Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Why is Dating so Hard? The answer May Shock you. Rachel Devine

If you are part of the dating scene, you know that it is highly dysfunctional. The dysfunction ranges from getting stood up, to connecting with the same dysfunctional person with a different face; perhaps you were ghosted after numerous texts; or you are attracting scammers, and the list goes on and on. Why does something so soulful, loving, and beautiful sometimes turn out to be a disaster? And the answer will surprise you. The answer as to why dating is dysfunctional resides within you. Let’s explore this in detail and see what is happening on the inside that is causing dysfunction on the outside. We want to look at how to break toxic relationship patterns. And we will explore how to attract your soulmate. The power of manifestation is a big factor, so let’s look at all of this together.

If you are part of the dating scene, you know that it can be very hard, at any age. The challenges can range from getting stood up, to continuously connecting with the same type of person; to getting ghosted after numerous texts; or perhaps attracting scammers, and the list goes on and on. Why does something so soulful, loving, and beautiful sometimes turn out to be a disaster? And the answer may shock you. The answer as to why dating is dysfunctional resides within you. Let’s explore this in detail and see what is happening on the inside that is causing dysfunction on the outside. We want to look at how to break toxic relationship patterns. And we will explore how to attract your soulmate and also look at the power of manifestation, which is a big factor in the scheme of dating.

Like attracts like

First off, we attract into our lives what we are resonating with within us. In other words, if you are resonating with angst, stress, and negativity, you are sure to get more angst, stress, and negativity in the dating world and other areas of your life. On the other hand, if you resonate with kindness, love, and a positive attitude, you will attract the same. The law of attraction is clear: like attracts like. However, most of us are wallowing around in negativity when it comes to dating, so the key is to get around that and change your own attitude to fit what you are seeking.

The inner dictates the outer

Believe it or not, how you learned to love from birth to 7 years old is a big component in connecting to true love. Our subconscious mind is storing all that transpired in childhood. Now, to go one step further, the subconscious mind drives our lives 95% of the time! So it stands to reason that we are navigating our life with all that transpired in childhood. This is one of the reasons why most of us continue to attract people who are similar to our father or mother in the dating world.


Here is an example of a pattern from childhood into an adult relationship of a friend of mine. Nancy was a middle child, or, as they call them, the forgotten child. She used to do good deeds to get love from her parents. She would offer to do the dishes, shine her father’s shoes, or help her mother with the housework. That is how she learned how give and receive love, but doing good deeds. This was her way to love from birth until she was 7 years old.

Fast forward to her first relationship. She met a man who was overwhelmed as a single parent with two kids, a demanding job, and financial issues, plus he had a big family that came first in his life. He wasn’t engaged in the relationship at all, and Nancy felt like she had to jump over hoops to get his attention. Nancy tried to help him out by giving him advice about his job, helping him move, and giving him support in any way she could with the children. She didn’t realize it at the time, but she was doing good deeds to get his attention, just like she did when she was a child. She replicated her childhood in this relationship, and he was actually a combination of her father and her mother! This became a pattern for Nancy in her future relationships. A good relationship has to be balanced where both parties get their needs met.

The Fix

The fix is to change part of the subconscious mind. The way to offset the subconscious is to reprogram what it was fed in childhood. The time to do that is at bedtime. As you are going into a sleep state, you are going from a conscious to an unconscious state, which is when the subconscious mind can be reprogrammed. The unconscious state is a powerful one of transformation.

The first step is to decide what you want to change. If you want to meet your soulmate, the most simple way to do this is to imagine being in a balanced, loving relationship with someone and resonating with the feelings. It is the feelings that penetrate the subconscious mind.

An expert in the field of the subconscious mind, Neville Goddard, makes the following statements:

The subconscious never fails to express that which has been impressed upon it. The moment it receives an impression, it begins to work out the ways of its expression. It accepts the feeling impressed upon it, your feelings, as a fact existing within itself and immediately sets about to produce in the outer or objective world the exact likeness of that feeling."

A step-by step guide to manifest your dreams

This is a step-by-step guide on how to change one aspect of the subconscious from a negative to a positive state. We will work on manifesting a good relationship and how to attract your soulmate.

  1. Picture one image of what you want to have in your life as if it were already here. In this case, we are going to manifest a loving relationship.

  2. Picture yourself in a loving, balanced, and happy relationship with a new partner. Just use one image. I suggest an image where you are embracing your future partner or on a date. You don’t have to go into specific details of what is going on or what this person looks like; just imagine being together in a way that makes you feel loved.

  3. You will then resonate with the feelings of being in a healthy relationship. You would feel loved, secure, happy, content, joyful, excited, etc. Remember, it is the feelings that will resonate with you for 8 hours and reprogram the subconscious mind. Love is the strongest emotion to offset any other emotion.

  4. Fall asleep with these wonderful feelings of love and the image in your mind.

  5. Do this for at least 30 days. You will wake up feeling happy, after all you fed your unconscious mind loving thoughts.

    Please note that you can do this for anything you want to manifest in your life. If you want to lose weight and get healthy, picture yourself healthy and slim and resonate with those positive feelings as you fall asleep. If you want to get a promotion, picture one image of having a promotion. If you want to increase your wealth, picture being wealthy.

    These manifesting techniques will help you manifest your dreams.

    Higher consciousness

    You might ask yourself, How can reprogramming my subconscious mind make something I want materialize in my life?

    According to many spiritual and philosophical teachings, the subconscious mind is part of a greater universal consciousness, referred to as God, Source, or the Universe. I proudly call this power God, which is the power behind manifestation in all its glory. This higher consciousness, or God, is considered the fabric of reality, and our subconscious mind is believed to be a conduit connecting us to the power of God. In more simple terms, what we feed the subconscious mind with feelings gets imbedded in the subconscious, and God brings it to form. I truly believe this is the powerful secret behind creation in all its magnificent glory and form.

    The source of all power comes from our higher power, which is the source of all power in the world. God is the light that shines in our world, which eliminates darkness and brings goodness to form. God’s power is what brings miracles to light, goodness to the world, and hope to mankind. And this same power is what manifests our dreams into reality.

