What is, Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center all about? Rachel Devine
You might have seen some of my facebook posts about my website Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center. You may also be asking yourself, “what’s this website all about?”
Well, below is a short audio with a synopsis of what my website is all about and how it can transform your life.
So, take 2 minutes to listen to this audio, it can literally change your life!
You might have seen some of my social media posts about my website Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center. You may also be asking yourself, “what’s this website all about?”
Well, below is a short audio with a synopsis of what my website is all about and how it can transform your life.
So, take 2 minutes to listen to this audio, it can literally change your life!
Click on the link below to hear a synopsis of my website.
Audio Excerpt of, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Rachel Devine
My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within is changing lives. Perhaps you have no idea what it’s all about. Do you have 10 minutes to spare? I created an audio excerpt of the preface of the book in order to tell everyone what my new book is about. Take a few minutes to listen to how this book can transform your life!
Here are some very positive early reviews from those who have read it.
I was up past midnight reading your book, I couldn’t put it down. TB
This book is going to change many lives. DK
I lost two nights of sleep reading your book, but it was worth it. TK
My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within is changing lives. Perhaps you have no idea what it’s all about. Do you have 12 minutes to spare? I created an audio excerpt of the preface of the book in order to tell everyone what my new book is about. Take a few minutes to listen to how this book can transform your life!
Here are some very positive early reviews from those who have read it.
I was up past midnight reading your book, I couldn’t put it down. TB
This book is going to change many lives. DK
I lost two nights of sleep reading your book, but it was worth it. TK
Just click on the link below to listen to a short excerpt from my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within.
When you are done listening to the excerpt you can take the, Inner Child Quiz, to see access your own inner child:
My New Book will Transform your Life: ‘Discover the Power of the Secret Within’ Rachel Devine
I am excited about my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret WIthin, that is now on Amazon and other online outlets.
Let me tell you a little about my new book.
This book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world. Therefore, let’s dive into this intriguing notion in detail.
I am excited about my new book, Discover the Power of the Secret WIthin, that is now on Amazon and other online outlets.
“I give this book a 10 out of a 10 ! I recommend it highly! I think it is a treasure, trove of knowledge that will change a lot of lives!” Dawn K (Amazon review)
Let me tell you a little about my new book.
This book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world. Therefore, let’s dive into this intriguing notion in detail.
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, get a promotion, get healthy, or end an addiction? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. I will show you exactly how to do this. Make no mistake about it, you have this miraculous power within to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of almost every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, or why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, or why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within. Discovering this aspect of yourself with awareness will empower you to transform your life in a positive way.
Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). The subconscious mind holds all your emotions, memories, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past. This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation. I will explore this dual action-packed power in one of my chapters.
I will also link a distinct pattern with our addictions to early childhood interactions and show you why it plays a big factor in determining perhaps your own addictions, or as I call them, vices. I will also show you ways to heal from these vices.
We all have choices. One choice is to continue to go about your life in a way that is oblivious to the power of the inner workings, whereas you can just continue to live in an unconscious state of daily routine, accepting limitations in intimate relationships, as well as in your career and other areas, and perhaps allowing fears to dictate what direction your life goes in.
Or, you can become acutely aware of what is going on with your inner child, and your subconscious mind, each a driving force, and actually change the course of your journey in life.
My goal is to help you move forward in areas of your life you thought were not possible.
In closing, I want to tell you I am so excited about getting my book published. It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears, but I did it! I self-published my book on KDP, which means I did everything to make this happen! The message is important, especially for those that are struggling in life. The few people that read my book already have been impacted positively by the powerful message.
Embrace this moment, the only one we have, and get a copy of my book so you will be among those fortunate people who learn the valuable secret of the power within!
Healing your inner child book - Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Rachel Devine
“The book really got deep on how our subconscious mind works and how important it is to not fall into the negativities and train yourself to think positive always . I really enjoyed it and it was very inspirational and really broadened my knowledge of how our minds work. I really recommend it !” Tina K (Amazon review)
“The book was a blessing in awaking my issues and helping me solve them. Extraordinary.” Neia (Amazon review)
Get your copy today on Amazon! Discover the Power of the Secret Within: Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams
Inner Child Healing Book: Let it Begin with You - Rachel Devine
You might not realize it, but your inner child is screaming for help. It comes in the form of triggers that come from left field during an argument. Or knee-buckling fear when it comes to romantic relationships. Or anger that comes unexpectedly and is unleashed to innocent bystanders. These are all examples of the inner child screaming for help.
