Tapping Into the Power of Your Subconscious Mind - Rachel Devine

The subconscious mind is like an untapped reservoir of insights, creativity, and solutions waiting below the surface. It’s also a place that holds your past experiences and trauma. It’s important to learn techniques to access this inner wisdom that can help unlock your greatest potential. And to access and clear away any negative experiences from the past. The subconscious mind holds the key to your success or failure in life because it does drive your life 95% of the time! You can tell what is happening in your subconscious mind by what direction your life is going in.

Defining the Subconscious Realm

According to psychologist Carl Jung, “the subconscious mind is the part of our mind that is largely hidden and operates automatically and continuously.” The subconscious mind stores everything it has experienced but floats outside conscious awareness. It’s like a giant memory bank, holding all your secrets from the past. Tapping into it enhances intuition. However, there are also trauma and past hurts locked away. Most people don’t realize why their life is going in a bad direction and the answer lies in your past and what your subconscious mind picked up. The question is, was it negative or positive?

As neuroscientist Dr. Caroline Leaf explained, “Your subconscious is the personal guide of your life. It stores everything that has ever happened to you and uses all that information to advise you on your path forward.”

Connecting Through Visualization

Visualization helps bridge the subconscious and conscious minds. Athletes like Michael Phelps regularly visualize the perfect execution of their sport. This imprints neural patterns into the subconscious mind that the body follows.

Visualize your goals fulfilled as if they were already here. Keep images positive to manifest desired outcomes. Imagery taps into the subconscious language of symbols, metaphors, and dreams. The feelings are important to penetrate the subconscious mind. Positive feelings are the key to bring positive results into your life. One way to do that is by living in gratitude. Gratitude is a positive state of being. Additionally, positive affirmations is a great tool to help you put positive thoughts into your subconscious mind. Just say them out loud often in your day.

The Wisdom in Dreams

Dreams provide glimpses into subconscious depths. Keep a dream journal and reflect on the symbols that arise. Recurring elements signal weakness or strengths needing awareness.

As psychologist Sigmund Freud stated, “The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind.” Dive into this inner sea of wisdom nightly. This will bring you much insight and can transform your life.

Aligning Intuition and Logic

Hone your intuition through meditation and time in nature away from sensory distraction. Reduce mental chatter to help subtle intuitive whispers emerge. A walk in nature can do wonders for the subconscious mind in getting in touch with your intuition, that deep rooted voice within.

Then synthesize your intuitive thoughts with conscious logic and planning. As Einstein said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift; the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Try to balance both.

Creative Play and Flow

Playfulness awakens openness to receiving inspiration through unplanned discovery. Creative flow arises when the critical conscious mind relaxes its grip.

As leadership author Daniel Pink advised, “There is a link between wonder and wisdom. The curious are granted secret wisdom.” Follow curiosity with childlike playfulness to tap into your inner sage.

By learning to access the riches buried in your subconscious mind, you amplify wisdom, imagination, and discernment. You can also unlock and clear away past wounds that drive our life in a negative direction. Your logically conscious mind gains a profound partner when you blend intuitive gifts with reason and behold the power within. This awareness is empowering for the path your life can go in.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, both on Amazon.

Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center website.


Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.


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