What is, Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center all about? Rachel Devine
You might have seen some of my facebook posts about my website Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center. You may also be asking yourself, “what’s this website all about?”
Well, below is a short audio with a synopsis of what my website is all about and how it can transform your life.
So, take 2 minutes to listen to this audio, it can literally change your life!
You might have seen some of my social media posts about my website Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center. You may also be asking yourself, “what’s this website all about?”
Well, below is a short audio with a synopsis of what my website is all about and how it can transform your life.
So, take 2 minutes to listen to this audio, it can literally change your life!
Click on the link below to hear a synopsis of my website.
How to Overcome Abandonment Issues from Childhood. - Rachel Devine
Fears arise in adulthood from our inner child experiences. These fears can stop one from moving forward in many areas of life, but especially in relationships. Abandonment fears, such as an excessive need for closeness and panic about rejection, often originate from childhood abandonment issues. Early experiences profoundly shape our attachment styles and ability to trust in relationships. When you start a relationship with someone and they suddenly stop calling or texting you, intense fear may set in. That fear is what comes from the inner child being triggered by some childhood incident of abandonment from the past and has traveled into your adulthood. Some fears are from emotional or physical childhood abandonment. Let’s look into this a little deeper.
Fears arise in adulthood from our inner child experiences. These fears can stop one from moving forward in many areas of life, but especially in relationships. Abandonment fears, such as an excessive need for closeness and panic about rejection, often originate from childhood abandonment issues. Early experiences profoundly shape our attachment styles and ability to trust in relationships. When you start a relationship with someone and they suddenly stop calling or texting you, intense fear may set in. That fear is what comes from the inner child being triggered by some childhood incident of abandonment from the past and has traveled into your adulthood. Some fears are from emotional or physical childhood abandonment. Let’s look into this a little deeper.
How Childhood Abandonment Fears Develop
Many factors can contribute to an insecure-anxious attachment pattern, but here are a few examples:
Physical abandonment by a parent through death, divorce, or neglect.
Emotional unavailability from a depressed, addicted, or distracted caregiver.
Harsh, conditional love that makes a child feel worthless and unlovable.
Unpredictable care that keeps a child perpetually anxious about being alone.
Being put in a group home and taken away from your family.
Living with a parent with an addiction like alcohol or drugs.
Having to become the caretaker at an early age of one or both of your parents.
Having to caretake siblings because of parental abandonment.
These are just a few ways a person develops fears of abandonment in childhood that cause blocks in adult relationships. These blocks can cause havoc. When reliable warmth and protection are missing during a child's vulnerable first years, intense abandonment fears can develop in the subconscious mind.
Signs of Abandonment Issues
Even in adulthood, old wounds may show up as:
Extreme distress or rage when a partner is unavailable.
Clinginess and fear of being alone.
Testing for loyalty and a constant need for reassurance.
Low self-worth and the belief that others will inevitably leave.
Jumping from one relationship to the next for fear of being alone.
Getting into bad relationships just to be in a relationship.
Fears sometimes morph into intense anger if one feels abandoned in a relationship.
Intense anger towards a partner that wants to leave a relationship.
How to Overcome childhood abandonment issues
Acknowledge the roots of these fears without judgement. Be compassionate toward the hurt inner child who adapted to uncertainty in whatever manner they could. With awareness and commitment, new neural pathways form when you can turn the fears around. A good start is having the awareness of the problem. Also, therapy is highly recommended because the therapist is trained to help one deal with these fears of abandonment. There is no easy fix; it takes time to heal inner child wounds.
These are some ways to ease the feeling of abandonment:
Offer inner dialogue affirming safety, support, and love. Envision yourself in a safe space.
Practice self-soothing through breathing, nature, and creativity. A walk in nature can do wonders.
Voice unmet childhood needs, grieve losses, and supply nourishment.
Build a support network of friends independent of romantic partners.
Cultivate self-esteem through accomplishments and social connections.
In relationships, voice fears in calm communication and set healthy boundaries.
These are a few ways to feel better. Though formidable, abandonment fears can absolutely be overwhelming, having a game plan when the strike can be a comfort. Confront core wounds without blame. Commit daily to proving to your precious inner child that they are loved, worthy, and will not be left alone again.
Inner child affirmations
Affirmations are a very good way to undo some of the inner child wounds. Saying these out loud, as often as you can, will help reprogram the subconscious mind, where all of our childhood wounds lay.
Here are some inner child affirmations:
I am in the presence of God and never alone.
I am nurturing my inner child with love.
I am safe and secure in my environment.
I am always in a loving space with the spirit within.
I am loved by family and friends.
I am loved by myself.
I am in a loving relationship with someone who will not abandon me.
These are a few affirmations that you can say out loud often, or you can make up your own unique affirmations.