    In closing, remember that it is your inner child that is part of the subconscious mind dictating what direction your life is going in. It makes sense to reprogram the negative from childhood into a positive. If you want your life to go in a positive direction, you have to feed it positive thoughts and feelings.

    “A change of feeling is a change of destiny." Neville Goddard

    Rachel Devine’s new book, Discover the Power of the Secret within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams, is on Amazon now.

    Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center


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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

How to Transform Your Life with Your Thoughts - Rachel Devine

Our thoughts are more powerful than we can truly imagine. Ancient wisdom and modern science confirm that thoughts wield tremendous power to shape our lives and world. By mastering your mindset and programming your subconscious beliefs, you unlock the ability to manifest your ideal existence. However, as a society, we don’t harness this incredible inner power, and some of us grow into mediocre existences. Let’s take a look at the power of your mind and how it can help manifest your dreams into reality. Let’s look at how to transform your life with your thoughts.

Our thoughts are more powerful than we can truly imagine. Ancient wisdom and modern science confirm that thoughts wield tremendous power to shape our lives and world. By mastering your mindset and programming your subconscious beliefs, you unlock the ability to manifest your ideal existence. However, as a society, we don’t harness this incredible inner power, and some of us grow into mediocre existences. Let’s take a look at the power of your mind and how it can help manifest your dreams into reality. Let’s look at how to transform your life with your thoughts.

Powerful thoughts

According to psychology trailblazer William James, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” Our interpretations and beliefs surrounding circumstances drive outcomes more than events themselves.

The power of our thoughts has the ability to transform our lives into one of purpose and meaning. The key is to feed the mind positive, motivational thoughts. This will lay the groundwork for success in any area. Afterall, I think at the core of everyone is a desire to live life on purpose. It all starts with the power of your thoughts.

Subconscious programming

Over 95% of our behaviors operate from the subconscious, according to experts. This is an astounding revelation. Our subconscious mind holds all our past experiences, traumas and feelings. The conscious mind only controls about 5% of our life. Therefore, most of our lives are going in the direction of past thoughts and feelings. However, you can change the subconscious mind to a positive one. This means deliberately impressing empowering and positive beliefs into your subconscious mind to create a successful and purposeful life.

Joseph Murphy author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind said, “Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life.”

Therefore, it is crucial to feed your subconscious mind positive thoughts. The more you focus on lack, dread, or fear, the more lack, dread, and fearful situations will come into your life. On the other hand, if you constantly feed your mind positive, motivational thoughts, your life will go in positive, motivational directions. This is the manifesting law of attraction premise. What we put out into the vast universe through thoughts and words comes back to us, like we are in an echo chamber.

Manifesting method

Neville Goddard was a genius in the field of subconscious mind. He said this powerful quote in his book, Feeling is the Secret.

“The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them. Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feelings. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt – be it good, bad, or indifferent, - it must be expressed.” (By the subconscious into form).

The most powerful time to impress upon the subconscious mind is at night, just before you fall asleep. Imagine one image in your mind of what you want to manifest, and fall asleep with the feelings. For instance, if you want to meet your soulmate, envision one image with your soulmate already in your life and fall asleep with the feelings of love, security, happiness, etc. Your motivation thoughts before bedtime is the key. It is recommended to do this every night for 30 days to manifest your dreams into reality.

Manifesting tools

Commit to rituals that keep your conscious mind filled with positive affirmations, visualizations, inspiration, and mindfulness. Meditation, expressing gratitude, reading uplifting works, repeating mantras—these habits sustain focus on creating your ideal life.

Affirmations are positive words that will impress your subconscious. Write a few on a sticky note and post them where you can view them daily. Visualizations are a perfect way to empower you. Just visualize the outcome you want in a meditation. For instance, if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself slim. Or if you want to stop an addiction, envision yourself free from the addiction. Invoke feelings into your visualization because it is the feelings of the thoughts that penetrate the subconscious mind.

Gratitude is always at the center of success. Always resonate with being grateful for what you have rather than complaining about what you don’t have. Remember, you will attract what you are resonating with.

In conclusion, with this enormous awareness, you can shift to a different way of thinking. Positive thinking, visualizations, affirmations, and being grateful are tools in order to create the life of your dreams. The life you imagine through empowering thoughts, energizing beliefs, mindfulness, and repetition grows ever more concrete. Never underestimate the magic within your mind.

And this great quote by Norman Vincent Peale sums it up beautifully, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, both on Amazon. My new book on the inner child will be out very soon.

Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center website.



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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Create the Life you Want - Use the Power of your Thoughts - Rachel Devine

Imagine a world where your thoughts can create your future. Is that just a fantasy or a reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create our future is a reality. This article will outline some powerful manifestation techniques, which will enlighten you.

Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.

Do you want to lose weight, perhaps get a better-paying job, start a business, or meet your soulmate? Or maybe you want to write a book or perform music or create art for a gallery. Imagine a world where all you have to do is think about what you want, and that becomes your reality. You might be thinking, this is a good script for a sci-fi movie, because we are not conditioned to put a lot of focus on the power of our thoughts. You might ask yourself, is my ability to create my future just a fantasy or an actual reality? The answer may surprise you, because the ability to create your future is a reality. You can create the life you want with some guidance. The power of your thoughts are a segway to manifesting your goals into reality. This article will give you some powerful manifestation techniques, that will outline ways to bring your goals into your world.

Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.

The Power of Visualization

Visualization benefits are unlimited. One of the most widely recognized manifestation techniques is visualization. Advocated by writers like Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization, this technique involves forming detailed mental images of what you want to manifest. The more specific and detailed the mental picture, the more potent the manifestation. Remember, this is a powerful way to use your thoughts.

There is also a book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, that gives fascinating insights into the power of visualization. Peale tells us that if you keep a positive visualization in your mind every day, what you visualize will eventually come into your life. The key is to be consistent with your visualization. You can also create a vision board. You can get some oak tags, some stickers, a marker, and some pictures from a magazine and create a board of symbols and words about what you want your life to look like in the future. Put the vision board in a place where you can see it daily. I created a vision board a few years ago, and 90% of what I had on there became reality.


