The Power of Manifesting: What is the Force Behind it? - Rachel Devine
Manifesting our dreams refers to the idea that we can make our dreams and desires come true by intentionally focusing our thoughts, emotions, and actions toward making them a reality. The basic premise is that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on, so by focusing on our dreams and acting as if they are already real, we can draw them into existence.
Manifestation is the process of translating our thoughts into reality. It is based on the principle that our thoughts and shape our perception of the world around us. By changing our thoughts and developing more positive beliefs, we can change our perception, which in turn changes what we attract into our lives. We all have the ability to create our future.
The basic idea is that like attracts like, that is the law of attraction premise, so by embodying the vibration of already having your desire, you will send out the energy that brings it into your life. Additionally, our thoughts and feelings towards what we want to manifest get embedded in our subconscious mind, which drives our lives by 95%. However, we can put energy out into the universe and penetrate our subconscious, and that in turn should bring you what you want. However, the big question is what is the power behind manifestation? What power brings our dreams into reality? What is the force that manifests our dreams?
Manifesting our dreams refers to the idea that we can make our dreams and desires come true by intentionally focusing our thoughts, emotions, and actions toward making them a reality. The basic premise is that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on, so by focusing on our dreams and acting as if they are already real, we can draw them into existence.
Manifestation is the process of translating our thoughts into reality. It is based on the principle that our thoughts and shape our perception of the world around us. By changing our thoughts and developing more positive beliefs, we can change our perception, which in turn changes what we attract into our lives. We all have the ability to create our future.
The basic idea is that like attracts like, that is the law of attraction premise, so by embodying the vibration of already having your desire, you will send out the energy that brings it into your life. Additionally, our thoughts and feelings towards what we want to manifest get embedded in our subconscious mind, which drives our lives by 95%. However, we can put energy out into the universe and penetrate our subconscious, and that in turn should bring you what you want. However, the big question is what is the power behind manifesting? What power brings our dreams into reality? What is the force that manifests our dreams into reality?
Below is an excerpt from my book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within: Healing Our Inner Child to Manifest Our Dreams. This will explain the power behind manifestation.
The power behind manifesting is the force of the universe.
The Power of Manifesting
At this point, you might ask yourself: How does the subconscious mind bring feelings into form? I believe, from my research and my own personal experience, that the answer lies in the universal power that I call God, which is the almighty power that manifests our goals and dreams into reality.
According to many spiritual and philosophical teachings, the subconscious mind is part of a greater universal consciousness, referred to as God, Source, or the Universe. I proudly call this power God, which is the power behind manifestation in all its glory. This higher consciousness, or God, is considered the fabric of reality, and our subconscious mind is believed to be a conduit connecting us to the power of God. In more simple terms, what we feed the subconscious mind with feelings gets imbedded in the subconscious mind, and God brings it to form. I truly believe this is the powerful secret behind creation in all its magnificent glory and form.
In his book, Power vs. Force, Dr. David Hawkins concluded that the most powerful thing anyone can do is pray with loving emotions. That simple statement was so powerful after he wrote a complicated book on kinesiology. The power of prayer is powerful beyond anyone’s imagination and can only be brought to form by our magnificent God. I believe when we put feelings into our subconscious mind, it is a form of prayer.
The source of all power comes from our higher power, whom I proudly call God, and who is the source of all power in the world. God is the light that shines in our world, which eliminates darkness and brings goodness to form. God’s power is what brings miracles to light, goodness to the world, and hope to mankind.
This biblical passage is a powerful statement of truth that resonates with the power of God in manifesting what we want:
Mark 11-22:24 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, “Believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Jesus tells us, “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Jesus was telling us that the power of prayer will come to fruition, provided that whatever you ask for in prayer, you believe that you have already received it. Think about how powerful our thoughts and prayers are. We are only scratching the surface of the power behind our thoughts in this day and age. And we are only beginning to recognize the enormous power of prayer.
Our thoughts are more powerful than anyone can imagine.
Manifesting our thoughts
Have you ever thought about a friend or relative, and all of a sudden, you see them in a supermarket or other public place? Or perhaps you are thinking about someone you haven’t talked to in years, and that person calls you. Or you have a thought about a certain gift you would like to buy, and a relative gives you the same gift. Or have you ever had a feeling that you were going to get the job you applied for, and you actually got the job? Or do you feel, at times, that something great is going to happen, and all of a sudden it does? What happened here is that you put these powerful feelings in your subconscious mind, and they came to fruition through the power of God.
