A Valentine’s Day Dream: How to Attract your Soulmate - Rachel Devine
We all, at one time or another, have dreams of meeting our soulmate. The person who will make all our dreams come true, sweep us off our feet, take us to a faraway land, and live happily ever after. This is reminiscent of the 1960’s movie Cinderella. What a classic movie that was. It gave every little girl the hope of one day meeting her prince charming and living happily ever after. However, the reality is that many of us make poor choices in marriage partners, and our dreams get shattered. Some may ask themselves why they are so bad at choosing a partner in life. Of course the answer lies within. Our Valentine's Day dream can only happen if we are at the same place we want our partner to be. In other words, we attract what we are. If we are in a broken, lonely, or depressed state, chances are we will meet someone who is broken, lonely, and depressed. This is the law of attraction, which says that ‘like attracts like.’ It’s like yelling out your emotions in an echo chamber; what you yell out will come back. So, the key to meeting your Valentine’s dream is to become what you want to meet. Let’s look at ways to attract your soulmate.
We all, at one time or another, have dreams of meeting our soulmate. The person who will make all our dreams come true, sweep us off our feet, take us to a faraway land, and live happily ever after. This is reminiscent of the 1960’s movie Cinderella. What a classic movie that was. It gave every little girl the hope of one day meeting her prince charming and living happily ever after. However, the reality is that many of us make poor choices in marriage partners, and our dreams get shattered. Some may ask themselves why they are so bad at choosing a partner in life. Of course the answer lies within. Our Valentine's Day dream can only happen if we are at the same place we want our partner to be. In other words, we attract what we are. If we are in a broken, lonely, or depressed state, chances are we will meet someone who is broken, lonely, and depressed. This is the law of attraction, which says that ‘like attracts like.’ It’s like yelling out your emotions in an echo chamber; what you yell out will come back. So, the key to meeting your Valentine’s dream is to become what you want to meet. Let’s look at ways to attract your soulmate.
Journaling and making a list is a good start.
First things first
The first step is to do a complete analysis of who you are and what you want. You can start by making a list of all the attributes you want in a soulmate. List everything, from their appearance to their moral values to their personality to all the qualities you are looking for. Then, take the list and check off how many of these qualities you have. Again, like attracts like. If you want to meet a kind, generous, and loving soulmate, you have to resonate and act with kindness, generosity, and love towards everyone you encounter, not just family and friends, but the customer service person who got you angry and the clerk at the supermarket. This is one of the process of the art of finding true love.
Visualization is essential to manifest your dreams.
Visualization is the most powerful way to manifest anything in your life. The most powerful time to manifest is just as you are falling asleep at night, because you are going into sleep mode, which is an unconscious state, and this is the time when you can reprogram the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind runs your life 95% of the time, so it makes sense to feed it what you want to accomplish in life.
Start by putting one picture of your soulmate in your head, in a situation that already depicts you in a relationship. You may want to picture your soulmate sitting at dinner with you or perhaps giving you a romantic kiss. Use only one picture and not a video of the whole evening. Then, fall asleep with the incredible feelings of being in love—feeling secure, happy, content, and filled with joy. The feelings are what penetrate the subconscious mind. Do this for at least 30 nights. You will feel more loving the next morning and resonate with those feelings, and that will help attract your soulmate.
Gratitude is the equalizer and will bring you more of what you are grateful for.
Living in gratitude is a well-kept secret in life. It helps us attain more of what we are grateful for. The more you are grateful, the more positive energy you are putting out into the world, the more positive energy will come back to you. Again, this is the law of attraction. I suggest writing or mentally listing at least 10 things you are grateful for every morning. It’s a great way to start your day on the right foot.
Positive affirmations are essential to manifest what we want in life.
Affirmations for Finding Love
Positive affirmations for finding love is another way to penetrate the subconscious mind from a negative to a positive.
Positive affirmations are positively loaded phrases or statements that are used to replace unhelpful or negative thoughts. People can use positive affirmations to motivate them, encourage positive changes in their lives, or boost their self-esteem, but they also reprogram the subconscious mind. They are especially helpful if you have a negative thought come out of left field, What you want to do is immediately overpower the negative thought with a positive affirmation.
For example, if you keep saying, “I am too old to meet my soulmate,” You want to change that around to, “I will meet my soulmate, and age is not a factor.” Or, “I never meet a healthy partner,” can be changed around to “I met my soulmate who is perfect for me.”
In closing, your soulmate is just a thought away and resides within you. Sometimes we search outside ourselves when, all along, what we are searching for is right at our fingertips. Sure, we can be our own prince charming or Cinderella, but it is a blessing to meet a partner to spend the rest of our lives with in our happily ever after dream. Dreams do manifest into reality when you have the right tools. It’s simply a matter of resonating with exactly what you want to attract in life and then falling asleep with that dream.
Rachel Devine is the author of a new inner child book called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams. This book is available now on Amazon.
Amazon review: The book really got deep on how our subconscious mind works and how important it is to not fall into the negativities and train yourself to think positive always. I really enjoyed it and it was very inspirational and really broadened my knowledge of how our minds work. I really recommend it ! Tina
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center.
If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Devine.
The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Rachel Devine
The holidays are fast approaching, with the start of Hannuka already here and Christmas only a few weeks away, the mindset is on gift-giving. What better gift than the gift of empowerment. A book is not only a perfect gift, but a gift of knowledge and sometimes enlightenment. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Let’s look at this a little deeper.
