How to Overcome Challenges at Work - Rachel Devine
There will always be challenges in life, obstacles to overcome, and barriers to what we want to achieve. When we have challenges in the workplace, life can be miserable. We spend a third of our lives at work, so it's important to create a peaceful work environment for yourself.
Let's look at ways to overcome challenges at work. I will show you ways on how to overcome obstacles, with some inner resolve and some problem solving techniques in business.
There will always be challenges in life, obstacles to overcome, and barriers to what we want to achieve. When we have challenges in the workplace, life can be miserable. We spend a third of our lives at work, so it's important to create a peaceful work environment for yourself.
Let's look at ways to overcome challenges at work. I will show you ways on how to overcome obstacles, with some inner resolve and some problem solving techniques in business.
Heavy workload
Having a heavy workload seems to be on top of the list of challenges at work. You might be at a point where the work is piling up. This really puts a person in a bad situation because, on the one hand, you want to handle the workload, and on the other hand, you don't want to be taken advantage of. Try to break the work into smaller, more manageable tasks. Also, double check your work, because sometimes a heavy workload can reap mistakes. It's important to keep total focus on your job, so avoid getting on a personal call or being on the internet during work hours. Keep total focus on the job.
Set boundaries between your work and someone else's job. You can point out to your manager that you are happy to do the extra work but would need help delegating some of the work if you can't meet deadlines. Sometimes just bringing the situation to your manager could help offset some of the work to someone that can help you feel happy about the situation.
Disagreements with co-workers
Stay calm during stressful times. Enlist the advice of a co-worker you trust who might be able to give you some insights into the office culture. It's important to have harmony in the workplace. However, sometimes conflict does arise. I always found it important to keep my head on the job at hand and not socialize too much at work, because that is when disagreements or conflicts can arise. The challenges we face at work can be hard to cope with. If there is a disagreement, clear professional communication is important to clear the air. Keep away from any arguments that involve character attacks and stick with the work issues. Always maintain a professional attitude.
It's a good idea to take a break or go to lunch to mull over the situation before responding. And sometimes it's better not to respond at all and just let the conflict dissolve on its own. And be very careful of email exchanges. Always keep them professional. If you get an email that sounds rude, do not respond with rudeness. It is better to just respond in a professional manner. Remember, a second of revengeful exchange can cost you a lot of heartache. It’s better to move on and let it go.
Lack of growth opportunities
Look at your skills and see where you can add a skill or two in order to be eligible for advancement. Speak to your manager about your growth path and let your manager know you are interested in advancement opportunities. See if your manager can guide you on possible opportunities. If advancement in your company is not feasible, you might want to look into other companies for growth opportunities. Sometimes making a change can make all the difference in a job that has no growth. You want to empower yourself to transform your life to one in which you love. Look at other job opportunities that might be more fulfilling.
Confidence level
Keep your confidence level high by doing things that enhance your self-image. This includes affirmations. I used to post affirmations around my desk to help me keep my focus on positive thoughts. Some affirmations may include, yes, I can do it, I am a great worker, I will be promoted, or I love my job. You can post them where only you can see them. These affirmations are a clear reminder that you can do whatever you put your mind to. Also, state of mind is everything. If you start to view your job as one you really love, when you come to work, things will be different.
Dr. Wayne Dyer says, "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Finding Peace
A good way to find peace is to meditate in your free time. Let yourself have some quiet time for reflection. In this reflection, you may want to focus on the positive aspects of your life. Being grateful is so important to our mental state. Looking at what is good in your life may offset what may not be good. Also, it is good to journal about the work situation. It's good to get it out in writing and see what transpires in your writing. If you can, take a walk at lunchtime to clear your head and give yourself a well-needed break.
At the end of the day, it's important to remember that each day brings a different perspective. How you view your workplace has a big impact on what you see.
Another great quote is by Norman Vincent Peale. He said, "Change your thoughts, and you change your world."
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff - Choose Peace over Conflict - Rachel Devine
Life is too short to become stressed over every little thing other people do that we don't like. Remember, you can't control anyone but yourself. When someone irritates you, remember that you have the choice of how to respond. Typically, we respond with a reactive one. What if we took a moment to just breathe and decided that we didn't really want to give this person the power to ruin our day?
Let's look at some techniques to choose peace over conflict and not sweat the small stuff.
Life is too short to become stressed over every little thing other people do that we don't like. Remember, you can't control anyone but yourself. When someone irritates you, remember that you have the choice of how to respond. Typically, we respond with a reactive angry one, because the other person hit a nerve. What if we took a moment to just breathe and decided that we didn't really want to give this person the power to ruin our day?
Let's look at some techniques to choose peace over conflict.
Count to Ten
When you encounter someone you know is hard to deal with and they go into a rant that sets you off, stop and count to ten, leave the room or take some deep breaths. Taking a few seconds to compose yourself will help you have more control and, in turn, be able to have more control over your emotions and how you respond. Try not to react, rather, respond with a level head. This is key to keeping your cool during conflict.
Take your power back
When we allow others to ruin our day because they are rude to us, we have handed over our power to the other person. Picture it this way. The other person has a remote control and presses a button that says, ruin their day, or a button that says, make them angry or make them stressed. Don't allow others to push your buttons. Take the remote control back and in turn you will be in control. Remember, you always have the choice of how you will respond to others' rudeness. You always have the choice not to react in an angry manner. Remember, they are not ruining your day, you are choosing to let them ruin your day.
Detach with love
Detachment is the key to serenity. You might live with someone who is totally obnoxious and difficult to live with. The key is to detach from the person with love. In other words, observe what is happening from an outsider's standpoint rather than get emotionally involved in the encounter. Just act as an observer of what is happening and then react from that state of mind. You will be able to be more rational in walking away from the conflict. Remember, if you leave the room, the person has no one to fight with. This will give you peace. Don't focus on the person who is hard to live with; rather, focus on your own life and detach with love. It’s important to recognize ways to overcome the obstacles that come your way in order to be happy with your life.
Daily peaceful techniques
Doing a daily meditation will help you get more centered in a peaceful state of mind. You can do a number of different meditations, from being in your happy place, to listening to a peaceful meditation from YouTube. Perhaps you want to get quiet in a room alone and meditate with peaceful music and add some scented candles to the mix. Taking a nice relaxing bath will also help you feel more at peace.
Forgiveness is an act of self-love
Forgiveness is the key to getting rid of resentment and bitterness. Our resentments usually cause an irrational response to someone pushing our buttons. Forgiveness is an act of self-love. When you forgive the other person, you are releasing the venom that is going through your veins in the form of bitterness. Releasing that bitterness will release you from the stress that causes health issues. Also, ask yourself: Will this conflict matter tomorrow, a month or a year from now? Sometimes what is important in the heat of the moment, will not be important tomorrow. A good slogan many use is, "How important is it?" Ask yourself that during the conflict, you might find that it isn’t important at all, in the scheme of your life. This is a great slogan to help you let go and forgive.
In conclusion, with a little awareness, you can become peaceful again if you take your power back, detach with love, and forgive the person you are in conflict with. Remember, this person is your greatest teacher. Those who can push our buttons have much to teach us. You might one day look back on your life and realize the person who pushed your buttons taught you more than anyone else.
I want to end with this great quote by Dr. Wayne Dyer,“If you have the choice of being right or being kind, choose kind.”
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.
Your Actions Speak Louder than Words! Rachel Devine
The old adage advises that "actions speak louder than words." This adage holds a great deal of wisdom. While people may convey one message verbally, their behaviors, conduct, and decisions often provide a truer measure of character, values, and motives. If you really want to know what the other person's motives are, don't listen to their words, but look at what they do. Examining actions yields true insight beyond what any declaration of words will convey. In fact, some might say words are not as important as actions are in many life circumstances.
Let’s explore this concept of, your actions speak louder than words.
The old adage advises that "actions speak louder than words." This adage holds a great deal of wisdom. While people may convey one message verbally, their behaviors, conduct, and decisions often provide a truer measure of character, values, and motives. If you really want to know what the other person's motives are, don't listen to their words, but look at what they do. Examining actions yields true insight beyond what any declaration of words will convey. In fact, some might say words are not as important as actions are in many life circumstances.
Let’s explore this concept of, your actions speak louder than words.
Words Fall Short
People have a tendency to project an idealized self to others that aligns with what they wish were true or know sounds noble. In other words, their ego is playing into the situation. Keeping a steady eye on your words is key to aligning them with your actions. However, aligning conduct with projected character requires self-awareness and effort. Talk is cheap without a walk to back it up.
As leadership expert Simon Sinek noted, "Leadership is not about the words you say. It's about the actions you take." Actions demonstrate true leadership.
Personal Action
If you are telling yourself, I will one day start a business, lose weight, or write a book, and you are not taking steps to fulfill these dreams, then you would also fall into the category of a person who is not putting action behind words. Words are easy, it’s the action that is more of a challenge. The real power comes when you align your words and actions together. It really will help you feel more empowered when you become a person who keeps your word to yourself and others. It is especially important to be a role model for your children. Therefore, it is critical to really look at what you say versus what you do and see if you can get them to line up together.
Actions vs Words
There are countless examples of how individuals' actions contradict their words. Here are a few examples:
Politicians espouse concern for the downtrodden but further the interests of their donors.
Social activists condemn pollution but don't curb their own consumption.
Celebrities promote a positive image, while some are guilty of intense dysfunction.
Some proclaim, "I am on a diet." And the next day, order a burger and fries.
A boyfriend may say, "I love you," but not really spend much time with you.
A parent may tell their child not to lie, and then in the course of another conversation tell a white lie.
Remember, children are more impacted by our actions, not our words. And integrity does reap trust and moral values, which parents want to instill in their children. A closer look at this type of behavior tells us that some people are just not aware of the inconsistent way they act and some prioritize their own agenda when given the choice to walk the talk. But alignment between actions and words determines integrity. Awareness is the key to change our bad habits into good ones. There are plenty of ways to transform your life to one that helps you become more in synch.
Benefits of Aligning Words with Actions
Reveal true character: actions reflect values, compassion, priorities, and substance.
Builds trust: saying one thing while doing another destroys trust. Alignment demonstrates dependability and promotes trust.
Enables correction: Catching inconsistencies provides the opportunity to realign values and conduct.
Improves credibility: talking purposefully and acting upon it brings credability to your character.
Lights the path: When words and deeds synergize, you're heading in the right direction, and it helps your spirit grow with grace.
It is also beneficial in where you work, in order to get good reviews and promoted.
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, "What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say." Before speaking loftily, ensure your feet are on the ground. Character is constructed step by step by our words and actions.
Louise Hay tells us:
"The point is to take the actions that match your words."
I order to create the future you would be proud of, it’s so important to be aware of how your actions line up with what you say.
The trust bestowed upon leaders, role models, friends, and influencers arises in large part from the integrity of their principles demonstrated on a day-to-day basis on their actions aligning with their words. While words may inspire, actions forge lasting impact. Consistency in both words and actions creates trust. Be a person who walks the talk rather than talks the walk.