My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams, is a way to heal your inner child.
You might not realize it, but your inner child is screaming for help. It comes in the form of triggers that come from left field during an argument. Or knee-buckling fear when it comes to romantic relationships. Or anger that comes unexpectedly and is unleashed to innocent bystanders. These are all examples of the inner child screaming for help.
My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Healing your Inner Child to Manifest your Dreams, is a way to heal your inner child.
Make no mistake about it, it would be extremely hard to manifest your goals and dreams with all of that stuff going on with your inner child. My book is all about healing your inner child to clear the way to manifest your dreams. Your dreams do matter. They are important and they should be played out. Life is too short to get to a point at the end and realize you had dreams on the back burner that never came to fruition.
Let’s look into this a little deeper with an excerpt from my new book from the preface:
My book is about creating yourself anew. It is about discovering the power of the secret within, which is elusive and mysterious. The power within you is a well-kept secret. Most people will not learn about it in their lifetime. It has positively transformed millions of lives. Those who discover the power of the secret within will be richer than any successful billionaire in the world.
Do you have long-forgotten dreams that you want to make a reality? Do you want to lose weight, start a business, find your soulmate, get a promotion, get healthy, or end an addiction? Well, now is the time to move forward and make your dreams a reality. I will show you exactly how to do this. Make no mistake about it, you have this miraculous power within to create your destiny.
However, there can be blocks to realizing your dreams. There is another power called the subconscious mind that is in charge of almost every decision, every move, and every thought you make in life. Most people have no idea why they have a chip on their shoulder, or why they keep meeting the same type of dysfunctional romantic partner, or why they have issues at work, or why they have deep-rooted resentments, and the answer lies within. Discovering this aspect of yourself with awareness will empower you to transform your life in a positive way.
Your inner child is part of the power of your subconscious mind, that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). The subconscious mind holds all your emotions, memories, experiences, traumas, and beliefs from the past. This dual force, the subconscious mind and inner child, drives your life 95% of the time! This is an incredible revelation. I will explore this dual action-packed power in one of my chapters.
I will also link a distinct pattern with our addictions to early childhood interactions and show you why it plays a big factor in determining perhaps your own addictions, or as I call them, vices. I will also show you ways to heal from these vices.
I will help you come to the empowerment state of taking back your life and teach you how to manifest your dreams into reality.
I will also explore grief and how it relates to all of this. Do you ever wonder why losing a beloved dog, or cat, or any kind of pet, makes a person feel as if the grief is more devastating than losing a parent? There is a reason behind that intense grief, which I will address in one of my chapters. Furthermore, not only will you come to understand it, but you will be able to deal better with the pain and grief of losing a loving pet.
We all have choices. One choice is to continue to go about your life in a way that is oblivious to the power of the inner workings, whereas you can just continue to live in an unconscious state of daily routine, accepting limitations in intimate relationships, as well as in your career and other areas, and perhaps allowing fears to dictate what direction your life goes in.
Or, you can become acutely aware of what is going on with your inner child, and your subconscious mind, each a driving force, and actually change the course of your journey in life. You can learn how to change the way it has a negative impact to a positive impact on your life. Knowledge is power and awareness is the key. I will show you how to change the subconscious imprint that the inner child developed onto your brain in childhood, so you will be liberated from the chains of the negative, inner child influence. This will give you an edge in all areas of your life from dating to career decisions to family interactions.
One of the reasons why dating is so dysfunctional is due to inner dynamics and I will go into very specific details on this and show you ways to overcome this dilemma.
My goal is to help you move forward in areas of your life you thought were not possible. You will also learn the powerful secret on how to shift the subconscious mind to create exactly what you want in life. I will explain, step by step, how this powerful secret within will help you create your destiny. You have the power to manifest anything in life, from success, to wealth, to love, to good health, and so much more. I will guide you on how you can do this. It may sound foreign to you at this time. However, by the time you finish reading this book, you will have an amazing awareness and knowledge of the power of the secret within.
Whatever the lessons you receive from reading my book will be tailor-fit for your needs. Although I am the messenger, the entity that opens the heart and mind to life lessons is your higher power, and ultimately it is between you and your higher power to learn whatever you need to learn.