My new book is called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within. With all of the millions of books you can choose from, you might ask yourself, why this book? And the answer may surprise you.
So, let’s peer into a window that explains what my book is all about.
The holidays are fast approaching, with the start of Hanukkah already here and Christmas only a few weeks away, the mindset is on gift-giving. What better gift than the gift of empowerment. A book is not only a perfect gift, but a gift of knowledge and sometimes enlightenment. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.
Let’s look at this a little deeper.
My new book is called, Discover the Power of the Secret Within. With all of the millions of books you can choose from, you might ask yourself, why this book? And the answer may surprise you.
So, let’s peer into a window that explains what my book is all about.
This book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world.
So let me ask you these questions. Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, get a promotion, get healthy, or end an addiction? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. Make no mistake about it; you have this miraculous power within you to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of almost every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within.
Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, which has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on. The subconscious mind holds most of your emotions, memories, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past. This dual force—the subconscious mind and inner child—drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation that I explore in one of the chapters.
Do you ever wonder why losing a pet can be more devastating than losing a family member. There is a reason for this. I also link inner child experiences with grief, especially the grief of losing a pet. I found fascinating information that is incredibly revealing regarding pet grief.
There is also a link between our inner child and who we connect with in the dating world. Did you ever wonder why you keep meeting dysfunctional people or those you don’t connect with in the dating world? Or perhaps you wonder why are single your whole life. I put clarity in that area in one of my chapters. Once you can see a pattern in what is going on with the negativity in your dating life, you will be able to resolve any issues that are keeping you from connecting with a healthy partner.
This is just a small window into my book that reveals a world of clarity, hope, and empowerment.
You have a choice: continue your life as it is or empower yourself with proven, sure-fire techniques to unlock the secret within. Let us move forward together on this exciting journey into the depths of your inner world as we move on a positive and direct pathway towards discovering the power of the secret within to heal your inner child and manifest your dreams into reality.
Rachel Devine is the author of Discover the Power of the Secret Within, along with The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, all on Amazon.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center
Why is Dating so Hard? The answer May Shock you. Rachel Devine
If you are part of the dating scene, you know that it is highly dysfunctional. The dysfunction ranges from getting stood up, to connecting with the same dysfunctional person with a different face; perhaps you were ghosted after numerous texts; or you are attracting scammers, and the list goes on and on. Why does something so soulful, loving, and beautiful sometimes turn out to be a disaster? And the answer will surprise you. The answer as to why dating is dysfunctional resides within you. Let’s explore this in detail and see what is happening on the inside that is causing dysfunction on the outside. We want to look at how to break toxic relationship patterns. And we will explore how to attract your soulmate. The power of manifestation is a big factor, so let’s look at all of this together.
If you are part of the dating scene, you know that it can be very hard, at any age. The challenges can range from getting stood up, to continuously connecting with the same type of person; to getting ghosted after numerous texts; or perhaps attracting scammers, and the list goes on and on. Why does something so soulful, loving, and beautiful sometimes turn out to be a disaster? And the answer may shock you. The answer as to why dating is dysfunctional resides within you. Let’s explore this in detail and see what is happening on the inside that is causing dysfunction on the outside. We want to look at how to break toxic relationship patterns. And we will explore how to attract your soulmate and also look at the power of manifestation, which is a big factor in the scheme of dating.
Like attracts like
First off, we attract into our lives what we are resonating with within us. In other words, if you are resonating with angst, stress, and negativity, you are sure to get more angst, stress, and negativity in the dating world and other areas of your life. On the other hand, if you resonate with kindness, love, and a positive attitude, you will attract the same. The law of attraction is clear: like attracts like. However, most of us are wallowing around in negativity when it comes to dating, so the key is to get around that and change your own attitude to fit what you are seeking.
The inner dictates the outer
Believe it or not, how you learned to love from birth to 7 years old is a big component in connecting to true love. Our subconscious mind is storing all that transpired in childhood. Now, to go one step further, the subconscious mind drives our lives 95% of the time! So it stands to reason that we are navigating our life with all that transpired in childhood. This is one of the reasons why most of us continue to attract people who are similar to our father or mother in the dating world.
Here is an example of a pattern from childhood into an adult relationship of a friend of mine. Nancy was a middle child, or, as they call them, the forgotten child. She used to do good deeds to get love from her parents. She would offer to do the dishes, shine her father’s shoes, or help her mother with the housework. That is how she learned how give and receive love, but doing good deeds. This was her way to love from birth until she was 7 years old.
Fast forward to her first relationship. She met a man who was overwhelmed as a single parent with two kids, a demanding job, and financial issues, plus he had a big family that came first in his life. He wasn’t engaged in the relationship at all, and Nancy felt like she had to jump over hoops to get his attention. Nancy tried to help him out by giving him advice about his job, helping him move, and giving him support in any way she could with the children. She didn’t realize it at the time, but she was doing good deeds to get his attention, just like she did when she was a child. She replicated her childhood in this relationship, and he was actually a combination of her father and her mother! This became a pattern for Nancy in her future relationships. A good relationship has to be balanced where both parties get their needs met.