Another powerful technique is the use of positive affirmations. These are positive statements repeated regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with your conscious desires and goals. Louise Hay, a well-known advocate for affirmations, states in her work, You Can Heal Your Life, that repeating affirmations can significantly change our lives in a positive way. You can also write out the affirmations and post them in places where you can easily see them. Say these affirmations out loud every day and see what transpires. When you keep your focus on your goals using affirmations, it gives you an edge in reaching your goals.

The "Live in the End" Concept

Neville Goddard, a leading figure in the New Thought movement, proposed a technique often referred to as "live in the end." The idea is to imagine and feel your desire as already here, essentially living in the reality of your wish fulfilled. This process is said to impress your subconscious mind, prompting it to manifest the desired reality. In other words, if you want a promotion, visualize your colleagues congratulating you for it as if it already happened. Or if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at your ideal weight. These visualizations are more powerful if you picture one image of what you want to manifest when you are falling asleep and resonate with the feelings of having what you want already in your life. Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that feelings are what get embedded in the subconscious mind and are what bring our goals to reality. Our subconscious mind drives our lives 97% of the time; therefore, the key to manifesting is to feed our subconscious mind what we want to accomplish. We do that by feeding it feelings of what we want in life, as if it were already here. Remember, you have the ability to manifest your dreams into reality.

The 5x55 Method

The 5x55 method is a newer technique gaining traction in the manifestation community. It involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times a day for five consecutive days. This repetitive action is believed to effectively reprogram the subconscious mind. Remember, by reprogramming the subconscious mind, we are feeding it our goals, and according to Neville Goddard, the subconscious mind will bring the goal to reality.


Meditation is often incorporated into manifestation practices to help quiet the conscious mind and better communicate with the subconscious mind. Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, suggests that meditation can help us move beyond our analytical mind to access deeper states of consciousness, fostering effective manifestation. Just sitting in a state of deep contemplation can get you into a meditative state. Keep it simple and just go with the flow of meditation.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that like attracts like. By focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. This is accomplished by putting good energy into the world. It's similar to karma in the sense that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Think of the world around you as an echo chamber; whatever thoughts and words you put into the echo chamber come back to you. It's so important to put positive thoughts and words out into the world, rather than negative ones.

The Power of Intention

Dr. Wayne Dyer has a book called, The Power of Intention, where he outlines a clear game plan for manifesting our dreams. He also writes about a certain effective meditation called Japa. Japa is a meditation where you envision what you want in your life, and basically you put these thoughts out into the world and allow them to encircle the world and then imagine that energy coming back to you. It is a very effective way to bring our goals into our lives. For instance, if you want to manifest love, imagine being in love and then putting that energy out into the world. Then you would imagine it encircling the earth and coming back to you.


Gratitude plays an important role in manifestation. The more grateful you are, the more positive our thoughts get imbedded into our subconscious minds. Research has continuously stated there are medical benefits, as well as emotional benefits, to being grateful. I suggest you make a list of 10 things you are grateful for daily and read them out loud. This practice turns negative thoughts into positive ones and helps the flow of what you want to manifest come into your life.

In closing, remember, Elon Musk started with a tiny thought when he decided he wanted to build SpaceX and eventually create a colony on Mars, and now we see how his thoughts have manifested into reality. Of course he put a lot of focused effort into this project and the results are amazing. Every idea starts with a thought, and every thought empowers our actions. The more effort and motivation we put into our actions, the more results we will achieve. And to go one step further, our goals have a better chance of manifesting into reality when we use the ideas suggested in this article.

The power to manifest our desires into reality lies within each of us. We have the power to lose weight, get a promotion, connect with our soulmate, or achieve any number of goals and dreams we have lying dormant. Bring them out into the light of day with your powerful thoughts. By utilizing techniques like visualization, affirmations, the "live in the end" concept, and all of the suggestions in this article, we can tap into this enormous power within and shape our reality. Whether you resonate with Neville Goddard's teachings or Dr. Wayne Dyer's manifestation methods, finding a technique that works best for you is the key to effective manifestation. You can try one or all of the suggestions. I say the more, the better. With practice and consistency, you can harness the power of your mind to manifest your desires into reality.

If you would like to learn more about how to manifest your dreams into reality, check out my powerful online audio course, which gives you a step-by-step guide called How to Manifest Your Dreams.

 Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.

If you have any questions, please contact me.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

6 Steps to Manifest Out-of-Reach Dreams: Create the Life you Imagine - Rachel Devine

We all have important dreams and desires - a rewarding career, financial abundance, loving relationships, and good health may be one or two of your dreams. It doesn’t matter how old you are, we all have desires we want to manifest into our lives. Yet often these dreams seem out of reach. Ancient wisdom and modern techniques show that manifesting your dreams is possible by unlocking the power within your mind. The mind is more powerful than most people could ever dream of. Let’s explore all the possibilities and techniques of manifesting your dreams.

We all have important dreams and desires - a rewarding career, financial abundance, loving relationships, and good health, may be one or two of your dreams. It doesn’t matter how old you are, we all have desires we want to manifest into our lives. Yet often these dreams seem out of reach. Ancient wisdom and modern techniques show that manifesting your dreams is possible by unlocking the power within your mind. The mind is more powerful than most people could ever dream of. Let’s explore all the possibilities and techniques of manifesting your dreams.

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states you attract whatever you focus on consistently. One way to start to manifest dreams is to deliberately shift your mindset to assume and feel that your desire is already a reality. This energy attracts matching circumstances. Affirmations, vision boards and mindfulness help actualize this inner world.

As Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” The power is within you, to achieve anything you desire. Deliberately visualize only what you want, not what you don’t have.

The Power of Thinking Positively

Your conscious thoughts directly impact results. Monitor self-talk and replace negative views with uplifting, empowering positive views. Instead of saying “I can’t afford that,” say “I attract wealth and abundance.” Make positive affirmations a part of your inner dialogue. Motivational quotations can also help you gear your mind to a more positive state.

Wayne Dyer said “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” Reframe your mental filter to see the positive possibilities already surrounding you and relish in gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more you will have things to be grateful for.