In closing, I want to reiterate that awareness is the key to healing inner child wounds. Therapy is also imperative to help you heal. Reaching out to a therapist is not a weakness, but a way to strengthen yourself. It’s important to have someone that really understands. A life coach well versed in inner child can also be a blessing. Wishing you much healing.
If you feel like you need help, I offer life coaching, and can help you with reparenting your inner child and other areas you may be struggling with in your life. I offer a free coaching session.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.
The Power of Affirmations: Training Your Subconscious for Success - Rachel Devine
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the benefits of positive affirmations, I’d like to explain a little about them. An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives. Affirmations are simple, positive statements of empowerment, intention, or values that can profoundly influence thinking patterns when repeated consistently. Regularly affirming core beliefs rewires neural pathways on a subconscious level to manifest positive transformation. When you can penetrate the subconscious mind, you can literally transform your life with positive affirmations to bring success into your life. This will help you reach your goals of perhaps losing weight, starting a business, making more money, finding your soulmate, giving up an addiction, etc.
Let’s dive into the details of affirmations.
The power of affirmations can transform your life and change the imprint of the subconscious.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the benefits of positive affirmations, I’d like to explain a little about them. An affirmation is really anything you say or think. A lot of what we normally say and think is quite negative and doesn’t create good experiences for us. We have to retrain our thinking and speaking into positive patterns if we want to change our lives. Affirmations are simple, positive statements of empowerment, intention, or values that can profoundly influence thinking patterns when repeated consistently. Regularly affirming core beliefs rewires neural pathways on a subconscious level to manifest positive transformation. When you can penetrate the subconscious mind, you can literally transform your life with positive affirmations to bring success into your life. This will help you reach your goals of perhaps losing weight, starting a business, making more money, finding your soulmate, giving up an addiction, etc. This is turn can transform your life for the better.
Let’s dive into the details of affirmations.
Defining Affirmations
As motivational speaker Tony Robbins stated, “An affirmation is a strong, positive statement that something is already so.” Examples include affirming ideals like:
I radiate health, joy, and purpose.
Abundance flows freely through me.
I am open and receptive to brilliant new ideas.
I am successful in everything I do.
I have reached my goal and am successful in this endeavor.
Unlike wishful thinking, affirmations proclaim desired qualities and truths in the present tense with conviction, as if they exist now.
How Affirmations Work
Neuroscience reveals that the brain struggles to differentiate vividly imagined experiences from real ones. Conscious thoughts and words trigger nerve transmission patterns that the body interprets as reality with repetition.
Reciting positive affirmations actually penetrates the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind drives our life 95% of the time. Therefore, it makes sense to feed it positive thoughts. With time, new uplifting messaging overrides old limiting, negative thoughts as new “normal” programming since it penetrates the subconscious, which again is the commander of most of what you do in life.
“The secret to having your affirmations work quickly and consistently is to prepare an atmosphere for them to grow in. Affirmations are like seeds planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.” Louise Hay
Subconscious Transformation
Approximately 95% of daily behaviors and emotions operate from the subconscious mind rather than conscious thought. Affirmations help instill empowering beliefs directly into the subconscious domain.
Through consistently impressing conscious thoughts and feelings of joy, creativity, confidence, prosperity, or other aspirations into the subconscious reservoir, you fundamentally alter the mental programming shaping your reality. However, please note that it is the feelings of the affirmation that penetrate the subconscious. Therefore, when saying affirmations out loud, resonate with the feelings. And I suggest you say affirmations as often as you can in your day. And, as you fall asleep each night, fall asleep to positive feelings from the affirmations, as this is the most powerful time when the subconscious picks up feelings while you sleep.
By consciously choosing and affirming the principles you aim to embody, those qualities materialize through the remarkable power of the mind. Affirmations allow you to intentionally rewire your neural patterns and supersede negative old patterns.
Regular affirmation practice fills your psyche with positive, empowering messaging that attracts and creates the same experiences. The law of attraction is very clear: like attracts like. Whatever you are affirming is being put out into the vast universe and will eventually come back. With focused thought and repetition, you manifest external changes that reflect your internal vibration and affirmations. Affirmations are powerful, as they can transform the life you want.
Rachel Devine is the author of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within.
Devine Intervention website-Inner Healing Center.
Wake Up Call! It’s Time to Awaken the Real YOU!
We go from one day to the next in the same mundane routine, with no room for fun or happiness. Days become years, and years become decades, and one might look back and see opportunities that were squandered. What do you have on the back burner of your life that you want to do? What is waiting in the wings that can bring you joy and happiness? And the big question is, what is stopping you from living a life of fulfillment and joy? It’s time for a wake-up call and to discover the real you! It’s time to see an aspect of your life you may not be aware of. Let me clarify what I mean and look at some positive thoughts and manifesting methods that can transform your life!