The Fix
The fix is to change part of the subconscious mind. The way to offset the subconscious is to reprogram what it was fed in childhood. The time to do that is at bedtime. As you are going into a sleep state, you are going from a conscious to an unconscious state, which is when the subconscious mind can be reprogrammed. The unconscious state is a powerful one of transformation.
The first step is to decide what you want to change. If you want to meet your soulmate, the most simple way to do this is to imagine being in a balanced, loving relationship with someone and resonating with the feelings. It is the feelings that penetrate the subconscious mind.
An expert in the field of the subconscious mind, Neville Goddard, makes the following statements:
The subconscious never fails to express that which has been impressed upon it. The moment it receives an impression, it begins to work out the ways of its expression. It accepts the feeling impressed upon it, your feelings, as a fact existing within itself and immediately sets about to produce in the outer or objective world the exact likeness of that feeling."
A step-by step guide to manifest your dreams
This is a step-by-step guide on how to change one aspect of the subconscious from a negative to a positive state. We will work on manifesting a good relationship and how to attract your soulmate.
Picture one image of what you want to have in your life as if it were already here. In this case, we are going to manifest a loving relationship.
Picture yourself in a loving, balanced, and happy relationship with a new partner. Just use one image. I suggest an image where you are embracing your future partner or on a date. You don’t have to go into specific details of what is going on or what this person looks like; just imagine being together in a way that makes you feel loved.
You will then resonate with the feelings of being in a healthy relationship. You would feel loved, secure, happy, content, joyful, excited, etc. Remember, it is the feelings that will resonate with you for 8 hours and reprogram the subconscious mind. Love is the strongest emotion to offset any other emotion.
Fall asleep with these wonderful feelings of love and the image in your mind.
Do this for at least 30 days. You will wake up feeling happy, after all you fed your unconscious mind loving thoughts.
Please note that you can do this for anything you want to manifest in your life. If you want to lose weight and get healthy, picture yourself healthy and slim and resonate with those positive feelings as you fall asleep. If you want to get a promotion, picture one image of having a promotion. If you want to increase your wealth, picture being wealthy.
These manifesting techniques will help you manifest your dreams.
Higher consciousness
You might ask yourself, How can reprogramming my subconscious mind make something I want materialize in my life?
According to many spiritual and philosophical teachings, the subconscious mind is part of a greater universal consciousness, referred to as God, Source, or the Universe. I proudly call this power God, which is the power behind manifestation in all its glory. This higher consciousness, or God, is considered the fabric of reality, and our subconscious mind is believed to be a conduit connecting us to the power of God. In more simple terms, what we feed the subconscious mind with feelings gets imbedded in the subconscious, and God brings it to form. I truly believe this is the powerful secret behind creation in all its magnificent glory and form.
The source of all power comes from our higher power, which is the source of all power in the world. God is the light that shines in our world, which eliminates darkness and brings goodness to form. God’s power is what brings miracles to light, goodness to the world, and hope to mankind. And this same power is what manifests our dreams into reality.
In closing, remember that it is your inner child that is part of the subconscious mind dictating what direction your life is going in. It makes sense to reprogram the negative from childhood into a positive. If you want your life to go in a positive direction, you have to feed it positive thoughts and feelings.
“A change of feeling is a change of destiny." Neville Goddard
Rachel Devine’s new book, Discover the Power of the Secret within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams, is on Amazon now.Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center
Inner Child: A Pandora's Box of Addictions! (FREE Video - Get it now, instant download) Rachel Devine
The inner child might sound like a far-fetched notion of a Freudian era from the past. It might conjure up pictures of your childhood—the good, the bad, and the ugly. However, the inner child is alive and well and dwells within each one of us. The inner child is in charge of steering our lives in one direction or another, depending on the emotions and experiences it was fed throughout our childhood. This revelation is enough to get anyone’s attention, as it is vital information on why your life is where it is today. The real crucial part of inner child dilemma is with addiction. If you tried to lose weight, stop smoking, drinking, obsessive behavior, or working long hours, and you can’t do it, it’s time to look at the inner child where the secret lies in curbing your addiction.
(Get your FREE video on Inner Child: A Pandora’s Box of Addictions. Details at the end of this article)
The inner child might sound like a far-fetched notion of a Freudian era from the past. It might conjure up pictures of your childhood—the good, the bad, and the ugly. However, the inner child is alive and well and dwells within each one of us.
What is the inner child?
The inner child is our feelings, energies, needs, vulnerabilities, experiences, our neurological imprint. Simply put, the inner child is part of your personality that still feels and acts like a child.
The inner child is in charge of steering our lives in one direction or another, depending on the emotions and experiences it was fed throughout our childhood. It’s a little scary to realize a child is directing our path. This revelation is enough to get anyone’s attention, as it is vital information on why your life is where it is today. The real crucial part of inner child dilemma is with addiction. If you tried to lose weight, stop smoking, drinking, gambling, or working long hours, and you can’t do it, it’s time to look at the inner child where the secret lies in curbing your addiction.
Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on. The subconscious mind holds most of your emotions, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past.
This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation, which is explored in the video.
There is a fascinating link between addictions and early childhood interactions. However, there are solutions to overcome addictions, which are also explored in the video.
We all have choices. One choice is to continue to go about your life in a way that is oblivious to the power of the inner workings, whereas you can just continue to live in an unconscious state of daily routine, vices, accepting limitations in intimate relationships, as well as in your career and other areas, and perhaps allowing fears to dictate what direction your life goes in.
