In a Blink of an Eye the World Changed - Rachel Devine
I want to say from the onset that this is not a political blog; it’s a spiritual one.
Last Saturday, there was a miracle that took place in Butler, Pennsylvania, that the world can see. It was a spiritual intervention that only those who don’t blink will recognize. When we become too busy to really look at God’s enormous power, we miss an opportunity for spiritual enlightenment or growth.
There was a deranged shooter who was able to somehow take 6 shots at former President Trump at the rally. Had Donald Trump not turned to look at a screen, he would have been hit in the head by the bullet, but rather because he turned the bullet grazed his ear. In a blink of an eye the world changed with this miracle.
Let’s look at what happened and shine a spiritual spotlight on this miracle that took place for everyone to see and benefit from.
First off, Sean Parnell who was an Army Ranger, combat infantryman with the elite 10th Mountain Division, and veteran of 485 days of fierce fighting along the Afghan-Pakistan border said, “The moment I walked into that rally, there was something different, something in the air.” He went on to describe a tragic incident in 2006 in Afghanistan. He was hit by a bomb, and he said he was unconscious; he didn’t know if he was dead or alive, but something spiritual beckoned him to get up. It felt like his grandfather, who had died the day before he went to Afghanistan. He felt that same spiritual presence on the stage in Butler, PA, when he spoke before Trump took the stage. After the rally, people kept sending him pictures of the American flag that got twisted from the wind above the rally stage, shaped like an angel.
The United States of America flag twisted in the image of an angel.
Sean Parnell’s story. (video)
I can relate to Sean Parnell’s spiritual experience, since I had my own spiritual experience back in 2000. This is the way I described it in 2009 in my book, The Third Road.
“It happened sometime in the summer of 2000. I was crossing a major turnpike with two lanes of two-way traffic plus a turn signal lane. I was in a hurry to get to the other side of the street. There was a red light, and two cars were stopped at the light. The car to my far right was a large van. There was a left-turn lane next to the van that had a green turn signal light where cars could make a left turn. That lane appeared to be empty, but I was not really paying attention since my mind was on a million different things. Therefore, I was not thinking about the left turn lane as I hurried across the street, while the other two cars were stopped at the red light. The van was blocking my view of the left-turn lane at the far end. As I approached the left lane, I felt an incredible force push me back. It was the most amazing feeling I had ever felt in my life. It was not a visible force or an audible force, just a strong, silent force that pulled me back. I was actually immobilized. I could not move at all. I remember being frozen in the middle of the street.
The only way I can describe what happened is in this way. It actually felt like my father’s hand pulling me back away from danger. I remember when I was a child riding in the front seat of our old Rambler with my father; there were no seat belts back then, or at least not in my father’s old Rambler. When he would stop short at a red light, he would extend his arm out to hold me back from falling into the dashboard. I remember how loving this felt when he tried to protect me from harm. It was the same feeling as when I was crossing the street. It felt like a loving force holding me back from possible death.
I could not see anything holding me back, but there was a definite power stopping me from continuing to go across the turnpike, and this power extended across my heart. As I stood there, literally unable to move, a van came screeching past me at a very high speed. Had I taken one more step, I would have been hit by this van. I remember looking down at the solid white line on the road and thinking that had I crossed that line and made one more step, I could possibly have been killed, since that step would have simultaneously put me right in front of this speeding van.
These thoughts raced through my mind. What was this power that held me back? I suspected this was the power of God, but how did this work? Why did this happen to me? Whose arm pushed me back and made me unable to move, shielding me from sudden death? I was baffled for years and had no clue what happened that day or who saved me from possible death. It felt like the hand of God, but I needed more of an explanation to comprehend the mystery of this phenomenon. I never told anyone about it for fear of not being believed. After all, miracles are sometimes viewed as foolish and highly unlikely. and I felt that doubt was prevalent in most of society. Plus, I had no idea what happened to me that fateful day, so I had a hard time processing it, let alone explaining it.”
End of transcript from The Third Road.
My theory is God spares people who have unfinished business. I believe that God spared Trump because he has more work to complete on this earth. I believe the same for me back in 2000, but of course on a much different level.
The question begs: why wasn’t Cory Comperatore saved? He shielded his wife and daughter from the bullet and lost his own life. His daughter describes him as a superhero. When he died, it was a very sad moment. So why didn’t God save him?
All I can say is what Joel Osteen said once, and I will paraphrase it. He said, When a tragedy strikes and someone dies, you can’t explain why; you have to put it in a box called, I just don’t know.
We truly don’t know why God saves some and not others; all I know is that the power of God was with Trump in Butler, PA, last Saturday, and his life was spared. If Trump hadn’t turned his head when he did, the bullet would have hit his skull, but instead it grazed his ear. It was a miracle of great proportion for the world to see.
This is a time for reflection on the power of God in all areas of life. It’s a time to open our eyes to a world that changed last Saturday in a myriad of ways, but in a way that could be a spiritual awakening or perhaps strengthen your faith. Any way you look at it, God’s Spirit was present at the rally in Butler and a miracle took place. Don’t let the busyness of the world stop you from taking a moment to contemplate this enormous event.