I will conclude with this priceless quote, which I just love.
"Better done than said."
Frank Sonnenberg
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me. I will answer all emails.
Ways to Accept the Things You Cannot Change - Finding Inner Peace - Rachel Devine
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. We don't have power over anyone but ourselves. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own life.
Let’s look at 5 ways on how to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own lives.
Let's look at ways to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance means acknowledging, rather than resisting, our present reality, including difficult emotions, people, and external events. As addiction treatment expert Steven Hayes said, "Acceptance is about seeing things as they actually are in the present moment."
Acceptance is not passivity. We simply stop fruitlessly trying to control uncontrollable things. The more useful approach is to channel energy into transforming what we can change. Make no mistake about the fact that the only person you can change is yourself. Accepting that will help you come to terms with the turmoil in trying to change someone else.
Let Go and Let God
When faced with situations we cannot control or change—a loved one's choices, another driver's behavior, the loss of a job—practicing acceptance rather than struggling against what is happening provides a pathway to serenity. Sometimes the way to acceptance is letting go and letting God take over. We have the choice to hand our loved ones or the situation over to our higher power, or, as I call Him, God. We can wrap that person or situation in a favorite blanket and mindfully hand them over to your higher power for support, guidance, and grace. If you are a prayerful person, you can say a prayer for the situation in order to put some positive energy into it. This gives you a sense of peace as you slowly realize that letting go will bring serenity. Don’t feel guilty for letting go of a situation you can’t control. Your choice is valid. Motivational quotations can also help you find ways to let go.
Cultivating Acceptance
Here are strategies to start embracing acceptance:
Get curious - Observe your feelings and urges to control situations. Is trying to control the situation a way to alleviate stressful feelings that are overwhelming you?
Focus on what you can control - Rather than lamenting what’s outside your control, redirect efforts towards helpful actions within your power.
Let go of judgment - Release judgments about yourself, others or events being “wrong.” Sometimes what goes wrong has a lesson built-in that is priceless.
Let go of the guilt you might feel for letting go. Just know in your heart that you are doing the right thing for everyone involved.
Embrace your Feelings
Make a list of what you are struggling with accepting, and also make a list of what you have control over to change. You will quickly see that you only have control of your side of the street. Once you make the list, you can start to work on changing what you can and letting go of what you can't change. Also, start to look at things to be grateful for in the situation. Being in a state of gratitude helps us find peace with the situation. I suggest you practice gratitude daily. Give thanks for any positive outcomes, including lessons and opportunities for growth for yourself. This breeds perspective and ultimately leads to finding happiness.
And remember, if someone has to learn a valuable lesson, sometimes the only way to do that is to hit rock bottom. Trying to stop someone from hitting their bottom in life is equivalent to trying to stop God from doing His job. We all have a higher power to guide and protect us as we journey through life. Be trusting in life's process, as we can almost always see the blessing in disguise. When a person hits rock bottom the only place to go is up. You can also visualize the desired outcomes with positive thinking. Imagine goals manifesting smoothly without you having to force or control the process.
When all else seems to fail, prayer is the calming power within. Prayer is a common practice to let go of the thing you can’t control and put you in a peaceful state. I believe the power of prayer can work wonders. When you are in prayer, you relinquish control of the situation, but still put blessings on what you would like to see a positive outcome for. It’s a great way to find some peace. The serenity prayer is a great tool that has so much wisdom and helps put perspective on situations.
The Serenity Prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
Through mindful surrender, rather than frustration over what we cannot change, we tap into an expansive peace, faith, and inner freedom. Remember, it's progress you are looking for in this situation, not perfection.
In the immortal words of Ovid, "By yielding, you may obtain victory."
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Devine Intervention - The Healing Center website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me.
How to Cope with Loneliness (7 Step Guide for your Golden Years) Rachel Devine
Feeling isolated and depressed is common when you lose a partner, retire from work, are single for a long time, or just getting older. As one advances into their golden years, it’s important to have the best quality of life possible. Loneliness not only dampens the mood but also takes a toll on physical health. Life changes sometimes put us in a position where we do find ourselves alone.
If we learned anything from that brilliant comedy series, The Golden Girls, is that life can be rewarding and meaningful as we continue to age. The four lovely ladies from that show taught us that we can live our lives with much purpose, way into our golden years and beyond.
Here are some expert-recommended techniques to combat loneliness and reclaim joy:
Feeling isolated and depressed is common when you lose a partner, retire from work, are single for a long time, or just getting older. As one advances into their golden years, it’s important to have the best quality of life possible. Loneliness not only dampens the mood but also takes a toll on physical health. Life changes sometimes put us in a position where we do find ourselves alone.
If we learned anything from that brilliant comedy series, The Golden Girls, is that life can be rewarding and meaningful as we continue to age. The four lovely ladies from that show taught us that we can live our lives with much purpose, way into our golden years and beyond.
Here are some expert-recommended techniques to combat loneliness and reclaim joy.
Arrange regular social engagements
Make it a priority to regularly leave the house and socialize. Try to get out at least three times a week. Attend community center events, volunteer at a local charity, join a club, a meetup group, a prayer group, or take a class to forge bonds with peers. These activies can be a lot of fun. Staying active combats isolation.
2. Check in with family and friends
Don't wait for others to call you; take the initiative to call or visit loved ones yourself. Let family and friends know you appreciate their company. Spend time with family and friends whenever you can. Even if it’s just a coffee date with a good friend or perhaps babysitting for a grandchild. It's so important to keep in touch with people you love.
3. Adopt a pet
Animal companions provide unconditional love and physical comfort. Having a pet to care for gives you purpose and alleviates loneliness. Taking daily walks with a dog also encourages social interactions and exercise. Perhaps you prefer a cat that can cuddle up with you at night. It makes all the difference in the world to have a pet to help you feel less lonely.
4. Consider Living Arrangements
If the loneliness is bad, you might want to consider getting a roommate or moving in with family or relocating to a retirement community. These remedies can immediately provide increased companionship. Weigh your options if isolation becomes extreme. If living in a retirement community will help you socialize more, it may be worth at least looking into it. Many retirement communities have daily activities, and it is a way to meet new friends.
5. Stay busy
Keep a schedule filled with hobbies like crafting, cooking, reading, gardening, crossword puzzles, or exercise. Join a club or class that hosts your favorite hobby. You might consider volunteer work, like reading to children at storytime, volunteering to help your local politician, or visiting people in nursing homes. Immersing yourself in enjoyable activities boosts your mood and confidence. Helping others gives one a sense of purpose. One can find a purpose for their life at any age.
6. Focus on the Present
Dwelling on the past or future fuels sadness. When we are lamenting over the past or stressing over the future, we have lost touch with reality. Make an effort to stay grounded in the here and now through deep breathing, meditation, or calming yoga. Taking walks in nature can also put you right into the moment, which is really all we have. See if you can enlist a friend to walk with you a few times a week. Remember, this moment is it; the past is gone, and the future does not exist yet. Be gentle with yourself. You might want to practice mindful techniques that help you stay in the moment. There are a lot of different meditations online, too. Finding happiness in the moment is rewarding.
7. Count your blessings
Studies show that being grateful increases moods in a positive way and even has health benefits. Counting your blessings will help you feel appreciative for all that you have, rather than dwelling on what you don't have in your life.
Louise Hay says, "Every morning I write down 10 things that I love, and every evening I write down 10 things I am grateful for." When you look around, you will see you have more to be grateful for than to lament over.
Reaching out to your support system for company, partaking in social activities, adopting healthy daily rituals, staying grounded in the moment, and staying in gratitude can keep loneliness and despair at bay. You can make the effort to fill the void with these suggestions. Small positive steps will build momentum for bigger positive steps.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center
Transform Your Life: A Comprehensive Guide to Living with Purpose - Rachel Devine
Life can be a mundane routine, from taking care of your family to going to work and then doing the same thing over and over again each day, with maybe a vacation in between. Life is not supposed to be a chore. Life is meant to be lived with purpose and meaning.
These are my best 10 steps on how to transform your life. I will show you how to break out of an unfulfilling routine and start living your life to the fullest with meaning, passion, and purpose. Personal transformation awaits you. At the end of this article is a link to, What’s my Purpose in Life Quiz!
Life can be a mundane routine, from taking care of your family to going to work and then doing the same thing over and over again each day, with maybe a vacation in between. Life is not supposed to be a chore. Life is meant to be lived with purpose and meaning.
These are my best 10 steps on how to transform your life. I will show you how to break out of an unfulfilling routine and start living your life to the fullest with meaning, passion, and purpose. Personal transformation awaits you. At the end of this article is a link to, What’s my Purpose in Life Quiz!
Identify Areas for Growth
Reflect on all aspects of your life: career, relationships, health, personal growth, and spirituality. Make a list of areas calling for change. Assess which areas need focus first. Journal about your dreams and aspirations that may be sitting on the back burner, perhaps because of time constraints, self-doubt, or a lack of motivation. Just ask yourself, "What do I love doing?" Once you can determine what you love doing in life, your purpose should surface. Although a true purpose in your life has to help humanity in some way,
As psychologist Carl Jung stated, "The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." Be diligent in your pursuit of purpose for your life.
2. Overcoming Obstacles
There can be obstacles of self-doubt, lack of confidence, or lack of motivation. Remember, we have one life, and you want to live it to the fullest. Try not to dwell on the self-doubt; rather, be proactive and just put total focus on your purpose. Perhaps you can join a class or get an expert opinion online to enhance your confidence and launch your purpose in life. I started out by joining a writers website online and getting critiques for my writing projects, and that gave me the motivation and confidence to move forward with my writing career. Perhaps these motivational quotes will help.
3. Set Inspiring Goals
Once you establish what you love doing, draft short and long-term goals aligned with your purpose. Make goals specific, measurable, and time-bound. Start with some short-term goals and work your way up from there.
Let your inner dreams guide your goal-setting. You want to celebrate life, not just be on the inside looking out.
4. Visualize a Positive Outcome
Adopt empowering beliefs to support your transformation. Create affirmations that will bring positive results. You can also visualize a positive outcome. See yourself fulfilling your established purpose in the near future. Resonate with the feelings of reaching your intended goals and realizing your purpose. This visualization is powerful before you fall asleep, since your subconscious mind will resonate with the feelings for 8 hours. Do this every night for the best results.
“An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.” Neville Goddard
5. Make Lifestyle Improvements
Optimize your diet, sleep, exercise, and stress management. Set weekly schedules, ensuring you dedicate time for self-care. Don't neglect your physical needs.
As Roy T. Bennett wrote, "Focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses." "Apply your strengths to overcome your weaknesses."
Audit your daily habits. Cut out activities that waste time without meaning. Introduce new rituals like meditation, affirmations, reading, journaling, and early rising. These routines will feed your inner Spirit.