You picked up this book for a reason. You are exactly where you need to be in life and something has drawn you to this amazing awareness and potential healing. Therefore, explore the endless possibilities of the lessons that will come out of the awareness you will learn from reading this book. Don’t allow this moment to slip away without grabbing the opportunity for growth, happiness, and power. This amazing opportunity has come to you for a reason. Take advantage of this information that will give you an edge in your life.
The inner child is powerful beyond words and the fact that most of society is walking around in an unconscious state, oblivious to the power the inner child has on them, is unfortunate. My book is the equalizer and will help you comprehend the dynamics of the inner workings in a way that will invoke much healing. I will bring you to an expansive awareness that will act as a wake-up call that literally can transform your life for the better. Additionally, allow yourself this precious gift of waking up to a reality where you can create the life you dream of.
End of excerpt.
Review on Amazon:
I found this book to be intriguing and very well written, with examples of real life situations . I give this book a 10 out of a 10 ! I recommend it highly! I think it is a treasure, trove of knowledge that will change a lot of lives! Dawn
My book, Discover the Power of the Secret within, is available on Amazon. If you prefer an ebook, you can get an instant download on my website.
Inner child healing book. Learn the power of the secret within.
How to Heal your Inner Child: 7 Step Guide Rachel Devine
The inner child, carrying emotional scars and false beliefs from childhood, drives many of our adult behaviors unconsciously. By learning to identify, listen to, and re-parent your inner child, you can heal past wounds for greater well-being. Make no mistake about it; I truly believe we all have inner child wounds that erupt during stressful, angry times in our lives. No one is immune from the terror of the inner child. The astonishing fact is that most of us are totally oblivious to the pandora’s box of horrors that resides within each and every one of us. Of course, there are different degrees of inner child fury; som
The inner child, carrying emotional scars and false beliefs from childhood, drives many of our adult behaviors unconsciously. By learning to identify, listen to, and re-parent your inner child, you can heal past wounds for greater well-being. Make no mistake about it; I truly believe we all have inner child wounds that erupt during stressful, angry times in our lives. No one is immune from the terror of the inner child. The astonishing fact is that most of us are totally oblivious to the pandora’s box of horrors that resides within each and every one of us. Of course, there are different degrees of inner child fury; some are more intense than others. Let’s explore this inner child healing in more detail.
Dynamics of the Inner Child
The dynamics of our inner world are pretty intense. However, as I open up the nucleus of the inner child, you will see how easy it really is to comprehend.
What transpired in our childhood determines how we develop as adults. Some of the things that transpired in childhood will plague you as an adult with things like alcoholism, drug or food addictions, anger issues, intimacy issues, fear of abandonment, commitment issues, sexual disorders, continuous relationship failures, narcissism, fears, etc. These issues get embedded in the inner child’s psyche and carry into adulthood. This all stems from the roots that took place with the inner child and what went on in your early childhood.
So, what does it mean when I refer to the “inner child"?
The inner child is our feelings, energies, needs, vulnerabilities, experiences, and neurological imprint on our subconscious. Simply put, the inner child is part of your personality that still feels and acts like a child.
Impact of the Inner Child
“I believe that this neglected, wounded inner child of the past is the major source of human misery." John Bradshaw
John Bradshaw was a brilliant author of the inner child and extremely popular back in the 90s with his incredible book, Home Coming: Reclaiming and Championing Your Inner Child.
John knew the dynamics of the inner child because he lived it in his own childhood. The impact of the inner child is a lifetime battle, and it takes some work to get past the dysfunction. The impact can be devastating in love relationships, careers, family interactions, etc. The impact of the inner child can also become intense with adult addictions. Most of us have a void within that was not filled in childhood with love, nurturing, and security. Some of us try to fill that void with food, alcohol, drugs, etc. Some also try to numb the pain of past trauma with an addiction. This is something to be aware of in order to heal.The inner child can also cause havoc in relationships and family life. Sometimes stress can trigger events from the past of anger and fear, and a normal argument can turn into a bloody war because the inner child's pain from the past is erupting in the present.
Connecting to the Inner Child
According to psychology expert John Bradshaw, “The inner child must be welcomed, embraced, for better or for worse.” Begin communicating through journaling, recording dialogues, or meditations. Let your inner child express its pains and needs to you. The first step to healing is awareness. Become aware of this inner child that is longing for reparenting.
Bradshaw advised: “Do your best to provide the child within you what your parents couldn’t provide.” Offer soothing words, forgiveness, encouragement, and unconditional support to your inner child when it shares its hurt. Visualize cradling and nurturing your inner child.