Meditate with Intention

Meditation creates space to plant the seeds of desires in your subconscious mind. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Vividly imagine your goal as already realized - engage all your senses and feel your joy with achieving your goal. This is especially powerful as you are falling asleep, since you are going from a conscious to an unconscious state, which is the state your subconscious mind can be influenced.

As Neville Goddard advised, “Lull yourself to sleep feeling you are, and you will be, the ideal you dream yourself to be.” Convince your subconscious mind through repetition.

Influence Your Subconscious Mind

Your subconscious thoughts account for up to 97% of mental activity and determines behaviors. Instilling dreams and beliefs in the subconscious mind allows them to take root and flourish. Techniques like affirmations, law of attraction, vision boards and creative visualization reprogram your subconscious mind to your desired goals.

As Neville Goddard said “Your future is already prepared, but its realization depends on the intensity of your desire.” Firmly impress your goals into your subconscious through focused intention. This will help you transform your life with new purpose.

Create a Vision Board

Collages of desired outcomes impress your subconscious mind. Post images, quotes, affirmations, and stickers on a board, or oak tag, that represents your goals. Hang your vison board in a place where you can easily view it. Gaze at this vision board often to crystallize your dreams into reality and relish in the feelings of having your dreams fulfilled. Let the visualized scenes inspire emotions as though they are already real and relish in the feelings of the wish fulfilled.

Manifestation Examples

Here are 3 examples of how people can manifest goals using the law of attraction and intentional visualization:

  1. Landing a dream job

Visualize yourself already working at the ideal company in the perfect role. Cut out photos of the office, make vision boards with affirmations like, "I am grateful for my dream job,” and repeat them daily. Take small steps to raise your confidence like updating your resume. Live from the mindset that you're qualified for this job before you even apply.

  1. Meeting your soulmate

Envision the loving relationship you want. Make a list of your ideal partner's qualities and imagine having deep conversations and fun activities with him or her. Look for opportunities to meet new people, approach online dating positively, and increase social engagements with an energy of attracting your soulmate. Act as you would if you were already in a fulfilling relationship.

  1. Owning your dream car

Find photos of your desired car model and paste them in your home or vision board. Visualize driving this car, feeling exhilarated and accomplished, as you grip the steering wheel. Affirm daily while viewing the photos “I am enjoying the car of my dreams right now.” Take steps like saving money each month, or test driving models, to align your energy to manifest this. Know that you deserve this car and believe you can achieve it.

The key in each example is clearly defining the desire, conditioning your mindset to believe you already have it, taking aligned actions, and detaching from the outcome by knowing it will come. With focused intention and belief, you can manifest your goals using creative visualization and the law of attraction.

To really solidify your goal into reality, before you fall asleep at night, put one picture in your head of your goal or dream, then fall asleep with how it would feel to get the dream job, or meet your soulmate, or have the new car. It is the feelings that penetrate the subconscious mind, not the thoughts. Neville Goddard repeatedly tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the subconscious mind gets impressions from our feelings and then works to being those impressions to reality. Remember, the subconscious mind drives 97% of your actions, so it makes sense to impress upon the subconscious mind the feelings that will manifest your dreams.

In conclusion, manifesting requires transforming yourself into the person you already envision yourself to be. Condition your mindset with the law of attraction, positive affirmations, meditation and a vision board, in order to create the future you dream of. With concentrated intention on the dream, or goal you wish to obtain, and your belief in your power to create your future, your dreams will manifest into reality. Your dreams are really just a thought away.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Devine Intervention website.

How to Manifest your dreams - is Rachel Devine’s online audio course that gives you a step-by-step guide in manifesting your dreams into reality.

If you have any questions, please contact me or post a question in the comments.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

The Power of the Subconscious Rachel Devine

The subconscious mind, a potent force within us, is consistently shaping our reality based on the beliefs and thoughts it receives. Many scholars, including Neville Goddard, have long suggested that the subconscious mind's power, in conjunction with the universe's energy and higher consciousness, is the driving force behind manifestation.

The subconscious mind is the commander of your life. You can create your future with the right tools. You might think that the idea that your thoughts can create your future is something out of a B rated scifi movie. However, once you are aware of the secret power within, you will see the truth about the power of the subconscious mind come to reality and your view on life will never be the same.

The subconscious mind, a potent force within us, is consistently shaping our reality based on the beliefs and thoughts it receives. Many scholars, including Neville Goddard, have long suggested that the subconscious mind's power, in conjunction with the universe's energy and higher consciousness, is the driving force behind manifestation. The subconscious mind is the commander of your life. You can create your future with the right tools. You might think the idea that your thoughts can create your future is something out of a B rated scifi movie. However, once you are aware of the secret power within, you will see the truth about the power of the subconscious mind come to reality and your view on life will never be the same.

Neville Goddard's View on the Subconscious Mind and Manifestation

Neville Goddard, a leading voice in the metaphysical field, believed in the power of the subconscious mind to manifest our reality. His central premise, as illustrated in his book "Feeling Is the Secret," is that the subconscious mind creates reality based on the feelings it receives.

Goddard stated, "The subconscious does not originate ideas but accepts as true those which the conscious mind feels to be true and, in a way known only to itself, objectifies the accepted ideas."

Goddard's teachings suggest that by impressing the subconscious mind with the feeling of the wish fulfilled before sleep, we can align our subconscious beliefs with our conscious desires. According to Goddard, this alignment prompts the universe, or higher consciousness, to bring our desires into reality. To go one step further, Goddard says, in essence, whatever you put into your subconscious mind in the form of feelings, before bedtime, will manifest to form.

The Subconscious Mind and Higher Consciousness

According to many spiritual and philosophical teachings, the subconscious mind is part of a greater universal consciousness, referred to as God, Source, or the Universe. I proudly call it God, which is the power behind manifestation in all its glory. This higher consciousness, or God, is considered the fabric of reality, and our subconscious mind is believed to be a conduit connecting us to this broader reality. In other words, what we feed the subconscious mind, with feelings, gets imbedded in the subconscious and God brings it to form. This is the secret of creation in so many ways.

