Healing Through Shadow Work: Addressing Inner Childhood Trauma - Rachel Devine

Many people carry pain and wounds from childhood trauma that manifest in unhealthy ways. These adult issues come out of left field like anger issues, resentments, shame and fears. Shadow work offers a path to heal these old hurts by embracing the shadow self. There are several ways it helps people process suppressed trauma and restore wholeness. Let’s explore inner child shadow work and how it releases inner child trauma.

What is shadow work?

The "shadow self" refers to aspects of ourselves that we deny or suppress—emotions, needs, desires, and beliefs that feel unacceptable. Shadow work is the practice of bringing conscious awareness to these suppressed parts so they no longer control one's life unconsciously. Trauma gets stored in the subconscious and it’s important to release that trauma in order for its hold on you to vanish.

Shadow work typically includes exercises such as journaling, meditation, and creative expression like art to explore one's repressed thoughts and emotions. By facing the shadow and bringing it out to the light, one can release these neglected parts of themselves and regain power, creativity, and wholeness.

Processing Trauma Through Shadow Work

When children experience trauma—abuse, neglect, loss, or overly critical environments—they adopt coping strategies to survive. This often requires suppressing vulnerability, needs, or feelings to avoid further hurt. These feelings could include anger and fear that get pushed down into the child’s mind without processing the feelings.

Shadow work helps shine light upon these long-buried hurts harbored by one's inner child self so they can be grieved, expressed, and healed consciously. This reduces their control over one's life and helps release them from the subconscious mind. Shadow work can help with inner child healing.

Common inner child shadow techniques

  • Inner child dialogues: Expressing suppressed emotions and needs and reparenting one's inner child with compassion.

  • Identifying negative core beliefs and rewriting empowering mantras.

  • Free writing and art therapy to uncover buried memories and feelings.

  • Exploring emotional triggers and their roots in childhood experiences.

  • Active imagination: having inner child self-guided visualization.

By gently bringing traumatic memories, emotions, and beliefs into present awareness, they lose their grip over someone. Old survival coping strategies of disassociation or repression give way to embracing grief, vulnerability, and authenticity.

Is shadow work effective for healing trauma?

Research into shadow work remains limited, but psychologists believe exploring the shadow can lead to transformative personal growth and trauma recovery. Case studies show individuals report renewed senses of self-love, personal empowerment, and emotional resilience. Please note, it is imperative to find a therapist that specializes in inner child healing for you to deal with this type of shadow work.

Cindy's Story: Releasing Inner Childhood Pain

Cindy suffered low self-esteem, defensiveness, and fear of intimacy after being severely criticized in childhood. Through her therapist, she wrote letters expressing the feelings and needs buried inside her inner child self that she had long repressed.

She visualized dialogues where she could now meet these needs for love and safety as an adult with her own self-love. Releasing years of shame and grief led Cindy to embody greater compassion towards herself and others. Her self-sabotaging behaviors diminished, and her relationships dramatically improved as she integrated her once-wounded inner child's pain through shadow work.


Shadow work allows people to address the root causes of emotional wounds within the inner child. By compassionately releasing that which lies in darkness, profound healing and empowerment can occur. Further research is still needed, but the evidence and case studies suggest this can transform traumatic childhood pain into greater authenticity and wholeness. Of course, it’s imperative to enlist a good therapist who specializes in inner child shadow work, in order to get the full benefits of healing inner child wounds.

Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.

Amazon review: The book really got deep on how our subconscious mind works and how important it is to not fall into the negativities and train yourself to think positive always . I really enjoyed it and it was very inspirational and really broadened my knowledge of how our minds work . I really recommend it ! Tina

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.

If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.


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