Or, you can become acutely aware of what is going on with your inner child, and your subconscious mind, each a driving force, and actually change the course of the direction your life is going in. And in turn, transform your life!
Get your instant download today. This is a free digital video that will help you come to solutions with your inner child dilemma and possible addictions. When you can tie the two together, you have a game-plan for healing. Download my free video instantly - just add to the cart. This is a $10 value.
Another great resource is my new book on Amazon, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.
What is your Inner Child? Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Rachel Devine
You might ask yourself, what exactly is the Inner Child and how does it affect me? I will explain all you need to know about what the inner child is and how it affects you in this article. I will use an important excerpt from my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams!
The dynamics of our inner world are pretty intense. However, as I open up the nucleus of the inner child you will see how easy it really is to comprehend.
I will start from the beginning. What transpired in our childhood determines how we develop as adults. Some of the things that transpired in childhood will plague you as an adult with things like alcoholism, drug or food addictions, anger issues, intimacy issues, fear of abandonment, commitment issues, claustrophobia, sexual disorders, continuous relationship failures, workaholism, paranoid tendencies, narcissism, fears, etc. These issues get embedded in the inner child’s psyche and carries into adulthood. This all stems from the roots that took place with the inner child and what went on in your early childhood.
You might ask yourself, what exactly is the Inner Child and how does it affect me? I will explain all you need to know about what the inner child is and how it affects you in this article. I will use an important excerpt from my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams!
The dynamics of our inner world are pretty intense. However, as I open up the nucleus of the inner child you will see how easy it really is to comprehend.
I will start from the beginning. What transpired in our childhood determines how we develop as adults. Some of the things that transpired in childhood will plague you as an adult with things like alcoholism, drug or food addictions, anger issues, intimacy issues, fear of abandonment, commitment issues, claustrophobia, sexual disorders, continuous relationship failures, workaholism, paranoid tendencies, narcissism, fears, etc. These issues get embedded in the inner child’s psyche and carries into adulthood. This all stems from the roots that took place with the inner child and what went on in your early childhood.
Inner Child Definition:
So, what does it mean when I refer to the “Inner Child”?
The inner child is our feelings, energies, needs, vulnerabilities, experiences, our neurological imprint. Simply put, the inner child is part of your personality that still feels and acts like a child.
The inner child that developed in each of our individual childhoods is what navigates our subconscious mind and drives our decisions in life, without realizing it. The subconscious mind holds all your experiences, traumas, and family interactions. The subconscious mind is the navigator of most of your life and is very powerful. In fact, the subconscious mind is in charge of 95% of your life, that includes your actions, decisions, and pretty much all that you do in a day.
When we struggle to move forward in life, or to get out of a bad relationship, or we struggle to start a love relationship, or we cower down in arguments, all of these decisions are coming from the subconscious mind of the inner child. That imprint that was embedded in our mind at different developmental stages is ingrained in our subconscious mind and our adult intellect tries to reason with certain decisions we make, but usually will lose out to the fear or insecurity of the inner child. And most people are oblivious to this conflict that is going on within them and have no clue as to why they make certain decisions that are unhealthy for them. Make no mistake about it, when I say, “subconscious mind,” it means we are totally oblivious to what is happening in that part of our psyches.
Stages of the Inner Child
Let’s look at this in stages. There are four important developmental stages of the inner child.
The first one is the infancy stage. This is the co-dependent stage from 0 to 2 years old where we are completely dependent on our parents for survival. This is the stage where we need a lot of care, nurturing, and love. It’s a time in our lives that we depend solely on our parents for survival.
The preschool age from 2 to 4 years old is the stage of counter-dependence. This stage is often referred to as “the terrible twos.” This is a time when the child wants and needs to assert their ability to interact with their environment. The child is gaining his or her autonomy from co-dependence.
From 4 to 7 years old, is the independence stage. At this time, a child is becoming independent and doesn’t need his or her parents to do everything, and the child becomes more independent of them.
At seven years old the child is at an inter-dependence stage of being, which is much more independent from their parents than previous years, and pretty much can do most things for themselves.
All these developmental stages are a crucial time in a child’s life, and if a child does not get their fundamental needs met, there will be issues that develop later on in adulthood.
Inner Child Relationships
How we learned to love from birth to seven years old will determine our subconscious imprint that gets embedded in our brain. When we get into adulthood, we attract those people who fulfill our innermost subconscious thoughts. This imprint from childhood is what we navigate with when seeking out a partner in life. If you are wondering why you are having a hard time finding the right partner, look no further than your inner child for the answer. You can improve your love-life with some knowledge about the inner child, that will help you navigate the dating world successfully.
Example of Inner Child Tantrum:
It is important to understand the dynamics of the inner child with an example:
I will never forget this incident, which is an example of fears of abandonment from childhood. These fears develop when we don’t get our fundamental needs met, or we are emotionally abandoned by our parents because of their own dysfunctions.
I was walking my dog, Luke, at the time, and there was a white SUV stopped at the corner for the stop sign. The window was open and I could hear this man screaming at someone on the phone saying:
“You are never home, we don’t eat together anymore, you don’t cook, you are such a witch” (although he used the b word), and he was berating her.