When we align our subconscious beliefs with our conscious desires, we're essentially sending a signal to the higher consciousness to manifest these desires. The subconscious mind, due to its alignment with the higher consciousness, will thus manifest whatever it has been programmed to believe. According to Neville Goddard, “The subconscious never fails to express that which has been impressed upon it. The moment it receives an impression, it begins to work out the ways of it’s expression. It accepts the feeling impressed upon it, your feelings, as a fact existing within itself and immediately sets about to produce in the outer or objective world the exact likeness of that feeling.” So the question is, what are you feeling and is it positive?

Other Scholars on the Subconscious Mind and Manifestation

Dr. Joseph Murphy, in his book "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind," shared similar views to Neville Goddard. He stated, "Once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it."

Esther and Jerry Hicks, advocates of the Law of Attraction, also emphasize the role of the subconscious mind in manifestation. They suggest that our subconscious thoughts and beliefs send out a 'vibrational frequency' to the universe. When this frequency aligns with our conscious desires, we attract those desires into our lives.


The subconscious mind, when aligned with our conscious desires, has the power to manifest it into our realities. Neville Goddard and many others have highlighted the role of feelings and the subconscious mind in the manifestation process. By impressing the subconscious mind with the feeling of the wish fulfilled, we can align ourselves with higher consciousness, thereby harnessing the universe's energy to bring our desires into reality.

If you would like to know more about the power of the subconscious mind, I have an audio program on, How to Manifest your Dreams, that gives you a step-by-step guide on manifesting your wishes.

Or join me on July 6, 2023 7pm for an enlightening zoom event called, The Secrets to Happiness, Live, Laugh, Love, where you will be reminded of the wonderful things that make us happy.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack and is in the process of publishing her third book.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

Create the Life you Want - Learn the Power of Manifesting - Rachel Devine

Imagine a world where your thoughts can create your future. Is that just a fantasy or a reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create our future is a reality. This article will outline some powerful manifestation techniques, which will enlighten you.

Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.

Do you want to lose weight, perhaps get a better-paying job, start a business, or meet your soulmate? Imagine a world where all you have to do is think about what you want, and that becomes your reality. You might be thinking this is a good script for a sci-fi movie because we are conditioned to be limited in what we think can create our reality. You might ask yourself, Is my ability to create my future just a fantasy or an actual reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create your future is a reality. This article will give you some powerful manifestation techniques that will outline ways to bring your goals into your world.

Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.

The Power of Visualization

Visualization benefits are unlimited. One of the most widely recognized manifestation techniques is visualization. Advocated by scholars like Shakti Gawain, author of "Creative Visualization," this technique involves forming detailed mental images of what you want to manifest. The more specific and detailed the mental picture, the more potent the manifestation. There is also a book called "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale that gives fascinating insights into the power of visualization. Peale tells us that if you keep a positive visualization in your mind every day, what you visualize will eventually come into your life. The key is to be consistent with your visualization. You can also create a vision board. You can get some oak tag, some stickers, a marker, some pictures out of a magazine, and create a board of symbols and words on what you want your life to look like in the future. Put the vision board in a place you can see it daily. I create a vision board a few years ago and 90% of what I had on there came to reality.


Another powerful technique is the use of affirmations. These are positive statements repeated regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with your conscious desires. Louise Hay, a well-known advocate for affirmations, states in her work You Can Heal Your Life, that repeating affirmations can significantly change our lives in a positive way. You can also write out the affirmations and post them in places where you can easily see them. Say these affirmations out loud every day and see what transpires.

The "Live in the End" Concept

Neville Goddard, a leading figure in the New Thought movement, proposed a technique often referred to as "live in the end." The idea is to imagine and feel your desire as already fulfilled, essentially living in the reality of your wish fulfilled. This process is said to impress your subconscious mind, prompting it to manifest the desired reality. In other words, if you want a promotion, visualize your colleagues congratulating you for it as if it already happened. Or if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at your ideal weight. These visualizations are more powerful if you picture one image of what you want to manifest when you are falling asleep and resonate with the feelings of having what you want already in your life. Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the feelings are what get embedded in the subconscious mind and is what brings our goals to reality. Our subconscious mind drives our lives 97% of the time, the key to manifesting is to feed our subconscious mind what we want. We do that by feeding it feelings of what we want in life, as if it is already here. You have the ability to manifest your dreams into reality.

The 5x55 Method

The 5x55 method is a newer technique gaining traction in the manifestation community. It involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times a day for five consecutive days. This repetitive action is believed to effectively reprogram the subconscious mind.


Meditation is often incorporated into manifestation practices to help quiet the conscious mind and better communicate with the subconscious mind. Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself," suggests that meditation can help us move beyond our analytical mind to access deeper states of consciousness, fostering effective manifestation.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that like attracts like. By focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. This is accomplished by putting good energy into the world. It's similar to karma in the sense that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Think of the world around you as an echo chamber; whatever thoughts and words you put into the echo chamber come back to you. It's so important to put positive thoughts and words out into the world, rather than negative ones.

The Power of Intention

Dr. Wayne Dyer has a book, The Power of Intention, where he outlines a clear game plan for manifesting our dreams. He also writes about a certain effective meditation called Japa. Japa is a meditation where you envision what you want in your life, and basically you put these thoughts out into the world and allow them to encircle the world and then imagine that energy coming back to you.


Gratitude plays an important role in manifestation. The more grateful you are, the more positive our thoughts get imbedded into our subconscious minds. Research has continuously given us medical benefits, as well as emotional benefits, for being grateful.


Remember, Elon Musk started with a tiny thought when he decided he wanted to build SpaceX and eventually create a colony on Mars, and now we see how his thoughts have manifested into reality. Every idea starts with a thought, and every thought is empowered by our actions. And to go one step further, our goals become a reality when we put focused effort and new thought ideas to work.

The power to manifest our desires into reality lies within each of us. By utilizing techniques like visualization, affirmations, the "live in the end" concept, and all of the above, we can tap into this enormous power within and shape our reality. Whether you resonate with Neville Goddard's teachings or Dr. Wayne Dyer's manifestation methods, finding a technique that works best for you is the key to effective manifestation. You can try one or all of the suggestions. I say the more, the better. With practice and consistency, you can harness the power of your mind to manifest your desires into reality.