6. Relationships
Take inventory of who lifts you up and who brings you down. Phase out draining relationships. Devote more time to supportive, inspiring connections aligned with your growth. Try to meet new friends in a group or class that share your values and your purpose. It could be a dance class, a writing workshop, or perhaps an art class. Just joining a class of interest will direct your mindset in a positive direction.
7. Feed Your Mind
Read books, blogs, and podcasts from authors and leaders in line with your vision. Consume empowering, uplifting content daily. Learning is transformation fuel.
"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions," said Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Seek new horizons.
8. Express Your Passions
Make more time for activities that inspire you: art, music, sports, writing, and volunteering. Follow calls that ignite your soul. Or get involved in a community cause. These are all ways to bring you closer to following your bliss. Let your passions flow.
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. “And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." Steve Jobs
9. Connect to Spirit
Carve out time for reflection through prayer, nature walks, and meditation. Feed your spirit through mindfulness. Listen to inner wisdom for guidance. You want to connect to that Spirit within that gives us guidance and much wisdom on our journey through life. It is the quiet whisper within that speaks the loudest.
"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. "Whoever looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakens," said Carl Jung. Your purpose awaits within. It’s important to manifest your dreams.
10. Attitude of Gratitude
It’s important to be grateful for everything in your life. The law of attraction is clear, like attracts like. The more you are grateful for, the more goodness will come into your life. Gratitude is one of the most important aspects of transforming your life. I suggest you do a gratitude list of at least 5 things you are grateful for every day and read the list out loud. Let gratitude resonate in your world.
“If the only prayer you said was thank you, that would be enough.” Meister Eckhart
In conclusion, you have the power within you to transform your life. These are some suggestions. However, ultimately, your success will come because of the decisions you make that will propel you to new heights of passion, purpose, and happiness. You also have the choice of staying in the routine life-style. Remember, the choice is always up to you. We live by the choices we make. By taking ownership of your growth and following these steps with commitment, you open the door to a transformed life of meaning.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack. Books to transform your life!
My new book, Discover the Power of the Secret Within - Create the Life of your Dreams will be available at the end of October, 2023!
Devine Intervention - Inner Healing Center
What’s my Purpose in Life Quiz
Please leave a comment on what your purpose is in life. Or contact me with any questions you may have.
How to Accept the Things You Cannot Change - Finding Inner Peace - Rachel Devine
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. We don't have power over anyone but ourselves. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own life.
Let’s look at 5 ways on how to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance is the key to serenity. When we can accept the things we cannot change, especially the things that are not within our control, then we can achieve inner peace. However, acceptance can be hard, especially when it comes to a family member. We don't have power over anyone but ourselves. Watching a loved one drown in drug addiction or someone we love live an unhealthy lifestyle can be hard. And yet, I have to emphasize that we only have the power to transform our own lives.
Let's look at ways to accept the things we cannot change.
Acceptance means acknowledging, rather than resisting, our present reality, including difficult emotions, people, and external events. As addiction treatment expert Steven Hayes said, "Acceptance is about seeing things as they actually are in the present moment."
Acceptance is not passivity. We simply stop fruitlessly trying to control uncontrollable things. The more useful approach is to channel energy into transforming what we can change.
Let Go and Let God
When faced with situations we cannot control or change—a loved one's choices, another driver's behavior, the loss of a job—practicing acceptance rather than struggling against what is happening provides a pathway to serenity. Sometimes we have to hand our loved ones or the situation over to our higher power, or, as I call Him, God. We can wrap that person or situation in a favorite blanket and mindfully hand them over to your higher power for support, guidance, and grace. If you are a prayerful person, you can say a prayer for the situation in order to put some positive energy into it. This gives you a sense of peace as you slowly realize that acceptance will bring serenity. Motivational quotations can also help you find ways to let go.
Cultivating Acceptance
Here are strategies to start embracing acceptance:
Get curious - Observe your feelings and urges to control situations. Is trying to control the situation a way to alleviate stressful feelings you have?
Feel emotions - Don’t suppress difficult feelings that arise with non-acceptance. Acknowledge and express them, without judgment, as temporary passing experiences.
Focus on what you can control - Rather than lamenting what’s outside your control, redirect efforts towards helpful actions within your power.
Let go of judgment - Release judgments about yourself, others or events being “wrong.” Sometimes what goes wrong has a lesson built-in that is priceless.
Benefits from acceptance
Lower levels of anxiety, depression, and anger
Increased positive emotions and life satisfaction
Improved self-esteem and emotional regulation
Stronger relationships and social support
Enhanced work performance and problem-solving
Reduced stress-related inflammation and improved cardiovascular health
Serenity - remember, acceptance is your key to unlock the door to peace and serenity
Embrace your Feelings
Make a list of what you are struggling with accepting, and also make a list of what you have control over to change. You will quickly see that you only have control of your side of the street. Once you make the list, you can start to work on changing what you can and letting go of what you can't change. Also, start to look at things to be grateful for in the situation. Being in a state of gratitude helps us find peace with the situation. I suggest you practice gratitude daily. Give thanks for any positive outcomes, including lessons and opportunities for growth for yourself. This breeds perspective and ultimately leads to finding happiness.
And remember, if someone has to learn a valuable lesson, sometimes the only way to do that is to hit rock bottom. Trying to stop someone from hitting their bottom in life is equivalent to trying to stop God from doing His job. We all have a higher power to guide and protect us as we journey through life. Be trusting in life's process, as we can almost always see the blessing in disguise. You can also visualize the desired outcomes. Imagine goals manifesting smoothly without you having to force or control the process.
When all else seems to fail, prayer is the calming power within. Prayer is a common practice to let go of the thing you can’t control and put you in a peaceful state. I believe the power of prayer can work wonders. When you are in prayer, you relinquish control of the situation, but still put blessings on what you would like to see a positive outcome for. It’s a great way to find some peace. . The serenity prayer is a great tool that has so much wisdom and helps put perspective on situations.
The Serenity Prayer:
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
Through mindful surrender, rather than frustration over what we cannot change, we tap into an expansive peace, faith, and inner freedom. Remember, it's progress you are looking for in this situation, not perfection.
In the immortal words of Ovid, "By yielding, you may obtain victory."
Rachel Devine is the author of The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and their purpose in life, and Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Life coaching available. Devine Intervention website.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. Or please also feel free to contact me.
Create the Life you Want - Use the Power of your Thoughts - Rachel Devine
Imagine a world where your thoughts can create your future. Is that just a fantasy or a reality? The answer may surprise you, as the ability to create our future is a reality. This article will outline some powerful manifestation techniques, which will enlighten you.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
Do you want to lose weight, perhaps get a better-paying job, start a business, or meet your soulmate? Or maybe you want to write a book or perform music or create art for a gallery. Imagine a world where all you have to do is think about what you want, and that becomes your reality. You might be thinking, this is a good script for a sci-fi movie, because we are not conditioned to put a lot of focus on the power of our thoughts. You might ask yourself, is my ability to create my future just a fantasy or an actual reality? The answer may surprise you, because the ability to create your future is a reality. You can create the life you want with some guidance. The power of your thoughts are a segway to manifesting your goals into reality. This article will give you some powerful manifestation techniques, that will outline ways to bring your goals into your world.
Manifestation, the act of bringing your desires into reality through focused thought and intention, has grown in popularity over the years. Scholars like Neville Goddard, Carl Jung, and Dr. Wayne Dyer have advocated for the power of the mind to manifest our deepest desires. This article will explore the most effective manifestation techniques, including visualization, affirmations, and the "live in the end" concept.
The Power of Visualization
Visualization benefits are unlimited. One of the most widely recognized manifestation techniques is visualization. Advocated by writers like Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization, this technique involves forming detailed mental images of what you want to manifest. The more specific and detailed the mental picture, the more potent the manifestation. Remember, this is a powerful way to use your thoughts.
There is also a book called The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale, that gives fascinating insights into the power of visualization. Peale tells us that if you keep a positive visualization in your mind every day, what you visualize will eventually come into your life. The key is to be consistent with your visualization. You can also create a vision board. You can get some oak tags, some stickers, a marker, and some pictures from a magazine and create a board of symbols and words about what you want your life to look like in the future. Put the vision board in a place where you can see it daily. I created a vision board a few years ago, and 90% of what I had on there became reality.
Another powerful technique is the use of positive affirmations. These are positive statements repeated regularly to reprogram your subconscious mind, aligning it with your conscious desires and goals. Louise Hay, a well-known advocate for affirmations, states in her work, You Can Heal Your Life, that repeating affirmations can significantly change our lives in a positive way. You can also write out the affirmations and post them in places where you can easily see them. Say these affirmations out loud every day and see what transpires. When you keep your focus on your goals using affirmations, it gives you an edge in reaching your goals.
The "Live in the End" Concept
Neville Goddard, a leading figure in the New Thought movement, proposed a technique often referred to as "live in the end." The idea is to imagine and feel your desire as already here, essentially living in the reality of your wish fulfilled. This process is said to impress your subconscious mind, prompting it to manifest the desired reality. In other words, if you want a promotion, visualize your colleagues congratulating you for it as if it already happened. Or if you want to lose weight, imagine yourself at your ideal weight. These visualizations are more powerful if you picture one image of what you want to manifest when you are falling asleep and resonate with the feelings of having what you want already in your life. Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that feelings are what get embedded in the subconscious mind and are what bring our goals to reality. Our subconscious mind drives our lives 97% of the time; therefore, the key to manifesting is to feed our subconscious mind what we want to accomplish. We do that by feeding it feelings of what we want in life, as if it were already here. Remember, you have the ability to manifest your dreams into reality.
The 5x55 Method
The 5x55 method is a newer technique gaining traction in the manifestation community. It involves writing down a specific affirmation 55 times a day for five consecutive days. This repetitive action is believed to effectively reprogram the subconscious mind. Remember, by reprogramming the subconscious mind, we are feeding it our goals, and according to Neville Goddard, the subconscious mind will bring the goal to reality.
Meditation is often incorporated into manifestation practices to help quiet the conscious mind and better communicate with the subconscious mind. Dr. Joe Dispenza, in his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, suggests that meditation can help us move beyond our analytical mind to access deeper states of consciousness, fostering effective manifestation. Just sitting in a state of deep contemplation can get you into a meditative state. Keep it simple and just go with the flow of meditation.
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction is based on the idea that like attracts like. By focusing on positive thoughts, we can attract positive experiences into our lives. This is accomplished by putting good energy into the world. It's similar to karma in the sense that what you put out into the world comes back to you. Think of the world around you as an echo chamber; whatever thoughts and words you put into the echo chamber come back to you. It's so important to put positive thoughts and words out into the world, rather than negative ones.
The Power of Intention
Dr. Wayne Dyer has a book called, The Power of Intention, where he outlines a clear game plan for manifesting our dreams. He also writes about a certain effective meditation called Japa. Japa is a meditation where you envision what you want in your life, and basically you put these thoughts out into the world and allow them to encircle the world and then imagine that energy coming back to you. It is a very effective way to bring our goals into our lives. For instance, if you want to manifest love, imagine being in love and then putting that energy out into the world. Then you would imagine it encircling the earth and coming back to you.
