The Pioneers of Spiritual Manifestation and the Subconscious Mind- Rachel Devine

Spiritual manifestation and the power of the subconscious mind have become popular topics in recent years, but their roots stretch back much further. In all its mysticism is a fascinating theory. As we dive into the history we encounter pioneers who first proposed these transformative ideas and their contributions to the field of psychology.

Phineas Quimby: The Father of New Thought

Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, (Feb 16, 1802 NH - Jan 16, 1866, Belfast, ME), American exponent of mental healing, who is generally regarded as the founder of the New Thought movement, a metaphysical healing theory. Phineas Quimby, often recognized as the father of the New Thought movement, was one of the first to propose the idea of mind-over-matter in the mid-19th century. He believed that illness originated in the mind and could be cured through changing one's beliefs. This perspective laid the groundwork for the concept of positive thinking and its impact on reality, forming the foundation of manifestation.

Prentice Mulford: The Law of Attraction

Prentice Mulford (April 5, 1834 – c. May 30, 1891) was an American literary author. In addition, he was pivotal in the development of the thought within the New Thought movement. Many of the principles that would become standard in the movement, including the Law of Attraction were clearly laid out in his, Your Forces and How to Use Them, released as a series of essays during 1886–1892.

Prentice Mulford, a pivotal figure in the New Thought movement, is often credited with introducing the Law of Attraction. His essays, collectively known as "Your Forces and How to Use Them," proposed the idea that our thoughts attract corresponding events in the physical world. This laid the theoretical groundwork for modern manifestation theories.

Emile Coué: Autosuggestion and the Conscious Mind

Emile Coué, a French psychologist and pharmacist, introduced the concept of autosuggestion in the early 20th century. His famous mantra, "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better," encapsulated the idea of influencing the subconscious mind through repeated affirmations, a practice widely used in manifestation techniques today.

Neville Goddard: Imagining Creates Reality

Neville Lancelot Goddard (Feb 19, 1905 – Oct 1, 1972), generally known as Neville Goddard, was a Barbadian New Thought author and Mysticwho wrote on the Bible, esotericism, and is considered to be one of the pioneers of the "law of assumption". He was a proponent of the New Thought movement in the mid-20th century, emphasized the power of imagination in shaping reality. His work, which included the belief that individuals could create their desired reality by imagining it in the first-person present tense, significantly influenced the modern concept of manifestation. Neville Goddard’s idea on how to manifest anything, was to transfer your feelings on what you want to manifest, from conscious into the subconscious mind at the critical stage, before bedtime, and the subconscious mind would bring that into form. It is a fascinating practice in order to manifest your desires into reality. He also has a fascinating book called, “Feeling is the Secret.” The subconscious mind and dreams that can become your reality.

Dr. Joseph Murphy: The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Dr. Joseph Murphy's Ph. D., D.D., (1898-1981), a native of Ireland who resettled in America was a prolific and widely admired New Thought minister and writer, best known for his motivational classic, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, an international bestseller since it first appeared onto the self-help scene in 1963. Dr. Murphy seminal work, "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind", brought the concept of manifestation into mainstream psychology. He suggested that the subconscious mind operates on the beliefs instilled by the conscious mind, and by altering these beliefs, one can manifest their desires. Murphy's work provides one of the clearest links between the practice of manifestation and the subconscious mind.

The Evolution of Manifestation Theory

The manifestation theory has evolved and diversified over time, incorporating elements from various disciplines, including psychology, neuroscience, and quantum physics. Today, it is a multi-faceted field with diverse interpretations and practices. Some emphasize the role of the Law of Attraction, while others focus more on visualization or affirmations.

In essence, the pioneers of manifestation believed in the transformative power of the mind—our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs—and their ability to shape our reality. Their innovative ideas continue to inspire countless individuals and form the bedrock of the manifestation practices we see today.

For a very special & exciting event, join us on June 8, 2023, 7pm Est, on zoom where I will conduct an event called, Manifest your Dreams. Full details are on this link.

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack. She also created several online courses & seminars designed to help one in various social settings.

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Last call - How to Manifest your Dreams - A Special online Event - Rachel Devine


The Power of Manifestation: Techniques, Quotes, and Examples - Rachel Devine