 If you like to learn how to manifest your dreams in reality, check out my powerful online audio course, that gives you a step-by-step guide called, How to Manifest your Dreams.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.

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The Power of Manifestation: Turning Wishes Into Reality - Rachel Devine

The power of manifestation is a concept steeped in metaphysical thought, psychology, and spirituality, and has become an influential practice in the self-improvement and personal development space. This practice revolves around the idea of actively shaping your reality through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. By harnessing this power, it is believed that you can attract what you desire most into your life—whether it be wealth, love, health, or career success. In fact, you can also attract success with weight loss, connecting with a soul mate, success in any area and so much more. This article will outline manifestation examples and the most powerful manifestation techniques. It will also give you ideas on how to manifest your dreams.

The power of manifestation is a concept steeped in metaphysical thought, psychology, and spirituality, and has become an influential practice in the self-improvement and personal development space. This practice revolves around the idea of actively shaping your reality through your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. By harnessing this power, it is believed that you can attract what you desire most into your life—whether it be wealth, love, health, or career success. In fact, you can also attract success with weight loss, connecting with a soul mate, success in any area and so much more. This article will outline manifestation examples and the most powerful manifestation techniques. It will also give you ideas on how to manifest your dreams.

Understanding Manifestation

At its core, manifestation is the process of bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief. The principle suggests that if you think it, feel it, and believe it, you will bring it into your life. As Wayne Dyer, a renowned motivational speaker and self-help author, eloquently put it, "Our intention creates our reality."

The concept of manifestation is heavily linked to the Law of Attraction, a universal law that posits that like attracts like. Your dominant thoughts and beliefs, whether positive or negative, will find a way to manifest. Therefore, by deliberately choosing positive thoughts and emotions, you can manifest positive outcomes.

This is not a passive process. Rather, manifestation involves a conscious and active shaping of your thoughts and beliefs to align with your desires, and then taking action to make those desires come true. It's about creating a vision, cultivating the emotional and mental state to support that vision, and then working towards it in the real world.

Manifestation takes several forms and can involve practices like visualization, affirmations, meditation, journaling, and goal setting. It requires consistency, faith, and an open mind.

History of Manifestation

The roots of manifestation and the Law of Attraction can be traced back to the New Thought movement of the 19th century. This movement, starting in the United States, promoted the idea that the mind has the power to heal the body and shape reality.

Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a fascinating book, Wishes Fulfilled, that explains the process of manifestation in vivid details.

Pioneers of Manifestation

While the origins of manifestation can be traced back centuries, two modern-day figures stand out in their innovative approaches to this practice: Neville Goddard and Wayne Dyer.

1. Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard, a metaphysical teacher from the mid-20th century, was a major proponent of the concept of manifestation. His teachings focused on the imaginative power of the mind, and he believed that reality could be altered through visualization and feeling.

Goddard wrote, "The world is yourself pushed out. Ask yourself what you want and then give it to you. Do not question how it will come about; just go your way knowing that the evidence of what you have done must appear, and it will." There is a fascinating book that Neville Goddard wrote called, Feeling is the Secret. In this book, he explains the whole concept of manifestation in details, even though the book is only 47 pages!

2. Dr. Wayne Dyer

Wayne Dyer was a popular motivational speaker and self-help author, well known for his emphasis on the power of intention and manifestation. His teachings emphasize the personal responsibility we have in shaping our own realities.

He notably said, "You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality."

Manifestation Success Stories

To understand the transformative power of manifestation, consider these real-life stories:

  1. Jim Carrey's $10 Million Check: This well-known story from the life of actor Jim Carrey showcases the power of visualization and affirmation. In the early days of his career, Carrey wrote himself a check for $10 million for "acting services rendered," post-dated it for Thanksgiving 1995 and kept it in his wallet. He visualized his success daily, imagining directors valuing his work and audiences loving his performances. In 1994, just before the check's date, Carrey received a movie role paying him $10 million.

  2. Sarah Centrella's Dream Life: After a devastating divorce, Sarah Centrella, a single mother, used manifestation to rebuild her life. She created a "future board" (a variant of a vision board) to visualize her goals and aspirations. Centrella eventually became a bestselling author, world traveler, and master life coach, attributes she had envisioned on her future board.

Applying Manifestation in Your Life

Manifestation is more than wishful thinking—it's a deliberate and active process of creating your reality. Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Clarity: Be clear about what you want to manifest. Ambiguity can hinder your manifestation process.

  2. Believe and Visualize: Fully believe in your ability to manifest your desires. Visualize your goal as though it's already achieved. As Neville Goddard advised, "Live in the end."

  3. Positive Affirmations: Create and regularly repeat positive affirmations that align with your goals. Wayne Dyer recommended, "I attract what I want by being what I want."

  4. Take Action: Don't forget to take proactive steps towards your goal. Manifestation works hand-in-hand with effort and determination in the physical world.

  5. Gratitude: Cultivate gratitude for what you already have and for the success that is yet to come. Gratitude raises your vibration and aligns you with the positive energy needed for manifestation.

Remember, the journey of manifestation is personal and different for everyone. Trust in the process, keep a positive mindset, and stay open to opportunities as they arise.


Manifestation, with roots deeply set in historical and metaphysical concepts, has emerged as a powerful tool in the modern self-improvement sphere. While skeptics may view it as pseudoscience or mystical mumbo-jumbo, countless individuals like Jim Carrey and Sarah Centrella have harnessed the power of their minds to manifest their desires.

As you explore the power of manifestation, remember the insightful words of Wayne Dyer: "You'll see it when you believe it." Manifestation is not about seeing to believe, but rather believing to see. In aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with your desires, you open a world of endless possibilities and an empowered path to create your own reality.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, Become a Magnet for True Love.