From time to time I think we can all use a wake-up call. Especially when life becomes dull and meaningless. Some of us go from one day to the next in the same mundane routine, with no room for fun or happiness. Days become years, and years become decades, and one might look back and see opportunities that were squandered. What do you have on the back burner of your life that you want to do? What is waiting in the wings that can bring you joy and happiness? And the big question is, what is stopping you from living a life of fulfillment and joy? It’s time for a wake-up call and to discover the real you! It’s time to see an aspect of your life you may not be aware of. Let me clarify what I mean in this article and look at some positive thoughts and manifesting methods that can transform your life! Let’s awaken the real you to reality.
The real you
It might sound crazy, but there is a dual power within that drives your life. You may think that you have full control of your life, but the stark reality is that there is something within that is driving your life in a direction that you might not want to go in. That dual inner power is your subconscious mind and inner child. All of your past experiences, traumas, and feelings are locked away in your subconscious mind. Think about this for a moment. To be clear, you can’t consciously access this part of your brain unless you do some subcortical brain work. However, your life is ruled by your subconscious mind 95% of the time! That’s right, all of your decisions and day-to-day routine are directed by your subconscious mind. This is a fact. So the question is, how do you wake up that part of yourself to steer it in the direction you want your life to go? The next question is: how much trauma and bad experiences have you had in the past that are driving your life today? To make it more complicated, the inner child is part of this whole subconscious dilemma.
In order to be more clear about this, let’s look at these examples:
I will never forget this incident, that is an example of fears of abandonment from childhood that are embedded in the subconscious mind. I was walking my dog, Luke, at the time, and there was a white SUV stopped at the corner for the stop sign. The window was open, and I could hear this man screaming at someone on the phone, saying:
“You are never home; we don’t eat together anymore; you don’t cook; you are such a witch” (although he used the b word), and he was berating her.
I am sure that the more he yelled and became angry, the more she retreated and wanted to stay away from him. It was a vicious circle. And I thought to myself, All he wants to say to her is that he is lonely, feels abandoned, and would like to spend more time with her. But I suspect his inner child, feeling hurt and being triggered by her pulling away, is setting off his fear of abandonment issues from his childhood, so he is lashing out with intense anger, reverting to the way he behaved as a child. He was trying to get his needs met, and she was pulling away, so his anger got out of control. The fear of abandonment starts with fear and morphs into intense anger.
Another example is road rage. As you are driving along, perhaps someone dangerously cuts you off, and you go from fear to rage in an instant. The rage is intense and comes out of left field. What is happening at this point is that your inner child is reverting to a time of feeling fear and is triggered by the danger it feels when the car cuts you off. The inner child in turn is erupting with rage. This rage is what is within you that is lashing out in times of danger.
Subconscious work
The subconscious mind is typically embedded with fears, anger, and neediness from the past. There are several ways to do some work on reprogramming the subconscious mind to become a positive state of being. One way is called brainspotting. Brainspotting is a technique done by a professional therapist that is able to clear away parts of trauma from the past so it does not affect your life today, as I just outlined. This is especially helpful for those with PTSD. However, not everyone wants to go through a therapist to clear the channels.
You could also get a life-coach to help you reprogram the subconscious mind. This is a very good option.
Another way would be to offset the negative subconscious thoughts with positive ones. There are several ways to do this that I will outline in the next section.
Positive tools
Visualization and affirmations are a couple of ways to reprogram the subconscious mind. As you are falling asleep, you are going from a conscious to a subconscious to an unconscious sleep state. Many experts agree that this unconscious sleep state is where we can reprogram the subconscious mind. Let’s say you want to get rid of anger from your subconscious mind. You do that by offsetting it with kindness, love and peace.
Here are the steps:
Fall asleep with one image. If you want to be less angry, put an image in your head of you being kind, peaceful, and loving. Love is a strong emotion that offsets many negative ones. You want to keep one image in your mind of you in a loving state as you drift off to sleep.
The feelings are what changes the subconscious mind from anger to love. Let me repeat that. The feelings are what changes the subconscious mind. So you want to resonate with loving, kind feelings as you fall asleep, because these feelings will resonate in your unconscious mind for 8 hours. This is a powerful time for changing the subconscious.
You want to do this at least for 30 days. You will find that the next day you will feel more loving and wake up quite happy after feeding your subconscious with loving thoughts for 8 hours.
Remember, your subconscious mind drives your life 95% of the time, so it makes sense to always feed it positive rather than negative thoughts and feelings.
