Healing Your Inner Child with Affirmations: Change your Destiny - Rachel Devine
What are inner child affirmations?
Inner child affirmations are positive statements you direct toward your wounded inner child to transform old, limiting beliefs formed in childhood. You want to offset any negative thoughts from the past to positive ones. Our thoughts are engrained in our subconscious mind, that drives our life 95% of the time. Therefore, we want our subconscious to have positive thoughts. Joel Osteen says, “If you want to see what your future will be like, look at the words you are speaking today.” Our words are powerful and direct our lives and create our destiny. Let’s look at how we can use affirmations to change our destiny in life.
What are inner child affirmations?
Inner child affirmations are positive statements you direct toward your wounded inner child to transform old, limiting beliefs formed in childhood. You want to offset any negative thoughts from the past to positive ones. Our thoughts are engrained in our subconscious mind, that drives our life 95% of the time. Therefore, we want our subconscious to have positive thoughts. Joel Osteen says, “If you want to see what your future will be like, look at the words you are speaking today.” Our words are powerful and direct our lives and create our destiny. Let’s look at how we can use affirmations to change our destiny in life.
Inner child affirmations are key to success in life.
Examples of inner child affirmations
I am worthy of love and belonging.
I deeply accept and value who I am.
I am safe and protected.
I am loved by everyone I meet.
I am empowered by my own words.
As children, we absorbed negative messages about ourselves and the world around us. Left unaddressed, these can sabotage our happiness as adults. If affirmations are repeated daily for months, they can not only change the subconscious mind, they will help create your future. The key is to be consistent.
Changing your thoughts from negative to positive will steer your life in a positive direction and in turn change your destiny.
How do affirmations work?
Affirmations are short positive words. Repeated with sincerity and mindfulness, affirmations override years of negative conditioning, replacing messages in our head from a negative to a positive.
For example, you can flip the negative thoughts that invade your mind to positive thoughts:
“I am stupid and worthless.” change to "I am brilliant and worthy.”
“I am ugly.” change to “I am beautiful, inside and out."
“I don’t deserve good things.” change to “I am deserving of all good things.”
“I never succeed with my goals.” change to “I always succeed with my goals.”
“Nobody understands me.” change to “I am understood and loved.”
Inner child healing affirmations will change your whole life and help heal the wounded inner child.
Inner child healing affirmations
Here are some examples of empathetic, nurturing affirmations for your inner child:
I embrace, understand, and accept all parts of myself.
I release the burdens from my past. I am free and at peace.
I lovingly attend to my feelings and needs each day.
My life overflows with joyful blessings as I both give and receive.
I am filled with so much love that my cup overflows.
The Power of self-love transforms lives.
The Power of Self-Love
Commit to speaking affirmations aloud to yourself every morning and throughout your day. Make recordings to listen to as you walk or sleep. Before you fall asleep each night, say some positive affirmations. This is the most powerful time that you can penetrate the subconscious mind, as you fall asleep.
Over time, these words restructure neural networks, opening you to more positive perceptions, emotions, and possibilities. The key is to be consistent in continuing to direct loving words and thoughts to yourself. The more you love yourself, the more you heal from inner child wounds. Most importantly, affirm your precious inner child daily. Self-acceptance and self-compassion transform old feelings of unworthiness into an empowered, embodied spirit overflowing with love for yourself. It can literally transform your life.
In closing, remember, the words you speak and the thoughts you have are shaping your future. Our future will go in the direction that we steer it in. Destiny doesn’t just happen, destiny is in your hands and creating the future you want starts with positive, loving affirmations.
If you feel like you need help, I offer life coaching, and can help you with reparenting your inner child and other areas you may be struggling with in your life. I offer a free coaching session.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.
What Force is driving your Life? The Answer will Shock you! - Rachel Devine
Each day, you make decisions and move in a certain direction in your life. Sometimes we wonder why we do certain things that cause us pain and adversity, and yet we don’t know why we make these negative decisions. At a certain point you might ask yourself, “Is my life all wrong?” Some of us may self-sabotage a perfectly good life. And others might have no luck in love. You might have no luck with overcoming an addiction, losing weight, or getting healthy. But is it luck, or is something else driving your life? Is there something within you that is steering your life in a negative direction? Well, the answer to that question is, frankly, yes! The shocking truth is that we are in control and we are not in control. Your life is being driven by a force within. I will explain what this all means and show you sure-fire ways to offset it. Let’s look at this premise more closely.