End of the excerpt
In conclusion, when we put energy into manifesting, the power that brings our manifestation into reality is the power of God. God is the creator; we are, in a sense, co-creators of our lives. Awareness is the key to making our dreams a reality. Remember, everything that was created in life started with a thought. And our thoughts are very powerful if directed in a way that connects to the power of God that dwells within all of us. The big question is, what are your thoughts on a regular basis? Are they positive or negative thoughts?
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.
The Power of Manifestation: Turning Wishes Into Reality - Rachel Devine
The power of manifestation is a concept steeped in metaphysical thought, psychology, and spirituality, and has become an influential practice in the self-improvement and personal development space. This practice revolves around the idea of actively shaping your reality through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. By harnessing this power, it is believed that you can attract what you desire most into your life—whether it be wealth, love, health, or career success. In fact, you can also attract success with weight loss, connecting with a soul mate, success in any area and so much more. This article will outline manifestation examples and the most powerful manifestation techniques. It will also give you ideas on how to manifest your dreams.
The power of manifestation is a concept steeped in metaphysical thought, psychology, and spirituality, and has become an influential practice in the self-improvement and personal development space. This practice revolves around the idea of actively shaping your reality through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. By harnessing this power, it is believed that you can attract what you desire most into your life—whether it be wealth, love, health, or career success. In fact, you can also attract success with weight loss, connecting with a soul mate, success in any area and so much more. This article will outline manifestation examples and the most powerful manifestation techniques. It will also give you ideas on how to manifest your dreams.
Understanding Manifestation
At its core, manifestation is the process of bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief. The principle suggests that if you think it, feel it, and believe it, you will bring it into your life. As Wayne Dyer, a renowned motivational speaker and self-help author, eloquently put it, "Our intention creates our reality."
The concept of manifestation is heavily linked to the Law of Attraction, a universal law that posits that like attracts like. Your dominant thoughts and beliefs, whether positive or negative, will find a way to manifest. Therefore, by deliberately choosing positive thoughts and emotions, you can manifest positive outcomes.
This is not a passive process. Rather, manifestation involves a conscious and active shaping of your thoughts and beliefs to align with your desires, and then taking action to make those desires come true. It's about creating a vision, cultivating the emotional and mental state to support that vision, and then working towards it in the real world.
Manifestation takes several forms and can involve practices like visualization, affirmations, meditation, journaling, and goal setting. It requires consistency, faith, and an open mind.
History of Manifestation
The roots of manifestation and the Law of Attraction can be traced back to the New Thought movement of the 19th century. This movement, starting in the United States, promoted the idea that the mind has the power to heal the body and shape reality.
Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a fascinating book, Wishes Fulfilled, that explains the process of manifestation in vivid details.
Pioneers of Manifestation
While the origins of manifestation can be traced back centuries, two modern-day figures stand out in their innovative approaches to this practice: Neville Goddard and Wayne Dyer.
1. Neville Goddard
Neville Goddard, a metaphysical teacher from the mid-20th century, was a major proponent of the concept of manifestation. His teachings focused on the imaginative power of the mind, and he believed that reality could be altered through visualization and feeling.
Goddard wrote, "The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to you. Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will." There is a fascinating book that Neville Goddard wrote called, Feeling is the Secret. In this book, he explains the whole concept of manifestation in details, even though the book is only 47 pages!
2. Dr. Wayne Dyer
Wayne Dyer was a popular motivational speaker and self-help author, well known for his emphasis on the power of intention and manifestation. His teachings emphasize the personal responsibility we have in shaping our own realities.
He notably said, "You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality."
Manifestation Success Stories
To understand the transformative power of manifestation, consider these real-life stories:
Jim Carrey's $10 Million Check: This well-known story from the life of actor Jim Carrey showcases the power of visualization and affirmation. In the early days of his career, Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million for "acting services rendered," post-dated it for Thanksgiving 1995 and kept it in his wallet. He visualized his success daily, imagining directors valuing his work and audiences loving his performances. In 1994, just before the check's date, Carrey received a movie role paying him $10 million.
