image of what you want to manifest when you are falling asleep and resonate with the feelings of having what you want already in your life. Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the feelings are what get embedded in the subconscious mind and is what brings our goals to reality. Our subconscious mind drives our lives 97% of the time, the key to manifesting is to feed our subconscious mind what we want. We do that by feeding it feelings of what we want in life, as if it is already here. You have the ability to manifest your dreams into reality.
The 5x55 Method
The 5x55 method is a newer technique gaining traction in the manifestation community. It involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times a day for five consecutive days. This repetitive action is believed to effectively reprogram the subconscious mind.
Meditation is often incorporated into manifestation practices to help quiet the conscious mind and better communicate with the subconscious mind. Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself," suggests that meditation can help us move beyond our analytical mind to access deeper states of consciousness, fostering effective manifestation.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that like attracts like. By focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. This is accomplished by putting good energy into the world. It's similar to karma in the sense that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Think of the world around you as an echo chamber; whatever thoughts and words you put into the echo chamber come back to you. It's so important to put positive thoughts and words out into the world, rather than negative ones.
The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne Dyer has a book, The Power of Intention, where he outlines a clear game plan for manifesting our dreams. He also writes about a certain effective meditation called Japa. Japa is a meditation where you envision what you want in your life, and basically you put these thoughts out into the world and allow them to encircle the world and then imagine that energy coming back to you.
Gratitude plays an important role in manifestation. The more grateful you are, the more positive our thoughts get imbedded into our subconscious minds. Research has continuously given us medical benefits, as well as emotional benefits, for being grateful.
Remember, Elon Musk started with a tiny thought when he decided he wanted to build SpaceX and eventually create a colony on Mars, and now we see how his thoughts have manifested into reality. Every idea starts with a thought, and every thought is empowered by our actions. And to go one step further, our goals become a reality when we put focused effort and new thought ideas to work.
The power to manifest our desires into reality lies within each of us. By utilizing techniques like visualization, affirmations, the "live in the end" concept, and all of the above, we can tap into this enormous power within and shape our reality. Whether you resonate with Neville Goddard's teachings or Dr. Wayne Dyer's manifestation methods, finding a technique that works best for you is the key to effective manifestation. You can try one or all of the suggestions. I say the more, the better. With practice and consistency, you can harness the power of your mind to manifest your desires into reality.
If you like to learn how to manifest your dreams in reality, check out my powerful online audio course, that gives you a step-by-step guide called, How to Manifest your Dreams.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.