I am sure the more he yelled and became angry the more she retreated and wanted to stay away from him. It was a vicious circle. And I thought to myself, all he wants to say to her is that he is lonely and feels abandoned and would like to spend more time with her. But I suspect his inner child, feeling hurt and being triggered by her pulling away, is setting off his fear of abandonment issues, so he is lashing out with intense anger, reverting to the way he behaved as a child. He was trying to get his needs met and she was pulling away, so his anger became out of control. The fear of abandonment starts with fear and morphs into intense anger.
This is just another example of how the inner child wreaks havoc in our relationships and is in charge and very powerful. It dictates how we behave in certain circumstances. It controls us in a way that we are totally oblivious to. It subconsciously navigates our entire life. This man screaming at his partner is just labeled as temperamental and he had no clue that what took root in childhood determines his temperament as an adult.
Another Inner Child example
I think most of us can relate to this example of road rage. When someone cuts me off on the road, I go from fear to anger in an instant. The reason is because fear from childhood rears its ugly head and the person who cut me off has triggered that fear, which usually instantly morphs to anger. I find myself sitting in my car ranting and raving about almost having an accident and in that moment my inner child is dictating my angry words and actions.
In closing, I want to say that there are ways to reprogram the subconscious mind and change the negative imprint of the inner child. You also have the power to manifest your goals and dreams with this process of reprogramming. Get a copy of my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within and learn the secret within that will transform your life!
Rachel Devine is the author of Discover the Power of the Secret Within, a book about the inner child and subconscious mind, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships. All are on Amazon.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails
Press Release: Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Rachel Devine
This book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world.
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, get a promotion, get healthy, or end an addiction? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. I will show you exactly how to do this. Make no mistake about it, you have this miraculous power within to create your destiny.
Press release for: Discover the Power of the Secret Within: Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams, Rachel Devine
NEW YORK, NY USA, November 19, 2023/ Independent publishing KDP. Featured on Amazon.
Non-fiction-self-help genre.
This book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world. Therefore, let’s dive into this intriguing notion in detail.
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, get a promotion, get healthy, or end an addiction? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. I will show you exactly how to do this. Make no mistake about it, you have this miraculous power within to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of almost every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, or why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, or why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within. Discovering this aspect of yourself with awareness will empower you to transform your life in a positive way.
Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). The subconscious mind holds all your emotions, memories, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past. This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation. I will explore this dual action-packed power in one of my chapters.
I will also link a distinct pattern with our addictions to early childhood interactions and show you why it plays a big factor in determining perhaps your own addictions, or as I call them, vices. I will also show you ways to heal from these vices.
I will help you come to the empowerment state of taking back your life and teach you how to manifest your dreams into reality.
I will also explore grief and how it relates to all of this. Do you ever wonder why losing a beloved dog, or cat, or any kind of pet, makes a person feel as if the grief is more devastating than losing a parent? There is a reason behind that intense grief, which I will address in one of my chapters. Furthermore, not only will you come to understand it, but you will be able to deal better with the pain and grief of losing a loving pet.
We all have choices. One choice is to continue to go about your life in a way that is oblivious to the power of the inner workings, whereas you can just continue to live in an unconscious state of daily routine, accepting limitations in intimate relationships, as well as in your career and other areas, and perhaps allowing fears to dictate what direction your life goes in.
Or, you can become acutely aware of what is going on with your inner child, and your subconscious mind, each a driving force, and actually change the course of your journey in life.
You can learn how to change the way it has a negative impact to a positive impact on your life. Knowledge is power and awareness is the key. I will show you how to change the subconscious imprint that the inner child developed onto your brain in childhood, so you will be liberated from the chains of the negative, inner child influence. This will give you an edge in all areas of your life from dating to career decisions to family interactions.
One of the reasons why dating is so dysfunctional is due to inner dynamics and I will go into very specific details on this and show you ways to overcome this dilemma.
My goal is to help you move forward in areas of your life you thought were not possible. You will also learn the powerful secret on how to shift the subconscious mind to create exactly what you want in life. I will explain, step by step, how this powerful secret within will help you create your destiny. You have the power to manifest anything in life, from success, to wealth, to love, to good health, and so much more. I will guide you on how you can do this. It may sound foreign to you at this time. However, by the time you finish reading this book, you will have an amazing awareness and knowledge of the power of the secret within.
In closing, I want to tell you I am so excited about getting my book published. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears, but I did it! I self-published my book on KDP, which means I did everything, from the cover, to the interior, and even to some of the editing! The few people that read my book already have been impacted positively by the powerful message. My book has valuable information that most people won’t learn in a lifetime. Embrace this moment, the only one we have, and get my book so you will be among those fortunate people who learn the valuable secret of the power within!
Also by Rachel Devine, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack. Both on Amazon!