You can also meditate on being with your inner child. John Bradshaw boldly asks us to go back to our childhood home. You can do that in a meditation and embrace your inner child with love and comfort.
Inner child therapy
Therapy is the key to healing the inner child. Brainspotting is a technique that helps clear the subcortical brain, where the trauma or past experiences live, so healing can begin. There are lawyers of embedded past experiences in the subcortical brain that is part of the subconscious mind. Therapy is a way to clear this one layer at a time. Therapy can also give you a place to talk about your inner child and be in the presence of a professional therapist who can guide you in the right direction of healing.
Subconscious mind
The subconscious mind holds all our past experiences, traumas, and feelings. We are not conscious of what is going on there, but this is where the inner child's feelings live. This is the trigger point during stressful times that unleashes the inner child fury. There are other ways to clear some negative experiences from the past and also fill the void within. The more you can clear your subconscious of past hurts, negativity, anger, and fears, the more your life will move in a positive direction. Feeding your subconscious positive affirmations also helps.
Clearing the subconscious
One way to help clear some negativity from the subconscious is through positive affirmations. Saying them often will offset the negativity from the past. Just say some positive affirmations over and over again in your day. A few examples are that I am loved, I am successful, I am beautiful, or I am happy. Visualization is another way to impact the subconscious, and the most powerful time is at bedtime because you are going from a subconscious to an unconscious state, which is powerful for penetrating the subconscious. Visualize one image of what you want to heal in your subconscious. Let’s say you are addicted to food or alcohol. You would put one image in your head of being free from alcohol, or if you want to lose weight, an image of you being slim and healthy. Fall asleep with the feeling of well-being and feeling healthy, happy, and loved. This visualization will leave positive imprints on your subconscious mind. Do this for at least 30 days and see if you feel better and stronger. You can do this with anger issues or fear. Just use the opposite positive emotion, see the image in your head, and fall asleep with positive thoughts. For instance if you want to get rid of anger, see yourself in an image of being calm, kind, loving, and peaceful. If you want to get rid of fears, see yourself feeling loved, courageous, in the loving arms of your higher power, whom I call God. Being in the presence of God will help you feel less fear, because love and fear cannot reside together and God is love.
Cultivate Self-Love
Lack of parental love creates inner emptiness. Now consciously shower yourself with self-love and positive affirmations. Build the unconditional self-love your inner child craves. Cultivating inner love for yourself is a very positive way to heal the inner child. Too often, we resonate with negative thoughts about ourselves that actually come from our childhood. Change those self-defeating thoughts to ones of love. Self-care is also crucial, so do good things for yourself daily, or at least a couple of times a week. I suggest you get a picture of yourself as a child and put that picture where you can see it and tell yourself every day, “I love you.”
John Bradshaw described inner child work as: “Learning to love yourself is the greatest gift you can give yourself.” Extending compassion and care inward dissolves old wounds, so your healthiest self can shine through.
In closing, remember that you have the power to change your inner world into one of joy. You have the power to regenerate yourself with nurturing, love, and compassion. If you start to do inner child work, you will see that your relationship with family and friends will improve. However, the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself, and when that improves, your whole world becomes a better place to be.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack and has a new book coming out soon, Discover the Power of the Secret Within, that explores the inner child and subconscious mind for healing.
Create the Life you Want - Use the Power of your Thoughts - Rachel Devine
Imagine a world where your thoughts can create your future. Is that just a fantasy or a reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create our future is a reality. This article will outline some powerful manifestation techniques, which will enlighten you.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
Do you want to lose weight, perhaps get a better-paying job, start a business, or meet your soulmate? Or maybe you want to write a book or perform music or create art for a gallery. Imagine a world where all you have to do is think about what you want, and that becomes your reality. You might be thinking, this is a good script for a sci-fi movie, because we are not conditioned to put a lot of focus on the power of our thoughts. You might ask yourself, is my ability to create my future just a fantasy or an actual reality? The answer may surprise you, because the ability to create your future is a reality. You can create the life you want with some guidance. The power of your thoughts are a segway to manifesting your goals into reality. This article will give you some powerful manifestation techniques, that will outline ways to bring your goals into your world.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
The Power of Visualization
Visualization benefits are unlimited. One of the most widely recognized manifestation techniques is visualization. Advocated by writers like Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization, this technique involves forming detailed mental images of what you want to manifest. The more specific and detailed the mental picture, the more potent the manifestation. Remember, this is a powerful way to use your thoughts.