Gratitude plays an important role in manifestation. The more grateful you are, the more positive our thoughts get imbedded into our subconscious minds. Research has continuously stated there are medical benefits, as well as emotional benefits, to being grateful. I suggest you make a list of 10 things you are grateful for daily and read them out loud. This practice turns negative thoughts into positive ones and helps the flow of what you want to manifest come into your life.
In closing, remember, Elon Musk started with a tiny thought when he decided he wanted to build SpaceX and eventually create a colony on Mars, and now we see how his thoughts have manifested into reality. Of course he put a lot of focused effort into this project and the results are amazing. Every idea starts with a thought, and every thought empowers our actions. The more effort and motivation we put into our actions, the more results we will achieve. And to go one step further, our goals have a better chance of manifesting into reality when we use the ideas suggested in this article.
The power to manifest our desires into reality lies within each of us. We have the power to lose weight, get a promotion, connect with our soulmate, or achieve any number of goals and dreams we have lying dormant. Bring them out into the light of day with your powerful thoughts. By utilizing techniques like visualization, affirmations, the "live in the end" concept, and all of the suggestions in this article, we can tap into this enormous power within and shape our reality. Whether you resonate with Neville Goddard's teachings or Dr. Wayne Dyer's manifestation methods, finding a technique that works best for you is the key to effective manifestation. You can try one or all of the suggestions. I say the more, the better. With practice and consistency, you can harness the power of your mind to manifest your desires into reality.
If you would like to learn more about how to manifest your dreams into reality, check out my powerful online audio course, which gives you a step-by-step guide called How to Manifest Your Dreams.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road - Your Secret Journey Home & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack - Become a Magnet for True Love.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
7 Ways to Stop Worrying and Start Living Rachel Devine
Many people are under the false illusion that if they worry, they somehow have control over the outcome. I can assure you that, worry never changed the outcome of any situation. And quite honestly, the more we worry the more negative energy is poured over the problem you are worrying about. Let’s look at ways on how to stop worrying about the future. Let’s explore 7 ways to stop worrying and start living.
Many people are under the false illusion that if they worry, they somehow have control over the outcome. I can assure you that, worry never changes the outcome of any situation. And quite honestly, the more we worry, the more negative energy is poured over the problem you are worrying about. Let’s look at ways on how to stop worrying about the future. Let’s explore 7 ways to stop worrying and start living. And let’s explore how this can transform your life!
Stay in the Moment
The first step to get rid of worry is to stay in the moment. When we worry, we have lost touch with reality, because we are not living in the moment, but living in the future about what we are worried about. When you can focus on the solution to whatever you are worried about, you can stay in the moment. We are all safe in the moment, because we don’t think about past regrets or future worries in this sacred moment. Some ways to stay in the moment would be to say a prayer, take a walk in nature, or perhaps meditate or do a mindful exercise. You can close your eyes and just put yourself in a happy place of peace.
Is it Real or Imagined?
You want to ask yourself if your worry is real or imagined. Ask yourself these three questions.
Is what I am worried about definitely something that will happen?
Is what I am worried about, maybe something that will happen?
Is what I am worried about unlikely to happen?
Sometimes we worry about things that are unlikely to happen, just out of habit, because we are so conditioned to worry. We also worry about something that might happen in life, but then again, it might not happen. If you are worried about something that is definitely going to happen, you might want to turn that around to be proactive. Having a proactive approach to solving a problem is much more empowering than worrying about it. Look for solutions, not at the problem. If you are at a point where worry is ruling your life, then it might be time to talk it out with a professional therapist. Even some short-term therapy can give great perspective on what is happening around us.
Let Go and Let God
Let go and let God is a 12-step slogan, which is very useful in a state of worry. When we can put our problems in God’s hands, we can find some serenity or acceptance. Some of our problems are not within our control. We might be lamenting over a problem that a family member has that we have absolutely no say in or control over. In these circumstances, we have to trust in our Higher Power and know that letting go will bring acceptance and peace. If you are worried about someone you love, you can mentally wrap them in your favorite blanket and hand them over to God to care for them. This will release you from any worry about the outcome of their problem. Another way to find peace is to immerse yourself in positive quotes.
Release the Fear
Fear is usually the culprit behind worry. We start to think about the future, and fear comes into play with all of its predictions for a horror-filled future. I always say that if you are going to predict how the future will turn out, why not choose a positive outcome rather than a negative one? Choosing a negative outcome will only put a lot of negative energy around the problem. Choosing a positive outcome will put positive energy into the problem. From my experience in life, when I am in a positive state of mind, my life moves in a positive direction. This is the premise of the law of attraction. We attract what we are thinking about, or like attracts like. Release the fear and replace it with love. Say a loving prayer. Just stay in a loving state and don't let fear take control. Remember, fear is a state of mind, and you have the power to change your thoughts.
Positive Visualization
There is power in positive visualization. Just sit and visualize a positive outcome for whatever you are worried about. Sit and picture a perfect outcome, and keep that vision in your head throughout the day. You can also fall asleep at night with one positive image. You can add feelings to that image. I suggest, as you fall asleep feel what it would be like if your positive visualization came to fruition. It is the feelings that can bring the image into your waking world, as you would be feeding these feelings into your subconscious mind, which navigates your life 97% of the time. You can also feel and visualize your happy place, and you can put yourself in that state often. Visualizing a place of peace and happiness on a regular basis, will help alleviate stress and worry. What a gift to have a place to go to in your mind that invokes happiness.
Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is the equalizer in life. When you wake up each morning, list 10 things you are grateful for. It would be hard to spend the rest of your day worrying or complaining when you are in a state of gratitude. Worrying is a waste of energy. Use your energy to invigorate your environment with gratitude, which will enhance your life with much peace. Being in a state of gratitude will also make you feel happy.
Start living again.
Once we can put worry aside, we can start to live again and be happy. Make plans to go out with friends or visit family. Perhaps you have put off a long-awaited vacation. Or maybe you want to take a drive to the mountains, the beach, or visit that new winery. Maybe you want to go to a movie or go out to your favorite restaurant. Maybe you want to go to a concert. Your life cycle happens one time, so you want to make the most of each day. The way to do that is to release the worry by staying in the moment, letting God handle your worries, releasing the fear, using positive visualization, and staying in gratitude. Once you can practice these steps, you are on your way to living a full life free of worry, which will bring true happiness and peace.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
9 Strategies to Practice the Power of NOW! Rachel Devine
Being immersed in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, has scientifically proven health benefits, and allows us to tap into the spiritual depths of the moment, which when you think about it, this moment is all we have. The past is an illusion that is gone and the future is not here yet, so this moment is all there is. When you think about it, each moment turns into hours, hours turn into days, days turn into months, and months turn into years, and before long we find we may have squandered our lives by not being present in the moment. It is important to take full advantage of our days and live in a state of happiness and fulfillment, or life can pass us by in a blink of an eye.
Let’s look at some ways of practicing the power of now in your life.
Being immersed in the present moment, rather than dwelling on the past, or worrying about the future, has scientifically proven health benefits, and allows us to tap into the spiritual depths of the moment, which when you think about it, this moment is all we have. The past is an illusion that is gone and the future is not here yet, so this moment is all there is. When you think about it, each moment turns into hours, hours turn into days, days turn into months, and months turn into years, and before long we find we may have squandered our lives by not being present in the moment. It is important to take full advantage of our days and live in a state of happiness and fulfillment, or life can pass us by in a blink of an eye.
Let’s look at some ways of practicing the power of now in your life.
As Eckhart Tolle said, “Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed.”
Lowered Stress and Anxiety
Focusing on the present releases us from rumination about the past and fear of tomorrow, two major triggers of stress. Studies show mindfulness practices reduce psychological distress by over 20% by living in the present moment.
Neuroscientist Andrew Huberman explained, “The more you rest your attention in the present, the more you decrease anxiety, because anxiety is rooted in prediction of the future.” The future thoughts are usually rooted in worry.
Increased Happiness and Life Satisfaction
Attention directed away from constant inner chatter about the past and future and redirected onto fuller immersion in our present activities and experiences cultivates feelings of awe, contentment and flow. This boosts mood and overall happiness. Staying in the moment can bring much peace. You can also do mini-meditations on being in your happy place. Just think about a place you feel happy in and put yourself in that place in your mind and stay there for or 10 minutes. You can feel the present of the moment in this short positive visualization. It’s important to learn how to stop worrying and start living your life now.
Spiritual Connection
Almost all spiritual traditions teach that the doorway to the Divine, including Christ Consciousness, is only accessible in the eternal now, not the past or future. God can only be felt in this timeless moment of the present.
As Tolle said, “The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.” When we align fully with the now, spiritual bliss emerges.
Strategies for Living in the Now
Here are 9 research-based strategies for spending more time immersed in the richness of the present:
Practice regular mindfulness meditation, focusing senses on the body and breath
Yoga and movement practices synchronized with breath
Conscious walking noticing each step and sensation and your surroundings
Reminding yourself “come back to the now” when distracted
Single-tasking versus always doing multiple things
Slowing down and fully engaging your senses in eating, talking and being present
Finding peace in activities like music, prayer, and being still in the present
Noticing emotions and thoughts but not attaching narratives of worry and fear
Accepting life rather than resisting what this moment presents
The more we intentionally anchor into the moment, the more we can access its gifts of inner stability, wisdom, joy, peace, and spiritual connection. Return again and again to the serenity of this moment. When we live in this soulful moment, we can enjoy quality time with family and friends, and enjoy the enormous benefits of connecting to God.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
8 Ways to Stop Negative Thoughts and Overthinking - Rachel Devine
Overthinking everything and chronic negativity can make daily life feel overwhelming and bleak. It can exasperate depression. It also is a block to healing from any emotional wounds we may have in life. Learning techniques to dial down obsessive thoughts and shift inner dialogues to a more positive, balanced state provides relief. With consistent practice, you can stop detrimental and self-criticism and cultivate mindfulness, peace and optimism instead. Let’s look at some techniques on how to stop negative thoughts and overthinking. The more you shift to a positive state of mind, the more your life will go in a positive direction.
Overthinking everything and chronic negativity can make daily life feel overwhelming and bleak. It can exasperate depression. It also is a block to healing from any emotional wounds we may have in life. Learning techniques to dial down obsessive thoughts and shift inner dialogues to a more positive, balanced state provides relief. With consistent practice, you can stop detrimental and self-criticism and cultivate mindfulness, peace and optimism instead. Let’s look at some techniques on how to stop negative thoughts and overthinking. The more you shift to a positive state of mind, the more your life will go in a positive direction.
Catch and Challenge Distorted Thinking
Cognitive behavioral therapy helps reveal distorted thinking patterns like catastrophizing, all-or-nothing thinking, or jumping to conclusions that amplify anxiety. Catch these thoughts as they occur and analyze them objectively – are they overly dramatic or illogical? Are these negative thoughts conveying truth or anxiety? Challenging distortions with rational questioning is the first step.
