Can you Trust the Navigator? Rachel Devine

I was on my way to New Jersey, and I had to totally rely on my navigator to get me to where I was going. I have to be honest; I was uncomfortable giving all my power of direction to an app that could go down at any time. Furthermore, as I was going around winding roads, I felt a little upset that I had to totally trust this navigator in the middle of nowhere. It gave me a feeling of powerlessness and uneasiness. And yet, I had no choice since I did not print any directions prior to my trip. Therefore, I had to totally rely on a voice on my app that was telling me to turn here or go there. And, when I reached my destination, I was relieved and thankful that I got there without any problems. It really was a lesson in trust.

This driving navigator experience is similar to our inner navigator that guides us through our journey in life. How easy is it to let go and let God guide your journey? Sure, it is easy during good times, but what about the hard times? How easy is it to let go and let God when you lose your job? Or when you get a bad health diagnosis? Or when there is war and unrest in the world? Do you trust your inner navigator, then? Or do you feel like I did on that ride to Jersey, uneasy, unsure, and perhaps afraid?

Our inner navigator, or the Spirit of God, will always be there for you if you just let go of the problem and hand it over to God. Sure, it’s hard not to worry when someone loses their job. And yet, to wallow in fear and worry will only bring you more things to feel fearful and worried about. That is the law of attraction that says, like attracts like. Letting go is a way to achieve serenity in the midst of a storm. It’s like being in the eye of a hurricane, where you are safe even though the raging storm is all around you.

How does one let go of what is going on in the world, with wars, political unrest, an increase in crime, inflation, and so much more? How do we find peace during our on personal storms and allow our inner navigator to direct our lives, irrespective of outer circumstances?

Well, I have to admit it’s not easy, but the more I practice letting go during a crisis, the more it becomes my automatic response. Also, gratitude is a great partner in helping me let go of turmoil because I can focus on all that I have to be grateful for, which in turn minimizes the crisis. Keeping focus on all I have rather than the outer crisis is a way to offset the storms in life. What I put my focus on will increase, so putting it on gratitude is a way to offset more crisis situations.

I also have past experience with blessings coming out of crises, lessons coming out of storms, and goodness prevailing after the storm has passed. This also helps in letting go and letting God take over.

Allowing the inner Spirit of God to take over during crisis is similar to allowing my navigator to guide me to my destination in Jersey on a lower level. It feels uncomfortable and yet in the same sense it brings a sense of serenity to let go and allow the situation to take it’s natural course.

Storms will always hit us at one time or another. It’s not about avoiding the storm it’s about finding peace in the midst of the storm. So, put your umbrella of God up when the storm hits, stay in prayer, read the Bible, perhaps go to your place of worship, meditate and stay in gratitude. These are some great ways to weather the storms of life. And allow your Navigator to take the steering wheel and lovingly guide you out of the storm.

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Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

You Can’t Have a Do-Over - Rachel Devine


In a Blink of an Eye the World Changed - Rachel Devine