There is also a book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, that gives fascinating insights into the power of visualization. Peale tells us that if you keep a positive visualization in your mind every day, what you visualize will eventually come into your life. The key is to be consistent with your visualization. You can also create a vision board. You can get some oak tags, some stickers, a marker, and some pictures from a magazine and create a board of symbols and words about what you want your life to look like in the future. Put the vision board in a place where you can see it daily. I created a vision board a few years ago, and 90% of what I had on there became reality.
Another powerful technique is the use of positive affirmations. These are positive statements repeated regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with your conscious desires and goals. Louise Hay, a well-known advocate for affirmations, states in her work, You Can Heal Your Life, that repeating affirmations can significantly change our lives in a positive way. You can also write out the affirmations and post them in places where you can easily see them. Say these affirmations out loud every day and see what transpires. When you keep your focus on your goals using affirmations, it gives you an edge in reaching your goals.
The "Live in the End" Concept
Neville Goddard, a leading figure in the New Thought movement, proposed a technique often referred to as "live in the end." The idea is to imagine and feel your desire as already here, essentially living in the reality of your wish fulfilled. This process is said to impress your subconscious mind, prompting it to manifest the desired reality. In other words, if you want a promotion, visualize your colleagues congratulating you for it as if it already happened. Or if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at your ideal weight. These visualizations are more powerful if you picture one image of what you want to manifest when you are falling asleep and resonate with the feelings of having what you want already in your life. Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that feelings are what get embedded in the subconscious mind and are what bring our goals to reality. Our subconscious mind drives our lives 97% of the time; therefore, the key to manifesting is to feed our subconscious mind what we want to accomplish. We do that by feeding it feelings of what we want in life, as if it were already here. Remember, you have the ability to manifest your dreams into reality.
The 5x55 Method
The 5x55 method is a newer technique gaining traction in the manifestation community. It involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times a day for five consecutive days. This repetitive action is believed to effectively reprogram the subconscious mind. Remember, by reprogramming the subconscious mind, we are feeding it our goals, and according to Neville Goddard, the subconscious mind will bring the goal to reality.
Meditation is often incorporated into manifestation practices to help quiet the conscious mind and better communicate with the subconscious mind. Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, suggests that meditation can help us move beyond our analytical mind to access deeper states of consciousness, fostering effective manifestation. Just sitting in a state of deep contemplation can get you into a meditative state. Keep it simple and just go with the flow of meditation.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that like attracts like. By focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. This is accomplished by putting good energy into the world. It's similar to karma in the sense that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Think of the world around you as an echo chamber; whatever thoughts and words you put into the echo chamber come back to you. It's so important to put positive thoughts and words out into the world, rather than negative ones.
The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne Dyer has a book called, The Power of Intention, where he outlines a clear game plan for manifesting our dreams. He also writes about a certain effective meditation called Japa. Japa is a meditation where you envision what you want in your life, and basically you put these thoughts out into the world and allow them to encircle the world and then imagine that energy coming back to you. It is a very effective way to bring our goals into our lives. For instance, if you want to manifest love, imagine being in love and then putting that energy out into the world. Then you would imagine it encircling the earth and coming back to you.
Gratitude plays an important role in manifestation. The more grateful you are, the more positive our thoughts get imbedded into our subconscious minds. Research has continuously stated there are medical benefits, as well as emotional benefits, to being grateful. I suggest you make a list of 10 things you are grateful for daily and read them out loud. This practice turns negative thoughts into positive ones and helps the flow of what you want to manifest come into your life.
In closing, remember, Elon Musk started with a tiny thought when he decided he wanted to build SpaceX and eventually create a colony on Mars, and now we see how his thoughts have manifested into reality. Of course he put a lot of focused effort into this project and the results are amazing. Every idea starts with a thought, and every thought empowers our actions. The more effort and motivation we put into our actions, the more results we will achieve. And to go one step further, our goals have a better chance of manifesting into reality when we use the ideas suggested in this article.