Sarah Centrella's Dream Life: After a devastating divorce, Sarah Centrella, a single mother, used manifestation to rebuild her life. She created a "future board" (a variant of a vision board) to visualize her goals and aspirations. Centrella eventually became a bestselling author, world traveler, and master life coach, attributes she had envisioned on her future board.
Applying Manifestation in Your Life
Manifestation is more than wishful thinking—it's a deliberate and active process of creating your reality. Here are a few steps you can take:
Clarity: Be clear about what you want to manifest. Ambiguity can hinder your manifestation process.
Believe and Visualize: Fully believe in your ability to manifest your desires. Visualize your goal as though it's already achieved. As Neville Goddard advised, "Live in the end."
Positive Affirmations: Create and regularly repeat positive affirmations that align with your goals. Wayne Dyer recommended, "I attract what I want by being what I want."
Take Action: Don't forget to take proactive steps towards your goal. Manifestation works hand-in-hand with effort and determination in the physical world.
Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for what you already have and for the success that is yet to come. Gratitude raises your vibration and aligns you with the positive energy needed for manifestation.
Remember, the journey of manifestation is personal and different for everyone. Trust in the process, keep a positive mindset, and stay open to opportunities as they arise.
Manifestation, with roots deeply set in historical and metaphysical concepts, has emerged as a powerful tool in the modern self-improvement sphere. While skeptics may view it as pseudoscience or mystical mumbo-jumbo, countless individuals like Jim Carrey and Sarah Centrella have harnessed the power of their minds to manifest their desires.
As you explore the power of manifestation, remember the insightful words of Wayne Dyer: "You'll see it when you believe it." Manifestation is not about seeing to believe, but rather believing to see. In aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with your desires, you open a world of endless possibilities and an empowered path to create your own reality.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, Become a Magnet for True Love.
Rachel’s website has valuable online courses and events.
The Power of Manifestation: Techniques, Quotes, and Examples - Rachel Devine
Manifestation is the practice of harnessing the power of the mind to shape reality and achieve desired outcomes. It is the belief that one's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can directly influence the world around them. This concept has gained significant popularity in recent years, with many individuals attributing their success to the power of manifestation. In this article, we will explore the most powerful manifestation techniques, look at the role of the subconscious mind, provide insightful quotes from famous personalities on the topic, manifestation examples and examine the success rates of manifestation through two famous people.
The power of manifestation is within your reach, as we explore endless possibilities. The practice of spiritual manifestation can help you manifest your dreams and live the life you imagined.
Manifestation is the practice of harnessing the power of the mind to shape reality and achieve desired outcomes. It is the belief that one's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can directly influence the world around them. This concept has gained significant popularity in recent years, with many individuals attributing their success to the power of manifestation. In this article, we will explore the most powerful manifestation techniques, look at the role of the subconscious mind, provide insightful quotes from famous personalities on the topic, provide manifestation examples, and examine the success rates of manifestation through two famous people. The power of manifestation is within your reach as we explore endless possibilities. The practice of spiritual manifestation can help you manifest your dreams and live the life you imagined.
The Significance of the Subconscious Mind
It all starts with the power of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is responsible for storing our memories, beliefs, and emotions, and it controls approximately 95% of our actions and decisions. By influencing our subconscious mind, we can effectively change our habits, behaviors, and thought patterns, ultimately leading to significant changes in our lives. It can also help us obtain long-forgotten dreams and goals.
The subconscious mind also acts as a filter, screening out information that does not align with our beliefs and allowing information that supports our beliefs to enter our conscious awareness. This filtering process can either hinder or enhance our ability to achieve our goals, depending on the beliefs held within our subconscious mind. These beliefs have been stored in our minds since childhood.
The Feelings of the Subconscious Mind
Feelings play a critical role in shaping the subconscious mind, as they serve as the bridge between our conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs. Emotions are the language of the subconscious, and when we evoke strong, positive feelings through visualization, intentions, and affirmations, we create a powerful connection with our subconscious mind. This connection allows us to reprogram our subconscious beliefs and, in turn, influence our actions and behaviors to align with our desired outcomes. I will outline some ways to reprogram the subconscious mind to be positive.