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center
How to Heal your Inner Child: 7 Step Guide Rachel Devine
The inner child, carrying emotional scars and false beliefs from childhood, drives many of our adult behaviors unconsciously. By learning to identify, listen to, and re-parent your inner child, you can heal past wounds for greater well-being. Make no mistake about it; I truly believe we all have inner child wounds that erupt during stressful, angry times in our lives. No one is immune from the terror of the inner child. The astonishing fact is that most of us are totally oblivious to the pandora’s box of horrors that resides within each and every one of us. Of course, there are different degrees of inner child fury; som
The inner child, carrying emotional scars and false beliefs from childhood, drives many of our adult behaviors unconsciously. By learning to identify, listen to, and re-parent your inner child, you can heal past wounds for greater well-being. Make no mistake about it; I truly believe we all have inner child wounds that erupt during stressful, angry times in our lives. No one is immune from the terror of the inner child. The astonishing fact is that most of us are totally oblivious to the pandora’s box of horrors that resides within each and every one of us. Of course, there are different degrees of inner child fury; some are more intense than others. Let’s explore this inner child healing in more detail.
Dynamics of the Inner Child
The dynamics of our inner world are pretty intense. However, as I open up the nucleus of the inner child, you will see how easy it really is to comprehend.
What transpired in our childhood determines how we develop as adults. Some of the things that transpired in childhood will plague you as an adult with things like alcoholism, drug or food addictions, anger issues, intimacy issues, fear of abandonment, commitment issues, sexual disorders, continuous relationship failures, narcissism, fears, etc. These issues get embedded in the inner child’s psyche and carry into adulthood. This all stems from the roots that took place with the inner child and what went on in your early childhood.
So, what does it mean when I refer to the “inner child"?
The inner child is our feelings, energies, needs, vulnerabilities, experiences, and neurological imprint on our subconscious. Simply put, the inner child is part of your personality that still feels and acts like a child.
Impact of the Inner Child
“I believe that this neglected, wounded inner child of the past is the major source of human misery." John Bradshaw
John Bradshaw was a brilliant author of the inner child and extremely popular back in the 90s with his incredible book, Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child.
John knew the dynamics of the inner child because he lived it in his own childhood. The impact of the inner child is a lifetime battle, and it takes some work to get past the dysfunction. The impact can be devastating in love relationships, careers, family interactions, etc. The impact of the inner child can also become intense with adult addictions. Most of us have a void within that was not filled in childhood with love, nurturing, and security. Some of us try to fill that void with food, alcohol, drugs, etc. Some also try to numb the pain of past trauma with an addiction. This is something to be aware of in order to heal.The inner child can also cause havoc in relationships and family life. Sometimes stress can trigger events from the past of anger and fear, and a normal argument can turn into a bloody war because the inner child's pain from the past is erupting in the present.
Connecting to the Inner Child
According to psychology expert John Bradshaw, “The inner child must be welcomed, embraced, for better or for worse.” Begin communicating through journaling, recording dialogues, or meditations. Let your inner child express its pains and needs to you. The first step to healing is awareness. Become aware of this inner child that is longing for reparenting.
Bradshaw advised: “Do your best to provide the child within you what your parents couldn’t provide.” Offer soothing words, forgiveness, encouragement, and unconditional support to your inner child when it shares its hurt. Visualize cradling and nurturing your inner child.
You can also meditate on being with your inner child. John Bradshaw boldly asks us to go back to our childhood home. You can do that in a meditation and embrace your inner child with love and comfort.
Inner child therapy
Therapy is the key to healing the inner child. Brainspotting is a technique that helps clear the subcortical brain, where the trauma or past experiences live, so healing can begin. There are lawyers of embedded past experiences in the subcortical brain that is part of the subconscious mind. Therapy is a way to clear this one layer at a time. Therapy can also give you a place to talk about your inner child and be in the presence of a professional therapist who can guide you in the right direction of healing.
Subconscious mind
The subconscious mind holds all our past experiences, traumas, and feelings. We are not conscious of what is going on there, but this is where the inner child's feelings live. This is the trigger point during stressful times that unleashes the inner child fury. There are other ways to clear some negative experiences from the past and also fill the void within. The more you can clear your subconscious of past hurts, negativity, anger, and fears, the more your life will move in a positive direction. Feeding your subconscious positive affirmations also helps.
Clearing the subconscious
One way to help clear some negativity from the subconscious is through positive affirmations. Saying them often will offset the negativity from the past. Just say some positive affirmations over and over again in your day. A few examples are that I am loved, I am successful, I am beautiful, or I am happy. Visualization is another way to impact the subconscious, and the most powerful time is at bedtime because you are going from a subconscious to an unconscious state, which is powerful for penetrating the subconscious. Visualize one image of what you want to heal in your subconscious. Let’s say you are addicted to food or alcohol. You would put one image in your head of being free from alcohol, or if you want to lose weight, an image of you being slim and healthy. Fall asleep with the feeling of well-being and feeling healthy, happy, and loved. This visualization will leave positive imprints on your subconscious mind. Do this for at least 30 days and see if you feel better and stronger. You can do this with anger issues or fear. Just use the opposite positive emotion, see the image in your head, and fall asleep with positive thoughts. For instance if you want to get rid of anger, see yourself in an image of being calm, kind, loving, and peaceful. If you want to get rid of fears, see yourself feeling loved, courageous, in the loving arms of your higher power, whom I call God. Being in the presence of God will help you feel less fear, because love and fear cannot reside together and God is love.
Cultivate Self-Love
Lack of parental love creates inner emptiness. Now consciously shower yourself with self-love and positive affirmations. Build the unconditional self-love your inner child craves. Cultivating inner love for yourself is a very positive way to heal the inner child. Too often, we resonate with negative thoughts about ourselves that actually come from our childhood. Change those self-defeating thoughts to ones of love. Self-care is also crucial, so do good things for yourself daily, or at least a couple of times a week. I suggest you get a picture of yourself as a child and put that picture where you can see it and tell yourself every day, “I love you.”