Set Aside a Daily ‘Worry Timeout’
Rather than trying to suppress anxious thoughts throughout the day, set aside a short dedicated worry time daily, like 20 minutes. Jot down a list of concerns to examine objectively. The rest of the day when intrusive thoughts strike, remind yourself to save it for worry time. That should help clear your day of worry.
Live in the Present Through Mindfulness
Overthinking is exaggerated when focused on the past or future rather than the present. Practice mindfulness meditation and focus intently on your senses, bodily sensations, emotions and thoughts in the exact moment without judging them as good or bad. This cultivates presence. Staying in the moment brings serenity. You can also look at motivational quotes for inspiration.
Visualize Pushing Out Anxious Thoughts
Use positive visualization during meditation to practice pushing anxious thoughts out of your mind. Imagine each obsessive thought as a ball and visualize yourself gently batting the thought-balls away each time, clearing your mind’s space. Or visualize them as balloons and watch each negative thought float away.
Write Down Your Thoughts to Express Them
Journaling or stream-of-consciousness writing provides an outlet to express worries and limiting beliefs on paper so they don’t endlessly repeat internally. This process releases and processes obsessive thoughts. Just write out what you are worrying about and try to look at it objectively, which might bring your worry down to size. Also, write out ways to get your life in a state of living on purpose, which can be very positive.
Limit Stimuli and Distraction
Minimize stimuli like news feeds, overplanning, social media, and multitasking that feed into a frazzled, overwhelmed state, especially in the evening. Reduce clutter in your home to bring more calm.
Refocus on Solutions, Not Just Problems
When you catch yourself ruminating on problems, consciously shift to focusing on practical solutions and productive next action steps. Negativity thrives when problems seem insurmountable. Reframing issues as solvable weakens obsessive worry. Keep the focus on the solutions and become proactive at solving the challenge in a productive way, pushing away the temptation to worry about it. It’s important to shift your thoughts. Perhaps some happiness quotes will help.
Surround Yourself with Positivity & Gratitude
Hang around people who inspire optimism, self-confidence and solutions-focused thinking. Our thinking patterns are contagious. Choose to immerse yourself in positivity. Therapy is a great way to get to the root of the inner child dialogue of negativity. The inner child experiences are usually behind the negative thoughts and obsessive thinking. Having this awareness can help you. Gratitude is also the true equalizer when it comes to negative thinking. If you start your day off with listing 10 things you are grateful for, negativity will be hard to penetrate that mindset. Stay in a grateful state of being. Most people have so much to be grateful for, and yet they choose to look at what is missing, rather than what they have. Be thankful for the little things, as well as the big things in your life, and stay in that energy. With some effort, you can transform your life.
In conclusion, it’s important to bring yourself to a point to commit fully to transforming limiting inner messages, and shift from exhausting overthinking to mindful presence and you will see optimism will unfold. It will make your life happy again. Recognize negative thoughts but don't believe or react to them. Your power lies in choosing which thoughts to give energy to. You do have the power to change your thoughts to positive thoughts. It’s all a matter of recognizing the negative thought and then changing it to a positive thought. I suggest you get a rubber band and put it on your wrist. Whenever a negative thought enters your mind, gently snap the rubber band as a reminder to change to a positive thought. With some practice you will be on your way to a more peaceful life.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
6 Ways to Find Your Passion in Life Rachel Devine
What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? When do you lose all sense of time or distraction? What makes you feel inner joy? Exploring these questions reveals clues about your innate passions and the purposes they point to in life. Uncovering what sets your soul on fire allows you to live on purpose rather than drifting through through life disengaged. This article will help you answer the question, “What is Your Passion in Life?” Let’s look at how to find your passion and purpose.
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away,” advised philosopher David Viscott. Your passions contain pointers to the gifts only you can give. Let’s explore what’s your passion?
What gets you jumping out of bed in the morning? When do you lose all sense of time or distraction? What makes you feel inner joy? Exploring these questions reveals clues about your innate passions and the purpose they point to in life. Uncovering what sets your soul on fire allows you to live on purpose rather than drifting through life disengaged. This article will help you answer the question, “What is Your Passion in Life?” Let’s look at how to find your passion and purpose.
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift. The meaning of life is to give your gift away,” advised philosopher David Viscott. Your passions contain pointers to the gifts only you can give. Let’s explore what’s your passion?
Your Interests and Talents
What activities energize you and what skills come naturally? Make a list of your interests, strengths, and talents. Common themes will emerge that reveal core passions. Pay attention to what really makes you feel passionate in life. Also, think about what you love doing. What you love doing is also at the core of your purpose in life.
Trying New Experiences
Step outside your comfort zone to experiment with new hobbies, classes, groups, and adventures related to your passions. Join a cooking course, photography club, or an art class, or perhaps a creative writing workshop. Actively sampling the array of possibilities will help you uncover your passion in life. This is the start to transforming your life with meaning.
Immersing Yourself
Don’t just dabble in potential passions, but fully immerse yourself to see what resonates. Spend a summer volunteering at an animal shelter if you love animals. Study jazz piano if that lights you up. Join an extensive art class. Your most vital passions will emerge and you will feel like you are coming back to a familiar home. This will bring you much happiness.
Reconnecting with Childhood Joy
Think back to what activities deeply engaged you as a child. Was it painting, building treehouses, being around animals, or putting on shows? Revisiting these childhood passions reminds you of who you are at your core. Do a short meditation on what life was like as a child and just let your thoughts focus on your childhood and see what comes up in your thoughts.
Purposeful Planning
Once you’ve identified a primary passion, strategically align your life with it. Make time for immersing yourself in what you love daily. Set big goals around how to contribute your talents to the world. Integrate your passion into career, relationships and lifestyle intentionally. Start up a new business, or volunteer your time, or perhaps you want to become a life coach. Whatever you are passionate about, you can start to make strives to bring to the world. The joy will be in the discovery, as well as the journey.
Benefits of Living Passionately
Greater happiness, fulfillment and life satisfaction
Improved self-esteem and sense of identity
Increased motivation, energy, and resilience
Reduced stress and stronger immunity
Reinvigorated sense of adventure and play
Closer connections and enjoyment of others
Improved work performance and effectiveness
Making a meaningful impact on the world
In Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book, Excuses Begone, Dr. Dyer defined passion as: “A vigorous enthusiasm that you feel deep within you. It propels you in a direction that seems motivated by a force beyond your control. It's the inner excitement of being on the right path, doing what you know you were meant to do.”
As mythologist Joseph Campbell advised, “Follow your bliss and doors will open where there were no doors before.”
When your life aligns with inner passion, you thrive and flourish in wondrous ways. Discovering your passion in life will bring you much happiness and inner peace. Let passion light the path to transform your life to an enrichment beyond your wildest dreams. This guide will help you manifest your dreams into your reality.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
What’s my purpose in life quiz.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
5 Ways to Get Out of a Rut - Live your Life with Intention - Rachel Devine
Far too often life becomes defined by mindless routine devoid of any deeper meaning or purpose. Picture life on a metaphoric hamster wheel, where the hamster runs furiously staying in the same spot. Or picture yourself on a treadmill, walking furiously, and not getting anywhere. I understand this concept of standing still, since I lived a lot of my life in that manner. In order to find true happiness, it’s important to live a life of intention.
Living with the power of intention and being guided by your core values, committing to mindful action, and defining a vision for yourself, will open the doorway to greater meaning, fulfillment and purpose in your life, which will reap much happiness and inner joy.
As motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “Passion, without purpose, is meaningless.” Orienting your daily life around your passions and the impact you wish to have instills significance into even simple moments and tasks.
Far too often life becomes defined by mindless routine devoid of any deeper meaning or purpose. Picture life on a metaphoric hamster wheel, where the hamster runs furiously staying in the same spot. Or picture yourself on a treadmill, walking furiously, and not getting anywhere. I understand this concept of standing still, since I lived a lot of my life in that manner. In order to find true happiness, it’s important to live a life of intention.
Living with the power of intention and being guided by your core values, committing to a more meaningful life, and defining a vision for yourself, will open the doorway to greater meaning, fulfillment and purpose in your life, which will reap much happiness and inner joy.
As motivational speaker Tony Robbins said, “Passion, without purpose, is meaningless.” Orienting your daily life around your passions and the impact you wish to have instills significance into even simple moments and tasks.
Living by Design
Famous spiritual author Dr. Wayne Dyer wrote a book, The Power of Intention, that gives us a clear guide on living life on purpose. He advises that “Purposeful living requires making conscious choices and then fully accepting responsibility for your life circumstances.” Don’t settle for drifting through life on autopilot. Instead, make conscious deliberate choices aligned to what matters most to you.
Here are two more relevant, The Power of Intention quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer:
"When your purpose is in alignment with the truth, you are filled with strength, enthusiasm, and compassion."
This quote emphasizes how living according to your true purpose fills you with energy and enthusiasm. A purpose aligned life feels right.
"Your natural state is to be loving, giving, compassionate, patient, and joyful. When you identify with the energy of intention, you'll find that this will be your everyday reality."
This quote suggests that intentionally manifesting a vision for a meaningful, purpose-driven life allows your natural state of love, compassion and joy to flow more freely through your everyday experiences.
In his book The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne Dyer encourages readers to get in touch with their deepest desires and commit fully to manifesting them into reality through focused intention, Japa meditation, living in a loving state, and service. Aligning yourself to your authentic purpose is one of the keys to a life of meaning.
I recommend you build routines infused with practices like meditation, exercising your creativity, immersing yourself in nature, learning new skills, being of service to others, and spending quality time with loved ones. A schedule lacking meaning drains energy over time.
Staying Present Through Mindfulness
A crucial aspect of intentional living involves maintaining mindfulness by cultivating presence and focus. As Louise Hay said, “The past has absolutely nothing to do with the present moment. Only in this moment can you create your future.”
Stay rooted in the moment through paying attention to your senses, thoughts, and emotions, without judgment. Saying a prayer will put you right in the moment, as well as taking three deep breaths. Make regular tasks more mindful like, walking or eating with full intention. All you have to do is really pay full attention to the task at hand.
Manifesting Your Ideal Future
Begin with the end in mind and envision the personal, interpersonal, and professional goals you aim to achieve. Using the power of visualization, you can create your ideal future. It takes some practice, but it is worth the effort. The main focus is on what you want to manifest and then resonate with the feelings of already having what you want already in your world.
Neville Goddard tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the feelings are what manifest our dreams into reality. Therefore, as you fall asleep each night, put one picture in your mind of what you want to manifest in your future and fall asleep with resonating with the feelings of already having this goal already manifested in your life. You have the power to manifest your dreams into reality.
Key Benefits of Living Life with Intention
Increased happiness, life satisfaction, and self-esteem
Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression
Greater resilience and ability to cope with hardships
Improved cardiovascular and brain health
Higher quality and more supportive personal relationships
Deeper sense of meaning, internal coherence, and joy
Heightened motivation, drive, and energy
Dr. Wayne Dyer was very clear on this statement regarding the power of intention.