Rachel’s website has valuable online courses and events.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

The Power of the Subconscious Rachel Devine

What is the subconscious mind and why is it so powerful? The subconscious mind rules your life. Neville Goddard an expert in the field of subconscious mind says that 97% of our life is predicated by the subconscious mind. Nothing really happens in our day without the direction of that part of the brain that is not really audible or visible, and yet has so much power. The power of the subconscious mind is incredible. Therefore, let’s explore this part of our being that has the power to make our lives positive or negative. In order to do that we need to explore both the conscious and subconscious mind. I will show you the subconscious mind power techniques and how the subconscious mind works. More importantly, I will demostrate how you can change your destiny with the power of the subconscious mind.

What is the subconscious mind and why is it so powerful? Believe it or not the subconscious mind rules your life. Neville Goddard, an expert in the field of subconscious mind, says that 97% of our life is predicated by the subconscious mind. Nothing really happens in our day without the direction of that part of the brain that is not really audible or visible, and yet has so much power. The power of the subconscious mind is incredible. Therefore, let’s explore this part of our being that has the power to make our lives positive or negative. In order to do that we need to explore both the conscious and subconscious mind. I will show you the subconscious mind power techniques and how the subconscious mind works. More importantly, I will demostrate how you can change your destiny with the power of the subconscious mind.

Conscious and Subconscious mind

The conscious mind has accumulated a wealth of information since our birth and throughout childhood and adulthood. Thousands of thoughts and feelings get embedded in our conscious state and relayed over to our subconscious mind. The conscious mind is considered male, where thoughts are formed and turn into feelings.The subconscious mind is female, like a woman’s womb where birth or form takes place.

Freud explained the mind in distinct levels, each with their own roles and functions. These are two of the levels of the mind:

  • The conscious mind contains all of the thoughts, memories, feelings, and wishes of which we are aware at any given moment. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. This also includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily and brought into awareness.

  • The unconscious mind is an unlimited amount of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that are outside of our conscious awareness. The unconscious contains contents that are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict as well as joy, love and feelings of contentment, just to name a few.

Since 97% of our subconscious mind is the commander of our life, it’s important to pay attention to this area of our brain. We navigate in life, making major decisions, by our subconscious mind. To be clear, it is an automatic response to life, because we don’t have access to our subconscious mind on a conscious level. Subconscious mind is always with us, but not visible by our conscious mind. We can’t grasp what it is doing, yet it navigates almost all of our actions.

When you get up each morning, have breakfast, shower, get dressed, and check your schedule, these are automatic routine events that you don’t really think too much about, you just do them. The subconscious mind is navigating these events without you putting any thought or focus on the subconscious mind or even understanding what is transpiring with it.

Feelings are the Secret

Remember, all of our past traumas, experiences, joyful events and so much more are stored in the subconscious mind by our feelings. It is not stored by thoughts, only feelings. Therefore, when an event happens in our life, we feed the feelings into our subconscious mind and that is one of many layers of feelings that help us navigate our life. There are layers and layers of past feelings floating around in our subconscious mind. However, my understanding is, whatever you feed your subconscious mind on a regular basis will be what navigates your life.

Feelings are the secret, because it is in the feelings that we can change the subconscious mind from negative to positive experiences. It is in the feelings that we can actually change our destiny.


Let’s say you have anger issues from past experience, let’s say, in childhood. This anger and perhaps resentments are regressed in your subconscious mind and perhaps that is what you are resonating with in life. Therefore, you might have a chip on your shoulder with everyone you encounter. Or perhaps uncontrollable anger towards those you love.

You can actually repattern the subconscious mind to overpower the anger feelings with loving feelings. Repatterning our subconscious mind is something that is definitely feasible. Or let’s say you are dating and you keep meeting narsisitic dates. Your subconscious mind was programmed in childhood to a point that makes you attract the same type of man/woman that you programmed in your brain as a child. You can repattern that in your subconscious mind, as well.

Manifesting Change

Not only can you change the subconscious minds negative influence on you, but what if we could influence the subconscious mind to a point where you can manifest what we want in life, say manifesting our goals or wishes? What if we could tell our subconscious mind what direction we want your life to go in, and that becomes a reality? Would that be a magical world of illusion or reality? Well, believe it or not the answer is it would be a world of reality.

The key is to repattern our subconscious mind with enough positive feelings that relate to what we want to manifest. It is the feelings of what you want to manifest, as if it is already here, which must be relayed into the subconscious mind in order to manifest it into reality. All form in the world originated as a thought and feelings. Some thoughts and feelings are more powerful than others. Now, just take a minute to allow that to sink in.

The Miracle of the Subconscious Mind

Neville Goddard, who wrote over 60 books on the field of manifesting and subconscious mind, has declared these fascinating theoretical statements, that are quoted from his book, “Feeling is the Secret,” regarding manifesting and the subconscious mind, which people like Dr. Wayne Dyer confer with.

“The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them.”

“Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feelings. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt – be it good, bad or indifferent, - it must be expressed. (by the subconscious into form)

“Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify. Your feelings create the pattern from which your world is fashioned, and a change of feeling is a change of pattern.”

“Chance or accident is not responsible for the things that happen to you, nor is    predestined fate the author of your fortune or misfortune. Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world.”

Your subconscious impressions determine the conditions of your world! The subconscious mind takes in feelings and then brings whatever those feelings are into form. In other words, if you decide you want to meet your soulmate, put those feelings into the subconscious mind, then the subconscious mind will bring that soulmate into form for you. It may sound farfetched, however, Neville Goddard had many seminars where people attested to manifesting wishes with the subconscious mind and these techniques.

Manifesting our Wishes

Remember, feelings can change your destiny. It is important to stay positive in all areas of life, and that does take a lot of practice and disipline. These simple steps will help you manifest your wishes in life or change your negative thoughts to positive thoughts, thereby, changing your life.

Before you fall asleep, those last 5 minutes are the most powerful. You are transitioning from conscious thoughts, to subconscious mind and then when you fall asleep into an unconscious state. These are the most powerful times to invoke feeling into the subconscious mind. So you want to fill your head with positive feelings. If you want to lose weight, see yourself at your ideal weight, just envision one photographic image in your mind of how you look when you lost weight, and then general feelings of of happiness, feeling healthy, having more energy, how it feels to buy new clothes, etc, and fall asleep with those positive feelings. What is going to happen is your subconscious mind will direct your steps in order to manifest your dream of being healthy and losing weight in your waking world.