John Bradshaw described inner child work as: “Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself.” Extending compassion and care inward dissolves old wounds, so your healthiest self can shine through.
In closing, remember that you have the power to change your inner world into one of joy. You have the power to regenerate yourself with nurturing, love, and compassion. If you start to do inner child work, you will see that your relationship with family and friends will improve. However, the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself, and when that improves, your whole world becomes a better place to be.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack and has a new book coming out soon, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, that explores the inner child and subconscious mind for healing.
Wake Up Call! It’s Time to Awaken the Real YOU!
We go from one day to the next in the same mundane routine, with no room for fun or happiness. Days become years, and years become decades, and one might look back and see opportunities that were squandered. What do you have on the back burner of your life that you want to do? What is waiting in the wings that can bring you joy and happiness? And the big question is, what is stopping you from living a life of fulfillment and joy? It’s time for a wake-up call and to discover the real you! It’s time to see an aspect of your life you may not be aware of. Let me clarify what I mean and look at some positive thoughts and manifesting methods that can transform your life!
From time to time I think we can all use a wake-up call. Especially when life becomes dull and meaningless. Some of us go from one day to the next in the same mundane routine, with no room for fun or happiness. Days become years, and years become decades, and one might look back and see opportunities that were squandered. What do you have on the back burner of your life that you want to do? What is waiting in the wings that can bring you joy and happiness? And the big question is, what is stopping you from living a life of fulfillment and joy? It’s time for a wake-up call and to discover the real you! It’s time to see an aspect of your life you may not be aware of. Let me clarify what I mean in this article and look at some positive thoughts and manifesting methods that can transform your life! Let’s awaken the real you to reality.
The real you
It might sound crazy, but there is a dual power within that drives your life. You may think that you have full control of your life, but the stark reality is that there is something within that is driving your life in a direction that you might not want to go in. That dual inner power is your subconscious mind and inner child. All of your past experiences, traumas, and feelings are locked away in your subconscious mind. Think about this for a moment. To be clear, you can’t consciously access this part of your brain unless you do some subcortical brain work. However, your life is ruled by your subconscious mind 95% of the time! That’s right, all of your decisions and day-to-day routine are directed by your subconscious mind. This is a fact. So the question is, how do you wake up that part of yourself to steer it in the direction you want your life to go? The next question is: how much trauma and bad experiences have you had in the past that are driving your life today? To make it more complicated, the inner child is part of this whole subconscious dilemma.
In order to be more clear about this, let’s look at these examples:
I will never forget this incident, that is an example of fears of abandonment from childhood that are embedded in the subconscious mind. I was walking my dog, Luke, at the time, and there was a white SUV stopped at the corner for the stop sign. The window was open, and I could hear this man screaming at someone on the phone, saying:
“You are never home; we don’t eat together anymore; you don’t cook; you are such a witch” (although he used the b word), and he was berating her.
I am sure that the more he yelled and became angry, the more she retreated and wanted to stay away from him. It was a vicious circle. And I thought to myself, All he wants to say to her is that he is lonely, feels abandoned, and would like to spend more time with her. But I suspect his inner child, feeling hurt and being triggered by her pulling away, is setting off his fear of abandonment issues from his childhood, so he is lashing out with intense anger, reverting to the way he behaved as a child. He was trying to get his needs met, and she was pulling away, so his anger got out of control. The fear of abandonment starts with fear and morphs into intense anger.
Another example is road rage. As you are driving along, perhaps someone dangerously cuts you off, and you go from fear to rage in an instant. The rage is intense and comes out of left field. What is happening at this point is that your inner child is reverting to a time of feeling fear and is triggered by the danger it feels when the car cuts you off. The inner child in turn is erupting with rage. This rage is what is within you that is lashing out in times of danger.
Subconscious work
The subconscious mind is typically embedded with fears, anger, and neediness from the past. There are several ways to do some work on reprogramming the subconscious mind to become a positive state of being. One way is called brainspotting. Brainspotting is a technique done by a professional therapist that is able to clear away parts of trauma from the past so it does not affect your life today, as I just outlined. This is especially helpful for those with PTSD. However, not everyone wants to go through a therapist to clear the channels.
You could also get a life-coach to help you reprogram the subconscious mind. This is a very good option.
Another way would be to offset the negative subconscious thoughts with positive ones. There are several ways to do this that I will outline in the next section.
Positive tools
Visualization and affirmations are a couple of ways to reprogram the subconscious mind. As you are falling asleep, you are going from a conscious to a subconscious to an unconscious sleep state. Many experts agree that this unconscious sleep state is where we can reprogram the subconscious mind. Let’s say you want to get rid of anger from your subconscious mind. You do that by offsetting it with kindness, love and peace.
Here are the steps:
Fall asleep with one image. If you want to be less angry, put an image in your head of you being kind, peaceful, and loving. Love is a strong emotion that offsets many negative ones. You want to keep one image in your mind of you in a loving state as you drift off to sleep.
The feelings are what changes the subconscious mind from anger to love. Let me repeat that. The feelings are what changes the subconscious mind. So you want to resonate with loving, kind feelings as you fall asleep, because these feelings will resonate in your unconscious mind for 8 hours. This is a powerful time for changing the subconscious.