“If you aren't doing what you love and loving what you do, your power of intention is weakened. You attract into your life more of the dissatisfaction that isn't the face of love. Consequently, more of what you don't love will appear in your life.”
Therefore, it’s crucial to do what you love doing, or find your purpose in life. The following three questions can help you determine what your purpose is:
What do you love doing?
Will it help humanity in some way?
Do you feel passionate about the purpose that has surfaced for you?
Whatever your answers are to these three questions will determine what your purpose in life is. Don’t let it sit in the recess of your mind and germinate like the hamster on the wheel of nowhere. Start doing what you love and see if you can make it part of your purpose in life.
In conclusion, reorienting your days around practices and interactions infused with purpose and presence unlocks your potential to live boldly by design. When how you spend your precious time and energy aligns with your deepest values, you will manifest your highest self and in turn bring much passion and joy into your life.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
What’s my purpose in life quiz?
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
5 Ways to Find Inner Peace - Rachel Devine
Inner peace is a state of tranquility, calm and harmony within. It is unaffected by external circumstances. Finding inner peace allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs from a place of deep centeredness. When one has a firm foundation of inner peace, nothing in life can rattle it. So how do we get to this place of inner peace? Following spiritual practices, spending time in nature, helping others, and training the mind can help unlock this state of serenity.
I love this quote by Louise Hay:
“I guard my inner world, for it is there that I create. I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well-being. I go within and find that space where all is quiet and serene.”
Inner peace is a state of tranquility, calm and harmony within. It is unaffected by external circumstances. Finding inner peace allows you to navigate life’s ups and downs from a place of deep centeredness. When one has a firm foundation of inner peace, nothing in life can shake it.
So how do we get to this place of inner peace? Some ways of reaching inner peace are following spiritual practices, spending time in nature, service to others, and training the mind. These spiritual practices can all help unlock this state of serenity.
This is a wonderful quote from Louise Hay:
“I guard my inner world, for it is there that I create. I do whatever I need to do to keep my inner world peaceful. My inner peace is essential for my health and well-being. I go within and find that space where all is quiet and serene.”
Inner Peace Examples
Meditation quiets the chatter of the mind when focused on the breath or a mantra. Taking time to sit in stillness while observing thoughts nonjudgmentally fosters present moment awareness – a key to inner peace.
Yoga links the breath with movement, helping calm the body and mind. Studies show just 15 minutes of yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to lower stress hormone production.
Being in nature replenishes depleted energy. Research confirms time outdoors increases vitality and lifts mood through boosted immunity and decreased inflammation. Also walking in nature, in sun light, is a way to find some inner peace.
Serving others with compassion gets you outside of your own worries by shifting your focus. Volunteering and extending generosity also boosts mood through increased oxytocin.
Aroma therapy is a great way to center yourself around the moment. Scented candles bring an aura of spirituality and calm.
Sitting on the beach and watching the waves, is a great way to find some inner peace.
Listening to soothing music is a great way to find peace.
Listening to a meditations on serenity is another way to cultivate some peace in your world.
There are endless ways to find peace in your life. Pick the ones you resonate with.
Quotes on Inner Peace
“Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Set peace of mind as your highest goal, and organize your life around it.” – Brian Tracy
“Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions.” – Pema Chodron
Motivational quotes can also have an impact on bringing inner peace to your life.
It’s important to realize that when another person is allowed to upset your inner peace, they have control over you. It’s like they picked up your remote control and started dialing in so you would lose your inner peace. Take the remote control back and be strong in your conviction to stay peaceful, even during turmoil. Stay in your own space and try not to let anyone disturb your peace of mind.
Inner Peace Benefits
Reduced anxiety, stress, and depression
Lower blood pressure and more heart rate variability
Decreased inflammation and improved immunity
Greater emotional resilience and more positive outlook
Higher quality of personal relationships
Increased empathy, kindness and compassion
Enhanced focus, creativity and performance
Greater sense of meaning and life satisfaction
Finding Peace Within
“Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.” – William S. Burroughs
When one is in a peaceful state, the mind can resolve problems in a calm manner. You also have the advantage of connecting in the moment with spiritual ideas that may have a profound impact on your life. When life is chaotic it is hard to hear the whisper of God’s Spirit within, which guides us all on this journey called life. God’s Spirit can only be accessed in the moment, where all spiritual ideas form.
The key is staying in the moment. When your mind takes flight with thoughts about the future, or looks back on past regrets, you have lost touch with reality, which is in this very moment. This moment is all we have. This moment is where you will find your peace of mind. Staying in the moment puts you in a safe place of inner peace.
Being in the Present Moment:
Pay attention to your breathing - notice each inhale and exhale.
Engage your senses - observe sights, textures, smells, tastes around you.
Focus on body sensations - note any feelings or aliveness in your hands, feet or heart.
Listen attentively - be absorbed in sounds you hear.
Observe thoughts nonjudgmentally - watch them arise and pass without following or attaching.
Ask yourself "What do I notice right now?" - take inventory of this exact moment.
Feel into any emotions - name what you’re feeling without judging it as good or bad.
Silently name activities as you do them - washing dishes, walking, brushing teeth.
Fully immerse in tasks - give complete focused attention.
Catch your mind wandering - gently return focus to the now.
Avoid multitasking - do one thing at a time.
Limit distractions - reduce interruptions, alerts, planning.
The key to being in the moment is to gently guide your focus back to the present whenever it starts to drift. With regular practice you train the mind to reside more often in the richness of the present moment. Believe me, this practice takes time and effort. However, the benefits of inner-peace practice and staying in the moment is priceless. Finding inner peace will reap happiness and joy in your life.
By learning to still the turbulent waves of past worries, future projections, and fears, you will be more at peace in your world. This will take some effort in spiritual practices and living in loving presence. If you decide to do this, you will return to your natural state - peaceful, joyful, and serene. The quiet depths of your being offer a refuge from any storm. Journey inward to discover your sanctuary of peace waiting patiently to be unveiled. You deserve to live a life of serenity.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road, a book that gently guides one to the power within and your purpose in life & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, a spiritual book on dating and relationships.
Please leave your ideas in the comments. I will answer any questions you may have. Please also feel free to contact me.
5 Ways to Overcome Obstacles During Challenging Times - Rachel Devine
Life inevitably brings ups and downs, obstacles arise, and plans go awry. How you respond when challenges test your resolve ultimately determines whether you overcome hurdles or get stuck. Maintaining faith, embracing positive thinking, giving thanks, and envisioning desired outcomes can help unlock inner strength and harness support to propel you through difficult periods. I always maintain that if we keep a positive attitude towards all things in life, inevitably a positive outcome will follow.
Life inevitably brings ups and downs, obstacles arise, and plans go awry. How you respond when challenges test your resolve ultimately determines whether you overcome hurdles or get stuck. Maintaining faith, embracing positive thinking, giving thanks, and envisioning desired outcomes can help unlock inner strength and harness support to propel you through difficult periods. I always maintain that if we keep a positive attitude towards all things in life, inevitably a positive outcome will follow.
Ways to a Happy Life
According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, “Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.” Seeing light within the darkness is key. Looking for the good that comes out of challenges is the key to happiness during challenging times.
The Power of Faith and Prayer
Connecting to the divine source provides comfort and courage to persevere. As pioneering American psychologist William James stated, “ a place of profound refuge in an otherwise harsh world.” Prayer or meditation can bring spiritual guidance on the path forward. I
Let go of trying to control everything; trust in divine order unfolding. Ask for the faith to navigate uncertainty and challenges with grace. Your situation may remain unchanged, but prayer can change you from the inside out. With prayer, you stay in the moment with peace, rather than lament negatively over a challenging situation.
Practicing Gratitude
It’s human nature to fixate on problems when struggling. Yet where attention goes, energy flows. By instead focusing on blessings and victories - however small - you summon more positive energy around you. Gratitude is magnetic. Look at all the things in your life that you have to be grateful for and focus on those blessings. As they say, “Count your blessings.”
Celebrated spiritual author Dr. Wayne Dyer encouraged meeting negativity with affirmations of thankfulness. “Constantly affirming the good that exists everywhere will cause it to expand and grow in your life,” he taught. The expansion is part of the law of attraction, as like attracts like. Dr. Dyer encourages us to water seeds of hope. Look for all the beauty of gratitude in your life. It is the equalizer when troubles arise.
Positive Visualization
Imagine yourself already emerging triumphant on the other side of current adversity. Envision the lesson, strength and renewed purpose this challenge will produce. Hold firm to this vision; your present belief can shape your future reality.
According to the law of attraction, maintaining positive expectations summons resources and synchronicities to transform difficult circumstances into growth and breakthroughs. Your mindset matters. Positive visualization is a very powerful tool to change the course of a challenge to a positive outcome. Just keep visualizing the perfect outcome you want. Also, look at some motivational quotes to help you get in a positive state.
Progress Through Persistence
Break overwhelming problems into addressable steps. Celebrate small advances; they build momentum. Persistence paired with faith in your vision manifests miracles. Reframe setbacks as learning curves to build grit and courage for the climb.
"Failure is success if we learn from it,” said Malcolm Forbes. Maintain resolve through the darkest nights; the dawn will come. New possibilities exist in each moment - capture them. Let challenges unlock your untapped potential.
With spiritual faith, positive thinking, expressions of gratitude, and unwavering persistence, you can transform trying times into openings for self-discovery and actualization of your highest self. Each challenge brings an opportunity for growth and lessons. For out of every challenge in life comes a lesson that is just what you need to learn. Look at your challenges as life lessons. Have courage; the path may be longer than hoped, but you will grow stronger with each step forward.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
Rachel Devine is available for Life Coaching.
If you have a comment or a question, please feel free to leave me a message in the comment section.
Benefits to Being Present in the Moment - Rachel Devine
Life unfolds in the current moment. Yet so often we mentally time-travel back to the past or into the future, missing the gift of the present. We look back on the past with regrets or look towards the future with worry. The one thing most of us forget is the present moment is really all we have. The future is not promised to anyone, and the past is just an illusion in our mind that no longer exists. Being present in the moment has scientifically validated benefits for physical and mental well-being, as well as spiritual awakening. Let’s look at ways on how to practice being present. The present is the place where dreams become our reality.
Life unfolds in the current moment. Yet so often we mentally time-travel back to the past or into the future, missing the gift of the present. We look back on the past with regrets or look towards the future with worry. The one thing most of us forget is that the present moment is really all we have. The future is not promised to anyone, and the past is just an illusion in our minds that no longer exists. Being present in the moment has scientifically validated benefits for physical and mental well-being, as well as spiritual awakening. Let’s look at ways to practice being present. The present is the place where dreams become our reality.
Being present lowers stress
Stress often arises when attention fixates on regrets, future worries, or trying to control circumstances or problems. Research shows present-moment awareness activates the parasympathetic nervous system, reducing anxiety and lowering heart rate and blood pressure.