The power to manifest our desires into reality lies within each of us. We have the power to lose weight, get a promotion, connect with our soulmate, or achieve any number of goals and dreams we have lying dormant. Bring them out into the light of day with your powerful thoughts. By utilizing techniques like visualization, affirmations, the "live in the end" concept, and all of the suggestions in this article, we can tap into this enormous power within and shape our reality. Whether you resonate with Neville Goddard's teachings or Dr. Wayne Dyer's manifestation methods, finding a technique that works best for you is the key to effective manifestation. You can try one or all of the suggestions. I say the more, the better. With practice and consistency, you can harness the power of your mind to manifest your desires into reality.
If you would like to learn more about how to manifest your dreams into reality, check out my powerful online audio course, which gives you a step-by-step guide called How to Manifest Your Dreams.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
6 Ways to Find Your Passion in Life Rachel Devine
What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? When do you lose all sense of time or distraction? What makes you feel inner joy? Exploring these questions reveals clues about your innate passions and the purposes they point to in life. Uncovering what sets your soul on fire allows you to live on purpose rather than drifting through through life disengaged. This article will help you answer the question, “What is Your Passion in Life?” Let’s look at how to find your passion and purpose.
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away,” advised philosopher David Viscott. Your passions contain pointers to the gifts only you can give. Let’s explore what’s your passion?
What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? When do you lose all sense of time or distraction? What makes you feel inner joy? Exploring these questions reveals clues about your innate passions and the purpose they point to in life. Uncovering what sets your soul on fire allows you to live on purpose rather than drifting through life disengaged. This article will help you answer the question, “What is Your Passion in Life?” Let’s look at how to find your passion and purpose.
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away,” advised philosopher David Viscott. Your passions contain pointers to the gifts only you can give. Let’s explore what’s your passion?
Your Interests and Talents
What activities energize you and what skills come naturally? Make a list of your interests, strengths, and talents. Common themes will emerge that reveal core passions. Pay attention to what really makes you feel passionate in life. Also, think about what you love doing. What you love doing is also at the core of your purpose in life.
Trying New Experiences
Step outside your comfort zone to experiment with new hobbies, classes, groups, and adventures related to your passions. Join a cooking course, photography club, or an art class, or perhaps a creative writing workshop. Actively sampling the array of possibilities will help you uncover your passion in life. This is the start to transforming your life with meaning.
Immersing Yourself
Don’t just dabble in potential passions, but fully immerse yourself to see what resonates. Spend a summer volunteering at an animal shelter if you love animals. Study jazz piano if that lights you up. Join an extensive art class. Your most vital passions will emerge and you will feel like you are coming back to a familiar home. This will bring you much happiness.
Reconnecting with Childhood Joy
Think back to what activities deeply engaged you as a child. Was it painting, building treehouses, being around animals, or putting on shows? Revisiting these childhood passions reminds you of who you are at your core. Do a short meditation on what life was like as a child and just let your thoughts focus on your childhood and see what comes up in your thoughts.
Purposeful Planning
Once you’ve identified a primary passion, strategically align your life with it. Make time for immersing yourself in what you love daily. Set big goals around how to contribute your talents to the world. Integrate your passion into career, relationships and lifestyle intentionally. Start up a new business, or volunteer your time, or perhaps you want to become a life coach. Whatever you are passionate about, you can start to make strives to bring to the world. The joy will be in the discovery, as well as the journey.
Benefits of Living Passionately
Greater happiness, fulfillment and life satisfaction
Improved self-esteem and sense of identity
Increased motivation, energy, and resilience
Reduced stress and stronger immunity
Reinvigorated sense of adventure and play
Closer connections and enjoyment of others
Improved work performance and effectiveness
Making a meaningful impact on the world
In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, Excuses Begone, Dr. Dyer defined passion as: “A vigorous enthusiasm that you feel deep within you. It propels you in a direction that seems motivated by a force beyond your control. It's the inner excitement of being on the right path, doing what you know you were meant to do.”
As mythologist Joseph Campbell advised, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors before.”
When your life aligns with inner passion, you thrive and flourish in wondrous ways. Discovering your passion in life will bring you much happiness and inner peace. Let passion light the path to transform your life to an enrichment beyond your wildest dreams. This guide will help you manifest your dreams into your reality.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
What’s my purpose in life quiz.
