How to Transform Your Life with Your Thoughts - Rachel Devine

Our thoughts are more powerful than we can truly imagine. Ancient wisdom and modern science confirm that thoughts wield tremendous power to shape our lives and world. By mastering your mindset and programming your subconscious beliefs, you unlock the ability to manifest your ideal existence. However, as a society, we don’t harness this incredible inner power, and some of us grow into mediocre existences. Let’s take a look at the power of your mind and how it can help manifest your dreams into reality. Let’s look at how to transform your life with your thoughts.

Powerful thoughts

According to psychology trailblazer William James, “The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” Our interpretations and beliefs surrounding circumstances drive outcomes more than events themselves.

The power of our thoughts has the ability to transform our lives into one of purpose and meaning. The key is to feed the mind positive, motivational thoughts. This will lay the groundwork for success in any area. Afterall, I think at the core of everyone is a desire to live life on purpose. It all starts with the power of your thoughts.

Subconscious programming

Over 95% of our behaviors operate from the subconscious, according to experts. This is an astounding revelation. Our subconscious mind holds all our past experiences, traumas and feelings. The conscious mind only controls about 5% of our life. Therefore, most of our lives are going in the direction of past thoughts and feelings. However, you can change the subconscious mind to a positive one. This means deliberately impressing empowering and positive beliefs into your subconscious mind to create a successful and purposeful life.

Joseph Murphy author of The Power of Your Subconscious Mind said, “Whatever your conscious mind assumes and believes to be true, your subconscious mind will accept and bring to pass. Believe in good fortune, divine guidance, right action, and all the blessings of life.”

Therefore, it is crucial to feed your subconscious mind positive thoughts. The more you focus on lack, dread, or fear, the more lack, dread, and fearful situations will come into your life. On the other hand, if you constantly feed your mind positive, motivational thoughts, your life will go in positive, motivational directions. This is the manifesting law of attraction premise. What we put out into the vast universe through thoughts and words comes back to us, like we are in an echo chamber.

Manifesting method

Neville Goddard was a genius in the field of subconscious mind. He said this powerful quote in his book, Feeling is the Secret.

“The conscious generates ideas and impresses these ideas on the subconscious; the subconscious receives ideas and gives form and expression to them. Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feelings. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt – be it good, bad, or indifferent, - it must be expressed.” (By the subconscious into form).

The most powerful time to impress upon the subconscious mind is at night, just before you fall asleep. Imagine one image in your mind of what you want to manifest, and fall asleep with the feelings. For instance, if you want to meet your soulmate, envision one image with your soulmate already in your life and fall asleep with the feelings of love, security, happiness, etc. Your motivation thoughts before bedtime is the key. It is recommended to do this every night for 30 days to manifest your dreams into reality.

Manifesting tools

Commit to rituals that keep your conscious mind filled with positive affirmations, visualizations, inspiration, and mindfulness. Meditation, expressing gratitude, reading uplifting works, repeating mantras—these habits sustain focus on creating your ideal life.

Affirmations are positive words that will impress your subconscious. Write a few on a sticky note and post them where you can view them daily. Visualizations are a perfect way to empower you. Just visualize the outcome you want in a meditation. For instance, if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself slim. Or if you want to stop an addiction, envision yourself free from the addiction. Invoke feelings into your visualization because it is the feelings of the thoughts that penetrate the subconscious mind.

Gratitude is always at the center of success. Always resonate with being grateful for what you have rather than complaining about what you don’t have. Remember, you will attract what you are resonating with.

In conclusion, with this enormous awareness, you can shift to a different way of thinking. Positive thinking, visualizations, affirmations, and being grateful are tools in order to create the life of your dreams. The life you imagine through empowering thoughts, energizing beliefs, mindfulness, and repetition grows ever more concrete. Never underestimate the magic within your mind.

And this great quote by Norman Vincent Peale sums it up beautifully, “Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, both on Amazon. My new book on the inner child will be out very soon.

Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center website.



Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Defining Moments: How Quantum Leaps Shape Our Destiny - Rachel Devine


Taming the Terror of the Inner Child: Embracing Peace with your Past - Rachel Devine