Subconscious mind
Let’s look at how the subconscious mind works. Our subconscious mind is like a giant computer memory card. It holds all your experiences, feelings, and traumas from the past. It actually holds all of your experiences. Now, many experts say that the subconscious mind drives your life 95% of the time. Therefore, the subconscious mind is in charge of your day-to-day life! When you get up each morning and make breakfast, brush your teeth, and check your emails, there is little thought given to doing these routine tasks. The subconscious mind is driving your routine. Additionally, the subconscious mind is behind the decisions you make in life. And to be very clear, the subconscious mind is not accessible to the conscious mind. In other words, you can’t detect what the subconscious mind is thinking. If you have a lot of negativity from the past and can’t move forward in life, it could be because of what was fed into your subconscious mind from the past. Make no mistake about it, the force driving your life is your subconscious mind.
Conscious mind
Let’s look at how your conscious mind works. Your conscious mind is in touch with all your thoughts, feelings, and wishes at any given moment. You can connect with this aspect of your mind. However, remember, this only drives our lives 5% of the time. So when you make a negative decision, continue to meet unacceptable potential partners, have an anger issue, or can’t lose weight, the reason behind these outcomes is locked away in the subconscious mind.
The Fix
The most logical thing to do would be to alter the subconscious mind to a positive state so your life will move in a positive direction. If you want to rid yourself of issues that are blocking you from having a great life, you must reprogram your subconscious mind. There are many techniques that can help, from inner child therapy to brainspotting, hypnosis and manifestations. These techniques help you get in touch with the subconscious mind to clear the channels in the subconscious mind for whatever is blocking your success. Clearing the channels of negativity will help your life move in a positive direction and, in a sense, help you take back some control over the direction of your life and bring you happiness.
Reprogram your subconscious mind
The easiest way to get started with reprogramming the subconscious mind is by manifestations. The most fascinating aspect of manifesting is that whatever you feed your subconscious mind will reprogram the mind so you can reach your goals and dreams. According to an expert in this field, Neville Goddard, whatever you feed the subconscious mind will eventually become form. Give that a second to sink in. In other words, the subconscious mind drives your life by 95% of the time, so it makes sense that if you feed your subconscious mind feelings on what direction you want your life to go in, then it stands to reason your life will go in that direction. The key is to put positive feelings into your subconscious mind to override the negative ones. You do have the power to transform your life! I still encourage you to get a therapist to help you with clearing parts of your subconscious mind in order to move life in a positive direction. The manifesting is just a start.
Manifesting techniques
Neville Goddard uses an example for manifesting your goals into reality. The mind is most powerful in the sleeping state, which is an unconscious state. What you feed your subconscious mind will resonate in your mind for 8 hours as you sleep. Therefore, the most powerful time to feed the subconscious mind what you want is just before you fall asleep. However, please note, the feelings that are put into your unconscious mind during sleep is what clears the subconscious mind and allows it to manifest what you want.
Here is a step-by-step guide to manifesting what you want or what you want to change:
If you want to change anger issues to one of tranquility, you will create an image of the peaceful state you want to be in as you fall asleep with the feelings of being at peace. Remember, it is the feelings that the subconscious mind picks up. That is how to manifest your dreams. You also want to envision your image as if it already happened.
For instance, if you want to manifest an event in your life, you would imagine that the event has already happened. Neville uses a person wanting a promotion as an example. The image shows a person shaking his hand to get the promotion. The feelings could be of security, value, love, and a sense of happiness. You would fall asleep with those feelings. The next day, you should wake up hopeful and positive because you fed your subconscious mind with positive feelings. Do this for at least 30 days. The power of manifesting what you want in life is unlimited. You should start to see positive changes in your life.
You can do the same process if you want to stop smoking, lose weight, or have success, basically for anything you want to obtain in life. Just put an image of let’s say how you would look if you lost weight and fall asleep with the feelings of being healthy, well-being, being happy and content.
In closing, I want to say just having the awareness that there is another aspect of your mind that drives your life is empowering. Now that you have this information, it is up to you on what you do with it. Don’t let this moment slip away with action towards healing your life. You can do this, it’s just about getting started.
I have several digital videos and guides on my website that can help you with the manifestation process. I am also available to coach you through this process.
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, available on Amazon.