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Create the Life you Want - Learn the Power of Manifesting - Rachel Devine
Imagine a world where your thoughts can create your future. Is that just a fantasy or a reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create our future is a reality. This article will outline some powerful manifestation techniques, which will enlighten you.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
Do you want to lose weight, perhaps get a better-paying job, start a business, or meet your soulmate? Imagine a world where all you have to do is think about what you want, and that becomes your reality. You might be thinking this is a good script for a sci-fi movie because we are conditioned to be limited in what we think can create our reality. You might ask yourself, Is my ability to create my future just a fantasy or an actual reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create your future is a reality. This article will give you some powerful manifestation techniques that will outline ways to bring your goals into your world.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
The Power of Visualization
Visualization benefits are unlimited. One of the most widely recognized manifestation techniques is visualization. Advocated by scholars like Shakti Gawain, author of "Creative Visualization," this technique involves forming detailed mental images of what you want to manifest. The more specific and detailed the mental picture, the more potent the manifestation. There is also a book called "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peale that gives fascinating insights into the power of visualization. Peale tells us that if you keep a positive visualization in your mind every day, what you visualize will eventually come into your life. The key is to be consistent with your visualization. You can also create a vision board. You can get some oak tag, some stickers, a marker, some pictures out of a magazine, and create a board of symbols and words on what you want your life to look like in the future. Put the vision board in a place you can see it daily. I create a vision board a few years ago and 90% of what I had on there came to reality.
Another powerful technique is the use of affirmations. These are positive statements repeated regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with your conscious desires. Louise Hay, a well-known advocate for affirmations, states in her work You Can Heal Your Life, that repeating affirmations can significantly change our lives in a positive way. You can also write out the affirmations and post them in places where you can easily see them. Say these affirmations out loud every day and see what transpires.
The "Live in the End" Concept
Neville Goddard, a leading figure in the New Thought movement, proposed a technique often referred to as "live in the end." The idea is to imagine and feel your desire as already fulfilled, essentially living in the reality of your wish fulfilled. This process is said to impress your subconscious mind, prompting it to manifest the desired reality. In other words, if you want a promotion, visualize your colleagues congratulating you for it as if it already happened. Or if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at your ideal weight. These visualizations are more powerful if you picture one image of what you want to manifest when you are falling asleep and resonate with the feelings of having what you want already in your life. Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the feelings are what get embedded in the subconscious mind and is what brings our goals to reality. Our subconscious mind drives our lives 97% of the time, the key to manifesting is to feed our subconscious mind what we want. We do that by feeding it feelings of what we want in life, as if it is already here. You have the ability to manifest your dreams into reality.
The 5x55 Method
The 5x55 method is a newer technique gaining traction in the manifestation community. It involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times a day for five consecutive days. This repetitive action is believed to effectively reprogram the subconscious mind.
Meditation is often incorporated into manifestation practices to help quiet the conscious mind and better communicate with the subconscious mind. Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his book "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself," suggests that meditation can help us move beyond our analytical mind to access deeper states of consciousness, fostering effective manifestation.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that like attracts like. By focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. This is accomplished by putting good energy into the world. It's similar to karma in the sense that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Think of the world around you as an echo chamber; whatever thoughts and words you put into the echo chamber come back to you. It's so important to put positive thoughts and words out into the world, rather than negative ones.
The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne Dyer has a book, The Power of Intention, where he outlines a clear game plan for manifesting our dreams. He also writes about a certain effective meditation called Japa. Japa is a meditation where you envision what you want in your life, and basically you put these thoughts out into the world and allow them to encircle the world and then imagine that energy coming back to you.
Gratitude plays an important role in manifestation. The more grateful you are, the more positive our thoughts get imbedded into our subconscious minds. Research has continuously given us medical benefits, as well as emotional benefits, for being grateful.
Remember, Elon Musk started with a tiny thought when he decided he wanted to build SpaceX and eventually create a colony on Mars, and now we see how his thoughts have manifested into reality. Every idea starts with a thought, and every thought is empowered by our actions. And to go one step further, our goals become a reality when we put focused effort and new thought ideas to work.
The power to manifest our desires into reality lies within each of us. By utilizing techniques like visualization, affirmations, the "live in the end" concept, and all of the above, we can tap into this enormous power within and shape our reality. Whether you resonate with Neville Goddard's teachings or Dr. Wayne Dyer's manifestation methods, finding a technique that works best for you is the key to effective manifestation. You can try one or all of the suggestions. I say the more, the better. With practice and consistency, you can harness the power of your mind to manifest your desires into reality.
If you like to learn how to manifest your dreams in reality, check out my powerful online audio course, that gives you a step-by-step guide called, How to Manifest your Dreams.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.