If you want to manifest a new house, see every aspect of the house in one photographic type of picture and feel how wonderful it feels to be in the house, see the price as being perfect, feel how wonderful it is, how happy you are, etc. and fall asleep to that.

Techniques to Manifest your Wishes

1.    Before you fall asleep pick one condensed single idea that illustrates your wish is happening now. Neville gave the example of a person wanting a promotion (the wish) and the single idea or picture was a man shaking his hand to congratulate him for the promotion. It’s important to use a single idea in your imagination rather than a motion picture of the event in various different acts, because the mind will wander and it one must let go of how it will happen, only that it did already happen. That is key. You visualize your wish is already in form.

2.    Once you get this visual in your imagination you will resonate with the feelings. How does it feel to have a promotion? I feel happy, financially secure, valued, loved, etc. The secret is the feelings, as Neville tells us. The feelings are what the subconscious mind will pick up.

3.    Drift off to sleep with the feelings of the wish fulfilled, as this is the time when the subconscious mind will go into a deep unconscious state and start to pick up all that you are feeding it as you fall into a sleeping state. Your subconscious mind has around 8 hours to marinate with these feelings.

4.    The next day you should wake up feeling pretty happy and content. Continue to do this exercise every night until the wish you want is fulfilled. According to Neville, whatever you put into your subconscious mind before bedtime will materialize, since the subconscious mind is like a female womb at birthing.  

Do this for at least 30 days or until your wish is fulfilled. Neville Goddard said he has 135 people at a seminar and 35 said the manifested what they wanted in 2 weeks, so the time-frame can be short or longer.

In conclusion, these are the basic techniques of the subconscious mind and manfesting. For more information, please visit my website.

I am having a special online event, June 8, 2023, 7pm Est, on Zoom on, How to Manifest your Dreams. For more information click on this link.

Rachel Devine is the author of, Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack & The Third Road.

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Rachel Devine Rachel Devine

The Pioneers of Spiritual Manifestation and the Subconscious Mind- Rachel Devine

Spiritual manifestation and the power of the subconscious mind have become popular topics in recent years, but their roots stretch back much further. In all its mysticism is a fascinating theory. As we dive into the history we encounter pioneers who first proposed these transformative ideas and their contributions to the field of psychology.

Spiritual manifestation and the power of the subconscious mind have become popular topics in recent years, but their roots stretch back much further. In all its mysticism is a fascinating theory. As we dive into the history we encounter pioneers who first proposed these transformative ideas and their contributions to the field of psychology.

Phineas Quimby: The Father of New Thought

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, (Feb 16, 1802 NH - Jan 16, 1866, Belfast, ME), American exponent of mental healing, who is generally regarded as the founder of the New Thought movement, a metaphysical healing theory. Phineas Quimby, often recognized as the father of the New Thought movement, was one of the first to propose the idea of mind-over-matter in the mid-19th century. He believed that illness originated in the mind and could be cured through changing one's beliefs. This perspective laid the groundwork for the concept of positive thinking and its impact on reality, forming the foundation of manifestation.

Prentice Mulford: The Law of Attraction

Prentice Mulford (April 5, 1834 – c. May 30, 1891) was an American literary author. In addition, he was pivotal in the development of the thought within the New Thought movement. Many of the principles that would become standard in the movement, including the Law of Attraction were clearly laid out in his, Your Forces and How to Use Them, released as a series of essays during 1886–1892.

Prentice Mulford, a pivotal figure in the New Thought movement, is often credited with introducing the Law of Attraction. His essays, collectively known as "Your Forces and How to Use Them," proposed the idea that our thoughts attract corresponding events in the physical world. This laid the theoretical groundwork for modern manifestation theories.

Emile Coué: Autosuggestion and the Conscious Mind

Emile Coué, a French psychologist and pharmacist, introduced the concept of autosuggestion in the early 20th century. His famous mantra, "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better," encapsulated the idea of influencing the subconscious mind through repeated affirmations, a practice widely used in manifestation techniques today.

Neville Goddard: Imagining Creates Reality

Neville Lancelot Goddard (Feb 19, 1905 – Oct 1, 1972), generally known as Neville Goddard, was a Barbadian New Thought author and Mysticwho wrote on the Bible, esotericism, and is considered to be one of the pioneers of the "law of assumption". He was a proponent of the New Thought movement in the mid-20th century, emphasized the power of imagination in shaping reality. His work, which included the belief that individuals could create their desired reality by imagining it in the first-person present tense, significantly influenced the modern concept of manifestation. Neville Goddard’s idea on how to manifest anything, was to transfer your feelings on what you want to manifest, from conscious into the subconscious mind at the critical stage, before bedtime, and the subconscious mind would bring that into form. It is a fascinating practice in order to manifest your desires into reality. He also has a fascinating book called, “Feeling is the Secret.” The subconscious mind and dreams that can become your reality.

Dr. Joseph Murphy: The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Dr. Joseph Murphy's Ph. D., D.D., (1898-1981), a native of Ireland who resettled in America was a prolific and widely admired New Thought minister and writer, best known for his motivational classic, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an international bestseller since it first appeared onto the self-help scene in 1963. Dr. Murphy seminal work, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", brought the concept of manifestation into mainstream psychology. He suggested that the subconscious mind operates on the beliefs instilled by the conscious mind, and by altering these beliefs, one can manifest their desires. Murphy's work provides one of the clearest links between the practice of manifestation and the subconscious mind.

The Evolution of Manifestation Theory

The manifestation theory has evolved and diversified over time, incorporating elements from various disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, and quantum physics. Today, it is a multi-faceted field with diverse interpretations and practices. Some emphasize the role of the Law of Attraction, while others focus more on visualization or affirmations.

In essence, the pioneers of manifestation believed in the transformative power of the mind—our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs—and their ability to shape our reality. Their innovative ideas continue to inspire countless individuals and form the bedrock of the manifestation practices we see today.

For a very special & exciting event, join us on June 8, 2023, 7pm Est, on zoom where I will conduct an event called, Manifest your Dreams. Full details are on this link.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack. She also created several online courses & seminars designed to help one in various social settings.

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