How to Manifest Love - Rachel Devine

Manifesting love into our lives is easy if you have the right tools. The law of attraction is very clear, it states like attracts like. Therefore, if you want to attract a loving, kind, generous partner, you have to become loving, kind and generous and put that energy out into the universe. The energy we resonate with and put out into the world will eventually come back to us. In this article, I will outline how to attract love with law of attraction. I will show you how to manifest love. The information you will acquire on how to attract a soulmate is powerful and priceless. Manifesting a relationship is quite easy and this guide will help you achieve this dream.

Let’s get started.


Before you or I can love anyone, we have to love ourselves. It is imperative to love yourself. If you are resonating with self-loathing or negative thoughts about yourself, it will not bring you a positive outcome in love. Shift to using affirmations that affirm your love for yourself. I will list a few below, but the main affirmation is saying, I love you to yourself daily. This will start to penetrate your subconscious mind, who is the navigator of your life. Therefore, if you are resonating with self-love, you can put that energy out into the universe then that love will come back to you.

Remember, too, that you have all the love you need/want within you. At the very essence of your being is pure love. That love is always there, it’s just a matter of recognizing it. In our everyday busy lives, we don’t stop to think about the love within us, which truly is part of the fabric of our lives. However, the love within all of us is the nucleus of our existence and helps us navigate in life. It’s important to be aware of it, and if you choose to, you can put some thought in this area to help nurture the love within yourself. Don’t forget to share that love with those around you in your immediate family and in your entire world. Don’t let the love within you stay dormant. Share your love with those around you and feel this tremendous emotion on a daily basis, so you don’t feel so needy when you go out into the dating world. 

Affirmations on self-love

I love you.

I am deserving.

I am beautiful.

I am handsome.

I am smart.

I am a child of God.

I am lovable.

Manifest Love

The thought of manifesting love is intriguing to a lot of single people. There is a universal need that everyone on this planet has. That need is to love and to be loved. Of course, love can be found in our family, children and friends. However, the love of a soulmate is priceless and enhances one’s life.

There is a song called, “I knew I loved you before I met you.” The song writers captured the very essence of what I am writing about in this article. This essence comes from positive thinking. Many famous people throughout history have written about positive visualization such as, Norman Vincent Peale, Carl Jung, Dr. David Hawkins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and a host of others. 

Here are a few lines from the song written by Jones, Daniel/Hayes, Darren Stanley, sung by Savage Garden, 1999.

I know that it might sound more than a little crazy

But I believe…I knew I loved you before I met you 

I think I dreamed you into life 

I knew I loved you before I met you 

I have been waiting all my life 

What the song writer is saying is that the person used positive visualization to visualize their soul mate and actually bring the person of their dreams into their life. This might sound foreign to you, but trust me, from my own experience I know our minds are powerful beyond our wildest dreams. In other words, if you envision the person of your dreams, hold that in your mind; be very loving and kind, then there is a great possibility of connecting to your soul mate.  

This is such a simple concept: to envision the person you want to meet, become that person, put out that energy into the universe and then sit back and wait. The main thing is to do it on a daily basis.          

Positive Visualization

The first thing you want to do to manifest love is to write down the type of partner you are looking for, from personality, to their appearance, their face, hair, eyes, height, attributes, moral values, etc. See everything about this person in your mind. Visualize where you are, what you are doing, how this person smells, talks and laughs. There is no right or wrong way to do this, let it come naturally as you visualize the person of your dreams.

Now that you have a picture of the person you want to manifest, sit back and visualize this person and include what you feel while putting out this positive visualization. What I mean is think back to a time when you were totally in love and recreate those feelings in your visualization. The feelings are a big part of the manifestation. This is a powerful way to manifest love into your life. Simply visualize the person of your dreams, feel how loving this person is, and do this before you fall asleep each night, so it gets imbedded in your subconscious mind for 8 hours of sleep. Let these thoughts permeate your mind. We navigate in life with our subconscious mind therefore, putting this visualization in our subconscious thoughts is powerful. When you awake the next day, you will feel positive, but you will subconsciously navigate your life in a way that will allow you the opportunity to meet your future partner. I would suggest doing this visualization for at least 30 days.

Affirmations for Manifesting Love

Affirmations will help you continue to move in a positive direction in manifesting love. Here are some suggested affirmations for manifesting love:

I attract only healthy relationships.

I am thankful for all the love in my life.

I am in a joyous, intimate relationship with a person who loves me.

I am happy with a new relationship in my life.

My new partner is wonderful and is my soulmate.

I draw love and romance into my life now.

I am ecstatic that my manifestation of a soulmate is here.

You can say the above affirmations or use your own. The key is to say as many as you can daily. You can also post them on little stickers around your house as a reminder to say them.

Join the Single World

Now that you put all this energy out into the world, it’s time to move forward in ways that will help you attract your soulmate. I would suggest moving in a positive direction to places you can meet single people. Perhaps join a single meetup group in your area. Or go to a singles dance or take up dance lessons. Join a group of like-minded people, like a writing group or a singles travel group. Perhaps your place of worship has a singles meeting or maybe you can start one. Put yourself out there in areas where you have the opportunity to meet new single people. This will increase your chances of meeting your soulmate.


If you followed the above outline, it is time to let go of the outcome and stay in a state of gratitude. Be grateful for all the love you currently have in your life and sit back and wait in gratitude. It’s important to also be grateful for the love that may be coming into your life in the future, as if it is already here. For instance, you can resonate with the thought that I am grateful my soulmate is here. Just stay in a complete state of gratitude.

Studies have shown that feeling thankful can improve sleep, mood and immunity. Gratitude can decrease depression, anxiety, difficulties with chronic pain and risk of disease.

In conclusion, the ideas and theories above are worth trying. I do wish you love and much happiness as you keep moving forward in a positive manner in your quest to manifest love.

Rachel Devine is the author of, Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack. Become a Magnet for True Love. This is valuable spiritual handbook for dating.

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

How to Manifest your Dreams - Special online Event - June 8, 2023, 7pm est Rachel Devine


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