Manifesting your goals
Manifesting your goals is another aspect of using positive visualizations and feelings to reprogram the subconscious mind. Let’s go one step further with this, and let’s say you want to connect with your soulmate. You would fall asleep with one image of having met your soulmate. You fall asleep with the feelings of how it would feel to be in a relationship with your soulmate. You would feel loved, secure, elated and happy. You want to resonate with these feelings as you drift off to sleep. Again, you would do this for 30 days and see how that works for connecting with your soulmate in your awakened world.
Say you want to lose weight or end an addiction. You can use the same technique as described above for this or anything else you want to manifest in your world. Remember, your subconscious mind drives your life 95% of the time. Feeding it future goals and dreams is a smart way to bring these dreams into your waking world.
In closing, it is important to wake up and recognize the part of you that drives your life most of the time. The real you is buried in many aspects of your past. You want to live your best life, and in order to do that, it is important to get rid of the baggage from the past of resentments, anger, fears, and neediness. There are many layers of negativity from the past that can be cleared away one thought, one feeling, and one day at a time and get you to a point of living your best life.
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, both on Amazon. My new book on the inner child and the subconscious mind will be out very soon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center website
How to Attract Money
Attracting money can be a daunting task for many people, but it doesn't have to be. I will show you how to attract money by harnessing the power of affirmations, intention, visualization, and the law of attraction to manifest abundance and wealth into your life. With a little guidance you can attract money into your life. This is how to attract money using mind power
Attracting money can be a daunting task for many people, but it doesn't have to be. I will show you how to attract money by harnessing the power of affirmations, intention, visualization, and the law of attraction to manifest abundance and wealth into your life. With a little guidance you can attract money into your life. This is how to attract money using mind power.
Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves to reinforce positive beliefs and thoughts. By using affirmations, we can shift our focus from lack to abundance and attract more money into our lives. Examples of affirmations for attracting money include "I am worthy of abundance and prosperity," "Money flows to me easily and effortlessly," and "I am open to receiving wealth and prosperity." By repeating these affirmations regularly, we can program our subconscious mind to attract more money into our lives.
Power of Intention:
Intention is a powerful force that can help us attract money into our lives. By setting clear intentions and focusing on our desires, we can create a vibrational match for the abundance and wealth we seek. Examples of intentions for attracting money include "I intend to create wealth and abundance in my life," "I intend to attract financial opportunities that align with my values and purpose," and "I intend to use my money to make a positive impact in the world." By setting clear intentions and focusing our energy on our desires, we can attract the resources and opportunities we need to manifest abundance and wealth. Dr. Wayne Dyer has a book called, The Power of Intention, that I recommend for attracting anything into your life.
Power of Visualization:
Visualization is a technique that involves creating a mental image of the desired outcome. By visualizing ourselves as already having the abundance and wealth we desire, we can create a vibrational match for those desires and attract more money into our lives. Examples of visualization techniques for attracting money include creating a vision board with images of our desired outcomes, imagining ourselves receiving large sums of money, and visualizing ourselves living a life of abundance and financial freedom. By regularly visualizing our desired outcomes, we can program our subconscious mind to attract more money into our lives. It is especially effective if you visualize what you want before you fall asleep and resonate with the feelings of already having financial security.
Law of Attraction:
The law of attraction suggests that we attract into our lives whatever we focus on, whether positive or negative. By focusing on abundance and wealth, we can attract more money into our lives. Examples of using the law of attraction to attract money include practicing gratitude for the money we already have, focusing on the good in our lives, and surrounding ourselves with positive influences and experiences. By aligning our thoughts and emotions with abundance and wealth, we can attract more money into our lives and create the life of our dreams.
Examples of how these methods have worked for others:
Many successful entrepreneurs and business leaders attribute their success to the power of affirmations, intention, visualization, and the law of attraction. For example, Oprah Winfrey has spoken extensively about the power of intention and visualization in her success. She has shared that she regularly sets intentions for her goals and visualizes herself achieving them. Additionally, Jim Carrey has spoken about the power of visualization in his success. He famously wrote himself a $10 million check for "acting services rendered" before he had made it as an actor. Within a few years, he had earned $10 million for his role in Dumb and Dumber.
What authorities say about attracting money into our lives:
Many authorities in the personal development and spiritual communities speak about the power of attracting money into our lives. For example, Louise Hay, author of "You Can Heal Your Life," suggests that we can create abundance and prosperity in our lives by practicing gratitude, affirmations, and visualization. Esther Hicks, spiritual teacher and author, suggests that we can use the law of attraction to manifest anything we desire, including money and wealth. She encourages us to align our thoughts and emotions with our desires and trust that the universe will provide us with what we need.
In conclusion, attracting money into our lives is possible by using affirmations, power of intention, the power of visualization, the law of attraction, and putting the work behind the intention to attract money. All of these ways to manifest money are powerful, however, one must have a game plan to attract money into your life, in order to assure it will happen for you.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.