You want to do this at least for 30 days. You will find that the next day you will feel more loving and wake up quite happy after feeding your subconscious with loving thoughts for 8 hours.
Remember, your subconscious mind drives your life 95% of the time, so it makes sense to always feed it positive rather than negative thoughts and feelings.
Manifesting your goals
Manifesting your goals is another aspect of using positive visualizations and feelings to reprogram the subconscious mind. Let’s go one step further with this, and let’s say you want to connect with your soulmate. You would fall asleep with one image of having met your soulmate. You fall asleep with the feelings of how it would feel to be in a relationship with your soulmate. You would feel loved, secure, elated and happy. You want to resonate with these feelings as you drift off to sleep. Again, you would do this for 30 days and see how that works for connecting with your soulmate in your awakened world.
Say you want to lose weight or end an addiction. You can use the same technique as described above for this or anything else you want to manifest in your world. Remember, your subconscious mind drives your life 95% of the time. Feeding it future goals and dreams is a smart way to bring these dreams into your waking world.
In closing, it is important to wake up and recognize the part of you that drives your life most of the time. The real you is buried in many aspects of your past. You want to live your best life, and in order to do that, it is important to get rid of the baggage from the past of resentments, anger, fears, and neediness. There are many layers of negativity from the past that can be cleared away one thought, one feeling, and one day at a time and get you to a point of living your best life.
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, both on Amazon. My new book on the inner child and the subconscious mind will be out very soon.
Devine Intervention: Inner Healing Center website
How to Heal your Inner Child: Awareness is key - Rachel Devine
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, or get a promotion? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. Make no mistake about it; you have this miraculous power within you to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within. Discovering this aspect of yourself with awareness will empower you to transform your life in a positive way.
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, or get a promotion? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. Make no mistake about it; you have this miraculous power within you to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within. Discovering this aspect of yourself with awareness will empower you to transform your life in a positive way.
Inner Child
Your inner child is your feelings, traumas, and anger that are part of the power of your subconscious mind, which has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). Your inner child usually didn’t get their needs met as a baby, and this plays havoc in adulthood in so many ways.
Subconscious mind
The subconscious mind holds all your emotions, memories, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past. This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an astounding fact, and yet most people have no idea what is going on inside. Therefore, your actions, 95% of the time, are driven by your subconscious mind. Just to bring this down to simple terms: When you get up each morning and, as a routine, brush your teeth, eat breakfast, and check your emails, this is all done by the subconscious mind. Most of your decisions are also dictated by your subconscious mind.
Healthy or unhealthy
The big question now is: Is your inner child healthy or unhealthy? If you didn’t get your primary needs met between the infant stage and 7 years old, then your subconscious mind is not well. This means you could have relationship, work, or family issues. Having this awareness and awakening the inner child is the first step to healing. Once you can recognize what transpired in childhood, you will start to see patterns in your adult decisions and experiences.
Healing is possible if you change some of the negativity of the subconscious mind to one of positivity. It stands to reason that if you had any trauma from the past, it will get imbedded in your subconscious mind as an imprint and will unleash itself at different times of trigger in your life.
As an example, you may have grown up with some abandonment issues from a parent who was not there for you during little league games and other important events in your life. You may not have gotten the love you deserved. The child becomes angry but usually can’t get in touch with the anger, so it gets repressed. It sits in the body and subconscious mind. Now, as an adult, this person drinks alcohol and becomes violent towards his partner because the repressed anger is unleashed during drunken episodes.
It’s possible to heal the subconscious mind by getting therapy from an inner child expert who will help you get in touch with repressed anger. There are also fear issues that are imbedded in the subconscious in various forms. Again, a therapist can help with this as well. Also, listening to some videos that help replace fears with love or those that help release repressed anger can also help. However, one thing is very clear: if you have anger issues or fears, they usually stem from the inner child’s past experiences. Even clearing one issue can transform your life for the better.
Manifesting for healing
A gentle and easy way to heal from inner child wounds is manifestation. It is a way to clear the subconscious mind of anger or fears. Manifestation before you fall asleep is a power technique because the mind is at its most powerful just as you are falling asleep. What you feed it can change the subconscious mind because you are going from a conscious to an unconscious state when you are asleep. This is the most powerful time. Your mind has 8 hours to resonate with what you put in it. You want to feed it with feelings of love if you want to overcome hate or courage to overcome fear. Whatever the adult emotional problem, you want to offset it with the positive opposite emotion. Manifesting is powerful.
Just picture an image of the positive emotion you want to inject into your subconscious mind and fall asleep with the positive feelings of the emotion. If you want to invoke love into your subconscious mind, perhaps fall asleep to an image of a heart and resonate with loving feelings. It is a way to change one layer of the subconscious mind so you will be able to reach your life goals of losing weight, being successful, or having good relationships.
In closing, awareness is the key to helping you clear up some inner child issues that can be causing havoc in your adult life. Once you have the awareness, you have choices on healing, from a therapist to perhaps a life coach to manifesting techniques. I suggest you don’t just walk away from this awareness. Rather, embrace it and start healing your inner child today so you can live the life of your dreams.
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, and she has a new book coming out very soon on the inner child.
Devine Intervention: The Inner Healing Center