As Eckhart Tolle, the author of The Power of Now, advises, “The key is to have your attention on the now—not the problem, but the result you want.” Transform life’s moments by awakening to the richness available in your senses whenever you redirect focus to the present.
According to Eckhart Tolle, “Stress is caused by being ‘here’ but wanting to be ‘there.’ Centering in the now neutralizes stress by aligning how you feel with where you are. The present is all there ever is.
Boosts in Joy and Performance
Mindfulness boosts the production of feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. Brain scans reveal happier people exhibit more present-moment focus. Heightened attention also drives excellence by enhancing productivity, focus, and creativity.
"Wherever you are, be there totally." Eckhart Tolle
Immune System and Cellular Health
Studies link present-moment awareness to improved immunity and telomere length, a biomarker of longevity and health at the cellular level. Mindfulness appears to slow cellular aging through positive genetic changes influenced by decreased psychological stress. Anything you can do to decrease stress will benefit your health and wellness. Staying in the moment seems like a good option. However, it isn’t easy, and it does take some focused effort. But the benefits far outweigh the energy that you put into it.
Spiritual Awakening
Most mystical traditions teach that enlightenment unfolds in the ever-unfolding now. Being immersed in the eternal present brings glimpses of timeless consciousness and cultivating non-attachment. And one very important factor is this: The only place you can access your higher power, or God, is in the moment. God’s Spirit is never in the past or the future. God’s Spirit dwells within all of us, and connecting to that Spirit happens in the moment. When one connects with prayer, they are in the moment, in a sacred place of power. The power of prayer is beyond anyone’s scope, and yet it only happens in the moment.
As Louise Hay teaches, “A powerful way to stay conscious and present is to constantly remain aware of the energy in your hands.” In other words, bringing awareness to the sensations in the hands—slight pulsing, warmth, and tingling—gives you an energetic focal point to keep you present. By continually returning focus to actively noticing the "energy" or aliveness in the hands, it gives the busy mind something specific to pay attention to right now.
And all of this will make your life so much happier.
Ways to be Present
According to Dr. Wayne Dyer, "Mindfulness is simply being aware of what is happening right now without wishing it were different." Refocusing on the present is a skill developed through practices like the following:
Meditation: sit quietly, noticing your breath and sensations.
Yoga: synchronize movement and breath together in the moment.
Nature immersion: absorb sights, sounds, and smells fully.
Conscious walking: feel each footstep, sync to your rhythm, and gaze at nature.
Mindful eating: savor flavors and textures intently.
Listening to music: be absorbed in the melody and beat.
Arts and crafts channel focus into the creative process.
Observing thoughts: watch them arise and pass without attachment.
Daily routines: make activities like brushing your teeth mindful.
And remember, “This moment is all we have. Don’t believe me? Try to capture the previous moment or the future moment and change it.” Rachel Devine from The Third Road.
Life is too short to live in the past or worry about the future. Grab onto each moment. Moments turn into hours, hours to days, days to weeks, and before you know it, years are squandered away. Start living in the now.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road.
Devine Intervention Inner Healing Center
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Step by Step Guide to Overcome Self Abandon & Foster Self-Care - Rachel Devine
Nurturing a caring relationship with yourself lays the foundation for improved mental and physical health, as well as greater fulfillment in relationships and work, which brings great happiness. Self-love and self-care allow you to operate from a full cup, rather than running on empty. Let’s look at some self-care strategies. This article answers the question, why is self-care important? Make loving yourself and attending to your needs a top priority with this self-care guide.
Nurturing a caring relationship with yourself lays the foundation for improved mental and physical health, as well as greater fulfillment in relationships and work, which brings great happiness. Self-love and self-care allow you to operate from a full cup, rather than running on empty. Let’s look at some self-care strategies. This article answers the question, why is self-care important? Make loving yourself and attending to your needs a top priority with this self-care guide.
Understanding Self-Care
Self-care basically means taking care of yourself, even though you might have to take care of other people around you. Your family is very important, and you might have to take care of young children or an older parent. However, it is so important to find time to take care of yourself. You will be better able to take care of others if you take care of yourself first. There is a famous hypothetical question, “If the plane was going down, who would you put the oxygen mask on? And the answer is you would want to put the oxygen mask on yourself first, so you would be able to help others.”
Cultivating Self-Love as part of Self-Care
Set aside regular quiet time for positive self-reflection through journaling. Write down what you appreciate about yourself, including strengths, talents, and important personal qualities.
Let go of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs through affirmations of self-acceptance, forgiveness, and worthiness. Use affirmations like “I deeply love, accept, and appreciate myself just as I am.” Write out some positive affirmations, starting with, “I am” and post them around your home. Some examples are, I am worthy, I am confident, I am successful, etc.
Spend time alone doing activities you enjoy to reconnect with yourself, without pressure to please others. Discover more of who you are. I took a vacation for the first time, alone to Myrtle Beach, and was able to cultivate so much self-care, which brought me so much joy. It was an experience of a life-time for me and it made me feel worthy of my own self-love.
Do at least one act of self-love daily that you know will make your future self proud, like exercising, creating art, or giving yourself the gift of relaxation. You are worth the investment.
Ways to Practice Self-Care
Attending to your basic needs allows you to operate from a place of fullness rather than depletion. Regular self-care prevents burnout.
Essential self-care involves the following:
Getting sufficient sleep to restore mind and body.
Meditation and/or prayer.
Eating nutritious foods that energize you.
Staying hydrated and avoiding excessive alcohol.
Exercising to reduce stress and boost immunity.
Setting healthy boundaries around your time and energy.
Making time for fun, play and creativity.
Unplugging from technology to reconnect with yourself.
Fostering uplifting social connections that replenish you.
Expressing your needs and asking for support when required.
Seeking professional help for any mental or physical health issues.
Spending time with family or friends.
Prioritizing these foundations empowers you to then expand into more nourishments for body, mind and spirit.
Self-Care Plan
In addition to meeting your basic needs, regularly integrating nurturing activities enhances wellbeing and much happiness in your life. Explore what specific practices fill your cup, then make them part of your routine. Ideas include:
Starting a gratitude journal to uplift perspective
Taking relaxing baths by candlelight
Getting massages and other therapeutic bodywork
Spending time outdoors in nature
Lighting candles and burning calming incense
Listening to affirmations or meditations before bed
Meditating or doing breathwork
Trying stress-relieving yoga and stretching
Cooking nourishing favorite meals
Reading inspirational books
Listening to uplifting music
Dancing, zumba, singing, and moving freely
Make self-care practices an act of self-love. You deeply matter. Consistent nurturing care allows you to then powerfully care for others. It also allows you to open up to love others, especially romantic love. One must love themselves before they can love anyone else.
Through genuine self-love, prioritized self-care, and embracing your unique worth, you set the stage for health, happiness and deeper purpose, as well as meaningful relationships. These self-care tips are priceless. Incorporate a few of them in your life. You deserve nothing less.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack, and is available for Life Coaching.
What is your best self-care practice? Please write your answer in the comments.
Cultivating Inner Peace: A Guide to Spiritual Growth - Rachel Devine
In our busy modern lives, it can be difficult to connect to our spiritual selves and find true inner peace and happiness. Most of us can’t seem to find time for growing spiritually. Yet caring for our spiritual health is just as important as physical and mental health. Spiritual leaders and great thinkers provide wisdom on ways we can grow spiritually and discover deeper fulfillment.
In our busy modern lives, it can be difficult to connect to our spiritual selves and find true inner peace and happiness. Most of us can’t seem to find time for growing spiritually. Yet caring for our spiritual health is just as important as physical and mental health. Spiritual leaders and great thinkers provide wisdom on ways we can grow spiritually and discover deeper fulfillment.
Find the Time
It’s crucial to find time to cultivate your spiritual growth. It will help transform your life. Even if you go in small steps of planting some seeds, by starting with spending 10 minutes in a room alone to open up the channels of spirituality in your life. The benefits will far outweigh the small amount of time you put into it.
Great Thinkers
Wayne Dyer encouraged focusing on raising your energy vibrations through meditation, reflection and conscious living. As he said, “There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.”
Louise Hay recommends affirming self-love and worthiness to manifest joy. “As I say ‘yes’ to life, life says ‘yes’ to me.” Loving yourself unconditionally is the foundation for spiritual growth.
Carl Jung emphasized finding meaning and purpose. “Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” Discover your unique path.
Eckhart Tolle advocates living fully in each moment. “The only way to bring true healing to your body and mind is to return to the present moment.” Anchor yourself in the now.
Practice accepting everything just as it is and release judgment. As Jack Kornfield teaches, “Our capacity to love depends on our ability to embrace the whole.”
Inner Reflection
Make time for inner reflection with motivation quotes, through journaling, prayer or meditation. Inner reflection brings inner peace and joy.
Focus on gratitude in life and appreciate the blessings all around you. “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Spend time in nature and contemplate your connectedness. The writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson can be soothing. “In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows," wrote Emerson. Being in nature has a way of bringing so much joy.
With regular self-reflection and mindful living, you can access your inner spiritual wisdom. Cultivate happiness with inner peace by shifting to a more serene way of living. By opening your heart and finding peace within, you can continue growing into your highest self.
Living in the Moment
Living fully in each moment is key for spiritual development according to teachers like Eckhart Tolle. When we let our minds wander to the past or future, we miss the profound beauty and lessons available in the here and now.
Practicing mindfulness and meditation helps train your mind to become more present-centered. Set aside time each day to sit quietly, following your breath and releasing distracting thoughts. Stay anchored in your body and the sensations you feel right now.
As Thich Nhat Hanh said, “The most precious gift we can offer others is our presence. When mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers.”
When you wash the dishes, shower, or take a walk, devote your full attention to the sights, sounds and feelings you experience. Even routine tasks become joyful when you immerse yourself in the here and now.
Eliminate distractions and be fully engaged when connecting with others. Make eye contact, actively listen, express gratitude. Every interaction is a spiritual gift.
Reflect on how even negative experiences can teach and heal if you embrace them with mindfulness. See the deeper purpose behind challenges.
Make your daily motivation to be fully awake and present. As Tolle said, “Wherever you are, be there totally. If you find your here and now intolerable and it makes you unhappy, you have three options: remove yourself from the situation, change it, or accept it totally.”
Benefits to a Spiritual State of Mind
Reduces stress and anxiety. Meditation lowers cortisol levels, helping induce calm and clarity. Regular practice can make you more resilient to daily stressors.
Promotes emotional health. Being present and mindful enhances self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Spiritual practices teach acceptance and compassion.
Enhances focus and concentration. Meditation trains your mind to stay focused in the moment. This translates to better focus even during daily tasks.
Provides sense of purpose. Spiritual connection brings a deeper sense of meaning and inner purpose. Understanding your place in the bigger picture gives motivation.
Creates gratitude. A spiritual outlook develops appreciation for all that you have. Practicing gratitude daily enhances overall well-being.