Powerful Manifestation Techniques
a) Visualization
Visualization involves creating a vivid mental image of the desired outcome, allowing the mind to fully experience the emotions and sensations associated with that goal. This technique is highly effective in manifesting one's desires because it helps to strengthen neural pathways in the brain, making it easier to achieve the desired outcome. Visualization techniques are more powerful a few minutes before falling asleep. Visualizing what you want to manifest and resonating with the feelings will help shape your goals in your subconscious mind, which in turn helps you achieve your goals. Remember, we navigate life with our subconscious mind. You will be resonating with these positive feelings for 8 hours while you sleep. This is the most powerful technique for reshaping the subconscious mind and is worth reiterating. It is the commander in our brain that navigates our lives.
b) Affirmations
Affirmations are positive statements that reinforce belief in the achievement of specific goals. It helps to negate old negative thought patterns with positive ones. By regularly reciting positive affirmations, individuals can reprogram their subconscious mind, ultimately leading to a change in their thought patterns and actions. This will help you navigate in a successful way toward achieving your goals.
c) Written Intention
A written intention is a mental state that represents a commitment to carrying out an action, or actions, for a future goal, and you write out what you want to obtain. It's powerful beyond anyone's imagination in helping us obtain our dreams. Your written intention goes out into God's vast universe, and that energy does come back, but it also gets embedded in your subconscious mind. There are several ways to write an intention. I wrote a letter once outlining where I wanted to see myself in a year, and then I put the letter away. To my astonishment, I read the letter after the year was up, and everything I wrote on the letter came to pass. It proved to me the power of a written intention. This is a good example of manifesting something by writing it down.
d) Vision Boards
Creating a vision board is a powerful way to materialize one's dreams and aspirations. It is a collage of images, words, stickers, and phrases that represent the desired outcomes, serving as a constant reminder and source of motivation. It also helps to shape the subconscious mind with positive goals in order to navigate in a successful direction. Looking at the vision board daily helps to keep one's dreams at the forefront and keeps positive energy flowing.
g) Gratitude
Expressing gratitude for what one already has is another powerful manifestation technique. By focusing on the abundance in one's life, individuals attract more of what they desire. The law of attraction is clear: like attracts like, and positive thoughts will bring positive results. Additionally, gratitude also plays an important role in shaping our subconscious mind. Writing down 5 things you are grateful for at the end of your day has a myriad of benefits in your life, which will help you with your manifestation practice.
Quotes from Famous Personalities on Manifestation
a) "Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Napoleon Hill
b) "The only limits in our lives are those we impose on ourselves." Bob Proctor
c) "The mind is everything." "What you think, you become." - Buddha
d) "The greatest gift you were ever given was the gift of your imagination. "Within your magical inner realm is the capacity to have all of your wishes fulfilled." Wayne Dyer
e) "Fate is only an unconscious manifestation of things that we wanted in the first place." Carl Jung
Success rate of manifestation
While it is difficult to provide an exact percentage or success rate for manifestation, numerous anecdotal accounts and case studies suggest that many individuals have achieved their desired outcomes through these techniques. Here are two such case studies from famous people:
a) Jim Carrey
In 1990, struggling actor Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million, dated for five years in the future, with the memo "for acting services rendered." He visualized receiving that money for years. Therefore, Jim Carrey used a written intention and the power of positive visualization to manifest his dream. By 1995, he had earned $10 million for his role in "Dumb and Dumber."
b) Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey attributes much of her success to the power of manifestation. She has spoken about her use of vision boards and affirmations to help her stay focused on her goals and ultimately achieve them.
In conclusion, the power of manifestation is a fascinating concept that continues to gain popularity. By employing techniques like visualization, affirmations, vision boards, and gratitude, many individuals have been able to achieve their desired outcomes. With famous personalities such as Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer, Buddha, and Carl Jung providing insight into the power of manifestation, it is no wonder that more and more people are turning to these techniques to help them create the life they desire. While it is difficult to quantify the success rate of manifestation, the anecdotal evidence and case studies available suggest that it is a powerful tool for those who choose to embrace it. However, with a little practice, there is no reason why you shouldn't be able to create the future of your dreams.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road-Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.
Join Rachel Devine for a special zoom online event, How to Manifest your Dreams, on June 8, 2023. Full details on this link.