Inner Child Healing Book: Let it Begin with You - Rachel Devine
You might not realize it, but your inner child is screaming for help. It comes in the form of triggers that come from left field during an argument. Or knee-buckling fear when it comes to romantic relationships. Or anger that comes unexpectedly and is unleashed to innocent bystanders. These are all examples of the inner child screaming for help.
My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams, is a way to heal your inner child.
Make no mistake about it, it would be extremely hard to manifest your goals and dreams with all of that stuff going on with your inner child. My book is all about healing your inner child to clear the way to manifest your dreams. Your dreams do matter. They are important and they should be played out. Life is too short to get to a point at the end and realize you had dreams on the back burner that never came to fruition.
Let’s look into this a little deeper with an excerpt from my new book from the preface:
My book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world.
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, get a promotion, get healthy, or end an addiction? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. I will show you exactly how to do this. Make no mistake about it, you have this miraculous power within to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of almost every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, or why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, or why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within. Discovering this aspect of yourself with awareness will empower you to transform your life in a positive way.
Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). The subconscious mind holds all your emotions, memories, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past. This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation. I will explore this dual action-packed power in one of my chapters.
I will also link a distinct pattern with our addictions to early childhood interactions and show you why it plays a big factor in determining perhaps your own addictions, or as I call them, vices. I will also show you ways to heal from these vices.
I will help you come to the empowerment state of taking back your life and teach you how to manifest your dreams into reality.
I will also explore grief and how it relates to all of this. Do you ever wonder why losing a beloved dog, or cat, or any kind of pet, makes a person feel as if the grief is more devastating than losing a parent? There is a reason behind that intense grief, which I will address in one of my chapters. Furthermore, not only will you come to understand it, but you will be able to deal better with the pain and grief of losing a loving pet.
We all have choices. One choice is to continue to go about your life in a way that is oblivious to the power of the inner workings, whereas you can just continue to live in an unconscious state of daily routine, accepting limitations in intimate relationships, as well as in your career and other areas, and perhaps allowing fears to dictate what direction your life goes in.
Or, you can become acutely aware of what is going on with your inner child, and your subconscious mind, each a driving force, and actually change the course of your journey in life. You can learn how to change the way it has a negative impact to a positive impact on your life. Knowledge is power and awareness is the key. I will show you how to change the subconscious imprint that the inner child developed onto your brain in childhood, so you will be liberated from the chains of the negative, inner child influence. This will give you an edge in all areas of your life from dating to career decisions to family interactions.
One of the reasons why dating is so dysfunctional is due to inner dynamics and I will go into very specific details on this and show you ways to overcome this dilemma.
My goal is to help you move forward in areas of your life you thought were not possible. You will also learn the powerful secret on how to shift the subconscious mind to create exactly what you want in life. I will explain, step by step, how this powerful secret within will help you create your destiny. You have the power to manifest anything in life, from success, to wealth, to love, to good health, and so much more. I will guide you on how you can do this. It may sound foreign to you at this time. However, by the time you finish reading this book, you will have an amazing awareness and knowledge of the power of the secret within.
Whatever the lessons you receive from reading my book will be tailor-fit for your needs. Although I am the messenger, the entity that opens the heart and mind to life lessons is your higher power, and ultimately it is between you and your higher power to learn whatever you need to learn.
You picked up this book for a reason. You are exactly where you need to be in life and something has drawn you to this amazing awareness and potential healing. Therefore, explore the endless possibilities of the lessons that will come out of the awareness you will learn from reading this book. Don’t allow this moment to slip away without grabbing the opportunity for growth, happiness, and power. This amazing opportunity has come to you for a reason. Take advantage of this information that will give you an edge in your life.
The inner child is powerful beyond words and the fact that most of society is walking around in an unconscious state, oblivious to the power the inner child has on them, is unfortunate. My book is the equalizer and will help you comprehend the dynamics of the inner workings in a way that will invoke much healing. I will bring you to an expansive awareness that will act as a wake-up call that literally can transform your life for the better. Additionally, allow yourself this precious gift of waking up to a reality where you can create the life you dream of.
End of excerpt.
Review on Amazon:
I found this book to be intriguing and very well written, with examples of real life situations . I give this book a 10 out of a 10 ! I recommend it highly! I think it is a treasure, trove of knowledge that will change a lot of lives! Dawn
My book, Discover the Power of the Secret within, is available on Amazon. If you prefer an ebook, you can get an instant download on my website.
Inner child healing book. Learn the power of the secret within.