Improves sleep quality. Meditation can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly. Feeling inner peace translate to better rest.
Strengthens relationships. The empathy, acceptance and consciousness developed through spiritual practices improves your relationships.
Supports overall health. Some studies link meditation and spiritual well-being to improved immunity, lower blood pressure and reduced inflammation.
Making time to regularly cultivate inner peace provides health benefits that encompass your physical, mental and emotional realms. Spiritual wellness is integral to overall health.
By incorporating more mindful presence into your life, you unlock the secrets and blessings contained in each moment. Your spiritual growth flourishes when anchored in the sacred now.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
6 Steps to Manifest Out-of-Reach Dreams: Create the Life you Imagine - Rachel Devine
We all have important dreams and desires - a rewarding career, financial abundance, loving relationships, and good health may be one or two of your dreams. It doesn’t matter how old you are, we all have desires we want to manifest into our lives. Yet often these dreams seem out of reach. Ancient wisdom and modern techniques show that manifesting your dreams is possible by unlocking the power within your mind. The mind is more powerful than most people could ever dream of. Let’s explore all the possibilities and techniques of manifesting your dreams.
We all have important dreams and desires - a rewarding career, financial abundance, loving relationships, and good health, may be one or two of your dreams. It doesn’t matter how old you are, we all have desires we want to manifest into our lives. Yet often these dreams seem out of reach. Ancient wisdom and modern techniques show that manifesting your dreams is possible by unlocking the power within your mind. The mind is more powerful than most people could ever dream of. Let’s explore all the possibilities and techniques of manifesting your dreams.
The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction states you attract whatever you focus on consistently. One way to start to manifest dreams is to deliberately shift your mindset to assume and feel that your desire is already a reality. This energy attracts matching circumstances. Affirmations, vision boards and mindfulness help actualize this inner world.
As Napoleon Hill said, “What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” The power is within you, to achieve anything you desire. Deliberately visualize only what you want, not what you don’t have.
The Power of Thinking Positively
Your conscious thoughts directly impact results. Monitor self-talk and replace negative views with uplifting, empowering positive views. Instead of saying “I can’t afford that,” say “I attract wealth and abundance.” Make positive affirmations a part of your inner dialogue. Motivational quotations can also help you gear your mind to a more positive state.
Wayne Dyer said “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” Reframe your mental filter to see the positive possibilities already surrounding you and relish in gratitude. The more grateful you are, the more you will have things to be grateful for.
Meditate with Intention
Meditation creates space to plant the seeds of desires in your subconscious mind. Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and take deep breaths. Vividly imagine your goal as already realized - engage all your senses and feel your joy with achieving your goal. This is especially powerful as you are falling asleep, since you are going from a conscious to an unconscious state, which is the state your subconscious mind can be influenced.
As Neville Goddard advised, “Lull yourself to sleep feeling you are, and you will be, the ideal you dream yourself to be.” Convince your subconscious mind through repetition.
Influence Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious thoughts account for up to 97% of mental activity and determines behaviors. Instilling dreams and beliefs in the subconscious mind allows them to take root and flourish. Techniques like affirmations, law of attraction, vision boards and creative visualization reprogram your subconscious mind to your desired goals.
As Neville Goddard said “Your future is already prepared, but its realization depends on the intensity of your desire.” Firmly impress your goals into your subconscious through focused intention. This will help you transform your life with new purpose.
Create a Vision Board
Collages of desired outcomes impress your subconscious mind. Post images, quotes, affirmations, and stickers on a board, or oak tag, that represents your goals. Hang your vison board in a place where you can easily view it. Gaze at this vision board often to crystallize your dreams into reality and relish in the feelings of having your dreams fulfilled. Let the visualized scenes inspire emotions as though they are already real and relish in the feelings of the wish fulfilled.
Manifestation Examples
Here are 3 examples of how people can manifest goals using the law of attraction and intentional visualization:
Landing a dream job
Visualize yourself already working at the ideal company in the perfect role. Cut out photos of the office, make vision boards with affirmations like, "I am grateful for my dream job,” and repeat them daily. Take small steps to raise your confidence like updating your resume. Live from the mindset that you're qualified for this job before you even apply.
Meeting your soulmate
Envision the loving relationship you want. Make a list of your ideal partner's qualities and imagine having deep conversations and fun activities with him or her. Look for opportunities to meet new people, approach online dating positively, and increase social engagements with an energy of attracting your soulmate. Act as you would if you were already in a fulfilling relationship.
Owning your dream car
Find photos of your desired car model and paste them in your home or vision board. Visualize driving this car, feeling exhilarated and accomplished, as you grip the steering wheel. Affirm daily while viewing the photos “I am enjoying the car of my dreams right now.” Take steps like saving money each month, or test driving models, to align your energy to manifest this. Know that you deserve this car and believe you can achieve it.
The key in each example is clearly defining the desire, conditioning your mindset to believe you already have it, taking aligned actions, and detaching from the outcome by knowing it will come. With focused intention and belief, you can manifest your goals using creative visualization and the law of attraction.
To really solidify your goal into reality, before you fall asleep at night, put one picture in your head of your goal or dream, then fall asleep with how it would feel to get the dream job, or meet your soulmate, or have the new car. It is the feelings that penetrate the subconscious mind, not the thoughts. Neville Goddard repeatedly tells us in his book, Feeling is the Secret, that the subconscious mind gets impressions from our feelings and then works to being those impressions to reality. Remember, the subconscious mind drives 97% of your actions, so it makes sense to impress upon the subconscious mind the feelings that will manifest your dreams.
In conclusion, manifesting requires transforming yourself into the person you already envision yourself to be. Condition your mindset with the law of attraction, positive affirmations, meditation and a vision board, in order to create the future you dream of. With concentrated intention on the dream, or goal you wish to obtain, and your belief in your power to create your future, your dreams will manifest into reality. Your dreams are really just a thought away.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
How to Manifest your dreams - is Rachel Devine’s online audio course that gives you a step-by-step guide in manifesting your dreams into reality.
If you have any questions, please contact me or post a question in the comments.
7 Statistics on Childhood Obesity: How this links to Adult Depression - Rachel Devine
Obesity afflicts over 40% of the adult population in the United States and is associated with significant health risks like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But obesity also takes a heavy toll on mental health.
Research shows being overweight can lead to depression and unhappiness, which in turn can trigger more overeating, fueling a vicious cycle. This vicious cycle is hard to turn off. Most people just want to be happy in life. Let’s explore this cycle and see how one can overcome this dilemma and be happy.
Obesity afflicts over 40% of the adult population in the United States and is associated with significant health risks like diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But obesity also takes a heavy toll on mental health. Research shows being overweight can lead to depression and unhappiness, which in turn can trigger more overeating, fueling a vicious cycle. This vicious cycle is hard to turn off. Most people just want to be happy in life. Let’s explore this cycle and see how one can overcome this dilemma and be happy.
Studies on Obesity
Studies have found obese individuals are more likely to suffer from poor self-esteem, social isolation, and symptoms of depression, compared to the general population. An analysis in Obesity Reviews found that depression was 55% more likely in obese versus normal weight adults. There are several reasons obesity predisposes people to depression.
Excess weight often leads to negative body image, shame and self-criticism. Overweight people may experience social stigma, bullying or discrimination which undermine self-worth. Carrying excess weight can cause physical limitations and joint pain that reduce quality of life. Inflammation triggered by obesity may also contribute to chemical changes in the brain that disrupt mood.
Obesity and Depression
Depression resulting from obesity in turn promotes more overeating and weight gain. Depressed people often use food to self-medicate and boost serotonin levels temporarily. Comfort foods high in fat and sugar provide short-term mood relief. Binge eating provides distraction from negative emotions. Depression can also sap motivation needed to maintain healthy diet and exercise habits. This is one of the reasons newly depressed individuals often experience rapid weight gain. Depression medication can also cause weight gain. Reducing sugar and carbohydrates are key to losing weight. Reducing them in your diet can help not only help weight loss, but also lessen inflammation in the body, which causes a slew of health issues, including joint pain.
A case study described in Eating Behaviors examined Emma, a 28-year-old obese woman with major depression and binge eating disorder. Emma traced her weight gain to gaining over 100 pounds during a period of depression after a breakup in college. She continued bingeing to find relief from intense self-loathing about her size. This exemplifies how obesity sparked depression, and depression-fueled overeating caused further obesity. It becomes a vicious cycle.
Fortunately, counseling, or a life coach, and lifestyle changes can help restore mental health and reverse this vicious cycle. Getting regular exercise, adopting a balanced diet, pursuing interests, and developing a social support system are all protective against both obesity and depression. With proper treatment, patients like Emma can achieve lasting weight loss along with reducing depression.
Obesity and depression fuel each other through a complex bidirectional relationship. Obesity predisposes people to developing unhappiness and clinical mood disorders. Meanwhile, resulting depression and poor self-image often trigger compensatory overeating, which worsens obesity. Recognizing this link is key to designing more effective weight loss and mental health treatment plans.
Healthy Eating Plan
A healthy eating plan is so important. Fresh fruit and vegetables might sound boring, but if you choose the ones you really like you can create delicious dishes. For instance, I love spinach, so I saute spinach and garlic with olive oil. Then I add some grilled chicken and I have a healthy dish. I also make a healthy turkey based chili. For dessert, I love a blueberry keto cobbler or some dark chocolate, without sugar in it. Cutting down drastically on carbohydrates and sugar has given me more energy and helped me feel better overall and I am totally pain free.
Here are some fascinating key statistics on childhood obesity rates in the United States:
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the obesity rate for children aged 2-19 years in the U.S. is 18.5% as of 2018. This translates to around 14.4 million obese children.
Breaking it down by age, around 13.4% of 2-5 year olds, 20.3% of 6-11 year olds, and 21.2% of 12-19 year olds were obese in 2018 based on CDC data.
Obesity rates in children are on the rise. In the 1970s, only about 5% of U.S. children aged 2-19 were obese. Rates have nearly quadrupled since then.
Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey show that severe obesity among youth has also risen significantly from 3.8% in 1988-1994 to 6.1% in 2015-2016.
Obesity disproportionately affects some racial/ethnic groups. In 2018, around 11% of Asian American youth were obese, compared to 14% of white, 25% of Latino, and 22% of black youth.
A study in Pediatrics found that children who were overweight or obese between ages 3–5 had 4 times higher odds of being obese at age 12 compared to normal weight children. So childhood obesity often persists into adolescence and adulthood.
Estimates suggest annual healthcare costs associated with childhood obesity are around $14 billion in the U.S. Obese youth are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes from an early age.
In summary, childhood and adolescent obesity is a major public health crisis in America that appears to be worsening over time. Obviously, childhood obesity morphs into adult obesity. So, it makes sense to start a child’s life off with good eating habits. Addressing this epidemic is crucial for improving long-term health outcomes for the future.
Rachel Devine is the author of, The Third Road & Lessons from the Needle in a Haystack.
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