The Power of Manifesting: What is the Force Behind it? - Rachel Devine
Manifesting our dreams refers to the idea that we can make our dreams and desires come true by intentionally focusing our thoughts, emotions, and actions toward making them a reality. The basic premise is that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on, so by focusing on our dreams and acting as if they are already real, we can draw them into existence.
Manifestation is the process of translating our thoughts into reality. It is based on the principle that our thoughts and shape our perception of the world around us. By changing our thoughts and developing more positive beliefs, we can change our perception, which in turn changes what we attract into our lives. We all have the ability to create our future.
The basic idea is that like attracts like, that is the law of attraction premise, so by embodying the vibration of already having your desire, you will send out the energy that brings it into your life. Additionally, our thoughts and feelings towards what we want to manifest get embedded in our subconscious mind, which drives our lives by 95%. However, we can put energy out into the universe and penetrate our subconscious, and that in turn should bring you what you want. However, the big question is what is the power behind manifesting? What power brings our dreams into reality? What is the force that manifests our dreams into reality?
Below is an excerpt from my book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within: Healing Our Inner Child to Manifest Our Dreams. This will explain the power behind manifestation.
The power behind manifesting is the force of the universe.
The Power of Manifesting
At this point, you might ask yourself: How does the subconscious mind bring feelings into form? I believe, from my research and my own personal experience, that the answer lies in the universal power that I call God, which is the almighty power that manifests our goals and dreams into reality.
According to many spiritual and philosophical teachings, the subconscious mind is part of a greater universal consciousness, referred to as God, Source, or the Universe. I proudly call this power God, which is the power behind manifestation in all its glory. This higher consciousness, or God, is considered the fabric of reality, and our subconscious mind is believed to be a conduit connecting us to the power of God. In more simple terms, what we feed the subconscious mind with feelings gets imbedded in the subconscious mind, and God brings it to form. I truly believe this is the powerful secret behind creation in all its magnificent glory and form.
In his book, Power vs. Force, Dr. David Hawkins concluded that the most powerful thing anyone can do is pray with loving emotions. That simple statement was so powerful after he wrote a complicated book on kinesiology. The power of prayer is powerful beyond anyone’s imagination and can only be brought to form by our magnificent God. I believe when we put feelings into our subconscious mind, it is a form of prayer.
The source of all power comes from our higher power, whom I proudly call God, and who is the source of all power in the world. God is the light that shines in our world, which eliminates darkness and brings goodness to form. God’s power is what brings miracles to light, goodness to the world, and hope to mankind.
This biblical passage is a powerful statement of truth that resonates with the power of God in manifesting what we want:
Mark 11-22:24 And Jesus answered them, “Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be taken up and thrown into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, “Believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Jesus tells us, “Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Jesus was telling us that the power of prayer will come to fruition, provided that whatever you ask for in prayer, you believe that you have already received it. Think about how powerful our thoughts and prayers are. We are only scratching the surface of the power behind our thoughts in this day and age. And we are only beginning to recognize the enormous power of prayer.
Our thoughts are more powerful than anyone can imagine.
Manifesting our thoughts
Have you ever thought about a friend or relative, and all of a sudden, you see them in a supermarket or other public place? Or perhaps you are thinking about someone you haven’t talked to in years, and that person calls you. Or you have a thought about a certain gift you would like to buy, and a relative gives you the same gift. Or have you ever had a feeling that you were going to get the job you applied for, and you actually got the job? Or do you feel, at times, that something great is going to happen, and all of a sudden it does? What happened here is that you put these powerful feelings in your subconscious mind, and they came to fruition through the power of God.
End of the excerpt
In conclusion, when we put energy into manifesting, the power that brings our manifestation into reality is the power of God. God is the creator; we are, in a sense, co-creators of our lives. Awareness is the key to making our dreams a reality. Remember, everything that was created in life started with a thought. And our thoughts are very powerful if directed in a way that connects to the power of God that dwells within all of us. The big question is, what are your thoughts on a regular basis? Are they positive or negative thoughts?
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.