Inner Child: A Pandora's Box of Addictions! (FREE Video - Get it now, instant download) Rachel Devine

(Get your FREE video on Inner Child: A Pandora’s Box of Addictions. Details at the end of this article)

The inner child might sound like a far-fetched notion of a Freudian era from the past. It might conjure up pictures of your childhood—the good, the bad, and the ugly. However, the inner child is alive and well and dwells within each one of us.

What is the inner child?

The inner child is our feelings, energies, needs, vulnerabilities, experiences, our neurological imprint. Simply put, the inner child is part of your personality that still feels and acts like a child. 

The inner child is in charge of steering our lives in one direction or another, depending on the emotions and experiences it was fed throughout our childhood. It’s a little scary to realize a child is directing our path. This revelation is enough to get anyone’s attention, as it is vital information on why your life is where it is today. The real crucial part of inner child dilemma is with addiction. If you tried to lose weight, stop smoking, drinking, gambling, or working long hours, and you can’t do it, it’s time to look at the inner child where the secret lies in curbing your addiction.

Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on. The subconscious mind holds most of your emotions, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past.

This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation, which is explored in the video.

There is a fascinating link between addictions and early childhood interactions. However, there are solutions to overcome addictions, which are also explored in the video.

We all have choices. One choice is to continue to go about your life in a way that is oblivious to the power of the inner workings, whereas you can just continue to live in an unconscious state of daily routine, vices, accepting limitations in intimate relationships, as well as in your career and other areas, and perhaps allowing fears to dictate what direction your life goes in.

Or, you can become acutely aware of what is going on with your inner child, and your subconscious mind, each a driving force, and actually change the course of the direction your life is going in. And in turn, transform your life!

Get your instant download today. This is a free digital video that will help you come to solutions with your inner child dilemma and possible addictions. When you can tie the two together, you have a game-plan for healing.  Download my free video instantly - just add to the cart. This is a $10 value.

Another great resource is my new book on Amazon, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams.

Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center

Rachel Devine

Rachel Devine is an author, retreat director & motivational speak. Her books include, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home. Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.

Ways to Recognize when your Inner Child Sabotages your Relationships-Rachel Devine


What is your Inner Child? Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Rachel Devine